The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 93 I am a barbarian!

After in-depth thinking and research, in early May, an unprecedented and crazy Galaxy Eye project was officially launched.

People were surprised to find that there was some strange information on the recruitment website. Kunlun Company was recruiting a large number of ordinary undergraduates in science and engineering who were not graduated from 211 and 985 programs. The starting salary was 10,000 yuan, free room and board, and bonuses.

"This treatment is okay!"

"It's very good! The work location is in a small town in the south of the Yangtze River. The scenery is beautiful and the prices are lower than those in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Ten thousand yuan is not enough to spend."

"The key is to provide food and accommodation! The restaurant is open 24 hours a day, so you don't have to spend money to eat as much as you want!"

"You can see the foodies upstairs. In addition to food and accommodation, Kunlun Company also has a large fitness center and a shuttle bus to and from the city every day."

"Indeed, it is very thoughtful and includes the daily needs of employees."

"Graduates from non-key universities can get a starting salary of 10,000 yuan, which is quite impressive. I wonder how many people Kunlun Company will recruit this time?"

"I didn't write it. I just wrote a lot of recruitment. It seems that I want as much as I can?"

"How is that possible? I heard that Kunlun Company takes the route of light assets and heavy research and development. So far, the company only has 1,200 people."

"Why do you care so much? Just sign up and give it a try. You may not be able to pass the exam yet. After all, we are Kunlun Company, the latest rising global giant."

After this recruitment information was released, it immediately shocked everyone.

After years of continuous enrollment expansion, by 2020, the number of freshly graduated college students in our country has reached a staggering 8.74 million.

With so many college graduates looking for jobs, employers are generally picky, preferring 985 and 211 colleges. There are often absurd farces in society such as public institutions recruiting cleaners and doctoral students applying for exams.

So when Kunlun Company's recruitment information with a very good salary was posted on major recruitment websites and university forums, countless ordinary undergraduate students who were about to graduate immediately exploded.

They never expected that the famous Kunlun Company would recruit a large number of ordinary undergraduates?

According to previous information, Kunlun Company wants to take the elite route and does not want non-PhD candidates, and it is best to have PhDs from prestigious universities.

However, just overnight, Kunlun Company's style changed dramatically and it began to recruit ordinary undergraduates without a limit. This made everyone both surprised and worried. They were surprised by the opportunity to enter a well-known company and the good treatment, and worried about whether they could pass the strict assessment.

In short, the talent market in May became turbulent because of Kunlun Company's sudden move.

"Everyone, stop what you are doing and go out and recruit new people!" At the meeting, Gao Yuan said extremely excitedly: "Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, and even Department of Ancient Biology!"

"I don't care which school they went to or which major they graduated from, as long as they pass the basics in science and engineering, and as long as they have no problems with math, physics and chemistry, we want them all!"

"In this world, intelligence is also a resource, and it is the most important resource. Since the West has monopolized the vast majority of geniuses in the world, we can only use stupid methods to pile up the number of people!"


Gao Yuan pressed the enter key on his laptop, and the projector immediately projected a diagram, which was the organizational structure of the Galaxy Eye.

The Eye of the Galaxy is like countless neurons, complex and mysterious, radiating outwards, connecting to each other, and finally converging at the central origin.

"I call this system based on mathematical models and the neuronal structure of the human brain the Eye of the Galaxy." Gao Yuan introduced.

"Eye of the Galaxy?"

"It looks so mysterious. It seems to be some kind of specially designed digital brain?"

"It's really like neurons simulating the brain."

"Isn't there a Blue Brain project in Europe, which is trying to simulate the 8.6 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses of the human brain?"

"The Blue Brain Project has failed. Currently, the best companies doing neuronal computers are IBM and Stanford in North America. There used to be an ARM company in the UK that also did neuronal computer research. Unfortunately, it was acquired by Nvidia and became a North American company."

