The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 256 Natural Danger

The task of envoy to the crocodile tribe finally fell on Brann, but the reason was not that he was better suited to escape than Kellman, but that he was proficient in the ancient Andes Empire language.

Compared with the Andes people, the crocodile people who have been in an absolutely closed environment for a long time have relatively complete preservation of the customs and culture of the ancient Andes Empire, especially in terms of language, which still has 70 to 80% of the ancient Andes Empire language. At most, some slang words of the nation have been added. If you use the pure ancient Andes Empire language, you can barely communicate.

This reason makes Kellman very sad, because this is what his teacher Mr. Lan Xili is best at. When he was studying with him, he thought this language was the past tense. It was not very useful except for archaeology, and he didn’t work hard at all. Serving in the Yongye Army for these years, he has long since been thrown to Java.

On the contrary, Bron's family has a long history of learning, and he has learned a lot, and the amazing memory of the warlock makes it difficult for him to forget it after learning it. Now it is actually useful.

It can only be said that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

For the situation in front of him, Brann was fully prepared mentally, with a decent smile on his face all the time, turning a blind eye to those eyes that were either angry, surprised, or disbelieving. Outstanding.

At this moment, his heart was filled with pride, and he seemed to have a condescending sense of looking down.

This sense of overlooking does not stem from a sense of racial superiority, but from the rolling at the strategic level.

Back then, the top executives of the Yongye Army might have felt the same way about the Walled City Alliance.

At this moment, Bran felt a little lucky again, thankful that his father, Ben Hebrew, and himself took a detour, and finally joined this thriving group.

The reaction of the crocodile tribe, to the leader of the Yongye army, it is a bit arrogant to say that it is irrelevant, but it does not affect the overall situation.

Compared to their strength, the conditions given by the Yongye army leader are good enough.

After the crocodile tribe joins the Yongye army leader, they will treat them equally, not empty talk, but a real plan to do so.

Because the Andis people are a small race, if they are tied up by the narrow racial vision, it will only hinder their development.

The cornerstone of their development is the inclusiveness of all people, not to mention the crocodile family three hundred years ago. The leader of the Yongye army has a welcoming attitude towards the Odin orcs, not that the bull Eli Kesen, but those Odin orc tribes on the Kogel grassland outside the northern fortress.

In the past few years, the Yongye army leader has selectively absorbed some Odin orc retail investors with relatively poor tribal concepts to herd for himself. Now the scale has reached three to four thousand people, which is on top of a medium-sized Odin orc tribe. .

Although this patchwork tribe is mostly old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children, it is a good start. When those children grow up, they will receive training and education from the leader of the Yongye army. Who dares to say that they are not from the leader of the Yongye army? people?

For a thriving new force, it has enough time and patience to do one thing.

Of course, this premise is carried out under the deployment of the Yong Ye Army Commander.

At that time, these tribes of the crocodile people will have to be broken up, mixed with the Andes people, and accepted and transformed by the new thinking of the leader of the Yongye army.

These are funeral matters, so Bran naturally wouldn't foolishly mention them here.

After a short period of silence, the entire council of elders exploded, and everyone couldn't help discussing this issue further with the people around them.

He just said that the current situation in our Desperate Swamp is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. They Andis did it? They cut off the source of our mother river?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. The mother river has nurtured us for so many years, how could it be broken if it is broken? Where did the Andes people have such great skills? He must be trying to confuse people, yes, definitely You are trying to confuse people!

But listening to his words, there is indeed some truth. The flow of the mother river has indeed decreased, and the decrease is not just a little bit. If it continues like this, it is not impossible to wither.

When you said that, I remembered. I have seen similar records in the ancient books of my ancestors, but the situation is the opposite. Because of the war, the ancient Andes Empire activated secret weapons and died with the main force of the rebels. The mountain range was blown up, the Jacob River was blocked, and the mother river was flooded, so there is the current Swamp of Despair.

I seem to have read similar inscriptions.

I've seen it too.

I've seen it too.

This legend has been around for a long time. Maybe the other party is just because they have heard similar legends and watched the changes in our Despair Swamp, and used it to fool us?

It is indeed possible. There are never any bold liars these days.

Due to too many and chaotic discussions, Bran couldn't hear clearly, but it didn't prevent him from being able to guess what the other party was talking about. It was nothing more than questioning the credibility of this matter.

