The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 235 The battle is over

Chapter 235 The battle is over
Dracula said the anger started here,

"However, you actually found this place, destroyed it, and killed her. This is not something I can tolerate, Blake! Just because I give you face does not mean that I am weaker than you, nor does it mean that I am just that Very bullying!"

Saying this, Dracula suddenly disappeared in place and appeared beside Finny, trying to grab Finny's hands just like killing those werewolf wizards before, tearing Finny in half,
Fortunately, Finny had already placed several layers of the Iron Armor Curse on his body to block this attack.

As for Dracula’s disappearance in place, it’s not because he cast magic like apparition, the taboo here is still useful to him,
The reason why this happens is simply because Dracula's speed is too fast.It was so close that the naked eye could not distinguish his departure from his arrival.

Fundamentally speaking, a wizard duel is a question of who goes first. Of course, the one who points first is not the one who makes the first move, but who takes the first opportunity.

If you take the initiative, you can control the opponent, and you can use the Killing Curse, a one-hit killing magic, first.

In fact, the realm level of a wizard is only a realm in terms of magic power, perception, and control over magic, and there is not much difference in strength.

Especially with the existence of magic like the Killing Curse, as long as the magic power is enough, an adult wizard can easily kill a legendary wizard, and this kind of magic is not the only one like the Killing Curse.

Feeney naturally couldn't use the Killing Curse at this time, although he had the upper hand because of the Iron Armor Curse and could cast magic to attack Dracula before he could react.
But the Killing Curse is not Finny's first choice now,

The Killing Curse, like the other two Unforgivable Curses, was invented by the same wizard, and the requirements for using it are naturally the same. Although these three spells are very simple, it can be said that they can be used after a while.

However, some conditions are required to exert their original effects. They all need determination from the heart. Taking the Killing Curse as an example, it requires a deep-seated desire to kill the other party, and it is sincere. Hope, and enjoy the painful feeling of the enemy before death, but, justified thoughts, such as the killing intent triggered by hatred, are not enough for the Killing Curse.

Of course, Finny’s determination to kill Dracula is not bad. The main reason why he didn’t choose to use the Killing Curse is that this magic will affect the soul. It’s okay to use it once or twice. The mind, emotions, and even personality are affected by the Killing Curse.

If you want to become a legendary wizard, you must be pure in your heart, so if Finny can avoid using this magic, he will avoid using this magic,

So when Dracula's attack on him was ineffective, Finny used the usual stun spell, and it was still a silent spell.

This is the necessary condition for wizards to fight. The silent spell is not only faster to use, but also because there is no need to read the spell, the enemy cannot judge what kind of magic it is, so they can only choose to avoid it. Even if there is no spell left, it will be delayed opportunity for the enemy to attack,

To put it simply, a powerful wizard can even use his magic that does not hit the enemy so that the enemy has no room to fight back.

No need to think about it, Finney's stun spell will not hit Dracula, after all, the speed of the ancestor of the vampire has been proven, and it can be compared with the magic of Apparition in a short distance.

And even if it hits, Feeney didn't expect the magic to take effect. Vampires also have magic resistance, although it is not as good as giants, and wizards with giant blood, such as Hagrid, the magic spells with his body can't take effect. .

Just as Dracula retreated to avoid Finny's spell, Finny also used the second spell,
I saw him holding up his wand and drawing a big circle above his head,
A stone wall rose from the ground around Fini and Dracula. This stone wall is curved, forming a circle to enclose the two of them, just like a Colosseum.
Seeing this, Dracula also understood that the previous spell was just to distract himself so that Finny had the opportunity to use this spell.

And the purpose of this magic is to control the two of them here. Thinking of this, Dracula subconsciously looked up,
Sure enough, above the Colosseum, the surrounding walls began to move closer to the middle to form a roof, sealing the entire Colosseum. This time, even if they could fly, they couldn't leave.

Dracula, who was trapped here, was very angry, and rushed towards Finny again. This time he saw very clearly that Finny had no chance to cast the Iron Armor Curse on himself, and the Iron Armor Curse on Finny was also broken by himself up.

In other words, as long as Dracula's blow hits Feeney, Feeney's life will also disappear.

Dracula appeared directly in front of Feeney in the next moment, and thrust his right hand into Feeney's chest fiercely.
At the moment when Fei Ni's life was in danger, a flame appeared in front of Fei Ni out of thin air.The flame blocked Dracula's attack at the same time.

It was the flame phoenix. Under the control of Feeney, the phoenix rushed towards the castle as if committing suicide. It exploded, killing a large number of vampires and disappearing itself.

At least it seemed so to Dracula, so when the fire phoenix suddenly appeared in front of Feeney and resisted his fatal attack, he was puzzled and puzzled.

Therefore, he seemed a little dull at this time,

Dracula's dullness does not mean that Finny will be dull. He is not surprised that the fire phoenix will appear. As I said before, the fire phoenix made up of flames is immortal. As long as there are flames on the battlefield, it can die. Rebirth, and when Finney built the Colosseum, he specially enclosed a piece of the remains of the burning castle within the scope of the Colosseum.

Feeney pointed his right wand towards the ground, and then moved upwards abruptly,

A handbrush made entirely of soil and rocks protruded from the ground, and firmly grabbed Dracula who was still in a daze and didn't understand why.

The next moment, the flame phoenix rushed towards Dracula.

Dracula, who has never pulled out his wand to use magic, can no longer pretend this time. A wand that is completely made of bones, rubies, and decorated with bright red metal like blood appeared in his hand.
Facing the appearance of the magic wand, a wind barrier appeared in front of the flame phoenix,
The gust of wind blew towards Finny, blowing the flame phoenix upside down,
Feeney had no choice but to roll to the side, avoiding what was originally his own attack.

