The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 1

Maybe falling face-first into the tits of the wife of the man who was reincarnating me after tripping on a chair that got sent spinning across the room, meant that I was going to have... A hard reincarnation.

But really...

Reincarnating me in Warhammer 40k on a Hiveworld that's falling to chaos? Like what the actual fuck dude?

[Jake456823200932- Congratulations on being reincarnated! Due to your efforts as a school teacher for special needs children in your past life, you now have the ability to craft items of great power to share with people or use for yourself. And as a bonus for the good karma you have acquired in life, we fudged your details of your arrival so you are already a registered citizen of this world. Goodluck!]

My eyes twitched on the part listing the planet I was on... Atoma Prime, and more particularly the Hive City of Tertium the world in which Warhammer Darktide takes place on.

A loud gonging noise rang out in my mind and my eyes went cross-eyed as my mind was filled with crafting recipes for items of great power from many fictional worlds along with both the scientific and magical processes in which was required to create them!

Even as I was recollecting the mental information I heard a crackle ring out as through the dingy room I was in, had a crackle pop out from a radio/vox that was mounted on a metal table. [Warning citizens, heretics are roaming through Districts three through five, stay within your homes and do not allow the unclean to touch you while the Guard purges the filth infesting our streets!]

And even before the radio broadcast ended, I heard the loud thumps of gunfire going off with weak explosions going off in the distance so I quickly took a breath to calm my panicking heart.

As there was only one thing to do now.

I looked around the room in detail and my lips twitched seeing an ornate toolbox with a note plastered on top of the toolbox that read. [Even I felt bad after a minute of thought at your circumstances... So have some tools that will get you a head start I guess.] 

"Still a fucking asshole. I didn't mean to trip." I muttered as I checked the tools and I had to admit that my patron at least didn't screw me out on the tools and with that, I grabbed a thick leather bag along with a heavy wrench to go check outside for materials. 

Coming out of my small single-room apartment I was seemingly living within a massive apartment building that had its exit on the walkway that would head downwards and further upwards depending on the way I took. 'Oh gods this is going to be a major pain in the ass.' I thought with my mind going blank at how I needed to walk up and down some five stories of stairs to get to the 'ground' level so I could enter the sprawl.

This was a very dangerous world, so the first thing I needed to do was to use the crafting knowledge I got along with some magical fuckery to speed up the crafting of some weapons and of course, some kind of armor to defend myself from the diseases and other filth running through this Hive City that had Nurgle's touch upon it.

Thankfully though, I wasn't in the Underhive or the Sump otherwise I would have been completely screwed and with the people told to hide, the gunfire drawing the crazies and other factors I was able to make my way down to the ground floor and I began looking for materials to fill the large bag I had.

'Destiny, weapons using Glimmer-based ammo, and Guardian Armor are the best options I basically have without getting into either higher tier magic or needing extremely exotic materials for weapons.' I thought as I began collecting all the metallic trash I could as quickly as I could even breaking some rusted metal posts all with the knowledge that I could change the base materials into the smart matter that was Destiny Glimmer that could be programmed into whatever I wanted with the same mass.

A loud moan rang out and I stilled as a humanoid being staggered across from an alley and I instinctively raised my shirt to cover my nose as a foul stench reached my nose even from a dozen meters away. But worse was how the man looked.

Rot. That was the only description of the man who staggered out of the alley wielding what looked like a rusty pipe as a weapon. With tentacles and massive bright yellow cysts that looked right about to burst their contents should they be touched. I watched the Poxwalker stumble towards the sounds of gunfire in the distance while I remained stock still.

Once the Poxwalker stumbled away I grimaced at the irrefutable proof of how this area was clearly dangerous but with no way to get to the safer top levels of the Hive City... And certainly not wanting to mess with the Inquisitor in charge of rooting out the infection on this world, I didn't have much else of a choice but to simply arm myself and find someone... Literally, anyone to help watch my back in this terrible world.

'Maybe I can find an Ogryn to be my bodyguard?' I thought as I shook my head at the amazing thought of an Ogryn clad in Vibranium thread armor and wielding a Halo Gravity Hammer to smash the monsters filling this city. 'Alright, I got a good couple hundred pounds of metal... Let's take this home and get this stuff made into Glitter.' I thought as with a great of great effort I used my shoulders to carry the bag filled with metal scraps back into my building while still keeping the large wrench on hand in case something got in the way.

I then made the damn near back and ankle-breaking trip back up my apartment buildings stairs and walkway until I managed to reach my apartment... And once I did I realized something very fucking important. "There's not even a fucking lock on my door," I muttered in utter awe of how utterly shit my reincarnation location was and then I looked at the door next door and noticed the door next door to mine was also lacking a lock so it wasn't just me.

Either way, I entered my single-bedroom apartment that had a total of a small hotplate, two tables, my bed, and a toilet attached to a wall. And looking into the toilet, it was entirely a gravity toilet that just dropped my stuff down a pipe rather than me flushing anything. All to save water probably.

"Ok... The first step, getting a weapon. Which weapon would be the easiest to wield and wouldn't take too much Glimmer to program its materials into creation?" I muttered as I delved into the crafting knowledge I had before blinking as I realized that with simplicity being for the best. That I should stick to an auto rifle or shotgun.

There was also the fact that I also needed to do a whole ritual to gain access to the Destiny Light so I couldn't use weapons that had an elemental alignment so with those details there, the Suros Regime was the best auto rifle I could make for now.

'Actually... If I became a guardian. I could easily cosplay as a fairly powerful pysker though that could have its own issues.' I thought as I began turning the scrap metal I had into Destiny Glimmer that I could program into whatever material I wanted.



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