The Legend of the Four Seasons - Power and Divinity Recovery System

Chapter 8: Togetherness is strength

— So, let me get this right... — Thomas said, pinching the bridge of his nose after hearing what the girl said. — Your name is Sete and you are Spring. You were sent to the mortal world by the Gods to put things back in order by saving the planet and protecting the heirs. Which, in this case, are people with magical powers like us.

— Yes! — The young woman gave a friendly smile. She was now sitting on the roots, her moss cloak still wrapped around her naked body. — By the way, do you have anything like what you're wearing to cover your body? If I dress in flower petals I'll attract a lot of attention.

— You wore clothes made of flowers? Incredible! — Kai exclaimed, his narrowed eyes shining with anticipation and turning to Thomas. — Can we take her with us?

— No, we can't. — Thomas sighed. — You can't trust anyone who appears in front of you and claims to be some kind of deity. You know this whole thing is very suspicious, right? How can you prove to us that you're telling the truth? — The boy replied a little sullenly, questioning Sete firmly.

— Like this. — The young woman placed her delicate hand on the trunk of the huge grayish tree and immediately the plant shuddered, showing a little life in the midst of so much corruption.

Soon, a root slowly rose up, causing clods of earth to scatter on the ground below. Thomas and Kai stared in amazement, having never witnessed this kind of power before.

The root suddenly launched itself into the air, crossing the space between the brothers and hitting something hiding in the dead vegetation. The creature groaned, struggling and trying to escape. However, the hard, sharp wood was already deeply embedded in its blackened flesh. Black blood dripped down its ribs, the plant piercing through bone and skin as if they were nothing.

It wasn't easy to get rid of creatures of Chaos, which is why the boys stared at the scene with such shock. 

Then the root withdrew from the four-legged beast at once, letting its heavy body fall to the ground. Sete approached in slow steps, observing the thick gray hair. Its size was similar to that of a large horse, its legs were like a goat's hooves and its head was full of tusks like that of a wild boar.

— This thing was watching you, it looked kind of evil. — Spring muttered, nudging the creature with her bare foot. — At least it'll make good fertilizer.

At that moment, the root that had pierced the giant boar snaked slowly along the ground, wrapping its blackened body tightly and dragging it back to where it had come from: underground. 

— Don't tell me you're that powerful thing that took down several E.G.O. agents and then ran away… — Thomas muttered almost to himself. Kai looked between his brother and the girl several times as he gave her an excited smile. 

— Okay, then I won't. — Sete seemed naïve, which contrasted with her ferocity seconds ago. — By the way, could you explain to me who these agents are and what E.G.O. is?

The System seemed a little indignant: "You know I can provide that information, don't you? I'm very useful."

"You may be useful, but you can't be trusted." — Spring thought as she smiled docilely at the boys.

Vez spent a few seconds in silence, perhaps reflecting on what he had just heard from the little deity. Then, as if storing the dialogue in a folder and forgetting about it, he happily reported in his robotic voice: "Congratulations, you've just defeated your first creature of Chaos, fulfilling the requirements for the achievement [Looting Servants of Corruption] and [Purification Begins]! — Sete analyzed the System's words carefully, her lips slightly pale from the use of her powers. — "The reward is a bag of resources to survive throughout your journey and the opening of the seed store." — So it's necessary to defeat these monsters in order to dispel corruption..., the young woman thought, leaning on a nearby tree. 

Vez continued: "These achievements are cumulative, meaning you'll get more rewards according to the amount of creatures and corruption you get rid of." — Good to know, especially with the mediocre amount of power I have now, Sete thought again, bitingly.

— We're going to travel with you. — Thomas suddenly spoke up and Kai smiled excitedly.

"Congratulations, you've completed the secondary mission and managed to convince the heirs to travel with you." — Vez looked a little annoyed, while Sete hadn't even finished digesting the previous information. — "The reward is 3% power..." 

The dizziness the girl had felt when she had exhausted her strength immediately disappeared.

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