The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 255 Weakness is Original Sin

Winede considered his words for a while, and replied cautiously: This information has not been verified, but hearsay. There are various theories, but one thing is certain, there is indeed a new wave in Andis Mountain. The rise of the forces of China, and the source of the reflowing Jacob River is indeed in the Andes Mountains, and the source of the mother river is also in the Andes Mountains, but few people know the specific situation, and the situation there is very closed.

No matter what the Andis said is true or not, one thing is certain, our Desperate Swamp is changing. Once it really returns to the plains, it will become the fattest fat here. Let alone say it It's our old neighbor, the Kingsley family led by Carter Army, who is eyeing us. In fact, before I came back, Buck's old poisonous snake had already attacked the border city of the Swamp of Despair, but the person he sent was a You idiot, Wycliffe and I made a little more fuss about it, and now it's completely messed up, and the Kingsley family shouldn't be able to take advantage of it.

Wyander took a deep breath, and completely revealed what he knew, But the Kingsley family is stepping up to clean up the internal turmoil, and the army is gathering in the direction of the Swamp of Despair. They have long planned to plot the Swamp of Despair. Once they lose In spite of the natural dangers of geography, there is no way to resist them with only one city and one town. We must call all the patriarchs and elders, hold a council of elders, and work together to defend our homeland.

If this is the case, the Kingsley family is not the only one plotting our Swamp of Despair. Weber looked gloomy and pointed.

Although he hasn't gone out to see the world like his son, it doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about the outside world, especially about his old neighbor, the Kingsley family led by Carter Army.

Over the years, they have been intriguing with each other in the border cities to maintain the interests of the crocodile people from being violated.

Wynder is also a smart person, so he understood a little bit, took a breath and said: Father, what do you mean, the Andis people also want to plot the Swamp of Despair?

The opponent's ambitions are even greater. Not only is he planning to plot the Swamp of Despair, but he also wants to eat us crocodiles! Weber looked at the Danube River, his gaze became deeper.

Eating our crocodile people in one bite, the other party is very ambitious. What did they say? Wynder was a young man after all, and he burst into anger when he heard the words.

The argument is similar to yours. It won't take long for the Swamp of Despair to become the place of the Fourth World War that many forces are peeping at. There is no reason for us crocodile people to be spared. He also said that we crocodile people will definitely not be able to resist In the past, in the eyes of the wealthy Byrons, we are just barbarians in the backcountry, and we will not be treated as human beings at all, especially the Kingsley family. If we fall into their hands, we will only become miners. And their Eternal Night Army leader is willing to lend a helping hand. We are the survivors of the ancient Andes Empire with them. We are a family. It’s time to jointly develop a brand new Swamp of Despair and turn it back into the land of fish and rice, that’s pretty much what it means.”

Wei Bo replied blankly, but there was a coldness hidden under the hard expression.

Wynand laughed angrily and said: It's really shameless. I've never seen such a high-sounding statement about the invasion. What's the difference between them and the Kingsley family? It's just blunt. Put a hypocritical mask on your face, the Swamp of Despair is where we have lived for generations, why should we develop it with them? If we refuse? Could it be that they will not enter the Swamp of Despair? Why are we crocodiles joining them? ? Instead of them joining our crocodiles? We develop the Andes Mountains with them, do they agree?

Where is the envoy from the Andes? I would like to meet him now to see what he has to say. Wynder turned around and wanted to go out. Even if the Andes envoy is now Not in Lausander, three days will not go far.

Come back. Weber snarled, I thought you'd become mature after going out for ten years of experience, why are you still acting so impetuous and naive? We are strong enough, let alone the Kingsley family and the leader of the Eternal Night Army, so what if the entire Byron Alliance makes a massive invasion? If we don't have enough strength, what if we are reasonable?

Wynde's raised footsteps froze there, and it took a few seconds before he fell down.

Yes, he is no longer the high-spirited teenager who ran away from home with his companions desperately for his own dreams.

Although the outside world is colorful, it is also extremely cruel, especially as a foreigner, I feel infinite malice in it.

In the final analysis, they are still too weak. If their own race can be as powerful as the Odin orcs outside the Broken Range Mountains, they may have to treat it with a different attitude.

