The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 234 Dracula

Chapter 234 Dracula

Rumors that Feeney dispatched troops to surround a forest in France spread directly throughout the European magic circle.
When the patriarchs of many pure-blood families saw this news, they all cursed at the same time,
"This lunatic!"

Yes, in their opinion, Feeney is a lunatic, just because those vampires kidnapped him once before, and now, the vampire family is almost wiped out by Feeney, this is not what a lunatic is.

At this time, Feeney didn't know the views of those pure-blood families in the magic world. Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart. Those families were not considered by Feeney from the beginning.

I don't know why, but Feeney found that the wizards of these pure-blood families in the magic world didn't have the idea or plan to gather their subordinates and develop troops.
It seems that all their power in the magic world comes from their blood, family background and Jin Gallon. It seems that the whole magic world agrees that wizards with pure blood have a higher status than half-blood wizards.

After Finney found out about this situation, he looked at what was wrong with his subordinates, and no longer paid attention to those hostile pure-blood families. Forget it, like Rich, Lestrange and the Black family A pure-blooded family with a high level of status, Feeney still attaches great importance to it. After all, the Black family has so many legendary wizards. If other families say that there is no such thing, Feeney will not believe it.

Troops are very useful in many cases, but in the face of legendary wizards, they can't resist a simple magic of them.

Back to the present, Finny followed Lisa and led his army of wizards to the outside of the castle, which was suspected to be the base camp of the vampire reformers, surrounded the castle, and began to set up a magical taboo barrier that prohibits apparition , to ensure that no vampire escapes from this castle,
The completion of the enchantment is the signal for the beginning of the war,

I saw Finny took out his wand with his right hand, and the soul stone that hadn't been made into a wand with his left hand.
Holding up the wand to the castle, Lisa next to her, and the wizards behind her, the author did the same, holding up the wand, waiting for Finny's magic to launch,
"Burning flames!"

Finny uttered the magic spell aloud, and a group of flames shot out from the head of his wand, thinking about the castle and flying away.

"Blazing flames!" *N
Many spells sounded behind Feeney, and in the sky, the ball of fire flew towards the castle, reflecting the entire forest in orange.
The high temperature emitted by the many flames gathered together seemed to evaporate the air, and a faint mist began to appear around everyone, which distorted the sight of the people's door a lot.

And this majestic and terrifying formation was only the first part of Finney's plan,

After seeing many flames, he held up the soul stone in his left hand, and the magic power on the magic wand in his right hand surged wildly.

A large amount of magic was vented outward through the only way of the wand, spewing into the air above the many fireballs that were still thinking about the castle.

Under the traction of Finny's magic power, many fire groups gradually merged into a huge fire curtain,

Under the effect of Finny's evocation magic, the huge curtain of fire slowly began to change shape.

From the appearance of a whole curtain, the huge phoenix began to change, and finally took shape slowly,

In the process of this transformation, the sparks produced by the flames still radiate towards the ground, igniting the positive forest,

Lisa led the werewolf wizards and did not release any water-based magic on the surrounding forest. Instead, they continuously released wind-based magic to blow the flames that ignited the forest towards the castle, and set the castle ablaze.

At the moment when the flame was transformed, the soul stone in Feeney's left hand lighted up slightly, and the core part of the casting magic was completed, endowing the flame phoenix purely made of flame with wisdom. Because of the characteristics of flame, this flame phoenix is Just like a real phoenix, it can be reborn from ashes, unless all the surrounding flames are completely extinguished, otherwise, there is no way to destroy this flaming phoenix.

Under Feeney's control, the flame phoenix rushed towards the castle,
The castle, which had already been ignited, erupted with a huge impact under the impact of the flame phoenix, rushing towards the surroundings and upwards,
Under the influence of smoke, dust, high pressure formed by air combustion and other factors, this impact finally formed a mushroom-shaped explosion cloud, which could not dissipate for a long time in the sky above the castle.

Following the impact of the flame phoenix, many werewolf wizards rushed towards the castle with their wands held high, as if they had received a signal.

In the eyes of Feeney and others, this is the beginning of the war.
However, for the vampires in the castle, this was very sudden and very bullying.

It was still daytime at this time, so most of the vampires were resting due to their habits.
Suddenly the castle where they were resting was ignited, a fire appeared, and the high temperature awakened some sleeping vampires,
Just when these vampires were about to release their magic to fight the fire, they discovered the werewolf wizards who surrounded the castle.
And when they found that they were surrounded, the first reaction of these vampires was not to fight, but to apparate and shift positions,

It's a pity that this point has long been thought of by Feeney. From the moment they surrounded the castle, no apparition was allowed around here, because they were afraid of appearing, and Feeney deliberately let Puff and the others devised a set of taboo ways to restrict house-elves,
In other words, the surroundings, including house elves, goblins, elves and other magical creatures that are different from wizards' magic, cannot use space transfer magic such as apparition.

Even because of Finny's research on runes, this taboo can also prohibit the effect of teleportation circle to a certain extent.

To put it simply, these vampires were trapped in the castle by Finny, and they had no choice but to rush out of the castle and fight Finny's werewolf wizard.

While the vampires were discussing countermeasures, a huge flame phoenix crashed into the top of the castle,
Then, the castle was destroyed, the low-level vampires died directly in this impact, and many high-level vampires were seriously injured because of this impact. Even relying on the vampire's self-healing ability It is considered to have lost the ability to fight.

At the same time, the vampires also discovered that the werewolf wizards surrounding them attacked them. The remaining senior vampires who were still able to fight, including the only vampire ancestor in this castle, raised their wands and started to fight back. The green light is flying around above the wreckage of the ancient castle.

