The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 133 Plan

Alliance is free, but business can still be done. Who doesn't make money? As long as they provide what we need, the trade agreement with the nobles is also applicable to them.

Xiao En will not look up to the slave rebel army just because they are under the banner of justice. So far, all they have brought to the leader of Man Yu's army has been all destruction.

Whether the slave uprising army has the far-reaching historical significance of promoting the slave liberation movement led by the Man Yu army is unclear at present. Now not only the nobles and nobles, but even the small citizens are scolding, equating them with rogues and rioters , because they seriously interfere with their normal life.

Before their uprising, they could barely make ends meet, now they must face the threat of hunger and death.

The looting of the slave rebel army is only one aspect. On the other hand, in order to cope with the threat posed by the rebel army, the nobles and nobles began to recruit soldiers aggressively. Go and never return.

Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer.

In this chaotic era with imperfect systems and laws, this sentence is vividly interpreted.

However, Xiao En is not prepared to hold high the banner of justice and join forces with the leader of the Manyu army to destroy it.

With a big stomach and a lot of food, he is only the general of the Eternal Night Army, he only needs to be responsible for the tens of thousands of people under his command, and the life and death of other people should not be his concern.

It is a nonsense thing in itself to have the world in mind without reaching that height.

To what extent can it be achieved? Can the limit be relaxed a little?

Marshall's eyes lit up. He, the deputy general, is now in charge of logistics and supplies. The pressure is quite high. The Eternal Night Legion's ability to create wealth is amazing, but its ability to spend money is also amazing.

People eat horses, pave roads and bridges, open up land and farmland, update armaments, resettle mountain people, build villages and villages, which one does not cost money?

From the very beginning, the Eternal Night Legion did not have the concept of corvee and relief, and all implemented work in lieu of relief. When they gradually accumulated a certain amount of assets, it became employment.

The reason why the Eternal Night Legion has such a strong vitality and creative ability is not just fooled by words. Even if the soldiers of the Eternal Night Legion have such a high awareness, it does not mean that the mountain people also have it, but it is different if they have money and food. .

Working the same for thirteen or four hours a day, under the whip and the temptation of money, are two completely different concepts, whether it is efficiency or mood.

Recently, the Eternal Night Legion started to build the Twin Cities again. Marshall looked at the budget and found that it was a bottomless hole, with one head and two big ones. His first reaction when he saw it now was how much it was worth.

It is basically impossible to expect the Eternal Night Legion to fill this hole. If the Eternal Night Legion can't stop its own development for this reason, the loss outweighs the gain.

Marshall can only turn his attention to the deal with the military leader Man Yu, which is one of the current financial pillars of the Eternal Night Legion.

The main trade products of the two parties are honey, Tang's inlaid nail armor, various finished medicinal materials, nuts and mountain products, and a small amount of leather goods for the Yongye Legion.

The merchants led by the Man Yu army exported coal mines, salt, linen, a small amount of grain and daily necessities to the Eternal Night Army.

Compared with Man Yu Junling, many products of Yong Ye Legion have undergone secondary processing, and the moisture inside is quite large.

For example, Tang's nail-studded armor, the transaction price has been very low in the eyes of the merchants led by Man Yujun, but because the technology adopted by the Eternal Night Legion is ahead of this era, the cost is beyond imagination. As the technology matures, the cost You can also continue to press down, which can be called huge profits.

In fact, the output of Tang's inlaid nails is increasing day by day, but the transaction volume has not fluctuated much.

After all, this kind of thing is a military product, and the two sides are in a state of hostility. The Eternal Night Legion must also be careful about the number of cards, preventing the enemy from being too aggressive is one, and showing too much wealth is the second.

Now that Man Yu's army is in chaos, and the threat to the Eternal Night Army has plummeted, it is possible to trade in large quantities, but the problem is that it is difficult for Man Yu's army to transport goods.

If the slave rebel army moves eastward and is next to them, there will be convenient trade conditions.

Don't underestimate the slave rebel army. Now they are not mud legs with nothing in the beginning. They have captured more than ten cities and dozens of castles one after another. The wealth accumulated by those nobles and nobles over the years has become their spoils of war.

They are now holding a lot of wealth with nowhere to spend it.

Marshall had already thought about it, but the distance between the two sides was too far, and he was powerless.

As long as it doesn't involve confidential core products and they are willing to buy them, we can sell them. There is no taboo.