Fortunately, Wynder can also be called weather-beaten, and he is not so easily decadent. Since he has no chance to enjoy the shadow of the powerful ethnic tribe, he will try to let his children and grandchildren enjoy the shadow of his own, and asked: What does father do? Intend?

I'm going to convene a council of elders, let those elders listen to what the Andes said, and see the reactions of the elders before making a plan. It's useless for me to believe it alone. If the elders of other ethnic groups don't believe it It’s useless to refuse to cooperate.” Weber patted Wynder on the shoulder and said, “Fortunately, you are back, not only let father have confidence, but also no longer fight alone. After walking such a long way, you are also tired. , go wash your face, have a good sleep, change your clothes, you’re already home, it’s outrageous to still be wearing outer clothes.”

Understood, father. Wyander bowed his head to express his obedience.

Weber chatted with Wyander for a few more words about his experience of leaving home in the past few years, and then left in a hurry.

Convening the council of elders is an out-and-out big event. Not only do you need to send people to contact the elders of each ethnic group, but you also need to prepare the corresponding venue.

This is a matter of face for the group. If it is too crude, it will spread throughout the Swamp of Despair and become a joke for the entire crocodile group.

Fortunately, they now have Losander Castle, which is absolutely unique among the entire crocodile tribe, and it will earn them a lot of face by then.

But the most important thing is security work.

You must know that the elders invited by the council of elders were the elders of the crocodile tribe in the entire Swamp of Despair.

But the crocodile tribe has never been harmonious and unified. Annexation and hatred between ethnic groups and tribes abound. Even the usual process of holding the council of elders will not go smoothly, and many people will die if they are not careful.

It’s fine if it’s an ordinary guard and follower, but if it’s an elder, it represents the survival of the corresponding ethnic group and tribe, and the ethnic group and tribe that held the elder meeting will also be blamed, and their prestige will be greatly lost. Parliament is up.

Now because of food shortages, the entire Swamp of Despair is full of conflicts. It is really not the best time to hold a council of elders.

But the news brought by the Andean messenger left Weber with no choice. He could disbelieve the other party's words, but he couldn't ignore the changes taking place in the environment of the Desperate Swamp. Now his son confirmed the news even more.

It's not that he hasn't asked himself the question of Wynder's previous question.

If they reject the suggestion of the Andes, will the other party give up the Swamp of Despair?

the answer is negative.

The next time the other party comes, it will not be a messenger, but a mighty army.

The opponent's courtesy first and then soldiers also explained a problem in disguise. The opponent is confident enough that he can eat them even if they are prepared.

Wyander did not give up, he always wanted to meet the Andes envoy from the Andes Mountains, but he never found a chance.

Knowing a son is like a father.

Even though the two hadn't seen each other for ten years, Wei Bo still saw through his little thoughts, and didn't want him to cause trouble when the council of elders was about to convene.

Among the crocodile tribe, Luosangde is an out-and-out large group. They control a territory of nearly 100 kilometers in length and breadth. The envoys will not be the first to find them.

Lausander's reputation has also been quite good in recent decades. No group will refuse their invitation, including those groups that do not deal with them. Not only must they participate, but they must also actively participate.

Because they refused to participate in the council of elders, the organizers would have ulterior motives and put forward some proposals that were extremely unfavorable to them. Once passed, they would die without knowing how.

As for the safety of the elders, there is no need to worry. Not only can the host not hurt them, but he must do his best to protect them.

If an accident happened to them during the council of elders, or there was evidence that it was done by the organizer, it would not be a matter of discredit, but would be attacked by groups.

This is a unique custom formed by the crocodile people for hundreds of years.

In just a few days, Luosangde became very lively. Countless leaders of the crocodile tribe came by boat, and the speed of gathering was beyond imagination.

It's not because of the emphasis on Losange, it's purely because the current of the Nujiang River of Despair has been reduced by 70% to 80%. Now it is as quiet as a lady, and the upstream is very smooth and naturally much faster.

If in the past, if you want to walk through it, you need to pinch it and take a huge risk. Maybe a big wave will come in at any time, and you will be sucked into the water to feed the fish.

