The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 329 Institute of Unknown Things in the Universe! Code name 7737!

Gao Yuan entered the system space and saw the following words appearing on the task panel.

"The mission is completed, the evaluation is excellent, and mission rewards continue to accumulate."

"Do you want to start a new task immediately?"

Gao Yuan frowned slightly. From the few words in the system, he read a certain anxious mood. It seemed that the system was urging Gao Yuan to speed up and improve the technological level of China and the entire earth at a faster speed.


Thinking on the plateau, I can't figure it out.

In the past, the system had a very cold style, dryly explaining tasks and giving rewards upon completion.

Now, the system language style has changed drastically, with words such as continuous and immediate appearing that are obviously emotional.

The slight change in writing style made Gao Yuan vaguely uneasy, but since the information revealed by the system was very limited, Gao Yuan could do nothing now and could only wait silently.

Kunlun Group's Research Institute of Unknown Universe is a very special department.

The reason why Gao Yuan set up this department in the first place was mainly to prevent unknown risks. He believed that the universe was so big that humans could not be alone. The system contacted itself across time and space, and could also transmit data and even entities. What was hidden behind it The power of science and technology is powerful enough to make people on earth despair.

Gao Yuan can only pray that the people behind the system, or the civilization behind the system, do not understand the earth and have no ill intentions towards the earth. Otherwise, it would be easy to destroy the earth with the power of the system.

In short, Gao Yuan realized the weakness of the earth from the fact that the system existed.

Liu Cixin once said that weakness is not an obstacle to survival, arrogance is.

Gao Yuan kept this sentence in mind. Not long after the Kunlun Group was on the right track, he established the Institute of Unknown Things in the Universe and continued to increase investment in searching for unknown extraterrestrial civilizations or interstellar disasters that might appear on the earth's timeline.

Specifically, the Institute of Unknown Universe Controls almost all ground detectors and space detectors in China.

These detectors include radio telescopes, cosmic micro-signal capture arrays, space telescopes installed on lunar base stations, earth orbit base stations, and the Desert Ship interstellar cargo ship, space signal analyzers, etc.

The data generated by all these devices will be transmitted to the Institute of Unknown Universe, where scientists and Zero, the most powerful artificial intelligence currently on Earth, will jointly analyze the data to find evidence of the possible existence of extraterrestrial civilizations in distant time and space. And the dangers that are slowly approaching the solar system.

Since the morning, Liu Muye and his colleagues have been staring at the profound and complicated star maps and data on the screen. They frowned, touched their chins with their hands, or scratched the already sparse hair on their heads.

"This is not the way to go."

"Well, it seems to be heading towards the solar system."

"The radiation interference is too serious, and the internal structure is completely unclear."

"Even the deep space probe carried by the Desert Ship is still too far away from the unknown object 7737, which is more troublesome."

"It seems that if you want to find out the specific situation of 7737, you can only apply to the boss to launch an ultra-long-range tracking detector."

"Are you so worried? We have Kunlun Zenith. Once this thing comes into range, the super laser transmitter can destroy it in minutes."

"Yes, Kunlun Zenith is very powerful."

"Without quantum communication, even if our detectors can leave the solar system and go into deep space, it will take a long time to send back data. By the time we receive the data, the day lily will be cold."

Scientists at the Institute of Unknown Universe are having a heated discussion on whether to send a detector towards the unknown object code-named 7737.

After all, there is nothing wrong with detecting unknown objects approaching the solar system at high speed. However, in recent years, China's technological progress has been a bit fast. The speed of spaceflight has increased, but the accompanying quantum entanglement super Telecommunication technology, however, is not yet complete.

Without quantum communication, it means that the probability of detector loss or delay is greatly increased, which is inefficient and wastes money and resources.

"Stop arguing, let the boss decide this issue." Dean Liu Muye said.

Everyone nodded. The employees still trusted Gao Yuan, this magical boss, and even worshiped him a little.

With a stroke of his pen, Gao Yuan approved the unknown object detection plan code-named 7737. As a result, an ultra-long-range deep space probe with a speed of 5% of the speed of light was sent into space and quickly headed towards the edge of the solar system.

system space.

"New mission, develop quantum communication technology."

The following text appeared on the task panel, and then as usual, a white light sent relevant knowledge and data into the plateau brain.

"Quantum entanglement!"

Excited voices sounded in the system space. This is the black technology that Plateau has been waiting for for a long time. If optical communication technology is a planet-level data transmission solution, using quantum entanglement to solve the problem of ultra-long-distance data transmission is the ultimate solution for the stars and the sea. communication method.

Modern society is a typical information age. Each of us interacts with a large amount of data at all times. The quality of communication technology will directly determine the quality of human existence.

Moreover, the quality of communication technology should be directly proportional to the size of the empire's territory, so that the territory can be effectively managed.

Back then, the Mongols established a huge empire spanning Europe and Asia. However, due to backward communication technology, it took many years to transmit a message from the central government to the local area, which was an important reason for the eventual disintegration of this huge empire.

Assuming that China embarks on the road of stars and seas and marches to the distant stars, communication is one of the problems that must be solved.

Not to mention, even within the solar system, communication delays have caused huge troubles to exploration and scientific work.

In the eyes of many people, the solar system is only an insignificant part of the entire universe and is extremely small. This statement is of course correct, but it is not accurate.

Because the solar system is actually not small at all. The straight-line distance from the stars to the outermost Oort Nebula reaches an astonishing one light-year.

In other words, it takes a whole year for light to leave the solar system.

The record for the fastest human aircraft is five percent of the speed of light. Even if Plateau is able to build a Chinese interstellar fleet, it will take a long twenty years to leave the solar system.

Gao Yuan suddenly remembered a legend that had been circulating in the scientific community for a long time.

The Oort Nebula is like the eggshell of an egg, tightly wrapping the solar system. It is precisely because of the protection of the Oort Nebula that the solar system and humans on Earth have not been discovered by alien civilizations. Otherwise, with the current technological level of the Earth, Obviously it does not have the strength to fight against powerful alien civilizations.

Gao Yuan shrugged slightly. It was impossible to tell whether the Oort Nebula was protecting humans on Earth, but there was indeed an unknown object codenamed 7737, which came from outside the solar system. It had already passed through the Oort Nebula and was heading towards Kuiper. belt, approaching the core region of the solar system.

Plateau approved the application of the Institute of Unknown Universe and sent a deep space probe to investigate code 7737.

But that should be a long time later. After all, according to the speed of the detector, it will take at least three to five years to get close to code 7737 on the way.

Even if this UFO may pose a threat to the earth, such a long time is enough for Gaoyuan to make appropriate responses. Fusion jet engines, controllable fusion, Kunlun Zenith, and the trump cards in Gaoyuan's hands now are simply not too many. Therefore, he is still very confident.


Gao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. He spent almost a day integrating the ultra-long-distance communication technology based on quantum entanglement. By the way, he was still thinking about the UFO code-named 7737.

It's a pity that if it were only a few months later, deep space probes would be able to install quantum communication devices, instead of going through the long wait like now.

As the communication delay between the earth base and the deep space probe slowly increases, the forward signal often takes several days to reach the earth. The speed is so slow that the day lily is cold.

"Without further delay, let's start research on quantum communication right away!" Gao Yuan said excitedly, waving his arms in the system space.

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