The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 223 Development in progress

The most frightening thing is that those young people have already started making such preparations when there were only tens of thousands of people.

Is it a prophet? Or do you have enough confidence in yourself to be able to do this?

Either way, it's frightening to think about.

Leaving aside Ban Hebrew, who was a little frightened by himself, the cooperation between the Yongye Army and the mountain Kentana barbarians in the mountainous mountains is also on the right track.

The main exchange material is the catch produced from the Andes inland lake.

The natural materials here are too rich, and even if some of them are processed into dried fish, it is a little too late, and they are just exchanged with the mountain Kentana savages who have never had enough food.

The mountain Kentana barbarians are not really poor, sometimes they just guard the treasure without knowing it, such as klei beasts.

This huge, docile, and resistant creature is simply a perfect camel beast. Even if it is in a mountainous area, it will not affect it if it carries several tons of cargo. It's heavy luck.

The important thing is that these guys are less picky eaters than cows. As long as it is green vegetation, they will eat without them, let alone meat. If they are in a hurry, they will even eat the soil.

In the past, the Kentana barbarians were only limited to the Kentana Icefield, which was simply reckless.

Of course, Kolei beasts are not without flaws.

That is, they have survived too long in the frozen Kentana Icefield for half of the year, their fur has evolved too thick, and their heat dissipation ability is very poor, let alone tropical regions, even relatively arid and hot desert regions , can kill them.

However, there should be no problem adapting to the less extreme Odin Grassland in the natural environment.

What's more, the Eternal Night Army also has the Institute of Biological Anomalies. Biological selection, excellent breeding, and hybridization are all their subjects, and they have already achieved preliminary results.

The ponies with the black horse Treading Fire as their stallions were born one after another.

There are not many ponies who can directly inherit their father's talent for stepping on fire, accounting for less than one-tenth of the total.

But the implication is self-evident. This is a good start. When the base is large enough and the output quantity is considerable.

What's more, those who haven't awakened their talents in magic arts are not useless. Both their physique and endurance are far superior to those of the same kind.

The Institute of Biological Anomalies has tasted a bit of sweetness. When it cooperates with the Silver Wolf Tribe and divides the horse trophies, it would rather give up some of the horses and ask for more mares.

At that time, Rakesh only thought that the Yongye Army was building its own ranch for long-term planning, but he didn't know that the Yongye Army had a high vision now, and they didn't care about those horses at all. They wanted to cultivate talented horses.

Inevitably, the dark horse must step on the fire again.

This guy forgot the pain when his scars healed. Under the temptation of delicious food, he went to the Kogel Grassland for a while. When he left, he was fat and strong. When he came back, he was almost skinny. This time, it wasn't that he was born with nothing to love, but that he looked beyond the mundane and immediately became a Buddha, nestling next to Xiao En, and would never move his nest again.

If you follow Sean, you will be ridden by one person at most, and if you are not careful outside, you will be blown into a horse.

The Kogel Grassland outside the northern fortress has now become the pasture of the Yongye Army. The trophies looted from the gray wolves and evil wolves are all kept here. Even if they are slaughtered for meat, they have to wait for autumn to raise them When fat.

In order to make reasonable use of the Kogel Grassland, the Yongye Army started from the northeast, which is farthest from the northern fortress, and headed for this little bit. The Odin orcs who met along the way and the fugitives were either incorporated or cut off. Anyone who is not from the Eternal Night Army is not allowed to exist.

The northern fortress is actively preparing for this winter.

Because no matter which Odin orc tribe entered the Kogel Grassland for the winter this year, there is no chance for the two sides to shake hands and make peace.

The Odin orc tribe that got in would face the dilemma of insufficient pasture. If they didn't want to be boiled to death, they could only invade outside.

And the Yongye Group Army might not have regarded the Kogel Grassland as a natural trap in front of their own house, waiting for the prey to take the initiative to send cattle and sheep to themselves.

As for whether the Silver Wolf Tribe will destroy their good deeds, the Yongye Army is not worried at all, because the two sides have reached an alliance of interests, and it will be a relationship of eating meat and soup, and the Yongye Army has a lot of scarce supplies of the Silver Wolf Tribe.

At that time, the Silver Wolf tribe will not only not take the initiative to dismantle the Yongye Army, but it is very likely that they will take the initiative to lure and intercept some Odin orc tribes, forcing them to enter the Kogel Grassland, and use the opportunity of drinking soup to enrich themselves.