After waiting for five or six minutes, they had almost digested the shocking news, before Bran continued: I know that the elders have doubts about this information, after all, it involves too much, but it is very simple to verify it. Seeing is believing, as long as you go upstream along the Donau River, it only takes two days to enter the Andes inland lake, and then turn to the Jacob River, and go down the river, you can reach Manyujun in one day. Leader, as long as you walk around, you can verify whether what I said is true or not.

I didn't see how Bran was putting on airs, but the sound he made was like a dragon's roar and a lion's roar, which easily overwhelmed the discussions of hundreds of people and reached everyone's ears.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously shocked by his hand.

However, there are also some people who know the goods in the council of elders, and they saw through Brann's tricks in an instant, and said with a sneer: Don't be surprised, everyone, this is just a kind of use of spells. A small skill, as long as you control the power of spells To a certain extent, it can be done.”

When it came to the last few sentences, the situation of this crocodile elder was very similar to that of Bran. His voice suppressed the audience. Although it was a little unstable, some of his words were clear, and some of his voice was muddy.

But given that the other party is learning and selling now, it can be considered quite powerful.

Control level warlock.

This hand manipulates the sound through the power of magic to achieve the purpose of sound amplification.

There is still a certain threshold. When learning this move, Bran, who was at the peak of the secret language level, spent nearly an hour. The other party was able to learn it just by saying a few words. It must be the superb control of the power of the spell Only at the control level can it be done.

Speaking of the originator of this hand, it is still his own commander, Sean.

Sean's magic power is not the most powerful among the warlocks that Bran has seen, but his use of magic power, especially the unimaginable use in life, is the first one he knows among warlocks .

The principle of such an inconspicuous little technique is very simple, but no warlock has ever thought of studying it.

Few warlocks seem to do such things as using their own magical power to fetch a water cup from a distance. After all, in their eyes, magical power is precious.

But Sean's concept seems to be correct. Spell power is a renewable resource. Isn't it a waste if you don't use it every day?

Applying the power of magic to one's own life is also a kind of exercise for one's own control ability.

Bran's thinking was a little distracted, but he remembered the elder's face immediately.

There is no lack of strong people in any race, and the crocodile tribe is no exception. Among these elders, he has already noticed five or six strong auras, but most of them are deliberately restrained, and there are too many people. If the other party does not attract his attention , it is really hard to tell.

Speaking lightly, the Andis Mountain is a territory controlled by you. Who knows what evil intentions you have hidden. It was still the elder master warlock who spoke. After revealing his strength, he did not try to hide it.

This elder is worrying too much. You can choose to go as representatives, and I can stay here as a hostage until the results come out. Bran replied with a smile, This is a big matter that concerns the survival of your race. Don’t you even want to take this little risk? If that’s the case, then there’s nothing I can do.”

What Bran said caused the elders of the crocodile tribe to whisper to each other again.

This incident does not seem to be entirely a bad thing. At least it allows us to find the cause of the environmental change. Whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, only by finding the symptoms can we find a more appropriate solution.

For the sake of our ethnic group, this risk must be taken. This is our responsibility as elders. If we are sure to go, count me in. I want to see how big this Yong Ye army leader is, and how big he is. Tone, if it is really their trap, I am eighty-three this year, and I am not considered a premature death. I only hope that you will take care of my ineffective descendants for the sake of taking risks for the entire crocodile tribe. They lasted for a long time, at least I didn't walk with my front foot, and my back foot was eaten by someone.

Brother, don't worry, no matter how greedy we people are, there is a bottom line. If we all do the kind of things that tear down the stage behind the scenes, who is willing to stand up for our crocodile tribe? At that time, we will not be far away from the death of the race. Alright, count me in then.

Count me in.

Compared to the last time, the Council of Elders quickly reached a consensus and decided to send a few elders to the Eternal Night Army to find out.

However, the real reason that prompted them to make this decision was the catastrophe caused by the change in the Swamp of Despair, not Brann's proposal to ask them to join the Eternal Night Army Leader.

Up to now, I am afraid that none of the elders have considered this issue. After all, most people have not yet formed a concept of the Yongye Army Leader.

A force that doesn't even know its size, but with empty teeth, let them join their families. If they dare to nod, then they are really out of their minds.

