The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 222 Fusion

The Kingsley family army gave up their safe defense and took the initiative to attack. They also held multi-party talks with Philip, Patlem and the supporters behind them. I don’t know how much they paid as a price. They reached an alliance agreement and united Send out troops, coordinate and cooperate, and completely crush the main force of the slave uprising army.

Encircled by the three sides, the space for the slave rebel army to move became smaller and smaller. Before being completely surrounded to death, Di Kelong resolutely launched the final decisive battle.

The two sides fought in the valley.

The main attack of the slave rebel army.

The Kingsley family army is the main defense.

Philip and Patlem's encirclement forces were still a hundred kilometers away.

One side is fighting for their own survival. If there is no way to break through, they will embark on the tragic path of countless ancestors.

One side is fighting for their own homes and money, using a lot of money to boost morale is the usual method of the Kingsley family, and it is really easy to use.

One is eager to attack, and the other is strict in defense.

Blood flowed like rivers from both sides, and every inch of land in the entire valley was stained red with blood.

Di Kelong once again proved his military talent to the world. He is not only good at guerrilla warfare, he is also not bad at fortified warfare.

Kingsley's army, which was waiting in full battle, was almost defeated by him, but he was still defeated, defeated by his own people, and defeated by Kingsley's powerful money offensive.

Some members of the slave rebel army were bribed by the Kingsley family with a lot of money. At a critical moment, they stabbed Di Kelong in the back, which led to the failure of the collective breakthrough. Not to mention, Di Kelong himself was also seriously injured.

In desperation, Di Kelong could only break up the slave rebel army into countless small teams, overwhelming the sky and overwhelming the leader of the Carter army. It is unknown how many of them survived.

The thousands of people led by Di Kelong became the thorn in the flesh of the Kingsley family, and they clung to it.

But without the shackles of a large army, the elite troops led by Di Kelong were as slippery as loach, slamming east and west, and the guide north and north, making it impossible to figure out his direction.

The most important thing is that those slave rebels who successfully broke through the encirclement were grateful for Dixon, and all claimed to be Dixon to the outside world. Suddenly, countless Dixon appeared in the entire Carter army leader, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Although the slave rebel army led by Man Yu's army was wiped out, and the mine slaves led by Kalt's army were ready to move, what may be lacking now is an opportunity to make a comeback again.

The defeat of the slave rebel army did not have as great an impact on the Yongye Army as expected.

Let me talk about the natural barrier first.

Within two days of the defeat of the slave rebel army, Philip and Patlem had already opened fire locally, and hurriedly retreated to the territory of the Manyu army to seize the territory vacated by the slave rebel army.

I don't have time to pay attention to the Yongye Army in a short period of time, the twin cities of the Yongye Army have basically taken shape.

Although the appearance of the Twin Cities is weird, there is absolutely nothing to say about their defensive capabilities. If you want to break through, you don't have 108,000 people, so don't even think about it.

When the rights of the leader of the Man Yu army are divided, the Yongye Army's Spring Thunder Plan will probably be launched. At that time, the offense and defense will change hands.

This is rolling on a purely strategic level.

Then there is the dumping of waste materials.

The wealth collected by the slave rebel army in the past few years has almost been squeezed by the Yongye army. If the other party does not move, I am afraid that the friendly trade relationship will become a bad neighbor and come directly to grab it.

What's more, even if the slave rebel army collapsed, the two sides can still maintain close contact and continue the previous pattern.

The Yongye Army needs a channel for dumping consumable materials, and the defeated slave rebel army needs a channel for supply and sales.

Since its establishment, the Yongye Army has continued to move and expand, and finally ushered in a relatively stable year.

In the face of the food crisis, the Walled City Alliance and Ban Hebrew failed to do anything, and the residents of Sishui City continued to divert.

In particular, the Sandongmeng, the old Bantei of Ban Hebrew, was dismantled in bits and pieces, and moved to other villages of the Yongye Army with the family as a unit. The protection against them was no worse than that of the barbarians in the mountain Kentana , but one is on the bright side and the other is on the dark side.

Without the support of the people, Ban Hebrew is like a tiger without claws, a snow eagle without wings, unable to make waves.

The population of Sishui City is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although the current total population is still 30% higher than the normal period, its decline is inevitable.

