
A gentle breeze blew the fallen leaves on the ground, fluttering the leaves danced in the wind. The tree swayed in the gentle breeze. The road was peaceful, and the melody of the wild was pleasing to the ear. Birds chirped, the winds howled, as a majestic white horse traversed the road. It was followed by two strong looking horse with armored knights riding them. They were escorting the rider of the white horse.

The white horse steadily walked, its hooves clattered as it hit the ground, rhythmic and graceful. The person riding the horse was a young girl of about 15 or 16. She had long blonde hair, with a slight round face. Her eyes were like clear lake water, pure and mesmerizing. Anyone who saw her would want to cherish her.

She had a royal aura, as every movement she made had an elegant feel. The blue Royal tunic she wore, as well as her royal manners, made her status clear.

"Princess Zelda, we have arrived at the Great Plateau." The knight riding the horse reported in a monotone voice.

Zelda's eyes lit up as she stared at the majestic wall surrounding the Great Plateau. It was truly an architectural monster. Even the tallest tree in the vicinity was tiny compared to it. There was a giant gate at the bottom of the wall. Two Sheikahs were guarding the gate, as Zelda made her way towards them.

"Princess Zelda," The two said, as they bowed their head in unison.

"May I enter the Great Plateau?" Zelda said, her voice soft.

"Yes, princess," They replied as they started to open the gigantic gate.

The gates started to slowly open, as the gears shifted, making clanking noises. It was a sight to behold.

Ancient technology...

Zelda looked at the open door, a series of stairs came into view, with a white light at the top. She was excited, as anticipation flashed in her eyes. She couldn't help but be fascinated by these ancient technologies.

"As the calamity draws near, we have to be united more than ever. I sincerely thank you for your help, brave warriors of Sheikha." Zelda said, her gaze looking at the distant mountains.

"It's our honor, Princess." The Sheikah warrior replied as they could hear the sincerity in her voice. They felt gratified that their princess was thanking them.

The hooves clattered as Zelda's horse strutted through the stairs, while the knights followed behind.

After some time, they reached the top, what laid before them was a vast grassland. There were trees everywhere and mountains could be seen in the distance. They were in an elevated place.

It looked like the whole Great plateau was situated on an elevated land.

Looking ahead, there was an ancient temple. Standing against the test of time, it had witnessed the birth and demise of countless Hyrulean Kings. Temple of Time, the place where most of the kingdom's sacred ceremony is held.

"Temple of Time, Legend has it that this was the birthplace of Hyrule Kingdom," Zelda whispered.

There were many tents lined up in the north of the Temple of Time. The tents had the mark of an eye with a tear dropping. It was the mark of the Sheikah.

There was a cave on the right side of the tents. Zelda couldn't help but be excited about seeing the cave. That cave was suspected to be an ancient research lab. The past was much more glorious, it was a time of highly advanced civilization. The Sheikah tribe was at the forefront of technology. Alas, all of the ancient technologies were already lost to time. The reigning Hyrulean King of that era feared the technological prowess of the ancient Sheikah, he forbade them from researching new technology and burned all of their data.

If that cave was really an ancient research lab, then it would be a tremendous help in defeating the upcoming calamity.


Zelda became silent, the calamity was approaching inevitably and she still hadn't awakened her sealing power. The four Divine Beasts were excavated, but they had no means to activate them. The Four Champions weren't selected. Only, the master of the sword that seals the darkness was present. The future of Hyrule looked bleak.

She felt so useless.

Zelda had already reached the area with tents. Seeing her, everyone stopped their work and bowed their heads.

"You may continue, your work. " Zelda said gracefully.

After that, Zelda walked towards the biggest tent while the knights stayed outside.

"Oh... You're here, Princess Zelda." A melodious voice spoke as a beautiful Sheikah lady came to view.

"Yes, I am, Purah. What is the current situation of the suspected ancient research lab." Zelda replied, her voice getting a little higher due to excitement.

"Hey, Robbie. Fill princess Zelda up on the details." Puran looked behind towards a rather short sheikha male.

Robbie grumbled something and came towards Zelda.

"It isn't confirmed if that cave is a research lab, but it is very different from all the ancient techs we've come across," Robbie said as he wildly flailed his arms, trying to be more vivid. He was quite an eccentric fellow.

"Currently, the entrance is blocked. We are trying to open it, but I don't think we can open that door anytime soon." Robbie said.

"We can always blast that door off if we can't open it." Purah chimed in with a giggle.

"Using such methods could damage the interiors and cause harm to the research materials. It isn't a plausible solution, Purah." Zelda replied.

"Ignore her, Princess. You know she's cra-" Before Robbie could finish his sentence, he felt the cold gaze of Purah. Thankfully, he stopped in time.

"I was hoping if I could see the entrance myself," Zelda said, blinking her eyes. Her eyes were full of curiosity.

"Oh... sure, Princess," Robbie replied, his body shaking from enthusiasm.

"Let's go, Princess. I'll take you there." Purah had already clasped Zelda's hand and took her away, leaving Robbie behind.

"Hey, don't leave me." Robbie hurriedly followed.

The three went inside the cave, it couldn't really be called a cave, as there was only about five-foot long space. They were already in front of a door with mysterious characters engraved in it.

Zelda touched the mysterious characters. She was fascinated. The technology of ancient people was almost magical.

"They are so mysteri-" Before she could finish her sentence, the characters lit up with a blue glow, and the cave started rumbling. The door started to retract upwards, as the dust started to fall. Soon, the door was fully open, it's interiors' revealing a mysterious room with strange patterns on the wall.

"What was that?" Zelda asked, shocked.

"The door opened, I guess," Purah replied mischievously.

"Oh, I know, I know." Robbie started banging his feet with excitement.

"When Princess touched the door, the door lit up and opened. It had probably sensed Princess Zelda." Robbie said, giving a ta-da position towards Zelda.

"Incredible," Zelda was astonished.

"Let's explore," Purah said while heading inside.

"These patterns on the wall seem very similar to the ones in Guardians."

"What is that?" Zelda asked while looking at a strange chamber. It had an alien design, with some kind of patterns all over it. They had never seen such patterns. Describing it seemed impossible.

"Seems like some kind of chamber," Purah said.

"Hey guys, look what I found." Robbie's excited voice came, as they looked towards him. He was standing in front of a strange pedestal with something on it. They came towards him.

"Princess, you should touch it," Purah said while giggling.

Zelda touched that strange-looking pedestal. Suddenly, it lit up and the top of the pedestal rotated, as something came out. It was a square like thing with an eye in the middle.

"This seems like the key to activate the Divine Beasts," Zelda commented while touching it like a piece of treasure.

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