The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 2

Destiny Glimmer was an utterly fascinating object even to me who had probably a better idea of how it worked than the guardians and scientists in the current time of Destiny who were a shadow of themselves compared to the golden years... This was certainly a coincidental thing with how Warhammer 40k was all about the factions being a shadow of their former selves.

Glimmer was a programmable matter and once I carefully checked the next-door apartment and saw no one lived there and it was empty, I took over the single room apartment so I could take up the whole room with a large 3D printer which was the machine that would create matter out of Glimmer itself.

'I am not superhuman, at least yet... So I can't be running around with three weapons, ammo, and a suit of armor.' I thought as I knew I was going to need to be as efficient as possible. At least until I could secure an area large enough to perform some rituals, to actually give myself supernatural powers.

"In the end... A lot of guns from Destiny especially if they are raided themed look pretty fucking sus." I muttered as the memory of Crota guns went through my head and I knew the moment I was seen with those that I would be labeled a heretic of the highest order. But thankfully I there were still some more basic guns without elemental effects that I could make use of.

After more than ten hours of leg-shaking impatience and worry that my doors were going to get blasted inwards my first gun was finally completed! And as I held the Suros Regime in my hands I finally sighed with relief as I saw the HUD on the gun registering its full clip of ammo.

"Now to leave it to make some more ammo while I make another printer altogether... It's too damned slow." I muttered to myself. I then spent the final hours of the day creating another 3D printer along with using the new printer to create wedges to keep the two doors closed.

And with the screams of Unclean and gunfire ringing out in the distance from the breathing holes in my apartment, I very uncomfortably fell asleep for... God knows how long I didn't have a clock or anything.


"Alright. I have a gun, I have ammo... And I have a padded Vibranium weave body sleeve that goes under my clothes to block bullets and lasers from entering my body, Now I need to get food." I said weakly as my stomach growled after not eating for an entire day.

For whatever reason Destiny Glimmer couldn't be made into digestible food and would just pass through someone's body with the body wasting a lot of energy and failing to get anything out of it as well as breaking it down. So I actually needed to go out, into the damned Hive City infested with Nurgle forces and trigger-happy guardsmen to fucking get food.

With my Suros Regime strapped to my chest and my Vibranium weave body glove that even had a hood covering every inch of my body except for my eyes and mouth, I was fairly confident in my chances of going outside finally.

I carefully pulled my cart behind me for more trash I could turn into Glimmer as I went down my apartment building and as I reached the 'ground' floor when I got off my apartment building. My lips twitched as I realized I had absolutely zero clue as to where I was in the Hive City at all!

'I am certainly not in the nicest place of the Hive City, but I am not in the sumps or too deep in the Hive as there is still plenty of lights and the buildings aren't complete wrecks.' I thought as I tried to think logically about where in the residential area I could go. In order to find food.

I carefully made my way down the street I was on until I reached the next street and froze at the sight in front of me. The long street was blasted clear of all obstacles and strewn across the ground were endless corpses of both guardsmen in their armor, abhumans like Ogryns, and their gear were strewn everywhere.

But on the other end... There were, so, fucking, many Poxwalkers corpses!

I stood there. Spellbound at the sight of literal piles three meters tall of corpses that were obviously used as cover by the Poxwalkers and other Nurgle forces as they slowly made their way to the lines of Guardsmen that seemed to only have broken when the Poxwalkers fell upon them in melee and the battle seemingly only turned around when flames throwers or something were used to push back the lines of Nurgle forces.

As was evidenced by the line of blackened corpses which coincided by a line of Scabs and corrupted Guardsmen who died with their backs turned as they attempted to run away from the battle to regroup.

A loud grunt rang out and my head whipped around as heavy footfalls rang out as from a back alley out came a monster. "Ogryn?" I spoke with the giant's form twitching as they looked over at me across the street with squinting eyes.

"Little Un Ungry too?" She asked as he hefted her large metal pole as a weapon that I probably could barely even lift.

I raised my free hand in peace while keeping my gun lowered to the ground as I said evenly "Yes, I ran out of food... So I needed to come out for some." 

The clearly female Ogryn going by her portions in how she had bent some sheet metal to go around her chest to protect herself clearly from Las-fire and normal bullets as I could see the battle scaring on her form rambled a bit closer so she could take me in and then she nodded. "Yous not one of the shoot a lot boys, or the stabby smelly ones who want to eat me?" She questioned seriously.

I exhaled with relief seeing she was just an underhive dweller and I fell into easy habits as I soothed the mentally underdeveloped giant. "Yes, I am actually a weapon maker, see my gun looks so much cooler than their weapons with the lights right?" I said making the Ogryn happily nod as I moved the gun a bit to make the sensors blip as the gun measured the range of where it was aiming.

"Yes, little un makes a very bright gun! And I really like the color of da gun... But won't it look bad when the bad blood gets on it?" She questioned with some worry and I couldn't help but coo at how adorable she sounded as she asked it but either way, I shook my head and responded more seriously.

"My name Jake, can you please tell me your name so we can become friends?" I asked softly as though I was coaxing one of my prior troubled students who were having a fit and couldn't process something going on.

The Ogryn slapped her metal chest plate with a clanging noise as she said proudly. "Momma gave me the name Barg!"

'Wow... A single syllable name, no wonder she never forgot it.' I thought dryly and then my stomach growled again and Barg looked down at me with some humor as she chuckled. 

"Come little one, I knows super secret!" She said happily as she then literally picked me up and placed me on her shoulder and began jogging in another direction at a great speed as she happily began babbling. "There's a whole lift down's the way that leads to the tippy tops, this area is... close to the nasty outside so things from the big outside comes in through the lift and I used to help move it into the lifts!" She excitedly told me.

Although while I was processing that information I couldn't help but have a funny thought... I was literally the shoulder shota on the shoulders of the giant that was the Ogryn.



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