The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 212

Can we advance the purchase of food from the Princess Regent? Marshall then threw out another possibility.

Whether it is the catch from the inland lake of Andes, or the harvest from the Kogel grassland in the northern fortress, even if it succeeds, it will solve the local food crisis at that time.

Whether it is fish or cattle and sheep, it is not convenient to transport in the Andes mountains.

Especially the northern fortress, where the mountains are relatively complicated, and food transportation is very difficult, which takes up a lot of manpower and material resources of the Yongye Army. They can solve part of it for their own use. Amitabha, how can they be expected to subsidize the Yongye Army.

When all the solutions that have been thought of internally are exhausted, we can only focus on the external.

The regent princess Sophilia they just hooked up through Angel Bella is undoubtedly a good choice.

Xiao En rubbed his forehead with some headaches and said: The food can be bought, but how to transport them back?

When the Yongye Army had a food crisis, Sean immediately thought of buying food from the Regent Princess Sophilia.

Buying food from her is not difficult, not to mention that the two sides have already had an intersection because of the Chunlei Project, even if there is no intersection, Sophie Liya has no reason to refuse the Yongye Army's real money to buy food.

Time will wash away many things, such as inheritance, traces of history, and hatred.

Unlike the Odin orcs who have always been in a strong position, limited by the geographical environment, the situation of the Andes people is getting worse day by day. Even in the peak period, they can only harm the leader of Manyu, and they have been in a weak position over the years The status has been suppressed by the leader of Man Yu's army.

Even if the leaders of Man Yu's army remember that the Andis people came out of the mountain to cause disaster, there are not many, let alone the Byron Alliance, especially with the release of slaves, many former Andis slaves have become members of the Byron Alliance. part.

At best, many ruling classes in the Byron Alliance look down on the Andes people and regard them as wild people in a wild land, so it is not to mention hatred and precaution.

But how to bring the food back from the Asia Minor plain is a big problem.

When Xiao En and Sophilia discussed the purchase of grain, it was based on the reflow of the Jacob River. At that time, with the merchant ships and warships he had prepared in advance, the grain would be transported back to the Andes Mountains. Too easy.

But the changes inside the Andes Mountains completely disrupted the plan.

It is only one aspect of time-consuming and labor-intensive to transport grain by land. The most critical issue is safety.

To put it bluntly, in the Man Yu army, the most valuable thing now is food.

In a year with good weather, Man Yu’s military leaders may not be able to guarantee self-sufficiency in food, let alone years of wars, and the arable land is so barren. Now many nobles and nobles have to tighten their belts, let alone those in the lower ranks. Lingmin, many of them can't get over it anymore.

At the beginning, Sishui City sat under the buttocks of a small volcano at most, but now it is a super volcano under the leadership of Man Yujun. torment.

At the beginning, the slave rebels rebelled against the lords and nobles because of oppression and hunger, and now the people at the bottom are also likely to rebel against them because of hunger.

The so-called dreams and righteousness are far more important than filling the stomach.

It is an impossible task to transport a large amount of food through the border. At that time, there will be countless pairs of eyes. Whether it is a wild force or an official force, they may directly transform into bandits and rob them.

Even among the many forces led by the Man Yu army, apart from Philip, the first in line heir who is more racist, including Patrem, who now has the Holy See of Ether as a backer, they more or less overlap with the Yongye Army. Maintain an ambiguous relationship.

Robbery and others are also not merciful.

In the final analysis, the two parties are just interests.

But in this situation, what is more important than a lot of food?

At most, they used other names in the process of robbing the Yongye Army, and they turned their faces and refused to admit it afterwards.

Aristocrats are the most unscrupulous and bottom-line creatures in the world.

In this area, Princess Regent Sophilia obviously has a deep understanding. When Sean proposed to buy food, her first reaction was to solve the transportation problem by herself.

Obviously, she is very aware of the virtues of these lords and nobles, as long as the interests are large enough, there is nothing they dare not do.

If the name of the princess regent is out of the plains of Asia Minor, the effect will be greatly reduced.

It is a common method used by these lords and nobles to prevaricate and argue afterwards.