Obviously, Marshall was not the only one who cared about the wealth in the hands of the slave rebels. Sean had also been eyeing it a long time ago. Putting those things in the hands of the nouveau riche would be a waste of money. Only in the hands of the Eternal Night Legion can more wealth be created.

Understood. Marshall showed a knowing smile.

He quickly calculated in his mind which products were suitable for trading with the slave rebel army.

Although it is also a transaction, the needs of both parties are completely different.

At least the slave rebel army's demand for luxury goods such as honey is far less than that of Lord Manyu's army.

Tang's nail-studded armor is definitely in high demand. Their demand and urgency are even higher than those of Lord Man Yu's army. One-third, many of them went into battle with farm tools.

Naturally, the price cannot be set at the same price as when it was sold to the lords and nobles. At least it has to be raised by 50%. It is not that Marshall has a prejudice against the slave rebels, and he is purely from the perspective of a businessman to maximize his profits.

At the beginning, the transaction with the lords and nobles was for a long-term plan, and they could provide the materials they needed, and the initiative was relatively in the hands of the other party. In order to lure them to take the initiative to trade with themselves, they naturally had to make concessions on the price.

Contrary to the deal with the slave rebel army, although it was not a one-off deal, it would certainly not last long. They would be defeated or flee at any time. Even if they could really take down the leader of Manyu, they had to wait until they were done down.

Before that, it was a seller's market, and they had to ask themselves, so it was natural for them to raise the price a bit.

Not only Tang's inlaid nail armor, but even the leather armor replaced by the Eternal Night Army can be sold back to them for waste use after repairing it.

Not only armor, but weapons are also in high demand. Ironware is also scarce in the Eternal Night Army, but there is no shortage of bows and crossbows in the Eternal Night Army, especially the Andis hunting bow. A bag of food, those Andis mountain people sold their heads to Eternal Night Legion, even if it is a finely crafted carving bow, three bags of salt can be exchanged for one.

The most indispensable thing in the mountains is all kinds of bow-making wood. Every Andis hunter is a good bow-maker. Who doesn't have three or five good bows? Who doesn't store a few pieces of fine bow lumber?

If it is said that Xiao En started to collect bow-making wood as a consultation fee, it opened a precedent for mountain people to store bow-making wood.

Then the Eternal Night Legion purchased bow-making wood on a large scale, directly turning it into a traditional custom of the mountain people.

If the slave rebels didn't take out five bags of food, they would never get a bow from the hands of the Eternal Night Army.

The Eternal Night Legion doesn't make money from the unscrupulous money of its leaders, even if it's the price of two bags of grain for the mountain people, it still makes some money.

The focus of Ralph's attention in the recent period is the direction of Man Yu's military leader. The files of the hereditary viscount and above must be compiled into a book and ready for reference at any time.

Yes, General!

Marshall has to worry about logistical scheduling. Some things should be properly distributed. Don't let yourself be so tired. Just do a good job in the final review and give the young people in the military staff more opportunities to practice. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. As long as they can be corrected in time, They can be forgiven. If you don’t give them more opportunities to do things because you are afraid of making mistakes, they will never grow up. I made such a mistake before. If you are tied to you now, you will never have a chance to mature. Don't follow my old path. I heard that you have neglected your own training recently because of military affairs? This is not necessary. As a general, you don't need everyone to work hard on the champion knight. At least it makes sense, only a good body, Only then can there be more energy! At this point, Ralph has done a good job, you have to learn from him.

Sean said to Marshall earnestly.

No one is perfect in this world, everyone has their own flaws, Sean is, and so is Marshall.

I didn't feel it when I was with Sean before, but when I worked independently, it was exposed bit by bit.

Marshall put it nicely, saying that he should be careful in everything, and that he must do everything personally. If it sounds ugly, he likes to take power, and he has to intervene in everything and intervene in everything.

This kind of thing should be taken care of for Marshall's face, and said in private, but Sean said it a few times, but the effect was not good, so he specifically brought it up at this time, and deliberately compared it with Ralph.

Ralph looked at Sean with obvious resentment. Sean was trying to correct Marshall's shortcomings and brought himself into it. With Marshall's strong personality, he will definitely compete with him everywhere in the future.

Understood! Marshall replied muffled. No matter who it is, being called on this occasion will not look very good, but his weakness was indeed caught by Sean, and his eyes were burning. war.

