The villain also has spring 2

121 Chapter 1120

121 Chapter 1.120
The slender bee gunships cruising in the airspace of Hanka Machinery headquarters immediately swarmed up like a swarm of bees.Attack the laboratory operated by Dr. Dai Lin with full firepower and attack the shell first.

But it was completely blocked by the electromagnetic field shield propped up by the tentacles of the alloy hose.Technically speaking, the electromagnetic field shield is a method of "using an arc-shaped electromagnetic force field to effectively attenuate the shock waves generated by the attack".Especially effective against kinetic energy weapons.

As expected of Hanhua Machinery's top laboratory, Attack in the Shell.It looks weird in shape, but it is simple and efficient, and it is excellent in both offense and defense.

"Boss, do you want to do it?" The player standing upright on the edge of the apron on the top floor of the skyscraper looked down at the jellyfish attacking its shell, and couldn't wait.

"Don't worry, force the old guy to do it first." The leader of the player with a lower position has a more intuitive perspective: "Remember, harvesting is above all else."

"Understood...huh?" Suddenly the exclamation of the players on the tarmac appeared in the channel.

"What's wrong?" The female player hurriedly asked for the leader.Right now is the critical juncture of the plan, so it is best not to cause extra complications.

"Someone accidentally hit the honeypot bait I set up in Laboratory No. 2. Let me see who it is..." The player on the tarmac immediately remotely opened the internal monitoring screen of Laboratory No. 2: "Wow! Guess what? who is she?"

"Who is it?" asked the companion.

"See for yourself." The tarmac player transferred the real-time monitoring screen to the channel.

"It's Major Mira!" A male player couldn't hide his excitement.

"It's a bit of a pity that I haven't been able to catch her trace." The male player on the tarmac asked with a smile: "Boss, what do you say?"

"Try to capture." The player leader gave an order.He didn't want to let Dr. Dai Lin go easily, let alone the famous Major Mira.

"Got it, boss." The male player jumped off the edge of the apron, drew a strange arc in mid-air, and went straight to the No. 2 laboratory.

Witnessing a mutant prosthetic body with an ordinary appearance but the ability to fly, it flew across the eyes like a meteor.Dr. Daly was slightly stunned, but suddenly excited again.Fully drive the shell first, and against the hail of bullets, forcibly ascend to the top of the Hanhua skyscraper.

Before they knew it, sporadic battles turned into riots all over the city.Hanhua Machinery Headquarters, Section [-] of Public Security, Xingang City Hall, and many important buildings and street intersections were intertwined with constant explosions.The corpses of mutant prosthetics piled up in mountains.The human beings who survived the mutation are using their own unique methods to stop the swarming army of mutant prosthetics.It's like surviving humans after Judgment Day to hunt and kill the Terminator robots who were left alone.Relying on the ruins that can be seen everywhere and the safe paths and hiding places groped out in secret, the human beings who survived the catastrophe are secretly and efficiently shooting mutant prosthetics.

The attack on the No. 55 refugee camp is a big killer with one against a hundred.The rebel fighters who drove it didn't even know that apart from the miraculous Ghost in the Shell onboard AI, there was also the secret dispatch of the intelligent brain Ai behind it.Of course, as the "initiator" of the entire riot, Dr. Dai Lin and the experimental first attack shell attracted most of the hostile firepower.Surrounding the skyscrapers of Hanhua headquarters, two armies of mutant prosthetics strangled each other.Fist and kick together, head-on collision.All of a sudden it fell apart, broken limbs flew, and prosthetic organs exploded one after another.

Knowing that they are all lifeless prosthetic bodies, but the tragic battle situation makes people feel shocked.

Entrance to Lab 2.

The tarmac players who went back and forth fell from the sky and landed heavily.

As the prosthetic eye rotates back and forth, the surveillance cameras in the No. 2 laboratory also rotate along with it.

"Major Mira, I know you're here." The player looked straight at the empty laboratory and grinned silently: "Don't hide, this is the last chance."

Relying on the full-body prosthetic body with optical camouflage and the almost magical sixth sense, Shao Zuo escaped the traps set by the players time and time again, wandering in the mutated city.Many times, players can only capture fleeting light and shadows.Fully visible in front of the camera, this is the only time.It is also a golden opportunity not to be missed.

The tarmac players walked into the laboratory on guard, not letting go of every suspicious corner.

The mosaic light and shadow that flashed under the camera at the core cabin door must be the panic-stricken major.

The determined tarmac player immediately used his hacking skills to forcibly close all the access control of the laboratory, and walked into the elevator directly to the core cabin alone.

After arriving at the core cabin, the elevator door opened silently.The tarmac players walked out on guard, and immediately stopped the operation of the elevator with their hacking ability, completely cutting off the escape route.Looking up, it can be seen that a strange figure is sitting in front of the empty core cabin attack console.

"Mira...Major. We finally meet." The player forced his heart to be ecstatic.

With his unrivaled and omnipotent hacking ability, all human beings with prosthetic organs are his playthings.What's more, the whole prosthetic body, only the major of the human brain is left.This is also the reason why he was so confident that he went to Longtan alone but pressed on every step of the way.

The intellectual beauty sitting in front of the console smiled and turned around: "Who is your name?"

"Who are you?" The player's prosthetic eyes shrank suddenly, as if smelling a hint of danger.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The intellectual beauty continued to smile, "The question is, who are you looking for?"

"Hmph!" The player made a decisive decision and turned his head back.Unexpectedly, the hacking skills suddenly failed.The lifeless elevator didn't move at all.

"So it's you?" The player turned around and rushed towards him with evil thoughts: "No matter who you are, you are just an ordinary human being without a prosthetic body."

"Who do you think I am?" The intellectual beauty kept smiling.

The player suddenly got into trouble.The seemingly ordinary mutant prosthetic body has erupted with terrifying combat power.In a flash, he arrived in front of the intellectual beauty, and an iron fist hit her face.

The light of the knife flashed, and the long energy knife that appeared out of nowhere slashed back the iron fist.

The armored female ninja appeared from nowhere, chasing after him and slashing the player in half diagonally from the right shoulder to the left rib.

"Ahhhh..." With sparks and lightning, it landed heavily.Although there is no pain at all, the player's expression is extremely frightened.Because his best skill, the "consciousness transfer technique", which can be compared with the "teleportation technique", has completely failed.The main body of the player's consciousness is firmly imprisoned in half of the body, unable to escape!
The armored female ninja took a side step to retract her knife to make room.The player who fell to the ground was seeing an intellectual beauty rushing towards him.

Just before arriving, the armored female ninja stepped forward again and became one with the intellectual beauty.Two people with completely different appearances of metal and flesh seem to "grow" together.

The metal components that are quickly shaped during rolling are full of the unique beauty of Cybertron metamorphic particles.

"Who are you... exactly!" The player was terrified, and finally thought of a possibility!
"0326's exclusive Iron-Blooded Female Ninja—Lan." After finishing speaking, the female ninja beheaded her with a single knife.Before the head of the prosthetic body with wide-eyed eyes rolled out, it was trampled into pieces.

The player didn't know until his death that the Major never appeared in the No. 2 laboratory.What he saw and heard were all edited.Relying on the firewall built by the SNG satellite vehicle, the player is trapped in it, unable to perform the consciousness transfer technique, and then killed with one blow.

"Master, the threat has been resolved."

"Very good, imitate the dead (player), continue to communicate with hostile players, don't show your feet." Wu Chen wanted Yang Lan to pretend to be the player who had been beheaded by her, and continue to communicate with her companions.The purpose is also to avoid early exposure.

"Received." Yang Lan took the order.

(End of this chapter)

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