The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 132 Subtle Attitude

It's perfectly normal for this to happen! Before the situation becomes clear, they won't easily stand in line. What's more, the coronation of Patlem itself is not justified. It's a scandal. But it's not completely useless, that is, he stood on the high point of fame first.

On the high point of fame? What's the use? I really don't understand what kind of tricks these people outside the mountain are playing? Let's have a good fight, let's see who has the biggest fist and whoever is the boss. What a simple thing, why do you have to make it so complicated? Isn’t Philip known as a young lion? Is he notoriously crazy when he fights? Why is he anticlimactic this time, so domineering when he appeared on the stage, but now he shrinks back In the territory? If it were me, I would not only participate in the coronation ceremony of the other party’s grand duke, but also take my own army with me. I want to see how the other party responds?”

It's only you, a fool, who can do such a mindless thing. Under normal circumstances, the two sides would have been fighting for a long time. Don't forget, there is still a slave rebel army? If they fight here Wouldn't life and death give each other a chance to win? It's just a power struggle between them, but they are irreconcilable with the slave rebels, because no matter how they fight, no matter who wins, the leader of the Manyu army will still be the Faerun family in the end If the slave rebel army is allowed to succeed, the entire Manyu military leadership will change.

You mean that the two sides will join forces? After the slave rebels are eliminated, they will compete for the seat of the Grand Duke?

It's hard to say. It involves the issue of trust. If it were you, would you rest assured that a future enemy is behind you?

Nonsense, of course don't worry, what if you stab me in the back at a critical moment? Instead of doing this, it's better to do it alone!

You think so, and Philip and Patram probably think so too. The possibility of joining forces is unlikely. At most, the two sides restrain themselves, don't confront the slave rebels, and fight each other with the slave rebels, desperately expanding their own power. The territory, win over those little lords and nobles, and prepare for the future to fight for the world.

What do you mean? Why do I think so? Is it possible that my IQ is lower than theirs?

I didn't say that, it was just your own misinterpretation.

Serious, serious, the meeting! The meeting! Let's continue to analyze that Patraim and Philip will not trouble us for a while, but the slave rebel army is an unstable factor. Their main force began to attack us. We have the direction, do you think they will enter the mountain and trouble us?

Not in the heyday. After all, their foundation is the slaves and the poorest people at the bottom. Only among the oppressed masses can they have a home field advantage and grow stronger. If they come to us, they are not slave uprisings. I know one of their two chiefs, he is an absolutely smart man, and he would not make such a muddled decision. They moved east, probably because they were backed by the Andes Mountains and prevented from being attacked. ,but……

But they failed in the uprising, so it's hard to say. At that time, they will become rogues in the true sense. In order to survive, there is nothing they can't do. It is almost inevitable to flee to the Andes Mountains, because outside the mountains There is no place for them, including other military leaders, and no lord likes instability.

There will be no shelter for them in the mountains. We have just calmed down here, so how can we allow them to mess around again.

Let's just wait and see. This kind of slave rebel army with mixed components is very unstable. How much success can be achieved depends on its own factors besides its own enemies. If a hole comes out, if it is not done well, without the enemy to fight, the internal affairs will fall apart. Judging from the situation we have, their current situation is very unsatisfactory!

There are too many people and their hearts are not in harmony. Their development speed is too fast. They are comparable to what our Eternal Night Legion had back then. Everyone should still remember the devastation at that time. Even if we are close brothers like this, a group of them have never seen each other before. The low-level people from the past get together, good and bad are mixed, it’s no wonder that they can’t be chaotic, the most important thing is that they don’t have time to carry out internal rectification, and some conflicts that were not big at first will become huge hidden dangers after accumulating for a period of time.”

They are just a chariot that enters the battlefield. They can only advance but not retreat. It is up to them whether they want to expand now. They have to take in the slaves who defected to them. They are now supporting the war with war and barely maintaining it. When they have nothing to snatch, it is inevitable that they will fall apart. If I were Philip and Patrem, I would not need to attack them at all. I would guard my own gate and put heavy pressure on them, forcing them to continue to expand and wait for them When internal divisions occur, one more battle will determine the outcome.”

If they really do this, those lords and aristocrats still hate them, and their hearts are against each other. How can they compete with each other for the position of grand duke in the future? Besides, if the slave rebels have a chance to breathe, there is no guarantee that they will not carry out internal rectification.

Internal rectification is difficult, it is too difficult! From the very beginning, there have been two giants, and we can't decide what to do. Once the two have differences, the breakup will be fatal.

Didn't Tang say that before? Their two-hero model is also a last resort. That Mr. Steinback wished to revolt and take the power into his own hands, but he is an outsider after all, and he does not have that much influence. He needs to rely on Di Kelong The influence of the champion knight forced him to join the gang, no one wants to be manipulated by others, and it is almost inevitable to develop his own power by then, this Mr. Starbuck is a bit shooting himself in the foot!

Inside the Eternal Night Legion, people are generally pessimistic about the future of the slave rebel army led by Man Yu's army.

In addition to the inherent disadvantages of the slave rebel army, the slave rebel army led by Man Yujun had various problems. With the development and growth, this problem became more obvious, that is, from the beginning, it was divided into two major groups. Factions - Starbuck and Dixon each lead one.

Following Starbuck is mostly those local hooligans and unsatisfactory Manyu people. He is definitely a good hand in winning people's hearts. Some petty profits make these people who are chasing interests completely confused. Let him lead.

Followed by Di Kelong, slave gladiators and slaves are the majority. He is also the champion of many gladiator competitions, but his influence among slave gladiators, who grew up as a slave gladiator, far exceeds that of Star. Buck, because those slave gladiators couldn't find a sense of belonging in Starbuck, after all, the origins of the two sides are very different.

