The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 35: Lancers, charge!

After arriving on Fuerteventura, Marin's fleet docked and landed at the island's only port, Rosario (now called Betancuria).

Arrived in the port of Rosario, Marin discovered that this is not a big port, but just a fishing village. The construction of its wharf is also very simple, and it is inconvenient to dock.

Fortunately, after Schwarz led the army, he organized soldiers and built several long bridge piers. Otherwise, Marin's large 500-ton warship cannot come to stop.

Speaking of the ship docking problem, Marin thought-since the big ship docking in the port of Rosario is troublesome, is this the same for Ayune?

So, he sent a ship to the Ayun coast to investigate and found that he couldn't dock the big ship. In other words, his army can only land on a boat ... Mallind was embarrassed ...

However, this embarrassment did not last long. Because, Marin saw the fishermen who returned from fishing, and the small fishing boats they drove ...

So, Marin sent his men to negotiate with these fishermen to rent their small fishing boats. The fishermen refused at first, but Marin smashed the money and provided them with some military food in return. In the end, the fishermen agreed to rent small fishing boats.

However, there are only more than 20 small fishing boats in the port of Rosario, which can carry a maximum of 100 people ashore each time. In desperation, Marin had to send people to the port of Las Palmas on Gran Canaria to rent a fishing boat there ...

Similarly, under the offensive of money, the locals also compromised and leased 50 small fishing boats ...

On April 23, Marin led a large fleet of men and small fishing boats to the coast of Ayoun. However, in order to avoid being attacked when landing, Marin did not land on the edge of Ayoun, but chose to land a distance south and land in a no man's land.

When landing, the big ship was not far from the coast. Then, the hired boat and the local fishermen rowed between the big boat and the beach, took the soldiers and war horses on the big boat to the boat, and then rowed to the shore ...

After half a day of busy, all the troops and horses were able to go ashore. In addition, Marin also brought a lot of tents. Because it was already in the afternoon, Marin did not rush to attack, but declared everyone to rest for one night.

After setting up the tent, Marin ’s army began to rest on the beach ten kilometers south of Ayun ...

Early the next morning, Marin organized the army, arranged the formation, and marched in a neat queue to the Aoun Oasis ...

Because there are infantry in the team, the march is very slow. Even in order to protect the physical strength of the war horses, the cavalrymen were dismounted and led the horses to walk. Of course, the infantry on the side also helped them with their spears.

The herdsmen of the Ayoun tribe discovered them early, so the whole Ayune oasis began to mess up ...

The Arab herdsmen are still stubborn. Although they knew that the other party had more people, they did not flinch. Besides, they have no place to flinch. Because, after leaving the Ayur Oasis, they have nowhere to go, only to die in the desert ...

Seeing the strong men of the Ayoun clan began to gather, Marin who saw the situation through the telescope did not care. He came this time to let the cavalry defeat their opponents head-on. If it were not to test the ability of the cavalry, he had already arranged an attack last night.

At a distance of 3 km from the Ayun tribe settlement, Marin ’s army stopped marching. And all the cavalrymen also took the spears from the infantry, turned their horses on, and waited for them ...

Soon, a group of Berber bearded cavalry, about a thousand people, wielding Arab scimitars, rushed out of the settlement and lined up in a loose formation ...

However, the other party did not immediately attack, but sent someone to speak out loudly in North African common language-Arabic:

"Who are you, why invade our territory?"

Marin understands Arabic translation. Under Marin ’s instructions, he replied aloud:

"We are the new owner of Ayoun Oasis, because we have bought Ayoun's dominance from the Assad tribe. You, let us go!"

The other party's messenger quickly returned to report, and the leader of the Ayoun clan, Ahemat, was furious. Regardless of whether Marin said it is true, it seems that the enemy's army is to occupy their hometown, how can they accept it?

So, thousands of Berber cavalry cavalrymen immediately formed their formations, brandished their scimitars, and screamed to rush forward ...

Malin looked at it, and thought it was a good opportunity to test his cavalry's ability to attack. So he waved his hand ...

After Schwartz was signaled, he immediately drew his sword and shouted;

"The Lancer, charge!"

So, the cavalrymen in a dense formation began to accelerate slowly in a relatively neat formation ...

And the first row of cavalry cavalry took the spear that had stood upright toward the sky and began to square, pointing forward. And the latter cavalrymen continue to spearhead the sky ...

Schwarz's cavalrymen were trained in full accordance with Marin's instructions. They have three rows in one batch, 450 people in each batch and 150 people in each row. As for the remaining 100 people, they used the maneuvering power to cover the flanks.

150 people lined up in a row, close together. The width occupied by each person is only 1.5 meters. You know, the hip width is 1.414 meters, and with the stirrup, it is almost 1.5 meters. Each person occupies a width of 1.5 meters, which is very dense.

It is these wandering knights who came from the family of knights, able to adapt to this formation within a few months. Switching to a farmer, it is estimated that it will take two or three years of training to get used to it, and it can't run fast, so it will disperse as soon as the formation is fast.

These lancers, discharged a 225-meter-wide formation, began to accelerate in groups, and at a fast speed, slammed into the Berber cavalry on the opposite side ...

