The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 213 Time is running out

Face off against Kentana barbarians.

The mountain Kentana barbarians really don't have this confidence, so they can only look at their neighbors, the Andes, and want to build a new world for their clan before the Kentana barbarians invade on a large scale.

At least in their eyes, the Andes were far easier to deal with than the Kentana barbarians.

Unexpectedly, the Eternal Night Army rose up in the Andes Mountains, and directly buried their main force. There are only a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled left in the family, that is, the Kentana barbarians have not received any news yet. , otherwise a large-scale invasion is imminent.

In the negotiations with the Yongye Army, the old man Locke was basically passive, because he really didn't have a hole card in his hand that was a fatal threat or temptation to the Yongye Army.

It is wishful thinking to let the Yongye Army release all the barbarians in the mountain Kentana that have been swallowed by the dry cliff clan and the Yongye Army forever.

But the most powerful thing about this old guy is his grasp of people's hearts.

Counting those fighters of the Yongye Army who wanted to plot against the Cliff Clan, they dared not do anything to him.

Dad Locke's status in the Cliff Clan is like that of Sean in the Eternal Night Army. Whoever dares to hurt Sean will definitely die.

As long as the Yongye Army still has thoughts about those mountain Kentana barbarian fighters, they can't move a finger of Old Locke.

What makes Sean feel different about Papa Locke is that he is self-taught and has learned the essence of benefit exchange.

After playing hob meat for a while, he threw out his true bottom line.

The Eternal Night Army released the warriors of the Cliff Clan.

In addition to the empty promise of the eternal alliance between the Cliff Clan and the Yongye Army, a large number of Andeans and mixed races of the two clans were also exchanged.

These Andes and the mixed races of the two races, apart from the survivors of the Andes East, are more of the result of the war between the two sides in the past 100 years.

The gap to the east of the Andes inland lake is a natural passage connecting the east and west, but it is not the only passage.

The terrain on the Andes ring mountain range is relatively steep, but it is not yet dangerous. At most, it is not suitable for large-scale military use. It is still no problem for a small group of dozens of people to infiltrate people.

Large-scale invasions by barbarians in Kentana like the previous ones are rare, but small-scale looting and harassment are not uncommon. Otherwise, how did the half-breeds in the Skull Crusher Legion come from?

There is no doubt that these Andeans and mixed-race people did not live very well in the mountain Kentana barbarians, and they can be traded as goods.

This is not a family fault, most races have this virtue, and they don't take much care of those mixed-race children born due to war, and regard them as ominous people who should not be born.

Don't think that the Andis people are any better. The situation of the half-breeds like Mackey the Skull Crusher changed after the establishment of the Evernight Army.

Before that, they were also not welcomed by the Andes people, and gradually evolved into the lower villages where the mixed races gathered. Over the years, they have been wandering outside the three holes and eight villages of the old forces in the Andes Mountains.

The reputation of Skull Crusher McGee back then was earned by leading his brothers with blood.

When the Eternal Night Legion was established, the Skull Crusher Legion led by McGee the Skull Crusher had a stronger combat effectiveness, so why was he still willing to take Xiao En, a brat, as the general.

Of course, there is an element of the head-crusher McGee's great wisdom and stupidity, and there is also concern about his identity as a half-blood.

If he is the general, the appeal will be greatly reduced.

Although the Yongye Army didn't fully accept the other party's proposal, they didn't completely deny it either.

Instead, a compromise was made, only two-thirds of the captives of the mountainous Kentana barbarians were exchanged, and the remaining one-third remained in the Yongye Army as a mercenary army, led by the man Xiong Yale .

There are many considerations in doing so.

Even if the Eternal Night Army held the mountain Kentana barbarians in their hands, they could only use them as strong labor in a short period of time. Before the end of the Cliff Clan, no matter how thoroughly the Eternal Night Army brainwashed them, they would not dare to use them .

It would be different if it were those Andis and mixed races. They didn't have a strong sense of belonging to the Cliff Clan, and they would soon be able to integrate into the Yongye Army. The Skull Crusher Legion, which has been limited by the source of troops, will be further expanded.

Compared with the mountain Kentana savages who are easy to lose control, these mixed breeds are more obedient and disciplined, and are easier to drill and form cooperation.

