The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Street Weapon Spectrum

Yang Fei smiled evilly, his teeth tickling with hatred.

Brother Pao snorted, spit out the cigarette butt, touched the bald head with his hand, the blisters on the head were not so clean, it was yellow and ugly like a scorpion.

Everyone is a social person, and people don’t say much, so they start fighting if they don’t agree with each other.

Yang Fei tightened the screwdriver in his hand.


Fold stool.

beer bottle.

Chili oil.


The top five ultimate killers on the street weapon spectrum!

Brother Flathead gave Yang Fei a grateful look.

These days, people who dare to stand up and fight for strangers are absolutely rare, and they belong to the world-class rare and rare species.

Yang Fei and Pingtou brother looked at each other, the two of them did not say a word, back to back, relying on each other.

Before at home, Yang Fei often listened to his grandfather and his father and brother talking about how to subdue gangsters. The best way to fight this kind of group fights with less to more is to be fast, accurate, and ruthless.

Quickly locate, pinch the soft dipper, you must be ruthless, and you have to tell the other party a message. I am so fierce that I am afraid!

Yang Fei was forced to exercise by his father since he was a child. At this moment, I really feel that the decision of his parents is so clear!

A **** with a cobra tattoo on his arm punched Yang Fei.

Yang Fei did not evade, did not retreat, grabbed the opponent’s wrist, squeezed the screwdriver with his right hand, and pierced his belly several times.

It takes a poke and a stab to hit someone, which is more painful than a head-to-head hit.

Without waiting for the other person to cry, Yang Fei hit his chin with an uppercut.

Anyone who has seen a boxing match knows that the chin is one of the weaknesses of a person. Before a master KO, most of the opponents’ jaws were hit hard.

With a punch, the braces and saliva flew together, and the brain and plasma were concussed.

The cobra was hit in the chin, and the contents of his brain shook violently, his eyes turned black, and the bottom plate was unstable.

Yang Fei took advantage of his illness and killed him, kicking him in the crotch.

The cobra was in pain, opened his mouth, retched a few times, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Say it is late, it was fast, and this series of actions took a very short time!

Put one down, Yang Fei’s courage greatly increased.

Looking back, I copy!

Flathead brother has overturned three!

It’s amazing!

Street weapon spectrum, the most powerful thing is the fist!

Yang Fei didn’t see how he did it. He only saw the three **** lying on the ground. He secretly admired him. The Flathead was not a vegetarian.

Brother Pao, there were only two people left, and all three of them flinched.

“Leave two, let me have fun.” Yang Fei squeezed his fist.

“I am the second, you are the first.” The flat-headed brother’s tone seemed to be grabbing candy from the buddies.

“Yeah, yeah! Do you think we are air? Anyway, my old pao is also one of the best brothers on the street!” Pao was so ignored and cursed.

Just when everyone thought that he would raise his aura and kill him, a funny scene happened.

Brother Pao ran away, and did not forget to leave two scenes saying, “Wait, I have a hundred ways to kill you!”

The Hot Wheels mode was activated, and he went wild like thunder, turned a corner in an instant, and disappeared.

The guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard, sees invincible, oily the soles of your feet!

The still-moving **** on the ground was stunned for a long time before he realized that he even crawled around and flees after the boss.

Flathead brother sneered, and shook his head: “Rogue!”

He clapped his hands in disgust, turned his head to look at Yang Fei, smiled slightly: “Thank you!”

“If the road is uneven, draw your sword and help! You are welcome!” Yang Fei waved his hand generously.

“After dismounting the horse forward, the horse is pioneering. What is the name of the brother?” The flat headed brother asked.

“Don’t be expensive, Yang Fei, the Yang family will fly white feathers.”

“It turned out to be a descendant of the Yang family general. No wonder he is such a hero. Disrespectful!”

“Hehe, it’s written in the genealogy, it is true, but after so many generations, I don’t know whether it is true or not. Maybe the ancestors put gold on their faces!”

The two chatted a few words, although there is a meaning of cherishing heroes, but this place is not a place to chat, so they separated.

Yang Fei learned that Ma Feng and the others, after retiring from the army, were assigned to work in a nearby factory.

Ma Feng also only knows that Yang Fei is an employee of the daily chemical plant.

In the afternoon, Yang Fei and Su Tong returned to Taohua Village.

Su Tong has been worried that Yang Fei and himself are not in the village. Can the sales team complete the task?

In fact, her worry is completely unnecessary.

