The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 66: Home visit

   "What did you say?" Mr. Eric Hart subconsciously shouted: "Your school principal, will you visit your home tonight?"

   "Yes!" Jon nodded honestly.

   "Oh, God!" Eric exclaimed: "Why didn't you inform us earlier?"

   "I just received the notice..." Jon smiled bitterly.

   Eric couldn't help making a cross with his hands. While thinking, he asked, "I remember I heard Doctor Granger say that your principal seems to be a very famous wizard?"

   "That's right!" Jon nodded again: "He should be one of the most famous wizards in the British Isles and even Europe in this century!"

   "The equivalent of Tim Berners-Lee, John Lennon or Winston Churchill in the wizarding world?"

"more or less!"

   "Amen... I said my son..." Eric quietly lowered his tone: "You probably did something at school, right?"

   "Of course..." Jon said against his will, "No."

   "That's good." Eric breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you think Jon is the same as you?" Judy walked out of the kitchen. She had heard the conversation between the father and son. She smiled and said to Jon: "Your father was a troublemaker when he was studying. Lampington, he has to violate at least five curfews a month..."

"Hey!" Eric smiled: "Your mother is a good girl. When she married me, the old professors in Newnham were shocked. How could she be with me, this notorious mischief? Up!"

   "Jon has been like me since he was a child, very well-behaved!" Judy snorted, but continued to ask her son, "Your principal... Professor Dumble..."

   "It's Professor Dumbledore..." Jon corrected quickly.

   "Yes, Professor Dumbledore...come at seven o'clock, he may have dinner with us, right, does he have any food preferences?"

   "Uh, I think..." Jon thought seriously for a moment: "He should prefer fish and chips!"


   July 15th, it seems to live like a year.

   I don’t know how long it took before the sun gradually went down... Glancing at the shattered setting sun, Jon looked at his watch. It was now 6:55.

   "How will Professor Dumbledore come here?" Judy also asked nervously, "Riding on the flying carpet?"

   "You should come in from the door!" Jon whispered, and glanced at the long-soldered fireplace in the living room.

   As early as five years ago, the family switched to an electronic fireplace, and the fireplace in the living room was abandoned.

   I can only hope that Professor Dumbledore will not use the Floo Net...

   The minute hand of the watch pointed to twelve, and almost at the same time, the street lights outside the window suddenly went out.

   Jon leaned over to the window and squinted at the sidewalk outside the door; he saw a tall figure wearing a long cloak, walking towards No. 86.

   Jon reacted quickly, waved to his parents, and yelled in a low voice, "Here comes!"

   Eric and Judy quickly started making final preparations.

   A few seconds later, there was a crisp knock on the door.

   "Hello, who?" Eric's voice was calm and polite.

   "I am the principal of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore!" A low voice came from outside the door: "Is it Mr. Jon Hart's house, please?"

   "Oh, please wait!" Eric walked quickly to the door

"Professor Dumbledore!" After opening the door, he eagerly shook the hands of the residents: "It is an honor for you to come to the humble house. I have long admired your name. A friend of mine told me that you are the most accomplished in Europe in this century Outstanding wizard!"

   "Oh, really... Mr. Hart!" Albus Dumbledore looked surprised.

   "My friend, Mr. Wendell Granger, his daughter is a senior student in your school..." Eric explained with a smile: "Their family's evaluation of you is very high!"

   While talking, Eric raised his hand and made a request: "Hurry in, Professor Dumbledore!"

   "Thank you very much!" Professor Dumbledore bowed gently: "But you just gave me a bit of praise."

   He walked into the living room, and Jon greeted him quickly: "Hello, professor!"

   At the same time he placed the mat on the sofa where Professor Dumbledore was about to sit.

   "Thank you..." Professor Dumbledore smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Good evening, Jon, how was your summer vacation?"

   "Excellent, Professor... Except for not using magic!" Jon grinned and replied.

"To be honest, I also think the "Restrictions on Underage Wizards Act" is too harsh in some respects!" Professor Dumbledore nodded with a serious face: "But it is usually necessary... ...Thank you, madam."

   At the last sentence, Professor Dumbledore stood up and took a cup of black tea from Judy.

