The Regressed Game Director Is Too Competent

Chapter 55

The Live Studio located in the Enson Korea Main Building.

Currently, the place was bustling in anticipation of the upcoming live broadcast.

Sitting in the position facing the camera, I was skimming through the script while the voices of staff members conducting the final checks surrounded me.

“Hey, hey! Check the angle of camera number 2! Didn’t you hear me say to turn off the two side lights?”

“Confirm the admin accounts and open up the chat room as there are only 5 minutes left.”

Listening to the distant voice of an employee, I glanced at my laptop screen where the broadcast waiting screen appeared.

Among the various pieces of information displayed on the screen, the first thing that caught my eye was the number of viewers.

Even though it was a weekday afternoon, over 2,000 viewers had already tuned in, and the number was rapidly increasing in real-time.

Meanwhile, the chat window opened, and as I was monitoring the messages typed by incoming viewers, I quickly noticed an issue.

“The chat speed is too fast…?”

It seemed that the community users actively engaging in chat, paired with the fast-growing number of viewers, made it impossible to keep up with the scroll speed of the chat window.

It got to the point where it was nearly impossible to read what was being typed.

Attempting to read the chat, I eventually gave up and had to call a studio staff member to activate the slow mode, limiting users to type only once per minute.

With the chat speed finally under control, I glanced at the time, noting that there were about 2 minutes left until the broadcast started.

After one last review of the script, there was only 1 minute left, quickly counting down in seconds.

30 seconds, 20 seconds, 10 seconds…

When only about 5 seconds remained, I adjusted my expression in response to the signal from the studio staff member standing behind the camera.

As the countdown hit zero, and the waiting screen transitioned to a camera view of me, I turned towards the front camera and spoke.

“Hello everyone, this is Jihojin, the director of Reverse Arcadia.”

-Open the gates!!!!

-Let’s go!!!Let’s go!!!Let’s go!!!Let’s go!!!

-Wow, this is the first time I’m seeing you in real life ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ


-Bright Ho-jin

As I greeted the commanders, a flood of chat messages poured in, resonating with the enthusiasm.

Their lively responses and the reality of the situation drew an involuntary smile.

“Today is the first time we’ve met via Live broadcast. Some of you may be worried about why the live broadcast is happening, but there’s no need to worry — nothing overly serious is planned.”

-Phew, that’s a relief~

-Is this Ho-jin’s broadcast?ww

-I thought something went wrong when I heard about this sudden live broadcast

-So many Korean wordsww

“First of all, I sincerely thank all of you who have shown so much love for our game. This was the first message I wanted to say by opening this live broadcast.”



-Giant Ho-jin

-Ho-jin Lord!!!!

-Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!

Setting aside the enthusiastic chat messages, I continued my speech.

“Also, the reason for today’s broadcast is, as you may have guessed… Recently, there has been some controversy surrounding our drop rates, and I wanted to discuss that.”

As I brought up the hottest issue in the current mobile gaming industry, the chat window began to stir.

The users watching the broadcast would never have expected me to bring up the topic so directly.

“To be honest, I was quite surprised by the experiment some Japanese users conducted, using 2,500 consecutive pulls to study our game’s gacha probabilities. Let me once again thank them for their efforts.”

After briefly bowing to the camera, I continued.

“However, because some people feel the experiment’s results are not reliable or lack sufficient sample size, we have prepared additional data.”

After finishing my explanation, I activated the beam projector using a remote control I had prepared in advance.

A statistical graph appeared on one side of the wall.

“This is a statistical graph summarizing all the samples from the current pickup event featuring Henrietta in Reverse Arcadia.”

-Wow, wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

-Did I see that right? The sample size is 250,000? Lol

-Honestly, Henrietta’s quality was insane lol


-The stats seem similar to what the Japanese users got?

“Comparing our statistical graph to the one shared by Japanese users, you will be able to see there’s not much difference.”

After a deliberate pause to allow viewers time to compare the graphs, I resumed my talk.

“Regarding your concerns about the recent probability manipulation controversy, I fully understand your feelings. However, users of our game need not worry.”

-Cry wow wow wow wow wow wow

-I trusted you, Bright Ho-jin wow wow wow

-Eliminate the toxic scammers and fakers!

-I trust you, Bright Mentorㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

The overwhelmingly positive chat responses were different from before the reset.

Seeing all this made me feel the sense of time had passed.

“Oh, and during the probability verification process, some of you found something interesting, right?”

-Finally here we go wwww

-Why on earth did you hide such a generous system?

-Is it true there’s a ceiling cap?