Even if Yang Fei is in the village, he is only in charge of making arrangements and not doing specific affairs.

Except for some of the 350 tons of washing powder sold in the county, more team members have to go to neighboring counties to sell. Many villages are located deep in the mountains, with inconvenient transportation and long round trips.

When formulating a sales plan, Yang Fei had another consideration, choosing a village close to the county seat and abandoning the remote mountainous countryside.

But after thinking twice, he decided to cover it all.

Waited until more than five o’clock in the afternoon, the vehicles from various places came back one after another.

What made Yang Fei pleased was that today’s tasks were all completed!

Another 840,000 yuan!

At the beginning, Yang Fei wanted to borrow a chicken to lay eggs, but unexpectedly found a chicken, but it was still a chicken that only lays golden eggs!

When Su Tong and Xiang Qiao were collecting money, Yang Fei chatted with the sales team and listened to their feedback.

The sales volume in remote mountainous areas is far higher than expected.

To be on the safe side, when Yang Fei allocated sales, he reduced the amount set by the mountain area by 500 catties, and put the extra amount for sale in the county and town.

I didn’t expect that someone would come to buy it after the mountain was sold out.

is not enough to sell!

Washing powder is a must-have for every household, and it is a daily consumable. People in mountainous areas, because it is not easy to get out, buy it at a small local store. Each package is more than 50 cents to one dollar more expensive than the outside, which is equivalent to a part of the freight for the vendors. .

Now that someone delivers it to your door, it’s so cheap, of course the mountain people will rush to buy it.

Some people have also responded that in many remote mountain villages, there is no broadcast in the village, or the broadcast is damaged and has not been repaired. Members of the sales team rely on shouts along the village to attract villagers to buy.

Yang Fei recorded this situation in a notebook.

Some drivers responded that in some mountainous areas, the village-level roads are really broken, steep and steep. Large trucks are really unsafe when driving. In several villages, the trucks dare not go up the mountain, so they can only unload the goods under the mountain and move boxes by boxes. Go up.

Yang Fei felt that this problem was also very serious, so he took out a notebook and wrote it down.

At 8:30 in the evening, Yang Fei and the others have time to eat dinner.

After dinner, Yang Fei called Su Tong, Xiang Qiao, Tie Lianping, Su Changqing, and Qingqing’s sister-in-law to the village and held a small meeting.

The so-called village department is in Tielianping’s house, and it takes out a separate room. It is the village department, and everything is discussed in this room. The village broadcast room is also located here.

Yang Fei handed the cigarette first and said: “These days, everyone has worked hard.”

“Daxia Yang, don’t say that, you helped our village.” Tielian lit his cigarette with a simple smile on his face, “More than 700 people in the village have jobs and income, and their wages are higher than those of the workers in the city. . If this continues, the village will become rich in less than two years .”

Su Changqing saw that Yang Fei had a cigarette in his hand but didn’t light it, so he lit the lighter and leaned in to help him light it.

See you Su Tong, thinking that Yang Fei’s prestige in the village is higher than everyone else!

You know, in the entire Taohua Village, Tie Lianping and Su Changqing are the biggest officials, and they have never lit cigarettes for others.

It’s really rare for Yang Fei, an outsider to get such treatment at such a young age.

“Next, we have to change the sales method.” Yang Fei took a puff of cigarette and paused to give everyone time to digest.

“Change the method?” Su Changqing’s face was stagnant, “Don’t you want us to sell?”

Yang Fei smiled and said, “That’s not what we mean. We do the calculations. For each family, a pack of washing powder can be used for about half a month, and the savings can be used for more than 20 days or even a month. Then, what we sold The area is saturated for at least two months.”

Su Changqing and others listened carefully and nodded.

Yang Fei carried a map with him. He took out a map of Jiangzhou City and placed it on the table, saying, “We have already sold this area. If you go down, you have to go outside. The distance is getting bigger and bigger. Far away, we have to distribute goods, transport people, and sell. The next place, within one day, it will be difficult to go back and forth. Even if we rush back to the village at night, it will be very detrimental to the continued sales the next day. Come, the efficiency is very low.”

Tie Lianping understood: “The journey is too far! Then you say, what should we do? We listen to you.”

Su Changqing said: “Yes, we all listen to you! As long as there is money to make!”

“Our vision cannot be limited to Yilin County, nor can it only be in Jiangzhou City. We want to take down the market in the entire southern province!” Yang Fei stretched his palm out and patted it on the map on the desktop.

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