   "Professor Dumbledore, this is the best Sri Lankan Uwa black tea!" Judy introduced: "If you prefer green tea, milk tea or cocktail tea, then you have to wait a moment!"

   "No... no need!" Professor Dumbledore shook his head: "This is great!"

   "Do you need some dessert?" Judy continued to ask: "Some scones, mousse, or a birthday cake?"

   Of course, Judy would not be like Jon said, only prepared fish and chips for Professor Dumbledore.

"Birthday Cake?"

   "Today is my birthday, Professor!" Jon said honestly.

   "Oh, is it?" Dumbledore was obviously surprised: "I'm sorry, I interrupted your birthday party... and I haven't brought you a birthday present!"

   "No, no, you can come to the humble house and give instructions personally, it is his best birthday present!" Eric quickly agreed.

   "You are so polite, Mrs. Hart!" Before he could respond to Eric's words, Dumbledore had seen Judy walking over with a large plate of desserts.

   Seeing the old wizard snapped his fingers, the dessert was taken out of Judy's hand, and then flew safely to the coffee table in front of them.

   Jon keenly noticed that the expressions on his parents' faces were a little strange...Although they knew the existence of magic already, they had not really seen magic a few times. But they remained as calm as possible.

   "Well, thank you very much for your hospitality!" Dumbledore quickly added, "But there really is no need to be so polite!"


   Eric and Judy both sat on the sofa opposite Professor Dumbledore, while Jon took a small bench and sat beside them.

   "Professor Dumbledore!" Eric asked first, "I still don't quite understand your intentions. Did Jon make any mistakes in school?"

Judy on the side of    also asked with a worried look: "Yes, Jon has been very well-behaved since he was a child, and has never caused trouble... Is something wrong?"

   "Wrong?" Dumbledore was taken aback, then smiled and shook his head: "Of course not, Mr. Hart and Mrs. Hart, in fact Jon performed very well in school..."

  "...His final exam results are the first in the school. Almost all the teachers praise him, including an extremely strict dean, of course, including me..."

"In fact, the entire Hogwarts can hardly find a student who works harder than him... I saw him use the Petrification Charm once in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class exam. It must have been practiced thousands of times. As a result of tens of thousands of times, many students in grades 6 and 7 could not do this!

   Jon was stunned. He didn't expect that Professor Dumbledore would give him such a high evaluation, and he didn't look like a polite remark.

   Eric and Judy looked at each other, and there was a strong surprise in their eyes:

   "But I still don't understand..." Eric asked cautiously.

   "There is no rule that you can't visit a very good student at home, can you?" Dumbledore blinked slightly.

However, his expression gradually became serious: "Of course, Mr. Hart... You may not understand that the magical world is huge and there are many temptations. Many true geniuses are likely to be strayed by temptation. Go astray, so you can't extricate yourself from it..."

"I'm sorry but I have seen such tragedies happen several times...especially when a wizard with a real talent has no elders who know how to discipline..." Dumbledore Apologetically, he said: "Although it is a bit abrupt, but I'm sorry, you don't really understand our world!"

   When Eric and Judy heard Dumbledore's words, their eyes were a little more worried.

   "Jon has been a sensible and good boy since he was a child, he can't..." Judy muttered to herself in a very small voice.

   "Don't worry about it..." Dumbledore laughed again: "This is just an alarmist from a crazy old man, hahaha!"

   Eric and Judy also forced awkward smiles.


   They talked together for about an hour.

   Albus Dumbledore is a very easy-going person, and he can still chat happily with the Harts, who do not understand magic at all.

   It was a quarter past eight, and Dumbledore had just finished telling a joke about "the goat broke the wizard's nose", and then he stood up.

   "Are you leaving, Professor Dumbledore?" Jon's parents also got up quickly.

   "I'm sorry, I'll be a little later, and I have an appointment!" Dumbledore said apologetically.

   Jon couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This nervous "home visit" is finally over!

   "But, I have another presumptuous request!" Dumbledore suddenly bent down and looked at Jon: "I hope Jon can walk with me and help me in the next few days!"

   Jon stared indirectly into the eyes of a basilisk, and he stayed there.

   "I think you wouldn't mind?" Dumbledore blinked at him.

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