-Are we confirming this officially now? wow wow wow wow w

“To cut straight to the chase, yes, we do have an unofficial ceiling system in place. I’ll explain this in detail now.”

I pressed a button on the remote control I was holding, changing the screen, and began explaining the ceiling system.

Of course, even though it was already known, it was crucial to explain it to anyone who might not be aware and because it all fit into the larger plans I was creating.

However, due to the complexity of the system, the chat window was quickly filled with both those who understood and those who didn’t, mixing Korean and Japanese comments for a chaotic atmosphere.

“Though I’ve explained it, it is somewhat complex, isn’t it?”

-rlg Yeah, it’s too complicated.

-Adding an official cap like in Girls’ Memorial would have been better.

-Was something added?

-wow wow wow wow wow

“To aid your understanding, we’ve decided to revamp and officially implement the ceiling system.”

Pressing the remote control once more, the screen changed.

Displayed there were the details of the revamped ceiling system.

“Firstly, the 3-star probability mechanism itself will remain unchanged for the benefit of our users, but we’ll add an on-screen display showing the number of stacks remaining until the ceiling is reached.”


-This is truly a godly patch

-When you think about 3-star rarities showing up before hitting the ceiling, raising the odds is indeed more advantageous.

-Bright Ho-jin

“Secondly, the hard pull prevention ceiling being set at 200 consecutive pulls or 2,000 tickets was deemed too harsh from our users’ perspective, so we’ll be revising this to 150 consecutive pulls.”

-Not only preventing hard pulls but also reducing it?

-The Light…

-How on earth can you give so much away? Lol lol lol lol

-This is really a big one, mch

-Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!Bright Ho-jin!

My remarks created a surge of responses in the chat.

Even though it was impossible to hear them, it felt like I could hear cheers from the chat.


The first step went smoothly, and the rest of the broadcast proceeded with a warm and positive atmosphere.

Questions about in-game storylines, goods introductions, and hidden character easter eggs were discussed.

Before I knew it, it was time to wrap up the broadcast.

“Well, Commanders, did you enjoy today’s show? The time has flown by.”


-Wow, two hours have passed lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

-How does the time go by so fast wow wow wow wow

-Don’t go Bright Ho-jinㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

“I’d love to continue the broadcast, but the studio schedule won’t allow it… Instead, for our disappointed viewers, I’ve prepared a gift.”

The mention of a gift made the chat buzz.

Smiling at this reaction, I pulled out two roulette wheels from underneath the table.

“And now, the much-awaited roulette time!”

At the mention of “roulette,” cheers erupted in the chat window.

“The rules are the same as during the opening video roulette, so I won’t need to explain them, right?”

Seeing the chat agree unanimously with my question, I nodded.

“Then, let’s start immediately. Three, two, one!”

Counting down to three, I gave the roulette a hearty spin.

The “bing” sound accompanied the fast-spinning roulette wheel.

The speed gradually slowed down, and finally, the wheel stopped on a core enhancement material, which was right next to a 10-roll gacha ticket.

Though normally a rare reward, it was met with sighs this time because the 10-roll gacha ticket was so close.

“Though it’s a bit disappointing that we didn’t hit the 10-roll gacha ticket right next to it, I think this is still not a bad reward. Shall we move on to the next roulette?”


-Yeah, this is the last chance


-I trust Bright Ho-jin wow wow wow wow wow wow

“I’ll count down again. Three, two, one…”

Once more, the roulette spun with a “bing” sound.

Spinning vigorously, the roulette gradually slowed down, finally stopping.

“Let’s see… it’s x3.”


-Ha, wouldn’t hitting that slot be worse? lol lol lol

-Too far away to manipulate it, I guess lol

-Ahhh, dammit

The chat was filled with disappointment since the roulette had landed on “x3,” right across from “ALL.”

Even if it had been the slot next to “ALL,” there might have been a chance Ho-jin could’ve nudged it, but with “x3” directly opposite, there was no hope.

Seeing the disappointed chat’s mood, I subtly inserted my hand into my trouser pocket.

There was a piece of cardboard.

I retrieved a piece of cardboard with the same shape as a roulette slot, and I stuck it on top of the “x3” slot.

Of course, written on this cardboard was “ALL.”

Tanaka told me not to rig it, but since this method was different from last time, it should be allowed, right?

“Congratulations to the commanders who landed on ALL this time!”


[Nickname: Bright Ho-jin]

[Title: Testing the People’s Hearts Here]

[Photo of Director Jihojin with a glowing aura behind]


[Comment List][Registered Order]

-God God God

-The One

-God Ho-jin

-Shout Bright Ho-jin!!!!!!!

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