The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 171 He Is Only Him, He Is Only God 2

Chapter 171 He Is Only Him, He Is Only God 2
The singing sound is like a wind chime, like a clear spring, like a Yaoqin.

Very light, but extremely penetrating.

The birds in the sky, the beasts on the ground, the insects in the soil, countless or huge or tiny creatures, at that moment, all heard His prayer.

They are suffering, twisting, and changing.

A skinny old wolf rolled and struggled on the ground, its head and face twisted into a ball, and its body was constantly bursting with rotten wounds.

After a while, it suddenly stopped moving.

Its internal organs turned into stinky lumps of meat, its lower body fell out, the bones were squeezed out of the gap in the twisted head without eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the muscles turned into dirty pus and flowed out of the ruptured wounds. .

In the end all that remained of it was skin, a faceless, red, bloodstained skin.

This crimson skin floated up unsteadily, with tiny nerves and blood vessels swaying under the skin, like the wrists of floating jellyfish.

The edges of the leather and the leather swayed and rubbed gently, and issued a hoarse and strange prayer: "Mi havas neniun vizaon, sed mi bone kantas kaj dancas."

Its posture is very much like the god it believes in.

Although it is a filthy pollutant, and he is a noble and immaculate god, it is really like him.

On this land, countless pollutants polluted by the Dijiang River are floating up, and in a blink of an eye, there are countless blood-red ghosts on the wasteland, worshiping, praying, and singing devoutly to the gorgeous god in the sky.

But the god Dijiang seemed to be ignorant of all this.

Or maybe, he saw it, but he never cared.

They enshrine his only belief in this life, but he never puts the fallen and corrupted things in his eyes in his eyes.

Love Him, respect Him, serve Him, or resent Him, hate Him, or hate Him, it makes no difference to Him.

Suddenly, the god Di Jiang slightly raised his ribbon-like tentacles.

The black sensory organs at the end of the tentacles turned in one direction.

In the distance, some small black spots are rapidly approaching and getting bigger.

Those were cylindrical steel objects painted in army green, with flame jets at their ends, and the powerful driving force pushed them to approach at a speed of four times the speed of sound, flying towards him.

It flies very fast, but it's not a living creature, it's not a living thing, and there's no trace of an artificial mind, so it doesn't have any spiritual power attached to it.

In the eyes of the god Dijiang, it is no different from a stone thrown by a monkey.

So He stretched out the tentacles like streamers, and lightly and deftly grabbed the T-401 long-range missile loaded with nuclear warheads, but no matter how much the latter's tail flame sprayed, it couldn't move an inch.

There weren't too many fancy movements, and he didn't use any supernatural power. He just simply and gently stretched out his tentacles and entangled the missiles, that's all.

Like a man waving his hand casually, and accurately pinching a bullet aimed at his temple.

The size of the god Dijiang is not too big, at least not huge among the gods.

The length from the top umbrella to the end tentacles is about 25 meters, which is 401 times as long as the T-1.5 long-range missile.

He held the nuclear warhead like a three-year-old holding a pile of giant candy half the size of his body.

He lowered his four wings to wrap around it, and gently touched the shell of the missile with the black sensory organs at the end of his arms and feet, as if he was a little curious.



The nuclear warhead loaded on the T-401 long-range missile exploded.

As the strongest strategic weapon of mankind, it is powerful enough to level an entire city.

Now, held in the arms of the god Di Jiang, it exploded.

Such a violent explosion should have caused a mushroom cloud to rise into the sky.

But the god Dijiang was holding it, and even lowered his four wings, wrapping it in his body.

So the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion seemed to overlap with the jellyfish-shaped god, and was completely caged inside the umbrella-shaped body.

The high temperature, high pressure, and shock wave generated at that moment all fell into his body exactly.

Just like a grenade that could blow out a crater, if it is forced to be sealed in a small airtight box and blown up, the explosion power generated inside the box will only be stronger, bigger, and more violent.

But in other words, if it was replaced with a less strong box, the box itself would have been blown to pieces.

And the god Dijiang happens to be a "very strong box".

Those seemingly soft and smooth umbrellas and tentacles are actually stronger than human imagination.

Instead of being blasted to pieces, he swallowed the explosion perfectly.

This explosion without supernatural power can't really kill the god, but it doesn't mean it has no effect on the god.

Just like ordinary bullets can penetrate the body of pollutants and temporarily stop their actions, the power generated by this explosion burns, tears, and wreaks havoc in the body of the god Dijiang.

For a brief moment, he was even blown into a daze, losing the ability to maintain the "illusion".

The god Di Jiang, who lost his "illusion", reveals his true form - a giant red jellyfish that is rotting and riddled with holes.

However, in the next second, after swallowing all the energy generated by the explosions, Di Jiang returned to his original beautiful and graceful appearance. From the outside, he seemed to be unscathed, and it was impossible to see that he had suffered a series of violent explosions. .

But he did suffer.

He was also slightly injured—although it was an injury that healed in an instant.

He was a little angry.

He began to decipher the messages carried in the nuclear weapons.

In an instant, through tracing the source of the information, he knew what it was, and also knew all the creatures who had come into contact with the nuclear bomb, including the raw material miners, manufacturers, launchers, etc.—these were all the culprits.

He is a god, and all things have no secrets before the gods.

Dijiang spread his four wings, and his thin, crystal-clear wings vibrated like a dragonfly, sending out the singing voice with special power to the distance.

"Mi havas..."

"...neniun vizaon..."

“… sed mi bone…”

“… kantas kaj dancas.”

Just like when an ordinary person is suddenly bitten by a mosquito and sucked a little blood, that person will subconsciously slap and slap to death the mosquito that dared to bite him. He spread his wings and patted them back.

He was a little angry, but not too angry.

The matter of being bitten by a mosquito is too small, far from making him angry, at best it can only make him slightly dissatisfied.

And His counterattack was like a human instinctively waving his hand after being bitten by a mosquito.

And after flapping his wings lightly this time, the figure of the god Di Jiang disappeared suddenly.

The time limit for him to stay in the main space has come.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but this time, the god stayed for 68 seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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