The changes in the Swamp of Despair can only be said to have gains and losses, depending on which angle you look at it from.

Patriarch Weber, what is the purpose of convening this council of elders? Could it be that he is going to mediate?

I admit that Patriarch Weber's prestige has been increasing day by day in recent years, but if he wants to mediate, I'm afraid he can't do it. After all, this time is not a man-made disaster, but a natural disaster. You are not fighting for the territory, but for the survival of the clan, unless they can Take out enough food for all the tribes, otherwise it is daydreaming, from what I have observed in the past few days, they are living a tight life, I am afraid there is no extra food to support us.

But it's not a solution to continue this chaos. No matter how intense the fight is, the number of fish in the water will not increase. We fight for half a day. In the end, it's not that the catch has increased, but the population has decreased, so we can barely maintain enough. Stomach, just like what you said just now, the fight between us is not for the sake of territory, but for the food of the tribe, there are many ways to solve it, why should we choose the most wrong one?

It's very reasonable and sounds good, but the question is, where do we go to get the extra food? If there is no more food, it's useless to say that the saliva is dry. What should be beaten is still beaten.

There is not so much food in the Swamp of Despair, but it does not mean that there is no food outside the Swamp of Despair. If you ask me, instead of working hard at home, it is better to go out and grab it. I heard that the Asia Minor Plain is rich in oil, and those lords and nobles are lying on the grain Going to bed, grabbing a few counties at random is enough for us to eat for several years.

It's easy to say, tell me first, which direction is the Asia Minor plain? How are you going to go? Just on two legs? When you get there, you're probably starving to death on the way. And the plain is dominated by war horses. The warriors of our group are not enough to be killed by a cavalry squad. To put it bluntly, if our Despair Swamp is not for the natural danger, our crocodile clan has already become part of others. If you want to rob others, you must first weigh your own weight Only then.

Don't be here to impress others and destroy your own ambition. Are you a member of our crocodile family?

I'm just talking about the facts. What does it have to do with whether I am a crocodile species? If you don't believe me, you can take someone to try it. I will wait and see how miserable you will die then.

Don't say a few words. We are all working together to find a better way out for our people. The Asia Minor Plain is not enough. What about the Huayu Plateau? I heard that there is so much food there that it is used to make wine, and there is an alliance with Byron The fragmentation is severe, even if it is invaded, it is not convenient for other territories to send reinforcements, and the Black family has never been famous for their troops.

It's true that they are not famous for their army, but they have natural dangers just like us. Do you think the continuous mountains are so easy to climb? It's the same problem. Our army starved to death before reaching the ground.

It's also possible that because of the border city, the Kingsley family's new actions there have created a mess there, and the interests of many ethnic groups and tribes have been damaged there. We must find a way to stop it.

The gathered elders couldn't help but talk a lot, guessing why Weber called the elders' council at this time.

After much deliberation, what deserves attention is the food crisis involving the entire Swamp of Despair.

Being able to become an elder of the crocodile tribe may not be the most powerful warrior in the village, but he must be the most wise and intelligent person. He has been in a high position for a long time, and his vision is naturally higher than that of ordinary people. They noticed the unusualness of this sudden change of heaven and earth, and it would be a lie to say that they are not in a hurry.

If there is no council of elders initiated by Lausande this time, it won't take long for some of them to be impatient and initiate a council of elders to find a way to overcome this crisis.

After thinking about it, all he could come up with was to invade other territories to find food.

But the crocodile people are really not good at doing this. Not to mention the combat effectiveness of their soldiers, not to mention the scattered ethnic groups, the rations alone are enough for them to have a headache.

Fish caught in the water accounted for more than half of their food, so they couldn't go to war with a bunch of fish, could they?

The means of transportation they rely on most, boats, are also useless when they leave the Swamp of Despair. At that time, not only horses are inferior to humans, but also infantry. When they go out, they will also deliver food and be hanged and beaten.

These elders are indeed smart people, and they also have their own limitations. They never thought that the situation in the Swamp of Despair was caused by human beings.

When Bran, the chief of staff of the Eternal Night Legion, repeated what he had said to Weber in front of hundreds of crocodile elders, the entire council fell silent.

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