Compared with racial righteousness, it is more important for them to let their own tribe thrive.

If the Silver Wolf tribe is big enough and has a lot of say in the Eastern Odin Empire, perhaps it will adopt a different attitude towards the Yongye Army.

Then again, such a large tribe, most of them dismiss the Kogel Grassland, will not have any intersection with the Yongye Army.

Ban Hebrew's guess about the current structure of the Yongye Army can only be said to be half correct.

When adopting the current structural system, in addition to foresight, Sean intentionally or unintentionally borrowed some political structures he had seen and heard in his previous life.

It’s not that Xiao En wants to create some kind of democracy in another world. He doesn’t have such a high level of political awareness, and the facts have proved that democracy without corresponding basic education is just playing hooligans. If it is really democratic, many people at the bottom of society will not know What to do.

Now that we are in the stage of ignoring the people, the most appropriate way to rule is by ignoring the people, such as the monarchy or the rule of the king, and even the constitutional monarchy is too advanced.

The Eternal Night Army now seems to be wearing a democratic mask, but in fact, it is just a variant of the monarchy, and the core decision-making power is in the hands of Xiao En. As for whether it is called General or Your Majesty, there is not much difference.

At the beginning, Xiao En engaged in this kind of structure model of decentralization to separate himself to a certain extent, and not to be bound by those complicated government affairs. After all, this world is different from his previous life. For a force, personal force is not so important. Important, but personally, quite important.

At least Sean is not satisfied with the lifespan of a normal person. Champion knights and control-level warlocks are the fields he will inevitably enter in the future. This has not changed with the development of the Yongye Army.

On the contrary, the more he knows, the more Sean attaches importance to personal power, especially magic power.

In addition to their actual functions, those five animal skin papers showed Xiao En a completely different world, telling him clearly that this world is far from being as simple as it seems, and champion knights and control warlocks may not be the same. The limit of personal force in this world.

This point was especially strong when I started to unblock the Jinglei Golden Eagle.

After unsealing the Vampire Vine, Xiao En didn't continue to unblock the Mirage Python, which consumes less energy, in order, but directly used the Thunder Golden Eagle.

Previously, only the maximization of benefits was considered, but practical value was forgotten.

Not to mention the earth armored bear, even the shadow soul-devouring leopard, until now Sean has not found a second chance to use it.

After all, Xiao En is also a supreme commander with a power of hundreds of thousands of people, and there is no chance for him to show his talents, including using the Shadow Soul Eater to conduct investigations.

Unless it encountered an abnormal event like the previous Odin Grand Canyon that ordinary people could not enter or exit, the detection efficiency of the Shadow Soul Eater Leopard was really not necessarily higher than that of a detection team.

After all, there are many restrictions on using the Shadow Soul Eater.

Sean wanted to use the Shadow Soul Eater to go to the Despair Swamp to make preparations for the resurgence of the Jacob River and the large-scale entry of the Yongye Army. Unfortunately, this is a swamp country, where the Shadow Soul Eater is also useless as a hero The Land of Martial Arts, within ten kilometers deep, retreated back.

The only feeling is that the environment is really complicated, and there are so many crocodiles and pythons.

Although this place has become a jeopardy for human beings, it has become a paradise for crocodiles and pythons, haunting in groups, killing any living thing in cold blood, and even the shadow soul-devouring leopard, which is a pure energy body, has been bitten by them several times.

After calculations and calculations, the one that is most useful to me should be the Jinglei Golden Eagle. The opponent's flying ability is irreplaceable and the most natural aerial reconnaissance unit.

When the Shadow Soul-devouring Leopard was unsealed, it should have unsealed the Thundering Golden Eagle as soon as possible. Maybe there are more places where it can be used.

However, there are not so many people in this world who knew earlier. In this area, Sean does not have the ability to foretell. It is normal to go the wrong way, and it is not too late to make up for it.

The blood-sucking shadow vine unsealed in front of the Jinglei Golden Eagle is not particularly worth describing. Although this kind of plant is a semi-activated plant, it is true that it has the ability to move freely away from the land, but after all, it is a plant, and automatic activities need to be paid. of.

In Xiao En's dream, the blood-sucking Shadow Vine entered the activated state no more than five times throughout its life, each time lasting no more than half a day, and the total moving distance was less than ten kilometers. The reason for each movement was to change to a more suitable hunting point.