In this regard, not only Brann was prepared, but also the leader of the Yongye army. Inviting people from the Crocodile tribe to the leader of the Yongye army was not only to verify the authenticity of what he said, but also to let the leader of the Yongye army show himself .

These elders of the crocodile tribe are quite high-minded, and more than one-third of them went to the Yongye army voluntarily.

However, it was obviously unrealistic for so many people to go at the same time. After another round of selection and screening, ten respected elders were elected to represent the crocodile tribe.

Just when the council of elders was finalizing, Weber, the convener of the council of elders, said, Add me as an extra.

Father! Before anyone could ask a question, Wynde exclaimed instead.

After all, he had already brought back the exact information, so there was absolutely no need for his father to take this risk. Could it be that his father didn't believe the news brought back by his own son?

Some things have to be seen with your own eyes. After all, every decision I make is responsible for my people. There was something in Weber's words, but he meant something else, You have grown up, and you should shoulder your responsibility. If I don't come back, you will be the new patriarch of Losangel.

Father. This sound had a completely different meaning from the previous one. Others didn't understand what Weber said, but Wynde did.

The other elders mainly wanted to confirm the root cause of the change in the world, but his father wanted to see the situation of the Yongye army leader. After all, no matter whether it is a friend or an enemy, if you fully understand each other, there will be no mistakes.

The elders meeting that was halfway through could only be stopped halfway, and it could not continue until the seven-day tour of the eleven elders to the Yongye Army Commander was over.

However, these eleven elders did not set off immediately, but took a fast boat back to their own group to arrange their own funeral affairs. They treated the trip to the Eternal Night Army as a must-death journey.

How could their ethnic group not pay attention to it, each of them was fully armed, and followed them back to Losangel in mighty strength.

A week and a half later, when eleven crocodile tribe elders boarded to lead the ship to the Eternal Night Army, thousands of warships had already gathered on the Danube River.

The warships of the crocodile people are generally relatively small, and the large ones are no more than ten meters long, and can only carry twenty fighters, while the small ones can only hold seven or eight soldiers.

Not only to adapt to the complex water environment of the Despair Swamp, but also because the trees in the Despair Swamp do not lack water, grow faster, and the wood is soft, so they cannot be used as large boats.

In addition to the hundreds of warships of Losander, there are nearly 30,000 troops in a mighty force, following behind the eleven elders, they went upstream and pressed against the Andes Mountains. If they dared to embarrass their elders, they rushed directly into the inland lake of Andis.

But when they arrived at the source of the Donau River, they were a little dumbfounded.

In front of them is a natural danger - a ray of sky on the river.

On both sides of the Donau River are towering mountains, as if they had been slashed by someone, forming a waterway that is only 40 to 50 meters wide but four to five kilometers deep. Impossible to break in instantly.

What's more, at the mouth of this dangerous valley, there is already a huge ship with a unique shape blocking it, which is the Panshi led by the Yongye Army.

Compared with this three-to-four-story building and tens of meters long behemoth, the warships of the Crocodile tribe are just children's toys.

The situation at the headwaters of the Danube, though unexpected, was within reason.

During the normal period of the Donau River, the water is more urgent as it goes up the river, especially in the last ten kilometers, just like gushing, the water situation is very complicated, and no crocodile tribe can go up the river to get here.

Those rivers spewed out from inland lakes with a capacity of 100,000,000 tons, and the water pressure would not be great. Without this unique terrain, the Swamp of Despair might not be the Swamp of Despair, but an out-and-out swamp country.

In fact, the eleven elders of the crocodile tribe have already believed in three or four points, but they have reached the end of the land and cannot admit their cowardice.

What's more, there are many smart people here, holding the same thoughts as Weber, wanting to take the opportunity to find out the bottom line of Yong Ye's army leader.

Guests are here, why don't you come to our boat, the scenery here is even more unique. A tall young man appeared on the bow of the big boat, and said in fluent ancient Andean language, Forgot to introduce myself, I am Sean Don Augustine, the lord of this mountain.

You are the ruler of the Eternal Night Army? Wei Bo was taken aback, not only because the other party was young, but also because the other party was so bold that he dared to come in person, a chill flashed in his eyes, if he could take the opportunity to take him down.

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