The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 213 Come, hurt each other! 3

Chapter 213 Come, hurt each other! 3
The curse continues.

If it is an ordinary pollutant or alien species, it will die if it is injured by such extraordinary power, but the pseudo-human alien species is different.

It is itself a stitch monster.

Merely blowing it up just separates the broken limbs that made up the giant's body into more scattered limbs, but it cannot kill it completely.

To kill it completely, it is necessary to carefully obliterate every screaming stump and smash every part that belongs to the pseudo-human alien species-this is not an easy thing to do.

Yan Lvge naturally understood this.

So before his body reached the limit of dying, he activated another ability.

The extraordinary ability of the specialization route, "schizophrenia".

"Split" belongs to the extraordinary ability of the "Crazy Performer" profession. Its function is just like its name, but the activation conditions are relatively strict, and direct physical contact is necessary.

After being promoted to two stars, this ability can even distort and affect the enemy's thinking, and generate a personality out of thin air, for example, turning a big man's personality into a crying little girl.

It's just that this ability is generally only useful for Transcendents, and has no effect on pollutants - because they are the product of chaos.

But when Yanluge used it on the pseudo-human alien, it had an unexpected effect.

The stumps and broken arms that exploded from the dummy alien screamed and squirmed back to the main body, but just as they came together, the voice of "Wang Danian" suddenly came from some of the stumps.

A remnant of the man's personality whispered, "I'm dead, yes, I'm dead, I know I'm dead.

"But why am I alive? No, no, I'm not alive, I'm not alive.

"Not alive, but not dead. So, what am I? What am I?"

A head embedded in a pseudo-human alien raised its head slightly, and looked at Yan Lige. There was pain and helplessness in the eyes, but there was no frenzy in the eyes.

The personality of Wang Danian, who realized that he was dead and "suicide" before "life", once again realized his own death.

Like other suicidal personalities.

"Monster! Go to hell! Let me go to hell!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt you—let me die!"


Headed by "Wang Danian", those avatars who had "suicided" once clamored and exploded.

The entire pseudo-human variant exploded into pieces again from the inside out, irresistibly.

Yan Luge was thrown away in the previous explosion, and at this moment he stood up again, looking at the shattered pseudo-human not far away.

He found that the death curse on his body had stopped.

The heart beats again, the blood begins to flow again, and the dead muscles are slowly rejuvenating.

Yan Luge looked at the frenzied pseudo-human alien, and smiled: "Oh, it seems that I guessed right.

"You are a collection of broken personalities of many polluters. For a 'stitch monster' like you, your self-will is messy and broken.

"The so-called 'speaking a sentence three times' is just an appearance. The premise of your real ability activation should be the instantaneous unity of chaotic consciousness-this feature is manifested, which is the verbal spirit of repeated descriptions.

"The ability of 'schizophrenia' induces those personalities in your body that have committed suicide once, and makes them commit suicide again, making your consciousness unable to be unified, and the ability to speak spirit will naturally fail."

Battles on the extraordinary battlefield are not won by sheer strength.

Sometimes, as long as you grasp the most essential thing of power and find a certain breakthrough point, you will turn defeat into victory.

The system is right.

Convincing the virtual personalities left in the world to commit suicide is the best way to deal with the pseudo-human aliens—it is also the only way for Yan Lige to defeat the pseudo-human aliens.

Therefore, no matter what, it has to let Yan Lvge complete the task of "convincing Wang Danian".

Yan Luge didn't figure this out until the appearance of the pseudo-human variant—fortunately, it was not too late.

When the pseudo-human alien was hit hard by the second explosion, Yan Lvge rushed up again.

At this moment, he has already lifted the dilapidated half-dragon form and returned to his previous appearance, but he still doesn't look like a human with the thick and powerful scarlet tentacles waving behind his back.

At this moment, the upper body of the pseudo-human alien has been completely blown to pieces, and its own consciousness cannot be unified, and it is impossible to organize effective resistance at all. It is like an ordinary person, entangled by tentacles.

The ferocious and tyrannical tentacle monster wrapped around the legs of the dummy xenomorph, tightening them tightly.

Yanluge repeated its old tricks, all kinds of extraordinary abilities erupted together, and mercilessly began to split and tear its limbs apart.

Probably aware of their dead end, the pseudo-human aliens no longer try to unify their consciousness.

It actually split apart on its own, turning into countless broken limbs that could move on their own.

After the stumps and broken arms fell to the ground, they turned into pollutants composed of blood-colored meridians again. Some of them rushed towards him, while the other part tried to escape in a panic.

"Ha, do you want to run away?" Yan Luge narrowed his eyes.

If you want to completely destroy the pseudo-human variant, you must destroy every stump, every cell, and every virtual personality that makes up it.

Let any one of the pollutants escape, it may cause the pollution to spread again, forming a new pseudo-human variant.

“Miajnigis min esti homo.”

“Miajnigis min esti homo.”


"What are you reading! It's so noisy!"

Yanluge activated a supernatural ability.

Specialized route ability, "Metal Manipulation".

An invisible force field was released, and the metal from all around, from the ground, and from the wreckage of the building responded to his call, and instantly transformed into sharp metal spikes, piercing from all directions, piercing those who tried to The body of the escaping pollutants.

As the last pollutant in sight was killed, the ruins fell silent again.

Only the whistling sound was left when the wind blew through the gaps in the ruins.

The bruised and bruised boy stood there for a long time.

After a long time, Yan Luge blinked his eyes: "It's over?"

But after speaking, he quickly denied the previous statement: "No, not yet.

"The system did not prompt the news of the death of the pseudohuman alien, and the related imprint of the alien did not emerge.

"Not only that, the system didn't even announce the end of the stage mission 'Battle'.

"That means, I haven't left the battle yet... I haven't really killed the aggregate monster I made."

Yan Luge blinked and looked around.

Looking around, there are ruins everywhere, as well as the corpses of pollutants killed by him.

"So, is there a fish that slipped through the net?"

Yan Lvge patrolled around slowly, but found no moving pollutants.

"Where is it hidden?"

He couldn't find his enemy, but the warning signs in Yan Luge's heart slowly rose.

"Heh, it's really well hidden..."

Just when Yan Luge was about to restart a system task to search for the traces of the pseudohumans, his movements suddenly stopped.

An unbearable severe pain suddenly erupted from the depths of the soul, from the limbs to the torso.

"I see……"

Yan Luge lowered his head and looked at his hands and body.

Because of the close contact with the alien species during the battle, there were many traces of pollution on his body.

The most serious thing should be the arms pierced into the body of the pseudo-human alien, which has been severely eroded by the pollution force.In addition, wherever the blood of the alien species touched, there were traces of pollution and distortion.

This erosion happens from the inside out.

Just like those pollutants that only left gray-white skin and blood vessels, he is becoming a similar appearance.

Yanlvge could feel... the muscles, bones, and internal organs under his skin were being slowly and cruelly dissolved as if they had been immersed in strong acid.

The pseudo-human alien is waking up from inside his body.

"I see……

"Pseudohuman alien, you are a monster parasitic in the pollution force.

"As long as the pollution power spreading from you is not eradicated, you will not die.

"And I was tainted by your power in previous battles.

"So, even I became a part of you."

 What about the monthly pass?Give me another monthly pass!
  Every month, if the monthly pass exceeds [-], you will be able to draw a lottery. I want to draw a lottery!
(End of this chapter)

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