Legion battles are not much inferior to mountain Kentana savages.

In the ice city counterattack back then, they had already proved this point with actual battle results.

The mountain Kentana barbarian mercenaries led by Renxiong Yale will directly support the Yongye Army, and will also become a powerful means of threatening the Cliff Clan.

There was a deeper consideration—the threat of those authentic Kentana barbarians from Kentana Icefields.

Now there is still the natural danger of Andis Inland Lake. Once the Jacob River resumes its flow, the water level of Andis Inland Lake will drop significantly, and the east and west will be directly connected.

Compared with a group of irrational guys, the Yongye Army prefers to deal with people like Old Man Locke who know how to advance and retreat.

At that time, they will become a natural barrier between the Eternal Night Army and the Kentana barbarians.

But this is another time-consuming thing.

Leaving aside those mountain Kentana barbarians who have been scattered to various places by the Yongye Army, it will take a lot of time and energy to reunite.

Not to mention the time it took for the Cliff Clan to transport the promised personnel and war compensation.

Just talking about the Yongye Army's own attitude, it is true that they agreed to exchange prisoners of war, but they did not promise to honor it immediately.

Now they themselves are facing a serious food crisis, and they have a hole in their heads, so they will buy a group of refugees with nothing at this time.

The earlier the exchange was completed, the Andes and the half-breed children would be freed from the sea of ​​suffering earlier. Such a reason is nonsense.

The first thing they consider is their own stability, and only when this premise is guaranteed, will they consider absorbing the population to strengthen themselves.

The completion of the transaction between the two parties was at least after the Yongye Army had passed the most difficult period right now and the new rations had arrived.

Before that, the mercenaries promised by the old man Locke had already been put into use, and they were escorted to the northern fort one after another to assemble. They would directly participate in the military operation on the Kogel Grassland.


Andes Inland Lake.

The overall shape is elliptical, looking down from a high altitude, like an irregular big duck egg, it is wider in the east and narrower in the west.

To the west of this big duck egg, there is a long and narrow tail.

This little tail was once part of the Jacob River, a not-so-thick mountain range that turned the east and west sides into two completely different worlds.

Upstream is a huge lake that is more than a hundred meters above the ground and can't be seen at a glance.

Downstream is Yimapingchuan ancient river farmland.

Standing on the edge of the lake and looking west, it seems that you can see the plain of Asia Minor across a distance of thousands of kilometers.

It was a feeling that was difficult to express in words. In this world, people were so small, and Amelia had this feeling.

The beautiful natural environment also makes her addicted, which is completely different from the endless beauty of the Asia Minor plain.

Xiao En pointed to the natural river dam under his feet, It's not as thick as it looks. Even if there is no human effect, it may be a thousand years, a hundred years, or even ten or eight years. Once the earth dragon turns over, it will Let the earth-shaking changes take place here, and the huge water pressure will squeeze this place and let the Jacob River flow again.

But the uncertainty is too great. Instead of waiting for nature to make a decision, it is better to be guided by us, so as to minimize the harm and maximize our benefits.

The general's words are correct, but the general's investment in this is far from what he promised? With these people alone, it's a bit wishful thinking to dig into this mountain? Amelia stretched out her slender white fingers, Point to the camp road below.

The Yongye Group Army has a camp under the Lanjiang Pass.

The scale is not small. The independent and reinforced engineering corps of the Yongye Group Army is stationed here. Apart from farming in the surrounding areas, their main task is to circle around the Lanjiang Mountains.

The stance they are putting on to cut through the mountain is just for Amelia to see. Their real task is to dig a hole under the mountain and prepare the blasting point for the Chunlei plan.

From the perspective of preparing for the blasting site, an independent reinforced engineering regiment with more than 8,000 people is enough to show that the Yongye Army attaches great importance to this project.

Although this independent strengthened engineer regiment is the mobile unit of the Yongye Army, its mobilization frequency is the lowest. From its establishment to the present, the only time it was dispatched was in the counterattack against the invasion of the mountain Kentana barbarian cliff clan.

The blasting of the two ice walls was their work. Rather than participating in the war, they were doing field tests.

