The Savage Ones

Chapter 3: Three

I lay flat against the ground, creeping slowly forward, using every piece of cover to avoid being seen. Most of the adults were still up and around, and the boys had not yet gone to bed, but roamed around laughing and talking amongst themselves. I had no desire to be caught, and knew that if I did what my father had taught me, I'd remain unseen. Painfully, slowly, I worked my way into the wagon circle, starting at the Whitney's and one by one, I ghosted away the boys' horses. They all had one, and often rode wildly alongside their own wagons when not helping out, and none would want to be stuck inside like a child, or a girl.

The horses I took a mile from the wagon camp and tied to some brush growing alongside a deep sandy wash. There was a clump of trees and a small trickle of water there, so one by one, I brought them there and picketed them.

Working my way back to the camp, I stayed very low and moved only with extreme caution. The night had grown cooler but through the thick mud on my skin, I was not cold. I smelled the woody scent of dying fires and the earthy pungent smell of the oxen and mules. The remaining horses were cropping quietly, picketed on good grass nearby. Somewhere in the night a wolf called forlornly to the moon, answered immediately by distant wails. Crickets chirped and sang in the night, and I remained unseen. I had no idea if the horses would be missed tonight or tomorrow, and I didn't really care, all I wanted now was to finish what they'd started.

I slid quietly back to our wagon and slowly, cautiously peered around. Mamma was at the fire, sitting quietly, and Frank was standing with his back to me, smoking. Both were at least fifteen feet away, so I moved with utmost care, reaching inside the wagon for the one thing Mamma allowed me, my Green Ash bow. Papa had made it for me years ago, and when we fled that night, it had been in my hand and Mamma had always allowed me to keep it. She thought it was a harmless keepsake, but she would have taken it instantly if she for a moment thought I'd had any arrows.

I did, though not traditional weapons. They were simple shafts of bone, with no tip, ending with a flat end, but they were long and slender. The boys in my tribe used them to practice with, hunting down each other in startlingly real scenarios of combat. I took the shafts from their secret hiding place beneath my bedding and slipped away. I would make Papa proud this night, and earn my place at the eternal campfires for true warriors. Then, no matter what happened in this life I would see Papa again in the next.

I took my position just under and outside the Milton's wagon. From there I could see the whole camp and had the added benefit of laying partially concealed in a small dip in the landscape.

I notched my first arrow and waited, watching. I wanted Al Baily, but for the moment he was out of sight. Toby appeared near his wagon, just outside the shadow and I took careful aim, knowing I'd have to work fast once I started. Toby turned a little to the right and I let the bone shaft fly, its soft whistle unnoticed as it sped toward its mark. The arrow hit Toby just over the heart and bounced off, but the boy grunted, his face turning white as he stumbled backwards clutching his chest. Only Jacky noticed from where he and two others sat.

He got up and right then I let another shaft go, and it struck Jacky in the back, just below his left lung. If it had been a real arrow, he'd have fallen dead. As it was, he grunted and went to his knees, his back arched in hot pain.

By then others had noticed Toby still on the ground, and Jacky's sudden fall brought his friends and parents out. I was running out of time and had Tim Jones and Pete Lester in the open, but I wanted Al, so I waited. Voices were raised and anger and fear sprang to life as the camp gathered around the fallen boys. I held my position even as Mamma and Frank Colter appeared and asked what had happened. I heard enough to know they suspected me but I did not move, would not be moved, until I was satisfied. Frank's eyes were sweeping the camp, every shadow, every nook and they passed over me, and I saw them pause then swing back. Just as he started my way I saw the crowd part and Al Baily stood in the center of the group, and I heard his voice clear as day.

"It's that Injun girl Pa! She picked a fight with us earlier, and kicked Toby somethin' fierce! Lookit his leg and you'll see the bruise!"

My lips lifted into a snarl and before Frank could reach me I had notched my third shaft and let it fly. Al must have seen it coming, for he turned just as the shaft reached him but too late. It took him off his feet, striking solidly against his jaw as he tried to dodge. Cries of alarm rose and then Frank was to my side, pulling me to my feet.

"What's in your mind girl!" he demanded angrily. "You better tell me what you're tryin' to pull here!"

