My head hurts!!

The sun was setting in the west, painting the sky in a tinge of orange. It was going to be night soon. The plain grassland seemed very peaceful, as grasses swayed in the gentle wind. The wild looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Ghul had to admit that this world was truly beautiful, even more so when all of it was real. The beauty of nature. Wildlife thrived, as deers could be seen drinking water from the river. He was sitting upon a tree branch. Looking at the distant narrow valley between the two mountains, as a river made its way straight between them, Ghul felt a bit of an odd feeling.

That was where he first woke up in this world. A world which shouldn't exist, a world of fiction, yet here he was in that same world, chewing on an apple. He missed his old world, homesick and grief-stricken. He feared this dangerous world, full of wild beasts and monsters. He was confused, lost, sad, and fearful. But, he had a faint anticipation for the future nonetheless.

Let's see what the future holds.

Ghul thought while staring at the Dueling peak, his starting point.

Night came, as the moonlight reflected in the clear river water. The night was silent, except for occasional howls of beasts. Ghul was watching three Stalkoblin wandering around in the dark of night.

Stalkoblins are the skeletal remains of Bokoblins that emerge from the earth at night.

stalkoblin | Tumblr

While they're fragile enough to crumble from a single blow, as long as a skull remains intact, they'll continue to pull themselves back together and go on fighting. Sometimes the body will pick up the wrong skull, but this doesn't seem to be a problem...

Thank god, I was wise enough to climb up a tree before the sun was down. Even though they are much weaker than the Bokoblins, it still would be dumb of me to stay on ground without any weapons.

Ghul sighed, this was truly the world of LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD. Ghul felt numb seeing these monsters. It was real, not some animated 2D picture. Ghul quietly sat on the tree branch, not daring to even make a sound. He slowed his breathing, making it as quiet as possible.

The world was the same, but Ghul felt some minor(maybe) differences between the game and the world before his eyes. This world was much vast. In the game, you could see a bridge called Proxim bridge west of dueling peaks, but he could only see the river almost reaching towards the horizon with no signs of a bridge. The small forest south of Dueling Peaks wasn't small at all. It is actually reasonable as this world was real now.

The Guardians were hostile automata in the game, but the one from before didn't do anything to him, so it means they aren't under the control of Calamity Ganon. The Guardian was even patrolling the vicinity. It seems this is before the Great Calamity, as the events before the Great Calamity were just mentioned in some cutscenes and diary entries in the game, Ghul couldn't figure out the date.

Ghul was an avid fan of the Zelda series. He wouldn't call himself a hardcore fan, but he could hold his own on Zelda lore and history. Knowledge is power. It was quite an edge compared to the natives of this world if he would say so himself. But, he didn't let himself get carried away, any scenarios could have 'what ifs'.

What if the events don't transpire as he remembered?

What if just the geography and monsters were the same as he remembered?

What if he just died?

You can never be too cautious, especially if it's your life that's on the line.

Midway through his inner debate, Ghul felt asleep.

He had a dream.

A much older Link could be seen climbing a mountain higher than the heavens. There was a golden triangle glowing in his hand, while the man could be seen fading in and out of existence.

After countless efforts, he reached the top. His surroundings were nothing but void. The mountain had already disappeared, and he was standing on a platform the same as the mark in his hand.

He smiled as he said;

I exist...

Ghul snapped his eyes open. He had a strange dream again. He squinted as his eyes tried to adjust in the light. The sun was rising in the east. It's morning glow bringing endless vitality. Birds chirping, the sun rising, a bit of morning dew, the smell of the wild. Everything felt alive.

The dream I had when I was drowning, and now this. The older Link in my dream even had the mark of a glowing Tri-force. There is definitely something going on.

Ghul frowned as he thought hard. His butt was sore from sleeping in a tree branch, but he couldn't care more about it.

Wait.. wait, I think I've seen the first dream elsewhere. I've been in this world for just a day. My old world?

Ghul found himself more confused as he got near the answer.

It's Skyward sword. That dream is the silent realm trial you have to do in the game LEGEND OF ZELDA: SKYWARD SWORD.

Skyward sword was another game from the Zelda series. The very first game in chronological order. It was a game he had only played once about five years ago. His memory was a bit clogged up.

Okay, calm down Li-no! What the!

Ghul suddenly remembered he had the face of Link.

No, no, no!!! I'm Ghul. I'm Ghul, not Link. Then, what about the original link? What about me? Am I the Link of BREATHE OF THE WILD or SKYWARD SWORD?

If he was the Link of SKYWARD SWORD, there would be two Links with almost identical faces!!

Ghul felt his head hurting, one answer led to more questions.

What about the Water Dragon's scale? It was a reward given by the goddess after completing the trial. It can be used to dive underwater and do a spin maneuver. So, that's why I could escape from drowning and perform that flashy move. This shit just got a whole lot more complicated.

The events of Skyward sword took place more than 10000 years prior to now, the events happening in Breathe of the wild. That dream was a real event that happened almost 10000 years ago. Link of that era completed the trial, and the goddess rewarded him with a Water Dragon's scale. Giving him the power to dive underwater, and perform a spin maneuver.

Ghul felt all around his body, looking if he had the Water Dragon's scale. Nope, his upper body was naked, and he was wearing a pant that was torn up to knee length, making it a short pant. But, how could he use the power of the Water Dragon's scale without having it?

Was he really Link from the SKYWARD SWORD?

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