The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 172 He Is Only Him, He Is Only God 3

Chapter 172 He Is Only Him, He Is Only God 3
Located at the junction of Rong Province and Xu Province, the Northwest Base in the Northwest Wasteland is a sub-base specially set up by the No. 101 Command to study pollutants.

The Northwest Wilderness was originally a nuclear weapon test site under the Eighth War Zone of the Armed Forces Division. After the establishment of the No. 101 Command, this place was assigned to Zheng Qingming.

The uninhabited northwest wilderness is an excellent experimental site and isolation area - in case something goes wrong in the experiment, causing pollution to leak, there is also a buffer room.

But at this moment, whether it was luck or misfortune, the place where the god descended happened to be the Northwest Wasteland.

Human beings treat him as an experiment, and he treats humans as ants.

The moment the god Dijiang waved his wings, in the northwest base where the nuclear bomb was fired at him, singing suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

The singing voice is distant, ethereal, graceful, and the music is extremely beautiful, just like the peerless heavenly voice in the empty valley.

"Mi havas..."

But the listeners screamed without any surprise, covered their faces, and rolled on the ground.

Their facial features are distorted, their eyes, ears, mouth and nose are squeezed together by invisible forces, and finally melt, rot, and fall off, leaving only a bloody face.

"...neniun vizaon..."

In the singing, countless rotten wounds were split on their bodies, and blood lines cracked on the skin.

The blood line spreads and expands.

Blood flowed and splashed.

Tick, tick.

“… sed mi bone…”

Their internal organs began to rot.

Muscles, internal organs, and bones quickly rotted and smelt, turning into flowing pus, flowing out from the empty faces, from the cracked wounds on the body surface, and from the corroded and mutated cavities.

In the end, all that remained of their bodies was a piece of blood-red, empty skin, connected with blood vessels and nerves, which looked like jellyfish, but had six legs and four wings. At this moment, they were supporting their bodies and moving slowly. .

“… kantas kaj dancas.”

They become them.

Six thousand and 120 pollutants cheered for the new life and leaped for faith.

They began to sing prayers with a hoarse voice, piously praising the great creator and the only true God in the world: "Mi havas neniun vizaon, sed mi bone kantas kaj dancas."

“Mi havas neniun vizaon…”


The god just flapped its wings, and 120 well-trained soldiers were destroyed instantly, and there was still no peace after death.

This is the difference between mortal things and gods.


But the fall of the Northwest Base is not over yet.

Zheng Qingming, who was thousands of miles away in the sea city, also heard the singing of the gods.

For gods who have mastered space angle technology, distance has never been a problem.

His casual counterattack probably just followed the simple rule of "hit the mosquito wherever it is", so Zheng Qingming, who pressed the "fire" button with his own hands, became one of his counterattack targets without any suspense.

Zheng Qingming curled up, covering his face in pain.

Just like other people who were polluted by Di Jiang's prayer, he could feel that his facial features were distorting and melting.

One eye wriggled and tried to get into the nostril, the other eye was inflating like a balloon, and the mouth tore apart the muscle bundle of the cheek, splitting to the root of the ear, as if trying to bite and swallow an ear...

His body was also stabbed in pain, as if countless wounds had opened, and what flowed out of the wounds was not only blood, but also rotten, mud-like muscle tissue...

What's even more frightening is that despite suffering inhuman pain, his heart is joyful.

He wants to sing a song for his god, dance a dance for his god, serve his god forever, and tell the gentleness and greatness of the god to the creatures all over the world.

No!Can't go on like this!

Zheng Qingming suddenly realized—his spirit was being polluted and mutated!

He can't die here!Die here with such a twisted posture!
Zheng Qingming suddenly burst out with a strong desire to survive, endured the pain, stumbled to his desk, and groped for the small safe under his desk with his right hand.

Password... via...

Fingerprinting… via…

The safe in the drawer was opened silently, revealing a potion of spiritual power placed on a fixed shelf.

Command No. 101, as the first supernatural organization in contact with the Blackstone Research Institute, purchased spiritual power potions worth more than 2000 million yuan from the research institute—this was also because of the purchase restriction.

Some of these spiritual potions were consumed in the experiment, and some were used for research and analysis. In addition, Zheng Qingming kept one and put it in the office.

Now this spirit potion has become his life-saving straw.

Spirit potions can remove pollution.

Zheng Qingming clenched his teeth tightly, his vision was blurry and flickering, his thoughts were frantic and chaotic, just relying on memory and feeling, he opened the sealing plug at one end with trembling hands, and stabbed it hard in his chest.

The needle tip pierced the human body, activating the automatic injection device on the glass tube, and the released pressure pushed the spiritual potion with liquid properties, pushing it into the body.

The emerald green void liquid appeared under Zheng Qingming's skin, then gradually disappeared and spread, and suddenly bumped into the pollution power that had been soaked in his body.

Two diametrically opposite forces clashed in his body, as if he used his body as a battlefield.

Every muscle, every nerve, every drop of blood was trembling, as if it was about to burn.

More severe pain hit, Zheng Qingming fell to his knees on the ground, a suppressed wailing leaked out from the distorted facial features.

On the edge of life and death, between hope and despair, between reason and madness, his soul screamed unwillingly.

Somewhere, a supreme spiritual being heard and responded to all this.

The extraordinary door burst open.

The invisible and intangible spiritual power completely diffused, responding to his strongest desire at the moment, attached to his will, interfered with the rules, reversed reality, and endowed this ordinary creature with extraordinary power.

A silver-white spiritual flame ignited on Zheng Qingming's body.

Zheng Qingming felt that the changes in his body and spirit stopped, and the pollution was suppressed.

But the part that has mutated has not been eliminated.

His will was still on the verge of frenzy, he stretched out his hand to touch his face, he could still feel that his facial features were not in their original positions, and when he lowered his head, he could also use the eye that was almost drilled into his nostril to see The skin on his body was cracked like a thousand cuts, and dirty gray-black pus still remained in the wound.

Heavy pollution like this is hard to get rid of requires a lot of spiritual potions...

Zheng Qingming stood up with difficulty, leaning on the window sill, and stood up unsteadily.

Only now did he see the scene outside the window - the broken corpses all over the ground and the wandering blood-red pollutants.


All are polluted.

The gods found him, but his prayers spread across a wide area, just like when humans killed the mosquito that bit them, they never cared whether there were other innocent mosquitoes under their palms.

At that moment, almost everyone in the Haicheng headquarters heard the singing of the god Dijiang.

And most people didn't have the good luck of Zheng Qingming, so they all died and turned into them, monsters who could only sing praises to gods.

No matter if it is an agent, a guard, a researcher, or a chef, a driver, or a cleaner, they cannot resist, nor can they escape this bad luck—just like the Northwest Base that was wiped out in an instant.

Their temptations succeeded, but also failed.

They succeeded in knowing how the gods would react in the face of surprise attacks.

They also know what kind of irresistible monster gods are to humans.

(End of this chapter)

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