He took the quiver of arrows from my hand but I didn't look at him, nor did I answer him, not speaking a word as he took me over to where my mother stood, at the center of attention. Silence fell as they all caught sight of me, naked, coated with mud, my face smeared with ash a long bow in my hands. Mamma's eyes widened and she went pale.

"Jaynie, what have you done?" she reached out then paused, as if afraid to touch me. "What have you done?"

"I've had enough of this!" shouted Ned Baily "She dang near killed my boy and two others!" he snatched the bow out of my hands and held it like a switch "I'll give you such a thrashin'!" he bellowed.

Uproar broke out and everyone grabbed for me at once, some to pull me into safety from the grown man's rage, others to secure me and hold me helpless. Only thing was, I wasn't there. I'd been beaten too many times by Arthur Fells to not know how to escape a tight grip, and I'd squirmed loose and retreated from them, watching with angry, sullen eyes.

"I am not a red devil!" I yelled, turning every head. "I am Kimimela, daughter of Napayshni, great warrior, and I took revenge upon my enemies!" I shouted angrily.

There was a stunned silence, for I had spoken in the tongue of my father, disgust and contempt written plainly on my face, my young voice dripping with anger. I often spoke to myself, or had pretend conversations with my Papa, so I had lost little of my language.

"Jaynie...?" Mamma took a half step forward, her eyed bulging a little with terror but I scoffed at her fear.

"I am not a white daughter, I am not Jaynie!" I cried loudly in Nakota. "I am Kimimela, daughter of Napayshni!"

"Kimimela!" Frank's voice cut deep and hard into the silence, and startled I turned to look at him. He spoke in the tongue of my father.

"You are brave, and daughter of a courageous warrior, but you shame him this night!" he spoke sharply, his eyes flaming. "You attack defenseless boys!"

The remark stung my pride, as I was certain it was meant to and I lifted my chin.

"I take revenge for my honor!" I retorted bitterly. "They should thank me for allowing them to live! If I were but a man I would take scalps-!"

"Stop it!" Frank cut me off, moving quickly to grab my shoulders. "Do not say such things!"

"I have done no dishonor!" I cried out, his grip painful against the bruises already hurting me. "I keep my dignity and my pride!"

"What do you mean?" he demanded, looking into my eyes "What honor must be defended?" he had slipped back into English and I was done talking.

I had no desire to cry about what they had done to me, nor ask for help. I had taken my revenge, the score was even with three of them, and I could bide my time.

"Jaynie...Kimimela! Answer me!" Frank shook me but I did not respond, looking pointedly away.

He spoke again without turning.

"Jenny, come get her and clean her up. Something has to be done about this."

Mamma moved without comment, and the people were so surprised by what had just happened that they let us go.

Mamma's grip on my arm hurt, she was that mad and that scared, but she didn't say a word. She got down the barrel of water and started to bath me, her hands efficient and thorough, though a little rough. I gritted my teeth and said nothing while she scrubbed and washed over my bruises. Only when the mud had come off did she notice, and I thought Mamma would explode.

I'd never seen her so angry before, but it was not a loud hot anger. It was icy, the kind of fury that made people shiver and step back. Her green eyes flamed and heat rose to her cheeks as she wrapped me in a clean warm blanket. Only when my hair was washed and combed did she look at me, her fingers under my chin.

"Jaynie, you tell me the truth...those boys, they did that to you?" her voice, normally warm and soft, was flat and utterly cold.

"Yes ma'am," I spoke quiet and calm. Now was not the time for excuses and blame.

"Come with me."

With fast sure steps she led me back to the group of men, for by that time they had sent the womenfolk away. This was a matter to be handled promptly, and they felt, without feminine sensitivity. Mamma walked right up to Ned Baily and struck him hard and fast, her slap ringing in the air. I was shocked, but felt a ripple of pride.

"You pig!" she snapped angrily "All your talk about Indians and how evil they are, you should be ashamed!"

"Why you-!" he started but Frank cut him off.

"Jenny, leave Jaynie with me and go on back to the wagon. Now ain't the time-"

"No!" Mamma's voice was sharp and she turned on her husband, fists clenched. "I'll do no such thing Frank Colter! Jaynie is the victim here, not those boys!"

"Now see here!" Interrupted High "My son will be down for days 'cause what your girl done! We can't let that go unpunished!"