Here, let me let you know a little bit. I plan to hold a military competition and establish an officer academy on the second anniversary of the establishment of the Eternal Night Legion. At that time, you will be the first batch of students and also the first batch of teachers. It would be embarrassing if the limelight is suppressed by the students!

It's not a day or two since Sean has such a heart to set up his own school. Although he has been doing similar things, most of the soldiers of the Eternal Night Legion, when they see him, call him a general, but also respectfully call him a teacher.

But after all, he is Ye Luzi. He is far from the level of learning about heaven and man. The typical answer is that it is miscellaneous but not refined. It's always on charge.

With the development and growth of the Eternal Night Legion, the number of residents under its leadership is increasing. Whether it is the officers of the Eternal Night Legion or those middle and low-level managers, they all feel powerless. After all, many people are rushing ducks to the shelves. Stones across the river.

Even if he has formed a set of his own experience in the past two years, it is a wild way with mixed advantages and disadvantages, and many problems have been exposed. Xiao En has been sending people to collect these experiences into a book, regardless of whether it is good or bad. It is used for communication and learning, the good ones are widely publicized and learned, and the bad ones are used as a warning to correct them.

This will be the first task of the officer school.

So fast? Not only Marshall, but even Ralph was startled, a little caught off guard.

They knew that Sean was going to set up a military academy, but they didn't expect Sean to be so eager. It's still half a year away from the second anniversary of the Eternal Night Legion, but the military academy is full of things, not to mention the teachers, even the site selection is difficult. It has not been settled yet, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it only exists in ideas.

The sooner it is established, the better. Some bad habits of many officers have not yet been fully formed, and it is easy to correct them. Once they are integrated into their bones, they will not only destroy themselves, but also lead a group of soldiers. It doesn't matter if there are no teachers. We You can learn and train as you go, and when the first batch of students graduate, our teachers will be qualified.

Sean is familiar with this, because he knows that the path that the Eternal Night Legion is taking is a road that no one has ever traveled in this world. No one can teach them, and neither can Sean.

At best, he is a guide, using some experience from his previous life to point out a relatively feasible path, so that they can avoid detours, and to implement it, they still need to grope forward together.

Established earlier, established earlier, I have long wanted to taste what it's like to be a teacher. Skull Crusher McKee squeezed the Kaba Kaba with both hands, and he didn't know what he thought of, and let out a low laugh, just like a A famous murderer, I don't know if he linked the teacher with the butcher.

The others rolled their eyes and ignored the guy who spoke without thinking.

There will be a special meeting on the establishment of the military academy, so I won't talk about it today. Sean continued the previous topic, I will leave it to Marshall to deal with the slave rebels, and we must proceed with caution. , the slave uprising army is mixed with fish and dragons, don't suffer from their dull losses.

Yes, General!

General McGee, keep an eye on the Eastern Front. Those mobs have gone too far recently. If they do something wrong again, you might as well be tougher. Just because we don't want to start a war now doesn't mean we haven't started a war. Strength.

If you make me shy like I used to be, it will be difficult for me. After shrinking for so long, I will almost become a son of a son and grandson. Be tougher, then I have found the right person, hehe... what I am best at is This! I’ve said it a long time ago, when dealing with these bullying guys, you can’t be used to it, beat them up if you have something to do, and be honest!”

Skull Crusher McGee touched his big bald head and boasted to himself.

In order to set an example, Sean and McGee took the lead in shaving their heads. Afterwards, Sean and the others grew their hair back. Although it was the same size, McGee kept his head bald and became addicted. Because it is easy to take care of, every three days On the fifth day, I scraped around with a dagger. I usually wash my face, wipe it with a hot towel, and wash my hair together. I don’t have to worry about recruiting parasites. The most ideal hairstyle for lazy people.

What kind of people, what kind of soldiers, the Skull Crusher Legion basically has this virtue. If the helmet is removed, it will be a monk legion just like a monk.

From now on, I'll do what you want, and we'll give you a full account of what happened! Xiao En's eyes flashed coldness.

The Walled City Alliance is the pigs raised by the Eternal Night Legion in the back garden of their house, and they will be slaughtered after they are fattened up.

A pig should have the self-consciousness of being a pig. It would be wrong to spoil the pigsty and provoke the owner if there is nothing to do.

In the past, there was the pressure from the leader of the Man Yu Army, and the Eternal Night Army could not act rashly. Now there is no pressure from the other side. If this fat pig doesn't know what to do, the Eternal Night Army doesn't mind trying how fast its own knife can sharpen. .

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