Benefit exchange, aren't you the best at this? Let the people led by Man Yu's army help us transport food.

After being pushed up by Chad, McGee the Skull Crusher was sullen for a while, but now that he heard a new question, he couldn't help expressing his opinion.

Undoubtedly, there was another burst of staring.

McGee said with an innocent face: Don't you call out every day, isn't the exchange of interests a means between forces that can never be disadvantageous?

The exchange of interests also depends on the situation. For the forces led by the Man Yu army, what interest is more attractive than food? We let them transport food, that is, meat buns beat dogs, and there will be no return. Marshall patiently explained.

Okay, anyway, what you say is reasonable, if it doesn't work, let's muddy the water led by Man Yu's army again, and see if there is any chance to profit from it. Although Skull Crusher McGee has been growing, But in this kind of matter, it is difficult to have any constructive opinions.

This time it was directly ignored.

Fishing in troubled waters.

Easier said than done.

Especially this kind of thing that takes profits from many forces.

In addition to the right time and place, a little luck is also required.

The most important thing is that they have just decided on the strategy of the northern fortress, and it is impossible to provoke troubles on the side of Man Yu's army.

The Yongye Army does not yet have the ability to profit from both ends.

Let's think about it in the long run. This is a backup option. We will work together in multiple ways. We will work together to overcome this difficulty. As long as we get through this, our future will go smoother. Sean waved his arms heavily.

That's right, we have come all the way from a few thousand people to hundreds of thousands now, so what can we do?

The Walled City Alliance is not our opponent, nor are the barbarians in the mountain Kentana. How can we bow our heads above the small food gap.

There are still countless people watching us below. We must not fall first. We must take the lead and tide over difficulties together.

Everyone cheered and cheered up.

In addition to the strategic direction, we also brainstormed and discussed some locally beneficial things, striving to make full use of available resources.

Looking down from the sky, the Yongye Army is like an irregular mollusk.

Originally the heaviest end was in the direction of the Andes inland lake, but with the sudden change of the situation, the Walled City Alliance had agreed to a peaceful merger, and the center of gravity began to shift.

A new round of screening work began, and a large amount of manpower and material resources began to be transferred to the northern fortress.

The Walled City Alliance is also included in the screening.

The peaceful annexation of the Walled City Alliance by the Yongye Army is not just a matter of replacing the flag of the Yongye Army on the top of Sishui City, but a gradual process.

In addition to a wave of war refugee diversion, the Walled City Alliance still maintains its independence. The relevant government policies have not been directly applied to the Yongye Army, and it is still presided over by Ban Hebrew according to the original pace.

However, Ban Hebrew now only has administrative power, not military power.

Except for a very small number of local armed personnel who maintained law and order, the army dispersed by the mountain Kentana barbarians did not regroup and reorganize. Instead, the Yongye Army set up a recruiting point here, and selected elites from them and dispersed them to various regiments. middle.

It won't take long for the excellent lieutenants of the Yongye Army to train them into excellent Yongye soldiers.

As long as the most essential part of this part is swallowed, no matter how careful Ban Hebrew is, it will be useless.

It is worth mentioning that the bloodline stability shown by the mountain Kentana barbarians is far higher than that of the Andes.

Judging from the current screening and investigation of the Yongye Army.

In an environment with a high concentration of magical energy like the Odin Grand Canyon, six out of ten Andis people will have unstable blood vessels and various complications.

Don't think this is a good thing, the Yongye Army can use this to train a large number of warlocks.

Most of the unstable blood vessels caused by external environmental stimuli are malignant, and I am afraid that only a few will be able to awaken into warlocks at that time. Most of them don't know what kind of monsters they become, and then their blood vessels collapse and they die miserably.

The beasts that failed to return to ancient times in the Institute of Biological Anomalies are the best evidence.

The proportion of the mountain Kentana barbarians is just the opposite of that of the Andeans. Only three out of ten react, and the situation is usually not too serious.

What's more interesting is that those mountain Kentana barbarians who reacted usually had impure blood, and most of them still had the blood of the Andes and the Odin orcs.

This directly became a new topic of the Biological Anomaly Research Institute.

If this mystery can be deciphered, their research on magical energy will go a step further.