Mamma turned and briskly she pulled my blanket off. For a moment no one spoke, all eyes riveted to my young naked body. Mamma turned me around so that the blackening marks and welts on my back and legs could clearly be seen, then she wrapped me up again.

"Your boys attacked my daughter and beat her up." Mamma said quietly. "It was six boys to one ten year old girl. If they are unpunished come morning, I will personally take a switch and beat each one thirty lashes. This kind of behavior is simply not acceptable!"

She took my hand and led me back to our wagon and had me climb inside, then came in behind me. She drew the curtain closed and lay down next to me, and as she wrapped me into her arms I felt her trembling. For a moment I was scared, unsure what to say.

"Mamma...?" I whispered the word.

"Go to sleep Jaynie." She said it softly, but I still heard her anger.

I did something then I'd never done before, and would do rarely after. I rolled over despite the aches in my body and took Mamma's face in my hands. I made sure to use my English, to let her know I was trying hard.

"I'm sorry Mamma," I said it sincerely "I'm sorry I was so bad. I won't do it again, I promise."

Mamma knew that a word spoken in oath was sacred to me, being taught by my papa that I must never break my word once it was given. Despite the darkness in the wagon I could see a smile light her face and she folded me into her loving arms, a soft laugh on her lips.

"Oh my sweet beautiful girl!" she pressed a kiss into my hair. "I was so scared, do you know what could have happened to you?" she asked me then "What would I do without you Jaynie? I love you so much."

"I love you too Mamma," I told her, snuggling deep into her arms, smelling the fresh clean scent of her skin.

I fell asleep that way, hearing her heartbeat in my ear, feeling her arms tight about me.

I woke the next morning late, and by the rocking of the wagon I knew we were on the move. Sitting up made me gasp in pain and I carefully pulled on a clean skirt and blouse, avoiding the dark patches of skin that had already turned a severe black and blue. Mamma was on the seat driving the team, and just out front to the left of her I could see Frank riding his paint gelding. Easing forward I tapped Mamma's elbow. She glanced down and smiled warmly, if a little sadly at me.

"You're awake, are you hungry Jaynie?"

"Yes ma'am," I was half afraid she'd tell me I had to wait until we stopped for the noon meal.

"There's a plate for you there," she indicated a bump under a towel.

It smelled delicious, and though lukewarm, the buffalo steak and fresh beans surely did taste good. I slept off and on until we stopped at noon, and Mamma lifted me from the wagon. The first thing I noticed was the boys, at least the three I'd missed the other night. They were walking mighty gingerly, and when they saw me, one by one they came over and apologized for attacking me. Mamma's side glance told me I'd better be polite about it, so I thanked each one.

"There's rules that will protect you Jaynie," a deep voice brought me around, and l looked up into Frank Colter's gray eyes. "If you'd told your Ma or me what had happened, it would've been better. As it was, I only got to three of them with a thrashing, the others got their punishment from you."

" whipped them?" I was shocked, and more than a little embarrassed.

"After you and your Ma went to bed, we talked it over, and it was the right thing to do, seein' as how you're carryin' your own set of bruises." He started to turn away, then stopped. "Why'd you steal their horses anyway?"

I felt my face flush but I kept eye contact with the tall, broad shouldered man.

"You found them?" I was ashamed that it had been so easy, but Frank's words reassured me a little.

"You hid them nearly perfect Jaynie, only they were a little too close to camp. If they'd been farther out, we'da never found them so fast. Why'd you do it?"

"It's a mark of how cunning I am to defeat my enemies." I said it boldly "My Papa always said if you can set them afoot, you can defeat them!"

Frank started to laugh, and he laughed for a long time. When he finally wiped his eyes those gray depths were twinkling merrily.

"Young lady," he said then "You'll do to ride the river with!"

After we ate Frank took me out to his gelding and paused before swinging into the saddle.

"I think you've got skills that we need right now little Kimimela." He said seriously "If you'd be so kind, perhaps you'd like to scout ahead with me today."

For the first time I smiled up at the man who was to become my father and he taught me a good many things, not the least of which was how to be an Indian in a white world. At the present time though I beamed with pleasure at him and nodded.

"I'd like that sir,"

He grinned back and lifted me into the saddle, swinging up behind me.

"Westward ho!" the call echoed across the wide vastness of the open land, and the wagons rolled out, heading toward the purple blue peaks of the distant mountains.

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