The results were not satisfactory.

Although the two ice walls collapsed inward according to their intentions, there was a distance from the original calculation in terms of the speed of the collapse and the maintenance of integrity.

Although this caused the Yongye Army to obtain more prisoners of war by accident, but from the point of view of the blasters, it was not satisfactory.

Blasting is a work of excellence, especially for the Independent Engineer Corps, the pressure is even greater. What they are implementing is related to the structure of this continent and the livelihood of millions or even tens of millions of people.

Once the blasting is not complete, it will be embarrassing.

With the current technology of the Yongye Army, it is very difficult to carry out underwater blasting.

After the Jacob River resumed its flow, the water in the river was not as large as imagined, and the water in the Swamp of Despair did not drop completely. This would mean that the Yongye Army would have much, much less arable land in the future.

If possible, they would like to control the error to zero.

Obviously, this is basically impossible. Not only is it a technical problem, but the black powder produced by the Yongye Army is far from being so stable.

Like other projects, Sean's knowledge of black powder is limited to the fact that it is mixed with charcoal, sulfur, and nitrate in a certain ratio, and he even knows the best ratio.

Undoubtedly, this is another benefit of the information explosion era. As long as people are interested, modern people can find a lot of things on the Internet.

Xiao En was considered a pseudo-military fan in his previous life, and he was always very curious. He always liked to find out the truth about things he was interested in, and he could be regarded as Du Niang's frequent visitor.

But knowing it is one thing, actually doing it is another.

With the help of modern chemistry, the optimal ratio of black powder is indeed not difficult to formulate.

But the modern chemistry of this world is still struggling on the detour of alchemy. When Sean first started, he didn't have anything at hand.

Charcoal needs to be fired by itself.

Sulfur and saltpeter need to be explored and excavated by oneself, and the sulfur and nitrate content in the ore must be explored by oneself.

These all directly affect the power and stability of black powder.

The power of black powder prepared by the same person using raw materials from different origins is even more different, let alone from different hands.

The optimal ratio of black powder is an unattainable benchmark placed there, and no one dares to say that the black powder they have prepared is the optimal ratio.

As soon as the mountain Kentana barbarian invasion and counterattack ended, they withdrew back immediately and did not participate in the diversion of refugees from the war in Four Waters City.

But from Amelia's point of view, this manpower is far from enough. There are not 100,000 or 80,000 people, and it will take several years. It is wishful thinking to try to break through the mountains and rivers.

They are just outposts. When necessary, we can deploy more manpower and material resources. After all, this is a long-term plan. Neither you nor us are fully prepared. Truthfully convey what I have seen, I think His Highness will have his own judgment.

The King of Hades loves little ghosts, but Amelia now represents the eyes of Princess Regent Sophilia. Her attitude will influence Sophilia's attitude to a certain extent, and Sean has to deal with it carefully.

Naturally. Amelia said with a solemn expression, I will truthfully convey what I have seen and heard to Her Royal Highness. Accompanying me is not just to see me off, right?

Even fools can hear the irony and discontent in Amelia's last sentence.

After Sean brought her back to the territory, he threw her to Ralph and ran away without a trace.

Just now I felt that the time was almost up, and I was going to take her to inspect the surrounding area of ​​Lanjiang Mountain in person. The news that the barbarians in the mountain Kentana invaded the Walled City Alliance on a large scale, the Yongye Army will be directly affected.

The plan could only be shelved, and the whole army was busy running around, completely leaving Amelia alone.

When the relevant matters were dealt with and Amelia could be allowed to visit, the entire Andes Mountain began to turn green.

Sean's face has long been tempered to be thicker than the city wall, and he said without realizing it: According to the original plan, we have at least three to five years to prepare, but now the situation has changed, you only have two years, no matter whether you make a decision or not. It was decided that after two years, we will start the reflow plan at any time.

Two years? It seems that this winter, great changes have taken place in the mountains? Amelia thought.

As a professionally trained spy, she can detect a lot of information from the details of ordinary life even if she is strictly guarded against it.

That's why Sean deliberately avoided her. Communicating with this kind of person is too tiring, and you have to carefully consider every word you say, because if you are not careful, the secret will be leaked.

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