The warriors of the Ayoun tribe were very sturdy at first. However, when the cavalrymen in such a dense formation came across, they were a little bit stunned ...

why? Because the spears of the cavalry opposite must be longer than their scimitars ...

If the formation is loose, they can also use the scimitar grid to block the spear, and then use the superb knife technique to wipe the blade on the enemy at the moment of passing by ...

However, the opponent's formation is so densely arranged that there is no chance to start ...

What makes them even more embarrassed is that if he hedges with the other party, there is no room to dodge at all, and he can only hit it ...

Just when they were hesitant, the cavalrymen had hit ...

Although the Berber cavalry were brave, it was useless. The spears so dense across them pierced their bodies. Even if someone relies on superb horsemanship, hides under the horse's belly and avoids the spear, it's useless. Because, the cavalry horses directly knocked over their horses, and then stepped on ... Many Berber bearded cavalry who avoided the spears were not stabbed to death, but were trampled to death by horseshoes ...

Of course, Marin also suffered losses. Several horses were injured and had to withdraw. Several cavalrymen also fell off their horses and were nearly trampled to death by their own horses. Fortunately, they had training before, plus the side of the side, after falling off the horse, they immediately rolled to the side, in order to avoid the tragedy of being crushed to death by comrades.

Only one head-on hedge, Ayoun's tribal cavalry was destroyed. In desperation, Ayoun cavalry had to turn the horse to run.

However, there are also smart and brave people, with a small group of horses, around the flank and attacking the wing of the cavalry ...

In fact, the wall-type charge, the flank is indeed a weakness, they are also in the right direction.

However, Schwartz had already arranged 100 cavalry to cover the wings. Seeing this, the 100 people were immediately dispatched to meet the Berber cavalry and quickly rushed away ...

"It seems that the wall charge, the flanks are weaknesses ..." Marin said with emotion.

"Yes, young master, how do you see how to solve it?" Schwartz asked.

"Increase the number of cover troops, of course, the cavalry covering the flanks does not necessarily need to be spear cavalry. Other types of light cavalry can do it. Even, the black knight can help cover the flanks ..."

"Yes, I get it!" Schwartz immediately took out his notebook and took down Marin's instructions.


On the battlefield, the cavalry broke down the enemy and quickly won a decisive victory. The Berber cavalry of the Ayoun tribe fled.

And Marin took the opportunity to lead a large army into the Ayune Oasis and control the settlement of the Ayune tribe ...

It's just that Marlin is depressed that the cavalry seems to be unable to catch up with the Berber cavalry who escaped. Therefore, they did not capture many prisoners of war ...

After all, Lancers are also considered heavy cavalry. Although the lower body plate armor and horse armor have been eliminated, the requisition equipment is still relatively heavy. Therefore, it is really difficult to pursue the Berber cavalry who are purely light cavalry.

So, Marin simply commanded the army and settled in the Ayoun tribal settlement. After staying, Marin arranged for the cavalrymen to rest, and asked the doctors to treat the dozen cavalrymen injured in the battle. The infantry will divide half of them into the night to prevent the Berber cavalry who escaped from killing them back in the middle of the night ...

Sure enough, the more than 300 Berber cavalry who escaped, under the leadership of the patriarch they also escaped, attacked the military camp of Marin at night ...

However, they were repelled by the musketeers ...

Patriarch Ahema himself, was also killed by a musketeer, fell to the ground, and then captured ...

As the cavalrymen woke up in the middle of the night ~ ~ mounted more than 300 night attackers, and the warriors of the Ayoun clan were completely destroyed. The 1,000 cavalry of their tribe, more than 280 people were killed on the spot during the day, more than 300 were captured, and more than 300 fled, but they came back in the middle of the night to attack, but they were caught in front of ...

At this point, the Ayoun tribe is considered dead. And Marin, with his men, urged more than 500 captured Ayoun Dingding to build a long bridge wharf at the seaside, so as to dock Marin's big ship ...

At the same time, Marin also mobilized all the soldiers, including some Ayoun people, to build a fortress for the army to live on the lakeside of Ayoun Oasis. In addition, Marin also decided to leave 500 infantry as a garrison ...

Before leaving, Marin sent people to take away all the knives in the tribe, even the kitchen knives were confiscated. If those tribal herders need to use a knife to cut meat, they also need to apply to the garrison fortress, and then use the knife to cut the meat in front of the garrison fortress under the supervision of the garrison ... After cutting, you must turn in a kitchen knife ...

In the evening, the garrison lives in a small castle. Although the castle is not yet formed, only the surrounding walls are strong, but it is enough. Marin didn't have time to organize everyone to build a complete castle, but just piled up the fence first. The soldiers temporarily set up tents inside the fence, anyway, it does n’t rain all year round, and the climate is warm. After Marin went back, he sent construction craftsmen to help build a stronger fortress ...

In the future, Marin even plans to build a large yard, shut down all the local herdsmen to build tents to live in, the gates are locked at night, and then released during the day ... In this way, there is no fear that they will attack the garrison in the middle of the night or worry about their escape ...

After repairing the walls of the fortress, Marin took the cavalry and the 500 infantry, took the big ship, left Ayune, and returned to the homeland ...

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