The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 122 Strike hard! Revolutionize the automotive industry! (1)


The live broadcast finally ended. Gao Yuan let out a long breath, his expression slightly tired.

It was both flying and ocean. The whole journey was thrilling and thrilling. It required a high degree of concentration at all times. It also included an electrical chemistry class, which required a lot of physical energy.

Soon after, the freighter docked at the pier. Gao Yuan got off the ship and boarded a commercial vehicle that was already waiting there. The moment he opened the door, he saw Cao Feiyu looking at him with a smile in the car.

"The live broadcast effect was very good. At its peak, 47 million people were online at the same time. Domestic viewers accounted for 60%, and the remaining 40% were overseas viewers."

Cao Feiyu said: "In addition, judging from the barrage feedback, the biggest selling point of the live broadcast program "Technology Changes Life" should be that it is close to life. When you fly along the river with a drone, the audience's excitement index is the highest, because Everyone is dreaming that in the near future, they will be like you."

"As for the ocean shipping network, although the audience is also very happy, it is still far away from life after all, so the popularity is not as high as that of manned drones."

Gao Yuan said with a smile: "The drone transportation network is really good. Unfortunately, our country has always been strict about aircraft. If we want to promote a transportation revolution, we still have a long way to go. So far, our country's low-altitude The field has not been completely liberalized yet. If I do what I do today, I might get a fine."

Gao Yuan and Cao Feiyu laughed at the same time. The ticket and all that were just a joke. After all, Kunlun Company has a good reputation. Gao Yuan dared to do this because of the official approval. If it were an ordinary person who would fly at low altitude casually, it would be really serious if he was caught. You'll get a fine.

At this time, the car had already driven out of the pier, and Cao Feiyu asked: "Shall we go back to the company now?"

Gao Yuan thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It's better to send me to my parents' house. The physical fatigue caused by the live broadcast is secondary, and the main reason is the high mental stress. I have to keep talking like a host and output a lot of effective information to the audience. , I’m a little tired now and want to go back and take a nap.”

"Okay, I'll take you home right now. We'll discuss other matters when we return to the company tomorrow." Cao Feiyu said.

He told the driver to go to the villa area where Gao Yuan's parents lived. After dropping Gao Yuan off, he made an appointment to send a company car to pick him up early tomorrow morning.

When Gao Yuan returned home, he was inevitably told by his mother, "You are such a big boss, how could you put yourself in danger and do such dangerous things? My heart was pounding when I saw you flying in the pod. , are you trying to scare me to death!?"

Gao Yuan frowned and explained that he took risks for the sake of the show's effect. As for the danger, it was completely within control.

After all, Gao Yuan finally persuaded his mother, and he promised not to do anything dangerous again.

Gao Yuan remembered that when he was a child, he climbed up a tree to dig out bird's nests and was scolded by his mother. Maybe this was his family. Even now that he was in his twenties, he was still like a child at home, being controlled by his mother everywhere.

This feeling is so helpless and touching.

"I'm a little tired. I'll go upstairs and take a nap." Gao Yuan walked towards the stairs as he spoke.

"Go quickly." Mother said with concern: "I'll make some of your favorite beef filling dumplings and I'll call you during dinner."

"That's a good relationship. I haven't eaten dumplings at home for a while, but it's best to put more ginger in the beef filling." Gao Yuan said.

"Don't worry, I don't know your taste yet. You like beef dumplings with more ginger and soy sauce." Mother said.

Locking the door with a bang, Gao Yuan lay on the bed and logged into the system panel.

"Forty-three percent mission completion!"

Gao Yuan was so surprised that he almost jumped up. Just one live broadcast increased the mission progress by eleven percentage points, which was undoubtedly a new record.

After the surprise, Gao Yuan began to think about why this live broadcast was so good, even better than the live broadcast launched by Kunlun Crystal Technology.

Is it because of the product?

Is it because of the live broadcast format?

The manned drone transportation system can undoubtedly be regarded as a black technology in the future. Its emergence is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to family cars and taxi systems. The feeling of flying in the air is unlike any other. Something that no means of transportation can give.

Gao Yuan recalled that when the drone took off today, his adrenaline surged rapidly, and his excitement was far more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

I'm afraid it's because of this that the live broadcast effect is particularly good.

With a clear understanding in his heart, Gao Yuan quickly turned on his mobile phone and logged into major forums to check the public's reactions.