This can be seen from the policy of the Yongye Group Army towards this place. Although the Yongye Group Army has taken over the military defense here, it has no intention of taking over the government affairs. It is still managed by Ban Hebrew.

This made the old fox somewhat puzzled by Xiao En's thoughts. He had visited the door several times and offered to resign from the post of City Lord of Sishui City, but was politely rejected.

He could only continue to be in this position, perform his duties cautiously, and actively cooperate with any request from the Yongye Army.

There are only two actions of the Yongye Army in Sishui City, one is the continuous diversion of personnel, and the other is the establishment of a shipyard.

Not a small shipyard, but a real shipyard.

In the Andes Mountains, everyone who knows a little about shipbuilding skills has been recruited by the Yongye Army. It is difficult for Ban Hebrew to estimate how many people there are, but the Yongye Army hires people from Sishui City to cut trees every day. There are countless laborers, nearly 20,000 people in all kinds of places, and hundreds of giant logs are transported from the mountains every day.

This is definitely not the movement that should be built with two fishing boats. This is simply to build a fleet.

But the question is, who is the enemy?

Among the Andes, there is no force that can compete with them, including the mountain Kentana barbarians in the east.

Are they ready to build a fleet and dominate the inland lake of Andes by themselves?

Although Ban Hebrew hadn't met Sean a few times, he was deeply impressed by the maturity and stability of the other party, who was not suitable for his age, and he would never do such meaningless things.

It wasn't until Ban Hebrew heard the rumors that the Yongye Army was preparing to let the Jacob River return, that everything became clear.

The first reaction of others when they heard the news was to question whether the Yongye Army had such an ability, but Ban Hebrew would not, because he had witnessed the Yongye Army turning the two ice walls into soft cheese like cheese. .

In the face of this non-manpower, all the impossible will become possible.

If you bring this premise into it, everything will make sense.

Whether it is the shipyard that the Yongye Army is vigorously building, or the attitude towards Sishui City.

Needless to say, the shipyard, if the Yongye Group Army and others use the information they have obtained in advance to prepare a means of victory, once the Jacob River flows again, it will take ten or eight years, or three or five years, with thousands of miles of water arteries , are all under their control, they can come and go freely, and when the time comes, the Yongye Army can fight wherever they want.

Although Ban Hebrew is a knowledgeable and intelligent person, the relatively narrow knowledge inheritance system in this world still limits his perspective, and he has not seen the chain reaction brought about by Jacob Jiang's return.

At that time, it will not be a matter of dominating a river. Let alone the desperate swamp in the south, and the existing ecological environment of the Andes crater will be broken. Just say that the Andis inland lake will be drained of most of its water. At that time, the giant lake will turn back into a basin.

Back then, the imperial capital of the ancient Andes Empire was able to make millions of people self-sufficient with the output here.

The level of the lake dropped, and Four Waters City, half of which floated on the inland lake of Andes, had to be abolished. It didn't even have the qualifications to become a mountain city.

This is a city doomed to abandon.

It is not surprising that the Yongye Army has adopted the current attitude.

The more things he saw from the Yongye Army, the more frightened Ban Heber became.

Think about it, without the invasion of the barbarians from Kentana, how would Sishui City face the Yongye Army's plan to reflow the Jacob River?

The opponent doesn't need to do anything at all, they just need to proceed step by step, and the Walled City Alliance will collapse without a fight.

This is rolling at the strategic level, and there is no solution at all.

Let's put it this way.

The two forces are two different seeds.

The Yongye Army is an oak seed, and the Walled City Alliance is at best a shrub.

The former is just sprouting, and the latter has grown to its limit. At best, it means that the other party has not grown up to be comparable, and when it enters the growth stage, it will only be crushed.

What's more, the potential shown by the Yongye Army is not an oak tree seed, but a legendary tree of life seed.

No wonder the ancestors never showed up, perhaps because they saw the possibility.

If he forcibly blocked the development of the Yongye Army, he might die without knowing how.

Ben Hebrew, who had been shocked by the black gunpowder of the Yongye Army, had lost confidence, but now he was even more enlightened, and even stopped his small actions in private, including some things he left for his son Bran. back door.

Because of these short paragraphs, they can hide from the Yongye Army, but they can't hide it from their ancestors.

Instead of doing this, it is better to leave a clean background for Bran, which will be more popular with the ancestors, and maybe one day, he will be able to be summoned and dispatched by the ancestors.

