The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 328 Gathering geniuses from around the world!

In order to lock in high-end talents, North America caused an uproar as soon as this was announced.

All Western experts and scholars were shocked. They never dreamed that one day they would be charged with treason.

For many years, the West has been claiming to be a free society, and hindering the free flow of talents is obviously a violation of human rights and is extremely disrespectful.

"What a bastard!"

Dean Rao Yi appeared in Gao Yuan's office cursing. As the chief manager of Huaxia Zhongke, Rao Yi, like Gao Yuan, respects knowledge and is thirsty for talents.

Finally, a new chapter has opened, and the best talents from around the world have come to apply. Dean Rao Yi is so excited that he can't sleep at night.

However, things went against expectations, and a big hat was slapped on in the blink of an eye, causing experts and scholars who originally intended to seek refuge in the East to change their minds.

Rao Yi called them, and they expressed strong dissatisfaction on the phone. At the same time, they were helpless about the current situation. After all, not everyone has the courage to confront the violent institutions of the authorities.

"Drink a cup of tea first to calm down." Gao Yuan walked towards Rao Yi with a smile and handed him a cup of black tea.

Rao Yi is a typical straight man. He once single-handedly attacked the entire Zhongke system. He had a bad temper. A cup of black tea could not eliminate his anger. After putting down the tea cup, he continued to spout angrily.

Gao Yuan smiled slightly and said to Rao Yi: "Dean Rao, don't worry. In my opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing."

"In 1961, the Berlin Wall was officially built in order to stop people from fleeing to the West. Despite East Germany's efforts, when the time came in 1989, the Berlin Wall was completely torn down."

"This incident shows that in this world, the trend is an unstoppable force. The more North America takes action to restrict the brain drain, the more it shows their guilty conscience and that we have posed a fatal threat to them."

"Historical experience tells us that the collapse of an empire must begin with the loss of people's hearts. Forcibly stopping it will only make people resentful, dissatisfied with the authorities, and passive in work. Negativity is contagious."

"Just wait and see, time will eventually prove everything." Gao Yuan said with a smile.

Gao Yuan's judgment is absolutely correct, time will eventually prove everything.

A few days after Dean Rao Yi complained to him, Sky City welcomed a special guest, Mr. Carell, Chairman of the Physics Department of MIT.

When Gao Yuan saw him, Karel was pushing a wheelchair. Sitting on the wheelchair was a thin, middle-aged woman who was his first wife, Joanna.

"He is also a loving and righteous man." Gao Yuan sighed and whispered in Rao Yi's ear.

In order to prolong his wife's life, Carell put aside all the honor, money, and status in North America, and came to China via Jamaica in the name of travel.

This is probably what people want. Today's world has long been interconnected. It is almost an impossible task to prevent professors and experts from defecting to China.

Traveling, stowaway, attending international academic conferences, as long as you want to leave, there are always opportunities, and there are many.

The news that Carell, the head of the Massachusetts Department of Physics, ranked number one in the world, successfully naturalized in China and became the deputy director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, exploded in Western academic circles like thunder on the ground.

The effect of setting an example is too strong. The scene of Carell's wife standing up again and the two excitedly embracing quickly spread around the world. Although countless talented scholars cannot make it physically, they yearn for it.

After all, there is only one life. Compared with life, everything seems less important. Under the temptation of eternal life, the East has quickly become the only direction for talented scholars all over the world.

They used their smart brains and tried every means to come to China, and Artificial Intelligence Zero also played a secret role in fueling the flames.

For many years, Gao Yuan has been strictly implementing the ALL IN AI plan. He has zero artificial intelligence embedded in all his products, and then flows into every corner of the earth as the products, including those with the highest confidentiality levels.

An invisible network is spreading rapidly around the world. No one or organization can survive alone. It is no exaggeration to say that everything is under the control of Plateau.

However, Gao Yuan rarely uses Zero's power, because truly powerful power does not need to be seen by the whole world, it is better to hide it, just like an unsheathed sword is the greatest threat.

This spring is a turbulent spring. Kunlun Eternal has completely destroyed the original values ​​​​of the old world, shaken the foundation of the entire world's existence, and finally become unequal between people.

As human beings, Chinese people can enjoy the convenience brought by various black technologies and even a long life. In comparison, the West is like living in a barbaric primitive society.

One stream spreads thousands of miles, destroying everything.

There is absolutely no exaggeration in using such words to describe the eternal power of Kunlun, because whether you read the news or film and television works, you can clearly observe that the momentum of the Western world has been exhausted, and there is no longer the honey of the past. Juice confident.

Now when you open mainstream Western forums, the easiest thing to see is this sentence. Whenever some new technology or new product comes out in the Western world, people will always question, "How does it compare with China?"

Such doubts are a sign of lack of confidence. No matter what they do, they always doubt that China can do it better than themselves.

In fact, China has indeed done better.

Gao Yuan has not rested on his past achievements. He has been working hard to fulfill his promise, not only to develop technology, but also to use the power of technology to change lives and even change lives.

Nowadays, China has a strong sense of science fiction. Buildings are getting taller and taller, creating sky cities one after another. People live in the sky and rely on flying cars to move around.

Due to the high-efficiency output of Kunlun magic beans, it is no longer necessary to maintain a large amount of farmland. The conversion of farmland to forest program has caused the forest coverage to increase rapidly. There are more and more wild animals such as foxes, squirrels, and rabbits, and they have a tendency to gradually become a scourge. So the authorities reopened hunting activities, allowing individuals to use low-damage weapons such as bows and arrows to obtain prey from suburbs or forests.

Having said that, I must tell you a little trivia.

In fact, there is never enough food in the world. According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the food production of North America alone is enough to feed 7 billion people around the world.

The reason why hunger still occurs under such circumstances is mainly due to the control of the financial oligarchy behind the grain and oil trade and the unplanned governance of some failed countries. In other words, hunger is entirely caused by man-made disasters.

In short, in terms of geography, China has undergone tremendous changes. The development of canals and large ditches, and ultra-long-distance dispatch of water conservancy resources are rapidly turning wasteland into farmland.

Some Western scholars claim that China's forest coverage is growing too fast, and the number of animals and plants is out of control, changing the global ecological balance, and is an irresponsible and dangerous behavior.

To this, Gao Yuan's answer was only five words, go to hell with your grandma.

Lop Nur used to be a big lake, and the north of the Qinling Mountains was once warm and humid. The place was full of fools of the giant panda clan. In the face of natural changes, human power is actually very small.

Moreover, transforming nature is a necessary skill for humans to mature. Not to mention planting trees in the Tarim Basin, the ultimate goal of the plateau is to transform Mars or Europa into human colonies, transform the sun into a Dyson sphere, and spread the influence of human beings on earth throughout the universe. seed.

The end point of human colonization of the interstellar world must be planet-level transformation and galaxy-level transformation. Compared with these grand goals, the small Chinese desert transformation plan is nothing.

In addition to the changes visible to the naked eye, the plateau has also profoundly changed people's thinking, deeply implanting the concept that knowledge is value into everyone's hearts.

Everything was proceeding quickly and smoothly. When the time came to May, Gao Yuan finally heard the long-awaited system prompt in his mind.

"Is this...the mission finally over!?"

Gao Yuan was slightly startled, with a look of surprise on his face. He returned to the office, locked the door, and entered the system space.

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