The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 34: Son, dad will help you play the site!

Marin has been reduced to the second-class citizen of the family. The first-class is now our Caesar, the little dude ...

Now, the whole family is up and down, unanimously surrounding Little Caesar, and Marin is laid aside. Mrs. Mary and Angela's mother Lucrezia took turns holding Little Caesar. Of course, the fake mother-in-law, that is, Mrs. Nelson, also came over to show up. However, the members of the Hoffman family knew that Mrs. Nelson was fake, and Lukreziya was real.

However, they did not know that they killed him. Marin's father-in-law was actually a black bishop wanted by the pope today. If you know it, you may scare urine ...

Archbishop Rovere was a clergyman, so it was inconvenient to see his grandson. However, he often sneaked in from behind to see his grandson at night ...

Archbishop Rovere is 58 years old, and he is about the age of a grandson. He has no son, only three daughters, but the eldest daughter died early, otherwise there will be children. Today, the second daughter gives birth to the son, and Archbishop Rovere is also very happy.

However, his identity is too sensitive, afraid of being reported to the Holy See. Therefore, in order to see his grandson, he entered the back door of the palace in the middle of the night. Moreover, recently, he also moved from the Frisia Islands to an unassuming small courtyard in the north of the city, so that he could easily see the grandson in the palace.

Felice also seemed very jealous of her sister giving birth to a son. It happened that Marin was not suitable for sleeping with Angela at this time. So, Felice also haunted Marin, wanting a baby. But is this something you want? Marin was speechless, but Felice's sullen "brother-in-law" immediately shouted Marin's bones ... so ...

Although there are some intemperances in life, Marin has not forgotten the business. He estimated that the soldiers on Fuerteventura on the Canary Islands should adapt to the local climate. It is time for me to set off and command the battle ...

In this battle, in addition to Marin going in person, Schwartz also participated. After all, Marin wanted to train Schwartz as a marshal. So, he definitely got the field.

In addition to the cavalry composed of 1,000 wandering knights from the Teutonic kingdom, Marin also sent 1,000 infantry from the homeland. Of the 1,000 infantry, 300 were musketeers, and the rest were spearmen.

The soldiers had long arrived on Fuerteventura, and Marin felt that it was almost time for him to leave. So, in the palace, he said goodbye to the reluctant family ...

"Honey, what do you need to fight? Schwartz can't solve it alone? How dangerous is the battlefield ..." Angela was dissatisfied. Although she can't share the room with Marin now, she is not willing to go to war with her husband. How dangerous ...

"Don't worry, Angela, this time we attacked a 4,000-person Arab tribe. 1000 lance cavalry is enough to defeat them. In addition, I also brought 1,000 infantry to protect myself from accidents. Marin comforted.

"But ... there are pirates at sea, it is not safe ... you are going alone ..."

"Correct, I am not going alone, but with three warships ..." Marin is also a person who is afraid of death. If he goes south alone, he is indeed not insured. Therefore, he decided to take the three strongest 500-ton warships in East Friesland and **** him south.

These three warships are arguably the most powerful warships of this era. As long as it does not encounter a fleet of great powers, it basically walks sideways. On the Atlantic, the most powerful fleet is the Portuguese. However, Marin did not openly face up with the Portuguese, and the Portuguese would not send a fleet to round him up. Also, his battleship has reached a speed of 10 knots. The Portuguese warships of this era had a speed of only eight or nine knots, and were not as fast as Marin ’s warships. Even if you ca n’t beat it, you can escape ...

As for the pirate ship or something, it is too late to escape in front of the three fully equipped warships. How dare you provoke it?

Before leaving, Marin hugged Caesar, and kissed him:

"Son, Dad is going to fight. This is to grab the site for you ... In the future, these sites will be left to you. So, wish me good luck!"

It's strange to say that little Caesar didn't know why, but he woke up from his sleep and saw a smile from Marin. Seeing the baby's smiling face, Marin was drunk ...

"It's an angelic smile!" Marin thought happily.

After handing over Caesar to Angela, Marin put on his armor, left the palace without a second look, and rushed to Port Emden ...

In the port of Emden, Marin boarded the battleship "Hoffman 1". Originally, Marin only wanted to go south with the sailors. But Kahn and Kohler were not at ease, so Kahn took the 100 imperial guards and boarded the battleship with Marin ...

During the voyage, there were no accidents.

In the English Channel, there was a pirate ship snooping. But seeing the huge battleship lined with artillery, the pirate ship left without saying a word, just turned around and left ...

If usually, Marin might catch up with his men to destroy the pirates, showing a sense of justice. However, now he rushed south, ignoring those peeping pirate ships.

In fact, the bottom of the pirate ship Marlin is very clear. Those pirates did not have telescopes. Marin stood on the top of the low ship building. With a telescope, they could see the situation on the pirate ship. Although they did not hang skeletons, Marin, who had seen the pirate movie in the previous life, saw that many of them were wearing scimitars ~ ~ It was not good at first glance, and immediately they could infer that they were pirates ...

When entering the Portuguese waters, Marin was actually very guilty. Because, he really violated the interests of the Portuguese. If nothing else, sending Columbus to discover India is purely to **** the interests of the Portuguese. Moreover, he also gave the chart to Portugal's largest competitor Spain ...

If the Portuguese knew the truth one day, he would definitely want to put himself down ...

Therefore, after entering the Portuguese waters, Marin played the Spanish flag. After all, he is also a Spanish earl, and it is reasonable to play the Spanish flag.

However, the Portuguese still sent the ship for a while. Because, Marin's three warships are too big, too eye-catching. The Portuguese are very sensitive to nautical matters, and they thought it was the Spaniards who created the new warships. So, they sent a Clipper to monitor the three big ships of Marin.

However, what the Portuguese did not expect was that the Clippers they sent out could run 9 knots, and they couldn't catch up with Marin's ship. The three warships, at a faster speed than the Portuguese Clippers, followed by the rapids of the Canary cold south, dumping the Portuguese Clippers.

The Portuguese were taken aback-the Spaniards made a huge and fast new warship ...

The news was quickly sent to Lisbon, causing a great panic among the Portuguese. After all, the Portuguese have always been proud of their superiority at sea. They were not as good as Spain on land. If they fell behind at sea, they would fall behind in all directions ... Then, the Portuguese ordered the craftsmen to start the development of large ships, trying to develop a new large-scale that can compete with the "Spanish battleship" Battleship ...

It ’s just that the Portuguese did n’t know that the large warships they saw were not Spanish, but Marin ’s ...

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