As expected, manned drones ranked at the top of the hot search lists. Everyone, both at home and abroad, was crazily discussing the possibility of traveling by drone in the future, and they were excited about this possibility.

"Sure enough, human beings are inherently uncomfortable creatures who don't want to die." Gao Yuan said to himself, touching his chin with one hand.

If someone tells you that Chinese ships are unique in the world and occupy the global shipping market, you will definitely feel happy and deeply proud of your motherland.

But what if someone told you that drone traffic systems are on the market! You can get a flying taxi for 20 yuan! It’s a circle in the sky, everyone, go try it!

At this time, your level of excitement is probably far greater than the former. After all, the former is too macro and too far away from life, while the latter is something you can really grasp.

Flying has been the dream of mankind since ancient times!

After browsing many pages, Gao Yuan gradually realized that turning people into loyal fans of solid-state battery technology might be the fastest way to complete the task.

As for why Gao Yuan wants to complete the mission as soon as possible, the reason is too simple, because only by completing the mission can he enter the next black technology.

"It's too slow, it's really too slow." Gao Yuan looked serious and muttered to himself, "The largest user of solid-state batteries is in the automotive field. What on earth do these guys do for food!? After my live broadcast, the progress The bar has increased by 11%, and those guys have not made any contribution to the completion of the mission!"

"No, this will never work."

At this time, my mother's voice came from outside, "Yuanyuan, the dumplings have been cooked. Can you come down for dinner later?"

"I know! I'll make a call and come down!" Gao Yuan replied through the door.

He sat up from the bed and dialed Cao Feiyu's phone number.

"Let the administrative department inform you that I want to hold a conference call with the big guys in the automotive field tomorrow," Gao Yuan said.

Cao Feiyu frowned slightly and said, "The conference call is not a big problem, but why are you so sudden?"

Of course, Gao Yuan could not tell him about the progress of the mission, and said in a deep voice: "We have done our best in publicity. The upstream battery manufacturers, led by CATL, have also started production at full capacity. There is absolutely no problem with battery production."

"But why are there still no new electric vehicles on the market? Why are these downstream automobile manufacturers so slow?"

Cao Feiyu said: "Hey, it's not like you don't know that domestic automobile manufacturers, mainly state-owned enterprises, have always been very slow in their actions, not even in a day or two."

"Look at BYD and Geely Group, these two private companies are moving very quickly, as well as Changan. Behind Changan is the military, and the military has long decided to fully support us, so it attaches great importance to it from top to bottom."

"As for other state-owned enterprises, their situation is more complicated, and there are interests of joint ventures behind them. Anyway, I can't explain it in a few words. It should take some time for them to switch to new electric vehicles."

Gao Yuan snorted coldly, "The current situation is that we made the upstream facilities beautiful, almost feeding them to their mouths and letting them eat, but in the end they even eat slower than others!"

"Anyway, let the administrative department contact you and pick a time tomorrow."

"Okay, leave it to me." Cao Feiyu agreed.

I went downstairs to have dinner, and watched two episodes of soap operas with my parents. When Gao Yuan returned to his room, he still felt that his heart was uneasy. According to the current progress, it would probably take half a year to complete the tasks assigned by the system. The efficiency was too high. Low.

The main reason for the low efficiency is undoubtedly those car manufacturers. Those who make drones, photovoltaics, and ships. All walks of life are desperately moving closer to the era of solid-state batteries. Only cars that are used to being the boss The factory is still running at the same pace as last century.

You know, in the field of solid-state batteries, the automotive industry is the absolute main force!

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan dialed a phone number to Mr. Ding Songlin and Ding. Although he always had his phone number, there was nothing particularly important before and Gao Yuan had never called him.

"It's rare, why would you call me?" The old man's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

Gao Yuan said seriously: "Mr. Ding, if you haven't rested yet, I have something to report to you."

"Report?" Ding Songlin chuckled, "Forget it, we are not in a superior-subordinate relationship. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. Being too polite would be inappropriate."

Gao Yuan smiled, "Okay, then I'll tell you, here's the thing, I have an idea..."

Gradually, Ding Songlin frowned and his expression became more and more solemn.

After hearing Gao Yuan's words, Ding Songlin, an old man who is used to seeing big scenes, suddenly raised his voice a few degrees, "Are you sure you want to do this? That will offend a lot of people!"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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