The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 65: Bad birthday

   The morning sun shines in the room on the second floor of No. 86 Eastleigh Road with the window facing the sun.

   The time was fixed at 6:59 in the morning. A boy who looked like twelve or thirteen years old was lying on the bed, covered with a cotton blanket, snoring slightly.

   The boy has a lean physique, short dark brown hair and gray eyes, and his facial features are somewhat childish.

This area of ​​the south coast of England can be said to be the mildest region in the UK; and Southampton Harbour, with the Isle of Wight as a natural barrier, is one of the best; at least this morning in mid-July, the weather is the slightest Can't feel any heat.

Eighty-one years ago, the huge ship with a displacement of up to 46,000 tons, which was said to be "unsinkable", was just because of the mild and comfortable weather in Southampton Harbor. It chose to start its maiden voyage from here... and then it was going to sea for four. After days later, it collided with an iceberg. More than two hours later, the hull broke in two and sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

   At the corner of the bed where the boy slept, a newspaper was placed. It was the Daily Prophet on July 11. The newspaper turned to the third page.

   The title is: "The Staff of the Ministry of Magic Won the Grand Prize"

   There are a few more lines below: Arthur Weasley, director of the Department of Prohibition of Muggle Abuse of the Ministry of Magic, won the "Daily Prophet" Annual Grand Prize Garon Award. The cheerful Mr. Weasley told the reporter of the Daily Prophet: “We will spend this money on a summer trip to Egypt. Our eldest son Bill is doing spell-breaking work for Gringotts Magic Bank in Egypt.”

   The more conspicuous part is a photo that occupies a small half of the page and a photo that can be moved.

   In this photo, you can see the nine Weasleys standing together in front of the pyramid, smiling and waving at us vigorously. Mrs. Weasley is a bit short and chubby, but Mr. Weasley, who is bald, is tall, and their six sons and one daughter have fiery red hair (although they cannot be seen in the black and white photos).

   The only girl among the seven children is a classmate of the same grade as the owner of this room; she is on the far right of the photo, with her right hand resting on the left shoulder of her youngest brother, and supporting a mouse standing there.

On the ground next to   , there is also a "Singing and Singing" magazine.

   magazine has been opened to the twenty-fourth page, and there is a picture of a tall and thin old wizard with outstanding wizarding qualities.

   The title is even more eye-catching: "Shock, the real reason why a certain Hogwarts principal likes purple!"

  The author is the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Sang Singing", Xenofilius Lovegood.

   It's a pity that the rest of the magazine has been covered by the bed, so I can't see it...

   Finally, we can see the name of the owner of the room on the door plate:



   "Ring bells..." As the alarm clock made a crisp sound, Jon Hart got up from wearing it quickly.

   put on his shirt, he kicked the "Daily Prophet" a few days ago out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

   After spending a few minutes washing, Jon went down the stairs.

   There are many balloons and ribbons arranged at the entrance of the stairs and in the hall downstairs; on the walls in the dining room, a series of characters "Happy Birthday" is written.

   "Happy birthday!" Mr. Eric Hart walked out of the kitchen, holding a chocolate cake in his hand, smiling: "Your mother and I took a leave of absence today!"

   "Ah..." It seemed that it took a few seconds for the boy to react and take the cake: "Oh, thank you, Dad!"

   Today seems to be July 15, 1993, my twelfth birthday.

  In other words, I have passed through this world for twelve years...Although I have encountered some setbacks in the middle, on the whole, I have been very happy for the twelve years.

   "Would you like to take a look at your gift? I took about a dozen copies from the mailbox for you this morning..." Eric asked.

"No, I'll go see it later!" Jon had already squinted at the pile of presents like a hill in the living room. He moved the pile to his room upstairs, and it took a lot of effort to shake it quickly. Shook his head.

   The mailbox outside the door clicked.

   "Another letter?" Eric smiled, then went out.

   Soon, he returned, holding an envelope in his hand, and said to Jon: "There is only one, for you!"

   "Whose greeting card is it?" Jon was ready to have breakfast first: "Put it on the pile of gifts, and I will collect it later."

   "No!" Eric shook his head: "It says on it, it's a report card!"


   It’s a big birthday. Send me a report card. Hogwarts is too much!

  While murmuring in his heart, Jon put the thought of eating aside and opened the letter.

   The first page writes his grades and rankings in each subject.

   Herbalism and Defense Against the Dark Arts have full marks.

   What surprised Jon even more was that the results of Potions were also full marks... He originally thought that Professor Snape would definitely deduct some points from him.

   Although astronomy and history of magic are not full marks, UU reading is the first in the class.

   The spell class and the transformation class, he also got high marks.

  Only at the back of Quidditch, there is a bright red "D" (Dreadful, terrible)

   "Fortunately, it is not "T" (Troll, troll)." Jon said to himself.

   But even with the Quidditch course that is slowing down, his overall grade is still the first of the year.

   This is something to be proud of.

   Joan happily put the transcript into his pocket, and then glanced at the second page.

  "Mr Hart,

  Unfortunately to inform you that due to your failure in the Quidditch final exam, you will need to retake this course with freshmen of the same grade in the following semester.

   Be sure to submit the renewal form to the dean of the college before September 15th.


The smile on   's face solidified in an instant.

   "What the hell? Why didn't anyone tell me that Hogwarts was broken and needed to be repaired?" Jon couldn't help cursing.

In fact, the teaching of Hogwarts is really not that strict. Even if you fail in other subjects, the teacher will assign more homework and scold you more in the next semester... The problem is that Quidditch is only available in the first grade. If you pass the exam, you must retake it, there is no room for accommodation.

   In fact, in the history of Hogwarts for thousands of years, very few students have failed in Quidditch classes.

   Jon, crying, turned his gaze to the third letter, which was even shorter:

  "Dear Jon,

   If it is convenient for you, I will visit Eastleigh Road at 7 o'clock tonight for a home visit.

Your loyalty

   Albus Dumbledore. "

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