The Legend of the Four Seasons - Power and Divinity Recovery System

Chapter 7: Heirs of the divinities

Sete slowly woke up, hearing some whispering voices near where she was standing. Apparently, she was good at sensing the general state of humans, even if she didn't have them in her field of vision. After all, she was able to notice a certain tension hanging in the air, somewhat different from the one she had witnessed with the E.G.O. men. 

Perhaps it was a sense of her identity as a minor deity.

"Good morning, flower of the day!" — Vez exclaimed in his robotic voice, which automatically ruined Spring's mood. — "My sensors have detected a faint divine aura nearby." Sete suddenly opened her eyes, startling the boys standing in front of her. The hope of finding the other seasons faded as quickly as it was born with the System's words.

She had only just woken up, but the pain of separation was indescribable. Not being sure how the three of them were doing was simply agonizing, as was the terrible feeling that parts of her memories were missing. For this reason, the young woman felt increasingly angry with the Gods who had put them in this situation.

"As I was saying, this aura probably comes from the heirs of the deities, the individuals you need to save." — The System made a high-pitched bell noise and a blue screen appeared in front of Sete:

[Rescue Mission]

Escort the young people in front of you

through the corrupted forest.

Protect them from E.G.O. agents, 

the creatures of Chaos and the End.

Find a safe area to gather 

the other rescued heirs.

Rewards: 10% power and 10% divinity.

Failure will result in the end of this world.

"You want me to do all this with the ridiculous power I have now? You've got to be kidding." — Sete muttered angrily, staring at the paralyzed teenagers in front of her. It wasn't their fault, she thought, it was those wretched gods who were responsible for all this. — "Offer me a suitable reward so I can continue." — She demanded, completely unyielding.

"All right..." — Vez gave in after a moment's silence.

Spring was kind, as long as things went according to her wishes.

[Secondary mission (optional)]

Convince the heirs to 

travel with you.

Rewards: 3% power.

If you fail, you won't

receive the rewards.

— Hello~ — Sete spoke with a slight smile on her lips, she seemed exceptionally kind. — What do you think about traveling together? — The young woman's green eyes sparkled, the color seemed to swirl in her irises like pure, vivid nature.

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