Compared with Starbuck's lofty ambitions, Dixon is more silent and introverted, doing more than talking.

The temperament of the two people determines that the two people have different styles of doing things.

Putting two people with such different personalities together, they may be able to hug each other for warmth at first due to the pressure of survival.

But with the development of their own power, the differences have become wider and wider. This time, the resolution on the withdrawal of the slave rebel army to the east froze.

The idea of ​​withdrawing eastward was put forward by Starbuck, who believed that they are now large enough to move around like rogues, and it is no longer suitable for them. They must find a territory and reorganize it. In winter, they will have nothing to grab, and building a rear area of ​​their own is the long-term solution.

Di Kelong did not agree with this point of view, thinking that they should continue to fight, and they still had to gnaw hard bones-Philip and the golden camel led by him.

The reason is also very good. Philip had just rushed back from the Broken Blood Fort. It was a time when he was weak, and with the auxiliary army and the little nobles who went to him one after another, he survived 15,000, and the slave rebel army The main force alone is more than 100,000. Even if the composition is miscellaneous and the combat effectiveness is low, but they have 20,000 slave gladiators, even if an ant eats an elephant, it can kill them alive.

In doing so, although the victory will be a miserable victory, but their enemies will be one less way, and the room for maneuver will be much larger in the future.

Even if they failed, their losses were not as great as imagined. The golden camel heavy cavalry that Philip relied on did not have such strong endurance and did not have so many auxiliary soldiers, so there was no way to drive them out.

After reorganization, they start all over again. The last thing they are afraid of is failure.

The most important thing is that Philip is a real military strategist, and the golden camel cavalry led by him is a real elite. Compared with him, Patlem is just an opportunistic clown, and the threat of the two is incomparable.

Di Kelong showed his brave side to the fullest.

This proposal has been unanimously approved by the senior management of the Eternal Night Army, and the evaluation of Di Kelong has been improved several grades. With this knowledge, he is already worthy of being an excellent general.

If his proposal can be passed, no matter whether he wins or loses, the political structure of Man Yu's army will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Now that the slave rebel army is retreating eastward, Philip and his golden camel heavy cavalry are still alive and kicking.

It shows that Di Kelong's proposal died aborted.

Not only Starbuck's people strongly opposed it, but most of the slave gladiators who supported him also opposed him.

It is understandable that Starbuck's people opposed him. After all, Starbuck's opinion itself was there. He didn't want to fight, not only for his own reasons, but also out of interest considerations. He knew that the two heirs would not join forces to fight them. Yes, not only will they not join forces, but the two sides will even choke each other. If Philip is eliminated, the Patraim family will become dominant, which is not good for them.

The reason why the slave gladiators were unwilling to support Di Kelong was because those little chiefs knew that once the war started, they would be the main force, and the prestige of the golden camel heavy cavalry had been in full swing in the Man Yu army for thirty years.

Although the Grand Duke Borg who created him is old and can't be reused, the golden camel heavy cavalry has not lost its reputation, especially after changing a new commander. , Their prestige, even they have heard of it in the cage.

Faced with such a team head-on on the battlefield, even these indifferent slave gladiators feel a little guilty.

The most important thing is that they are no longer the slaves who had nothing in the past, but generals who have a lot of wealth and command the wind and rain. Even the former noble lords have to run away when they see them.

When people have concerns and expectations for a better life, they will naturally become less courageous.

It is difficult to raise brave and fearless generals in the nest of wealth.

Troubles come out of poor mountains and bad waters.

That's what he said.

This game has dealt a big blow to Dick Long's personal spirit and reputation. Now the entire slave rebel army is led by Starbucks, but the hidden danger has not been eliminated. Unless Starbuck can lead the slave rebel army all the way uphill, otherwise If something goes wrong, Di Kelong may take advantage of the trend.

The only solution is for Starbuck and Dixon to reach a consensus and unify their ideology.

However, this is basically impossible. The background and experience of the two of them are destined to have very little common language, and both of them are people who have reached the peak of their personal force. Such people have a common characteristic.

To put it nicely, it's called perseverance.

To put it bluntly, it is called stubbornness.

As long as they look for things, it is difficult to change.

Because only with such a character, they can have today's achievements.

The leader of the slave rebel army has expressed the intention of contacting us? Some even proposed to form an alliance with us. If the other party really sends a messenger? How should we respond? Ralph threw out a question with Yong Yong The Night Legion has a closely related topic.

The reason why the Eternal Night Legion paid close attention to the movement of the slave rebel army was not only because the other party was about to become their new neighbor, but also because they wanted to see if there was any opportunity to profit from it.

In addition, the two sides have a relatively natural indirect relationship-more than half of the slave rebels are Andes mountain people, or their descendants.

The slave rebel army moved to the east, and it might be that they did not want to form an alliance with the Yongye Army who had just started.

The unique geographical environment makes the self-secret work of the Eternal Night Legion relatively easy, and it is done quite well. Even if it is for trade, it can only be carried out in designated locations. Even those nobles have very limited understanding of them, only knowing Andis Such a force has risen in the mountains.

But who is leading this force?

How big is it?

How many mountain people do you have?

How is the equipment?

How many troops can be fought?

None of these situations are known.

For them, the entire Andes Mountains have been shrouded in a fog, and they can no longer see clearly.

On the contrary, they are completely transparent in the eyes of the Eternal Night Legion.

The information is not equal, they can only be led by the nose by the Eternal Night Army.

Starbuck knew the potential of the Eternal Night Army without seeing him, but he just wanted to have one more ally and leave a way out for himself.

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