At the same time, the magic wand in his hand continued to dance, and various stone statues of creatures began to appear on the surrounding ground, rushing towards Dracula,
Feeney is very clear that it is very difficult for him to defeat Dracula with pure combat magic at his current level of magic power. After all, even if Dracula is not a legendary wizard, he is not far from the level of a legendary wizard. It is said that vampires themselves are a very suitable race for fighting.

The inheritance of Gryffindor allows Finny to easily use Transfiguration to fight, and can achieve very great results with less magic power. With the evocation magic invented by Finny himself, it allows him to use Transfiguration to fight way to a higher level.

That's what he does at this point, with a mass of stone figures grabbing Dracula and trying to keep him under control.

Feeney also took this opportunity to stand up and continue to use the transformation technique. The raw material is the remains of the ancient castle on the ground.

Finally, Finny took out the soul stone again, inserted the wand into the ground fiercely, and then pulled it up with reason.

A huge palm stretched out from the ground with a forearm, grabbed Dracula in his hand, and then clenched it tightly. Of course, it couldn't kill Dracula, but it could control him.

While Dracula was under control, the wand in Finny's hand began to change,
The material of the wand changed from wood to metal, and then slowly, it finally became a sword.
Feeney ran towards Dracula with the sword in his hand, and kept waving it with his left hand while he was running. A road made of mud appeared at Feeney's feet and continued to appear as he moved. ,
In the end, Feeney jumped up close to Dracula, held the sword in both hands, and slashed towards Dracula's neck forcefully.

The knife rose and fell, and Dracula's head fell to the ground together with the fall of the sword.

The ancestor of the vampire, who was comparable to the legendary wizard, was killed by Finny in this way.

Died very aggrieved, died very innocent,
He should not have underestimated Finny when he died, should have used the wand from the beginning, instead of trying to kill Finny with physical force, should have used magic directly,
Cutting Curse, Killing Curse, there are many magics that can kill people. Unfortunately, Dracula didn't use any of them. As a wizard, he chose melee combat. Sure enough, wizards should use all their strength and then use dual-wielding heavy swords.

The second point is that the magic resistance of Dracula's vampire ancestor can make him ignore many attack magics. When he is controlled by Finny's transformation, he doesn't think about what kind of attack magic Finny will use. He just waits to find Chance broke free and continued to kill Finny,

Then Feeney also knew that Dracula's magic resistance made his magic unable to kill him easily, so Feeney chose melee combat, holding two big swords, and cutting Dracula's neck from top to bottom with one sword, clean neatly.

As Dracula's head fell to the ground, Finny also heaved a sigh of relief, then fell to the ground, panting heavily,

This battle looks very simple, it's just that Dracula keeps attacking, and then Feeney finds an opportunity to counterattack, and then Feeney keeps attacking, and finally controls Dracula, and finally wins,
But in fact, Finny has been using magic, transfiguration, evocation magic, all kinds of control magic, and the last trick of transfiguration on the wand. You know, the wand is a magic item. It is very rare for props to use magic in the magic world.

Well, there's the content of Finny's new dissertation, on the necessity and method of using Transfiguration on wands.

After resting for a long time, Feeney felt that part of his magic power had recovered, and then he moved his wand to disperse the surrounding Colosseum, revealing the outside appearance.

Lisa felt her heart was about to jump out the moment Dracula attacked Feeney, and she was even more worried when she saw that Feeney trapped both him and Dracula in this huge stone pile building. endlessly,
Hastily ordered the living werewolf wizards to fight with all their might,
Without Dracula's help, the already weak vampires were even pushed over by the werewolf wizard led by Lisa.

And Finny has already left a message, this time the battle will not leave anyone alive, so all the vampires except Dracula died,
However, when Lisa and the others finished fighting, it was not over for Finny, nor did the huge stone Colosseum disappear.
While Lisa was worried, she also had to find something to do for herself. According to Finny's habit, many werewolf wizards began to count the spoils, and at the same time inspect the war, and let them escape alive.

After sorting out all the intact items in this ruined castle, putting magic items together, books together, money, gems, and some valuable things together, corpses together,
Following Lisa's actions, the entire battlefield has changed,
At this moment, there was a change in the Colosseum, and Lisa made a gesture.

Many werewolf wizards took out the wands that had been put away again, and pointed at the gap that appeared on the Colosseum. They were very nervous. As long as it was not Finny, they would directly attack and try their best to kill Germany. Gula.

Fortunately, the ending is touching,

Finny wins, and Dracula is decapitated by him.

As Finny walked out of the Colosseum, the werewolf wizards burst into deafening cheers,
If Feeney loses this battle, then all of them werewolf wizards will definitely be killed by Dracula. Even if some survive, a large part will die with Dracula.

They are not as talented as the young master of the Black family. It seems that this transfiguration user is better than many transfiguration masters in the magic world.

This can be said to be the voice of all werewolf wizards present,
Unlike the werewolf wizard who was worried about himself, Lisa also burst into tears at this time. She was happy because Finny was still alive,
Lisa doesn't care whether the vampire is dead or not, whether this battle is won or not. She only cares about Feeney from the beginning to the end.

As long as Finny is alive, no matter what happens is secondary to her, now that Finny is alive and victorious, she will naturally feel ecstatic, tears welling up in her reddish eye circles,
But she didn't embrace Finny according to her impulse, because she knew very well that Finny was her young master, and even if Finny got married in the future, the bride would not be her, because a witch who became a werewolf, and her face With such a scar on her face, she is not qualified to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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