Every time it moves, the Vampire Shadow Vine has to prepare for several hours, so that the huge vine hunting net that is more in the way falls off, takes root again, and grows again.

Every time, the vitality is seriously injured, and it takes a long time to recover.

Fortunately, after all, the soul beast card is not a true restoration of the creature itself, but it still serves human beings. The vampire shadow vine shaped by energy is in an activated state, like an octopus with vines intertwined , in some abilities, there is a lot of overlap with the Shadow Soul Eater, both are better at manipulating shadows.

It's just that one is good at attacking, and the other is good at weaving nets and waiting for rabbits, and their abilities are even more weird and unpredictable.

If there is no accident, the two should come from the same world—a strange world of gray and gray and white.

Sean thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out how to use it. He threw it into the energy reaction room to raise it the next day after it was unsealed.

If it comes to the gains from the five soul beast cards, the biggest one is the thundering golden eagle that has just passed halfway.

This kind of harvest does not come from the strength of the Jinglei Golden Eagle, but from its flying ability. Its hunting range is much larger than that of the earth armored bear and the shadow soul-devouring leopard. Much more.

These things that he saw like a horse and a flower were of great significance to Xiao En, and some things that were originally guessed were confirmed.

It is 100% certain that they originated from the ancient Andes Empire, and it was still at its peak.

The figure of the thundering golden eagle once roamed in the small half of Arshan. Not only did it pass through countless bustling towns, but it also encountered many creatures that only existed in legends.

Of course, judging from the information currently held by the Yongye Army, those legendary creatures are not extinct, but have degenerated, including the Golden Thunder Eagle, whose close relative should be the giant Sanset eagle that is close at hand.

The cause of the change in the world, the Yongye Army is still investigating further, but with little success.

After all, this kind of change is not completed in an instant, but needs to be placed on a long timeline. There is no opportunity for investigation and evidence collection. The only thing to rely on is the records of the ancients.

Let alone whether they are aware of this problem, even if they are aware of this problem, it is difficult to achieve any results by themselves.

Even if there are, most of them are unreliable hypotheses, and the reference value is really not great.

Sean didn't expect to do it all at once, and now he is recording what he saw and heard about the Jinglei Golden Eagle, and what he has formed is the first-hand information.

It is worth mentioning that there has been a breakthrough in the research on energy reaction chambers.

Sean found a way to channel the sorcerer's energy out of it - gems!

These natural creations formed by nature are natural spell energy storage devices.

Taking diamonds as the most important, a diamond the size of a grain of rice can hold tens of thousands of units of spell energy, which is enough to support the Shadow Soul Eater to recharge several times. Since there is no complete and unified unit of measurement for spell energy, Sean now I can only use the self-defined units on the soul beast card. With the continuous extension of the subject of spell energy, it will be a matter of time to set a more standard unit of measurement.

In fact, this was not created by Sean or the Biological Anomaly Research Institute.

In the past, Sean rarely had the opportunity to come into contact with the relatively high-end knowledge in the magic world, and Ms. Elena also forgot to teach it. It wasn't until Sean saw it in some magic research notes that she suddenly remembered it after consulting Ms. Elena.

This is the result of the fact that the number of warlocks in the Eternal Night Army, especially the number of warlocks who have received systematic learning, is too small.

However, compared to cooperating with the Witch Conclave and the League of Warlocks, Sean would rather continue to swallow this bitter pill, and believes that one day he will survive until the spring blossoms.

This is also the reason why the value of all kinds of gemstones in this world is relatively high, and the group of women in the Witches' Secret Society are full of enthusiasm for them.

Of course, female creatures are as fond of flash products as giant dragons, and they also play a pivotal role in it. The magic alliance organized by warlocks is not as crazy as they are.

No matter the Witches' Conclave or the Warlocks' Union, there is no energy reaction room. The use of the energy storage effect of gemstones is limited to injecting your excess energy every day into it as your spare mana. Due to the imprint of the spell, it can only be used for personal use. , which is quite limited.

With the energy reaction chamber, it is different.

Although the magic energy in the energy reaction chamber is charged into the gemstone, it needs the guidance of the warlock to introduce the magic energy in the energy reaction chamber into the gemstone, but the warlock who guides the magic energy in this process is only a medium, and the real occupation What dominated was the unbranded natural spell energy in the energy reaction chamber.

In other words, it has no attribute and no brand, any warlock can use them, the meaning of which is self-evident.

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