In the eyes of Ban Hebrew, although the Yongye Army has unlimited potential, it is the ancestors who have been shrouding the Andes Mountains like a shadow for many years who can really influence the situation in the Andes Mountains.

The Yongye Army was able to develop because of the acquiescence of the ancestors. Regardless of the fact that the Yongye Army is in full swing, if the ancestors are unhappy and cough, it won't take long for the Yongye Army to fall apart.

Ben Hebrew firmly believes in this.

Moreover, his son Bran's ability is not bad, what he lacks is only sharpening. I believe it won't take long for him to be able to integrate into the core of the Yongye Army.

Now Brann has successfully entered the military staff department, the core department of the Eternal Night Army. Just like what Sean said at the beginning, at best, it provides him with an extra opportunity for assessment. Whether he can join it or not depends entirely on Brann. personal ability.

In fact, no matter whether it was intentional or unintentional, the assessment that Bran faced at that time should be the most stringent assessment of the military staff department.

Brann passed with a relatively perfect score.

After all, he is a secret language-level warlock who has received a complete elite family education, even if he is placed in the Yongye Army, he is still the top existence.

Not only out of the desire for talents, but also out of appeasing Ban Hebrew, Brann did not suffer more troubles.

Letting Brann join the military staff is the result of Ben Hebrew's careful study of the structure of the Yongye Army.

Although the Yongye Army is not self-reliant, it is also the most typical pyramid model.

There is no doubt that the one standing at the top is Sean Don Augustine, the general of the Eternal Night Army. Although this young man has never been conspicuous, he is the absolute core of the Eternal Night Army.

It doesn't feel like being in it. From the perspective of Ban Hebrew, an outsider, the Yongye Army has been branded with this young man from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside. Whether consciously or not, he will reveal his identity. Act in style.

This is definitely a terrible thing. Ban Hebrew has lived such an old age, and he has only seen a similar situation in the Holy Land of the Holy See of Saint Ether. It is a model that integrates faith and rule.

However, there is an essential difference between the two. What the Yongye Army believes in is not Sean himself, but the same idea and belief. Sean is only a direct advocate and leader. Even without Sean, this idea And beliefs will also develop and spread on their own.

Of course, it's not that Sean is not important, on the contrary, Sean's role in the Yongye Army is irreplaceable, at least for now.

This concept and belief is just in its infancy, and it is still unknown in which direction it will develop and what it will look like.

With Sean as the leader and without him, there are two completely different concepts.

It is more appropriate to say that the department under the Yongye Group Army is not so much those deputy generals, but the departments led by those deputy generals.

Now that it has emerged, what Ben Hebrew can investigate are the Military Staff Department directly under Sean's command, the Military Oversight Council led by Chad, the Hawkeye Secret Service Division under Ralph's charge, and the Financial Executive Council that Marshall is forming. In addition, there are relatively independent but closely related major corps.

They respectively represent the military, legal, intelligence and financial personnel of the Yongye Army.

At the beginning, Ban Hebrew didn't understand this way of independent and decentralized rights. In this era when kingship is supreme and all rights should be attributed to the king, it is crazy to do this. Wouldn't it be self-defeating from the very beginning? ?

But as the Yongye Army continues to grow, it becomes more interesting to think about this policy.

These rights seem to have been distributed, but in fact, this is just a thread released, and the real linker is the supreme ruler Sean.

Take the military as an example. Although the military force headed by Deputy General Skull Crusher McGee directly controls a larger corps, let alone a military staff, just talking about food and grass, if there is no Ministry of Finance and Executive Yuan With cooperation, they couldn't even go out for a hundred kilometers.

And every move of each department is carried out under the close watch of the Military Supervisory Council, not to mention the shadowy Hawkeye Secret Service Department.

This kind of structural system does not feel special when the power is small, but as it continues to grow, various advantages are displayed.

There is not much difference between the Evernight Army's control of hundreds of thousands of people and the time when it controlled tens of thousands of people. It is still terrifyingly efficient when the orders are issued. This is something Ban Hebrew could not have imagined before.

What if there are millions or even tens of millions of people under the rule of the Yongye Army? What kind of terrifying energy will erupt?

Ben Hebrew couldn't even imagine the situation at that time.

Thanks to the book friend Shen Hailong for the reward of 5000 coins~~~

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