Seeing this, Lisa hurriedly grabbed Finny, who was also about to rush up, and pressed his body down, avoiding the two magic spells flying towards them in the opposite direction.

In Lisa's view, it's okay even if all those werewolf wizards are dead, as long as Finny is fine.

Fini approached the castle under the protection of Lisa, while waving his right hand wand,
Stunning spells were shot at the vampires that the werewolf wizard occasionally missed.

Because of Lisa.Therefore, Feeney's movements are very subtle, and therefore, Feeney's spells are almost never missed. It can be said that they hit a hundred shots and solved a large number of vampire wizards in a short time.

It also reduced the pressure on those werewolf wizards a lot.

"Phineas Black! Damn you!"

Among the wreckage, the castle let out a roar of grief and rejection,

Feeney looked in the direction of the voice,
Just above the ruins of the old castle, there was a man in gorgeous clothes, who was not stained with any dust or stains in such a huge impact explosion, holding the corpse of a female vampire who looked similar to him, Roaring up to the sky.

The moment Lisa saw this man, her face turned livid.

Feeney noticed this very keenly, and looked at Lisa suspiciously, waiting for her explanation,

Lisa said to Feeney with a solemn expression,

"What his name is is hardly anyone knows now, but those who knew him called him Dracula."

When Feeney heard the name, his pupils shrank suddenly,
"Dracula? That Dracula?"

Lisa obviously knew what Feeney was going to ask, she shook her head slightly, denying Feeney's guess,
Feeney also heaved a long sigh of relief seeing Lisa shaking her head,

Fortunately, it wasn't Dracula, the famous impaler, one of the ancestors of the vampire family, and also the most powerful and brutal ancestor,
Compared to Dracula, ancestors like Lilith can be said to be weak and pitiful, but fortunately, it is said that the ancestor was killed very early, so no one would ever worry about the appearance of the ancestor.
When Meng heard Dracula's name, he was still an ancestor, and Finney had to worry that it was the legendary existence, but fortunately Lisa denied this idea,
"I can confirm that he is not the Dracula in the legend, but it is said that he has a direct blood relationship with that person, rather than being passed on through blood essence like other ancestors of vampires."

This is a born vampire ancestor!
Feeney was taken aback.He looked solemnly at the ancestor of the vampire who was extremely angry and began to kill the surrounding werewolf wizards.

You know, although vampires can give birth to offspring, they rarely give birth to offspring of the same level as themselves, and it can even be said that they have never had any.
At least according to the records of the Presbyterian Church, all the ancestors of the vampire family became ancestors through the way of giving blood, and there is no blood of the ancestors.

Feeney had always said that the ancestor of a vampire would not have descendants. Now that he saw this ancestor who was not recorded in the documents of the Presbyterian Church, he realized that the ancestor also had descendants.

Of course, the current situation does not allow Finny to think about more things. This Dracula is killing his werewolf wizard subordinates, and he cannot stand idly by.

This Dracula is obviously an ancestor-level vampire with spellcasting abilities far superior to ordinary wizards, and now he really relies on his strong and completely unreasonable physical fitness when fighting,
Wandering around the battlefield at high speed, appearing next to one werewolf wizard after another, and then grabbed that werewolf wizard with both hands, tearing them hard, tearing their bodies into two parts, either up and down, or left and right,

Afterwards, he may no longer be satisfied with killing enemies with his hands like this, and began to use weapons, bricks, flaming wooden sticks, stones, everything in the dilapidated castle has become his weapon,
Dracula is like a real weapon master, anything in his hands will be a powerful weapon, harvesting one life after another.

The moment she saw Dracula, Lisa wanted to pull Finny out of here,

When Finny wanted to intervene to stop Dracula from wantonly slaughtering werewolf wizards, Lisa also tried her best to stop him.

"Master, we are defeated. This person exists here, and we have no chance of winning. Let's give up on them. We have to leave here as soon as possible."

Lisa earnestly persuaded Finny to leave with her,

But, how could Feeney agree?
You must know that the werewolf wizards here can be said to be all his personal weapons. Although if other things happen, he can find a large group of wizards, but those are all recorded under the name of the Black family, and only these werewolf wizards are used by him. In his own name, he went to win over one by one,

It is impossible for him to watch the efforts of more than ten years come to naught here. Feeney admitted that he was too arrogant this time. Ignoring the possibility that there may still be a legendary wizard-like ancestor of vampires here.

He knew very well that in the face of legendary wizards, whether it was his evocation magic or the inheritance of Ravenclaw, the inheritance of Hufflepuff, and the inheritance of Gryffindor, it was useless.
All his resistance may not even be able to touch the figure of the ancestor,

But he still can't just stand by like this, watching coldly, these werewolf wizards are fighting with their lives because of his orders,
He was ready to attack not only because he wanted to retain his armed forces, but also because he didn't want to disappoint the werewolf wizards who trusted him and were loyal to him.

Struggling to free his arm from Lisa's hand, he rushed towards Dracula,
Lisa was running beside Finny trying to stop him,


Lisa yelled, but got no response,
At this time, Feeney has met the angry Dracula,

"Phineas Black, you really deserve to die!"

Dracula said through gritted teeth.

Finny shrugged, tightened the wand in his right hand, pretended not to care and said,
"What? I killed your important person before? That's really good. When you provoke me, you should think about the ending now,"

Dracula didn't care about Finny's provocation, walked into Finny slowly, and said at the same time,
"When I knew you wanted to take revenge on us, I prepared some low-level vampires to appease your resentment. Even if you wiped out all our strongholds, I didn't feel anything,"

 Sorry, there are some things today, so the update is late, it is still a big chapter of 4000 words, and because of the name of the waste, so it is combined into one chapter,

(End of this chapter)

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