"Damn it, no matter which direction you go in computer science, you can't avoid North American hegemony!"

"There is no way, who will let others advance? I heard that Zhejiang University in my country is doing well. Their Darwin-like neural chip has reached the second generation."

The employees were talking a lot.

The current batch of researchers at Kunlun Company are quite good. The dozen or so leading researchers were all recruited from major scientific research institutes.

It's just that most of the important work is done by Gao Yuan, and everyone only plays a supporting role, so it seems to be a bit of a soy sauce.

This is one of the reasons why Plateau must reform its R\u0026D system. The traditional R\u0026D system is each responsible for one task and cannot bring out the potential of everyone.

"Now let me explain to you the Galaxy Eye Project in detail." Gao Yuan glanced at everyone and said with excitement.

In general, the Galaxy Eye Project has three major features: a super mathematical model, a human brain-like neuron structure, and an efficient commander who will never make mistakes.

The mathematical model determines the splitting and reorganization of research and development tasks. Each research team is like a neuron, which operates independently and is connected to each other. The commander is naturally the plateau. He masters the knowledge brought by the system and leads the most correct direction.

"Each research team will consist of a team leader and ten researchers..."

"The group coordinator must be a graduate of the Department of Mathematics, because it will involve the issue of algorithm distribution..."

"The support team does not have fixed positions. For example, Li Changxing is responsible for vulcanization chemical support. If any team encounters a problem in the direction of vulcanization, it will first seek help from the vulcanization support team. If it cannot solve it, it will be transferred to a higher-level team..."

"The allocation of research tasks will not be handed over to human resources, but will be automatically determined by algorithms..."

"There are a total of twelve large-scale research groups, and I am directly responsible..."

Gao Yuan spoke quickly, and gradually, the expressions on everyone's faces changed from confusion to solemnity, from solemnity to horror, and from horror to ecstasy.

“If this plan is implemented, everyone’s talents can be brought into play!”

"The research team, the attack team, and the support team are three supplementary teams to solve the most difficult parts. The remaining researchers only need to do their job well and be a screw."

"It is indeed an extremely powerful scientific research system! But in this way, the three major supplementary teams and Mr. Gao himself will be busier, right?"

"Especially Mr. Gao, he is responsible for coordinating the overall situation. He not only has to ensure that the research direction is completely correct, but also sends task packages to the working groups below. Once Mr. Gao makes any omissions in this point, everything will be lost."

"Well, President Gao's position is like the logical control unit inside the processor. It is the core of the entire architecture."

Everyone was talking about it. It was obvious that the Eye of the Galaxy was tailor-made for the plateau.

Once this scientific research system is put into operation, Plateau's role will be greatly transformed, from a researcher to a distributor of scientific research tasks and a leader of scientific research tasks.

As for making mistakes, I'm sorry, anyone can make mistakes, but Gao Yuan will not. He will ensure that this super scientific research system operates perfectly and at high speed.

"Mr. Gao." Song Yuewen suddenly stood up and said with a trembling voice: "You are not doing structural reform. You are simply building the most powerful brain!"

strongest brain?

Gao Yuan smiled and said: "It can also be said that there are countless genius brains in the West, which far surpass us in terms of intellectual resources, but we will be highly coordinated and rely on our numerical advantage to form the strongest collective brain on earth!"

"We will compete with them in the field of polymer materials! Compete with them in the field of carbon materials! Compete with them in the electrical field! Compete with them in the automotive field! Compete with them in all fields visible to the naked eye!"

"There is one of my favorite stories in the Historical Records, called the Chu Family. It only has eighteen short words, but it tells the truth about the world!"

"In the thirty-fifth year, Chu will follow."

"Sui said: I am not guilty."

"Chu said: I am a barbarian!"

Gao Yuan's eyes were slightly cold, he scanned the crowd and said solemnly: "Since the West thinks we are barbarians, then from today on, we are barbarians!"

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