Chapter 76: Stronger Than Hoped
Tilia blocked various attacks as she yelled, "This is their weakest?!"
Yielya couldn't help but frown, it was indeed their weakest point. However their individual strength was stronger than she anticipated.
Tilia had already buffed herself to the max. With the healing support of Yielya she was slowly pushing towards the middle, yet she didn't believe it was a smart idea. The undead riders kept circling around her, taking turns to swing their weapons. Tilia was being bombarded with several attacks with no signs of stopping.
She activated [Shielding Dome] and sighed. This gave her a breather as the undead now attempted to break the dome instead of attacking her. Yielya, who was also inside the dome, frowned angrily. Why were the undead so high level?
As a priest she had the ability to attack the undead, however her prayer was abnormally low for her level. Due to the severe lack of top tier equipment. She could barely afford the lowest tier equipment of her level due to the stinginess of the players she had partied with. Yielya intended to never ask for money, for it was her issue she intended to deal with.
Using a bit of prayer she casted [Minor Healing Circle] intending to drive off the undead. However the little damage it caused meant the undead were not afraid.
Tilia frowned, at this rate they would have to wait for help. As much as she was sure they wouldn't mind. She hated the idea of being the one who couldn't complete her task without assistance.
She took a deep breath, the [Shielding Dome] began to crack. It wouldn't last a moment longer. Tilia braced herself and began to form a plan.
~ ~ ~
Akiol's leg was severed and he fell to the ground. It only took a moment before he regained the leg but it was enough for him to be struck a few more times.
Akiol utilized [Leap] to gain some distance. Currently he was waiting for the cooldown on [Aura Boost] to finish. If he was going to win the battle he would need to become equal in stats. If not better.
Vertigo challenged, "Come! You had the gall to give me an uncertain duel. You better hold your ground!"
Akiol didn't respond, it was true. He was losing more than he would like to admit. Vertigo's strength and speed surpassed the point where he could keep up. It took a lot out of him to block one of four attacks.
He didn't know how Vertigo was gaining strength. He could only hope it would stop soon.
'You look like your having fun.'
Akiol's eye twitched, "Yea, having a blast."
'You would have long since been finished if you weren't a slime.'
"I know that, yet I don't think I would have been in this situation if I wasn't."
'Vertigo's sword usually caused his opponents to become dizzy. That's what I meant.'
Akiol winced, he didn't expect that he would only be surviving because of an in-game feature. Yet he was grateful.
"You wouldn't mind letting me use you would you?"
'There isn't much difference I would make here.'
"Surely not, what about that skill I used with the golem?"
'You might do some damage, but that's all. You're still not strong enough to do anything more."
Vertigo swung his sword at a frightening speed. Akiol managed to block it but the sword began to vibrate violently. Vibration was muffled due to the weapon being bone, so how strong was Vertigo in order for it to vibrate from the collision so violently?
Vertigo moved quickly, intending to attack Akiol's open side. Akiol was capable of keeping track of Vertigo with his eyes, but he still lacked the speed to fully react.
Akiol still had a small amount of time before his [Aura Boost] was off cooldown. He wasn't sure if he would make it in time.
~ ~ ~
Kan'na fired several flaming magic bullets into the horde as they traveled towards the center. It was free experience after all. She wasn't going to miss out on such an opportunity.
Jarvis was also obtaining some experience, the zombies that walked near the World Carrying Tortoise weakened. This counted as contributing to the fight so Jarvis obtained a fair share of experience. Along with Staff electrocuting some undead as well.
Kan'na would use a quarter of her MP before stopping and letting it recover. She didn't want to fight Orothus with barely any MP.
As they continued forward a small figure rose in the sky and floated towards them. This figure was a skeleton dressed in luxurious robes.
"Oh? A World Carrying Tortoise? Truly a fine treasure that you had brought!" Orothus exclaimed.
Jarvis went hostile, "It's not for you!"
Orothus' voice turned serious, "I do believe it is, if you won't hand it over I will take it."
Kan'na shot a beam towards Orothus, the Great Lich spent no effort to deflect it with his own magic barrier.
Orothus spoke with interest, "A Magic Formula? It's quite interesting your able to use those with such ease."
Kan'na spun her wrist and flourished, "It's easy alright."
The Lich shook his head, "That's why you too must die, such a brilliant user could become trouble in the future."
The Lich snapped his fingers, on the hand having all five, causing several blue wisps to float around him. With a casual wave of his finger he sent the wisps towards Kan'na and Jarvis.
Kan'na shot them out of the sky with her magic bullets. When the two magic projectiles connected they exploded into a pale blue mist. Deathly wails could be heard
Kan'na already had a general idea on what the Lich's magic was. It was highly likely it was [Dark Magic: Death]. Using the souls of the dead for their attacks. Users of this magic no longer need MP to use spells. All they would have to do is collect souls, with no upper limit. The downside of this was the souls would always whisper in their head, this meant the users would usually go insane.
Orothus seemed to be somewhat sane however, causing Kan'na to be slightly worried. A crazed sorcerer was usually easier to battle.
As soon as Orothus' wisps were gone he summoned a fresh batch and sent them flying towards the duo. Kan'na shot them out of the air again. This process repeated once more when Jarvis alerted Kan'na, "The dome won't last much longer."
Kan'na nodded and quickly formed a plan, "I'll go to the sky and battle Orothus, try holding back the undead here."
Jarvis nodded and Kan'na used the platform magic circles to reach the same height as Orothus.
"Oh? Flight? No. . . something similar. Nonetheless I continue to be amazed, had I met you long ago I wouldn't have hesitated to make you my apprentice." Orothus praised.
"I would have turned the offer down." Kan'na replied bluntly.
"A shame." Orothus sent more wisps towards Kan'na.
Kan'na shot these down and released one of her pre-made magic circles. It looked like an ordinary fireball, but had some unique properties.
Orothus sent a wisp towards the fireball, only for the fireball to veer out of the way and continue heading towards him. Orothus wasn't worried, his magic barrier would easily block this.
As soon as the fireball hit Orothus' magic barrier the fireball began to expand and encase the entire shield. The Lich was pleasantly surprised at such a spell.
The fireball had fully encased the Lich and began to spin. Kan'na intended to use the flames as camouflage for her next set of spells.
The Lich studied the spell for a bit before nodding, it was a well crafted skill for sure. He waved his hand and several wind cutters sliced the fire encasement.
As Orothus' vision cleared he saw several ice spikes flying quickly towards him. After a certain distance they shattered into dust.
Several of these happened and the Lich soon found out the reason for the strange attacks. Due to him being a Lich he never felt the heat of the fire encasement heating his bones. Currently they were at a high temperature. With the ice dust his bones would cool at a dangerously fast rate.
Suddenly cooling hot things usually caused instability. The Lich commended the good idea, it was a shame he had a counter for that. With a snap he used several souls to repair his bones back to its peak state.
Kan'na saw this but didn't lose hope, currently she was only prodding. A magic user always had a weakness, regardless how small it was. She simply had to find it.
Jarvis was using Staff to stun the zombies as he recalled The World Carrying Tortoise back into his book. He had no more new tames to help out in this situation. The best bet he could think of was his favorite. Collapse the ground underneath the undead. However he still had a cooldown on the next summon.
Pulling out his flute like instrument he began to play a song.