The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 92 Eye of the Galaxy!

Cao Feiyu understood what Gao Yuan meant. He opened his eyes wide, looked at Gao Yuan, and then looked at the organizational chart drawn by Gao Yuan on the blackboard.

There is a core point on the drawing, and all logical units and lines revolve around this core point, just like a vortex in the water, embracing all rivers and unifying everything.

"I call this the Eye of the Galaxy." Gao Yuan said in a deep voice.

"Eye of the Galaxy?" Cao Feiyu asked doubtfully.

Gao Yuan nodded slightly, "In 2020, Nobel Prize winners in physics Roger and Adria discovered an invisible, extremely heavy and extremely dense black hole that exists in the center of the Milky Way and controls 120 billion stars. orbit."

"This black hole that controls the movement of the Milky Way is like a black eye, staring at all the stars in the darkness. Inspired by this, I named my plan the Eye of the Galaxy."

After Cao Feiyu left, Gao Yuan felt a little tired. Recently, working at night and catching up on sleep during the day had become the norm in his life.

Coming to the next room, there was a comfortable single bed. Gao Yuan lay down and flipped through his phone.

Gu Xiaoyu's circle of friends does not include the common delicacies and bags that are common among girls. They are all about travel records. Moreover, this girl only posts scenery and never photos of herself, which is a breath of fresh air.

As for the travel funds, they all come from tutoring in her spare time. Although she is a history student, she is very good at English. She just passed B1 in Spanish and N2 in Japanese at the beginning of the year.

The reason why she learns so many languages ​​is because she has determined to travel around the world since she was a child.

"It's interesting. His execution ability is quite strong. He really has the demeanor of a son and daughter of the Corps."

Gao Yuan said that almost all the girls he knew claimed that they liked traveling, but most of them just talked about it, and no one really put their ideals into practice like Gu Xiaoyu.

Turn off your mobile phone, leave your random thoughts behind and enter the ocean of knowledge.

Two reception system missions brought him a vast amount of knowledge. The idea of ​​the Eye of the Galaxy was unearthed from this knowledge by Gao Yuan. It originated from a special mathematical algorithm that was improved by Gao Yuan and combined with the neuron structure. Integration eventually turned into a distributed scientific research system.

In this system, the screw-drive spirit of all members will be brought into full play. Tasks that should be solved by geniuses will be split into many task packages and handed over to more practical engineers to solve them bit by bit. .

Gao Yuan had insomnia again. He turned over in bed and couldn't get rid of the list full of names of Chinese scientists.

Geniuses are unreasonable and arrogant. Take Mr. Qian Xuesen as an example. He didn't even say hello, he ran directly from Boston to Los Angeles and found the founder of global fluid mechanics at that time, von Kármán.

Master Feng chatted with Master Qian for a few words and found out that Master Qian had a high IQ. He was immediately shocked and accepted him as his direct disciple.

Many years later, when World War II finally ended, von Karman flew to Germany to meet another super master, von Braun, who invented the V1 and V2 missiles. He only had one student with him, and this student was Qian Xuesen.

The photo of the two Mr. Feng and the young Mr. Qian chatting and laughing together is still talked about today.

As a genius, Mr. Qian looks down on ordinary people.

Back then, when Mr. Qian was teaching at MIT, the subjects he taught were so difficult that it was terrifying. Even the best student in his class only scored 22 points!

A group of talented students who were able to go to MIT were tortured to death at the hands of Mr. Qian. A large number of students' test scores were only in single digits, and class was like listening to a book from heaven.

If anyone dares to ask a simple question in class, Master Qian will roll his eyes and refuse to answer. If anyone asks a question that Master Qian thinks is stupid, he will be dismissed.

Mr. Qian would call him to his side and say seriously, "With your ability, it's better not to waste time on fluid mechanics. I'll give you a piece of chalk and go home and draw circles."

Later, the student who scored 22 points and ranked first in the class became a famous professor in the history of MIT and a master of fluid mechanics. But whenever he heard the name Qian Xuesen, he still couldn't help but Trembling, all his life, he lived under the terrible shadow of his mentor.

This is genius.

North Americans often say that one Qian Xuesen can take on three main divisions, so letting him go back home is one of the biggest mistakes in North American history.

Gao Yuan knows the power of genius, so he wants to recruit a group of big cows and young cows.

But nine out of ten geniuses in the world are in North America. Even if you give everything you have, how many people can you bring back?

Can these few people overtake North America, which is full of geniuses?

I'm afraid not.

Gao Yuan thought, of course the world needs geniuses, but if there are no talented individuals, we should create talented teams!

So the Galaxy Eye Project came into being, which disperses intelligent individuals into intelligent collectives and gives full play to the power of the collective.

May 27, 2017, 14:08 pm, is a moment that should be remembered forever.

Ke Jie, the super genius in the Go world, lost to the artificial intelligence AlphaGo for the third time in a row. He cried loudly and claimed that he could not see any hope in the game. The power of the machine algorithm has exceeded the limit of human understanding. The era has ended, and the era of artificial intelligence has arrived.

There is no doubt that Ke Jie is a true genius. He won seven championships at the age of 21 and dominated the global chess world!

It's a pity that he was born in the wrong era

So far, Ke Jie is the only human in the world who can maintain a 40% winning rate against AlphaGo in 100 moves. Others, even if they are as powerful as Stone Buddha Lee Chang-ho, would have lost after 100 moves. What a mess.

However, so what?

Times have changed. No matter how powerful an individual is or how outstanding his talent is, he can never defeat the power of the scientific system!

The engineers who made Alpha Dog, even if they were tied together, could not compare to one of Ke Jie's hands.

But these engineers used a complete scientific system and a powerful algorithm to kill all the geniuses in the world instantly!

This is the terrifying power of collective intelligence!

In 220,000 BC, a tragic battle for survival took place on the African continent.

In the end, our ancestors, Homo sapiens, were driven out of Africa by their opponents because of their weak physique and low fighting ability.

But these losers who were driven out of Africa relied on their collective strength to travel through forests and deserts, escaping blizzards and wild beasts, and spread their branches in every corner of the earth, developing culture and art, and creating technology and civilization. .

Only genius can defeat genius!

But even the most powerful genius will eventually lose to a more powerful scientific system!

This is a future that no one can change.

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