The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 214 Come, hurt each other! 4

Chapter 214 Come, hurt each other! 4
The intense pain from the inside out made Yan Lvge tremble involuntarily.




"How about it?"

The voice came from Yanluge's body, but it sounded like many people were speaking at the same time, mysterious and terrifying.





But Yan Lvge sneered.


He said.

A weird mouth with fangs and sharp teeth suddenly squirmed and opened on the back of Yanlvge's hand, a sharp tongue protruded from the mouth, turned around sharply, and pierced Yanlvge's own chest.

"Hunter's Cage" activated.

The long, thin tongue slowly retracted, entangled a mass of black, meat-like thing at Yanlvge's heart, and at the same time stirred up a veil of finely chopped flesh and blood at the wound.

Yan Luge didn't even frown.

The abnormal black flesh in his chest is the body of the pseudo-human alien.

"This is……"


"Why can..."

"catch me……"

The pseudo-human alien screamed in confusion and anxiety, but in the end it couldn't withstand the force of the pull, and was slowly pulled out of Yanlvge's body by the long, thin tongue.

"Do not……"


"Do not believe……"

"go to hell!"

Just as he was about to be torn away from Yan Luge's body, the dummy alien suddenly let out a frenzied scream.

The black flesh burst violently.

It "suicides".

No, not suicide—

Alien species will die, but their true core—the imprint of the alien species will not be obliterated—it will find a new host by itself and be reborn on others.

But now, the dummy alien species is dead and "suicide", but the dummy imprint left by it remains in Yanluge's body, touching his body and will when Yanlvge is unprepared.

It wanted to parasitize him, to be reborn in him.

The violent, irresistible force of pollution strikes from the inside out.

A ruthless look flashed in Yan Luge's eyes, and "Life Mimicry" was activated.

Either pollute it, or devour it.

He had swallowed a Capricorn mark before, and now he repeated his tricks and swallowed a dummy mark.

At the same time, the tiny crystals invisible to the naked eye vibrated, condensed, decomposed, and reshaped, and began to interpret and analyze the structure and composition of the imprint of the dummy, filling its own mimicry ability pool.

The price is more violent and crazy pain and distortion.

Yan Luge staggered involuntarily, his face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was trembling.

Compared with the pain of being possessed by a pseudo-human alien just now, it is really like acupuncture and lingering.

Yan Luge has a very strong ability to endure pain, and she doesn't even blink when she pierces her own heart.

This kind of ruthless person can make him feel unbearable and trembling pain, probably only when facing the gods and devouring the mark of Capricorn.

And now.

The last time Yanluge devoured the mark of Capricornus, he did a lot of preparations, at least there was no shortage of spiritual potions around him.

A large amount of spiritual potion is injected into the body, even if it can't erase the alien imprint itself, it can at least suppress its struggle and the mutation caused by pollution.

But now there is nothing around Yanlvge.

He originally carried some spiritual potions with him, but he either injected them in advance, or they were destroyed in the battle just now.

He can only resist on his own.

His body was deforming rapidly, his bones and flesh were melting, and within a few seconds he couldn't even maintain a standing posture, turning into a puddle of mud and falling to the ground, convulsing.

His mind was twisting rapidly, and the boundless frantic noise pierced into his mind like a red-hot sharp knife, calling him to surrender to the great unfinished God.

But Yanlvge's consciousness is still clear, clearly enduring the inhuman torture.

——Ha... It's been... too long... I haven't experienced it...

——I'm really... not used to it...

The pain caused by pollution is intensifying every minute and every second, rising exponentially.

If it were any person in this era, any life to bear it, it would have hissed and screamed in the first second, and gave up struggling in the second second and fell into the embrace of the eternal god.

——If... just give up like this...

——It's just... embarrassing... to the self in the previous life...

Time seemed to be stretched, the senses seemed to be magnified, and the colors of the whole world seemed to disappear, leaving only endless torture.

Yanlvge still hasn't lost consciousness, he will never give up on himself at any time.

——I must... think of a way...

——Spiritual power potion... No... unpurified spiritual power is also fine...

Not far from the northwest base is the aura escape point.

There are enough spiritual power reserves there.

The human figure whose bones were almost dissolved twitched, and the eight scarlet tentacles spread silently behind him, wrapping the limp body, alternately forward and backward, instead of legs, they rushed forward quickly.

Judging by ordinary pollution standards, Yanlvge has been heavily polluted at this moment, and his body and spirit are completely distorted. Even if he is barely rescued, he will be closer to pollutants than to humans.

Most of the time, he'd rather kill them than save them.

Only he himself is different.

As long as he is not willing, nothing can pollute him.

—Want to twist me?

--That's it?
Half crazy and half calm, Yan Lige once again urged his extraordinary ability, frantically devoured the imprint of the dummy, and embraced the suddenly deepening pain indifferently and cruelly.

——Actually, pain is nothing more than that if you get used to it.

—The power of pollution corrupts the will and the body with pain.

——But if there is an existence with extremely strong will, it can support it for a long time under the pollution force, and even support it endlessly.

The dormant Capricorn imprint, which had been lurking in the depths of his body, seemed to have sensed something, and it became active at this moment.

It broke free from the suppression of the fine crystals, and rushed towards the imprint of the dummy that had just been swallowed, fiercely tearing off part of the power from the imprint of the dummy.

Naturally, the dummy imprint refused to sit still, and crazily ran towards the Capricorn imprint.

A war invisible to the naked eye broke out in Yanluge's body.

Feedback to him was wave after wave of pain, as well as strange and changeable pollution power.

Yan Luge was completely confused by this situation.

He didn't know that two alien imprints would fight in his body.

But now he has no way to stop this war.

The tiny crystals he condensed with "life mimicry" are only the weakest of the three forces, and there is no way to suppress the two rampant alien marks at the same time.

can only be endured passively.

— Hurry up, must go faster.

 Thanks to the book friend "20161231181128441" for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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