The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 123 Strike hard! Revolutionize the automotive industry! (2)

Early the next morning, Gao Yuan came to the company in high spirits.

Cao Feiyu came to Gao Yuan and told him that the conference call was scheduled for 12 noon. Taking advantage of the bosses' lunch time, everyone could have a chat. It could be regarded as a lunch meeting.

Gao Yuan didn't say anything. He sat down in front of the computer and began to check the task progress of each group.

As the commander of Galaxy Eye, he needs to be fully aware of the research progress of all groups and constantly solve various problems that arise during the research and development process.

The role of commander is not easy to assume, but fortunately Gao Yuan has activated the plug-in. He knows the correct answer in advance. All he has to do is to command his subordinates and deduce the process.

Thanks to previous research in the field of carbon nanotubes, the development of carbon materials is progressing rapidly this time. Gao Yuan feels that it may be possible to launch new material technology based on carbon nanotubes before New Year's Day.

In the past, carbon fiber technology was based on carbon filaments. One was solid and the other was hollow. There was a huge gap in tensile properties and fracture resistance.

Not to mention that Kunlun Company also has X-fiber technology. When the time comes, X-fiber and carbon nanotubes will be mixed, and the result will not be too wonderful. Just thinking about it makes people excited.

"If it succeeds, it will definitely be the most perfect composite material in the world." Gao Yuan's eyes flashed and he muttered to himself. His longing for the future was the motivation for his hard work.

At half past eleven, Gao Yuan finally finished reading the mission briefings of all the research groups.

He changed mission objectives for 39 of the groups, approved follow-up test applications for 61 groups, and sent mission guidance to 85 groups.

This is the Eye of the Galaxy. Plateau has to manage more than a thousand groups at the same time. The tasks of the groups are very clear and monotonous. Anyone with an ordinary undergraduate degree can be qualified to work as a researcher.

But after doing this, Gao Yuan felt tired.

After all, everyone's ease is based on Plateau's super strong personal abilities.


As soon as the time came, video signals from all over the country were connected, and more and more figures appeared on the giant screen.

Although it was a lunch meeting, no leader of any company was really gnawing on chicken legs. At most, he was drinking a cup of tea. You still need to save face.

There is no such thing as politeness here in Gao Yuan. After a brief greeting, he went directly to the topic. Since Gao Yuan initiated the meeting, he naturally spoke first.

"For many years, China has been promoting localization in various fields and industries. Even in the chip industry, which has been criticized very much in recent years, we are not without progress, but the progress is slower, and the funds and resources invested are still It’s just not enough.”

After Gao Yuan said this, he raised his head, glanced at the big guys present, and then said in a deep voice: "Looking at all walks of life in China, there are almost no examples of regression. From diapers to space shuttles, Chinese enterprises We are all constantly attacking cities and territories, otherwise the West would not hate us so much."

"There is only one industry that is an exception. Others are making progress, but this industry is constantly regressing."

"The industry I'm talking about is the automobile industry where you all work." Gao Yuan said coldly: "Everyone is working hard to rush forward, but only the Chinese automobile industry is not advancing but retreating. I am confused, why is this?"

Gao Yuan's words immediately caused an uproar.

"Boss Gao, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense!"

"No investigation, no right to speak!"

"I'm not an expert in the automotive industry, so I don't understand our actual situation at all."

"Boss Gao, don't talk nonsense. Where have we gone backward?"

"That is, the achievements of domestically produced cars in recent years are obvious to all!"

"We are the heroes of the country!"

"Boss Gao must have made a mistake. Our automobile industry can only make progress, never retreat!"

The big bosses all denied it in unison, and their words seemed to educate the young man Gao Yuan, thinking that he was too young and did not understand such complicated things as cars.

"What a meritorious minister." Gao Yuan smiled angrily and snorted: "According to data from the China Automobile Association, in recent years, the market share of domestic brands is as follows."

“45.6% in 2010, 42.23% in 2011, 41.9% in 2012, 40.3% in 2013, 38.4% in 2014, 41.3% in 2015, 43.2% in 2016, 43.9% in 2017, 42.1% in 2018, and 39.2% in 2019 .”

"It is not difficult to see from this data that the market share of domestic automobiles is constantly declining! And by 2020, the share of domestic brands has dropped to 36.3%!"

"In ten years, we have lost nearly 10% of our share. If we put it in a war, this would be like a Dunkirk evacuation! It would almost be completely destroyed by foreign companies!"

"It is because China's automobile industry failed to develop that European and Japanese automobile companies make huge profits from us every year!"

"In 2019, 50.38% of the Volkswagen Group's global sales were in China. The total number of Volkswagen cars sold in China exceeded the sum of other countries in the world! And most of them are garbage like Passat! Under the banner of German quality, they are deceived Holding Chinese people’s money!”

“In 2019, 29.64% of German Mercedes-Benz’s global sales came from the Chinese market, and 28.7% of BMW’s global sales came from China!”

"The Volkswagen Group alone earned a net profit of 4.4 billion euros from the Chinese market in 2019, which is more than the combined profits of Xiaomi and ZTE in 2019!"

"Automobiles are the largest industry in the world! No one else!"

"If we fail completely in the automobile industry, no matter how many Huawei or Alis, we will not be able to make up for it!"

"Because the automobile industry creates employment for hundreds of millions of people! It is a complex manufacturing industry and the foundation of everything!"

“No matter how valuable Ant Financial is, how many jobs can it provide?”

"Even if Boss Ma becomes the richest man in the world, he has nothing to do with ordinary people!?"

"Can ordinary people find jobs and have food on the table because of Alipay?"

"Do not make jokes!"

"Industrial capital at least provides jobs. If the work pressure is too great, employees can still make trouble and negotiate the price with the boss."

"The bloodier thing about financial capital than industrial capital is that they don't create any jobs, they only plunder wealth!"

"Industrial capital wants you to become a slave, but financial capital directly wants your life!"

"Industrial is the heaven, finance is the supplement!"

"Excessive financialization can only have the opposite effect, leading to the decline of industry and hardship for people's livelihood."

"The automobile industry you are in is the largest industry on the planet!"

"If you fail completely, it will be a fatal blow to our entire Chinese nation!"

"Do you understand your own importance?"

Gao Yuan's words were very rude. He directly threw a bunch of data and truth at them, which made the car bosses very depressed, but they were unable to refute.

How old is Gao Yuan? A group of big guys were taught a lesson by a junior like this!

Everyone expressed that they were angry and unhappy.

At this time, Gao Yuan suddenly said in a cold tone: "I have said it before, if you don't change, I will change you..."

After finishing his words, Gao Yuan suddenly raised his head, with murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

It was inspired by my thoughts, but part of it was deleted for reasons well known to everyone.

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