Sean made a bold hypothesis about this. Is this situation related to the origin of the legendary warlock?

Legend has it that the ancient Andeans did not have the ability to cast spells. Warlocks would not appear until they crazily purified the blood of an unknown creature and injected it into their offspring.

The blood of the Andes people is mixed with the blood genes of other species, so they are naturally more susceptible to the influence of external energy.

The Kentana barbarians are the indigenous people of Arshan, and their blood genes have become extremely stable during the long evolution process, so they are naturally not easily affected.

However, this requires careful verification.

After all, legends are the most unreliable thing, especially the legends from thousands of years ago are even more unreliable.

The war between the Eternal Night Army and the Cliff Clan, the mountain Kentana barbarians, did not end with the annihilation of the Cliff Clan's invading army, but just started.

But the battlefield is no longer Andis Mountain, but on the negotiating table.

There are aliens in any race, and Locke, nicknamed Daddy, is an alien among the savages of the mountain Kentana.

In a race that likes to talk with fists, people who are good at using their brains are of course the oddities among the oddities.

Before confronting his father Locke, Sean really couldn't imagine what a barbarian with the body of a giant bear but with the cunning temperament of a fox would look like.

Aside from conversation and personality, Papa Locke is a standard Kentana barbarian who can no longer be standard. He is as tall as Yale, and he doesn't show much. There are all kinds of scars, both from fighting with people and from fighting with nature.

His hair is already grey, and crow's feet have appeared at the corners of his eyes, but his voice and appetite are still scary, just like his courage.

It really takes extraordinary courage to go to the enemy's territory alone and negotiate with the enemy. It also shows in disguise that the current situation of the other party is not easy.

With so many captives in their hands, the Eternal Night Army has long been aware of the situation in the eastern reaches of the Andes Mountains.

The situation over there is a bit complicated now. Apart from the fact that the Cliff Clan invaded the Andes Mountains, apart from the fact that Gergild took the initiative to send it to the door, there is also a bit of helplessness that belongs to him. Even if there is no Gergild, it will not take long. It is also possible to build your own rafts and cross the Great Lakes to invade the Andes.

The hardship of Dongluan's living environment is only one aspect. Since they have been able to take root here for so many years, it is no problem that the output here can barely support them.

The crux of the problem lies in Kentana Icefield, his own clan.

Although the Kentana barbarians have always looked down on the mountain Kentana barbarians and have always regarded them as bastards, they have maintained a certain relationship with each other over the years and exchanged special and scarce products-the Kentana barbarians are not As rumored outside, it is completely impossible to communicate and trade.

As long as there are races with logical thinking, there will inevitably be transactions, but the difference between backward and advanced, simple and complex.

However, this kind of transaction is obviously based on the balance between surplus property and force. When these two preconditions deviate, the only thing left is to plunder by force.

The same races on the Kentana Icefield brought less and less trade to the mountain Kentana barbarians, and more naked invasion and plunder.

Fortunately, the barbarian clans on the Kentana Ice Field have not always been closely connected, and large tribes with more than a thousand people are extremely rare. Although they are individually better than most of the mountainous Kentana barbarians, the latter have The advantage in numbers often means that the invasion fails, but is annexed by the mountainous Kentana barbarians.

The reason why the barbarian clan had this abnormal behavior is that the climate on the Kentana Ice Field has been complicated and changeable in recent years. The two major sources of food they rely on for food, the kodo and the walrus, have problems at the same time, so they can't think of it. Inheritance, the only way to keep your clan going is through external plunder.

Compared with other Kentana barbarian tribes who live in no fixed place, the mountain Kentana barbarians with fixed residences are naturally the first choice for plundering.

Compared with the Odin orcs, who are also nomads, the Kentana barbarians have a more fragile survival system and poorer disaster resistance. Once a certain link changes, they will face the crisis of genocide.

In the past two years, the abnormal weather on the Kentana Icefield has not only shown no signs of getting better, but has intensified. Even the big clans couldn't bear it, and began to surge towards the east of Andis.

The most terrible thing is that the opponent not only has a permanent posture in the east of the Andes Mountains, but also has a tendency to gather and unite.

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