The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 75: A Mysterious Character

"Healers swap out! Second group tanks take over! Sorcerers keep dishing out damage!" A commanding voice ordered.

Various guilds were also participating in this event. They would be fools not to. If they could make enough contributions then the rewards could give them a lead on enemy guilds.

"It's strange for such an event to take place during the competition." A decently armored berserker said.

A sorcerer dressed in crimson nodded, "The timing is indeed unfortunate, perhaps it is compensation for PvE players."

These two are part of a large guild's top brass. This guild was one of the current top player guilds, named Venturing Deities. A bold name, yet their top players were highly skilled and feared among the player base. These top players were named the Deity Circle, currently it held eight skilled players.

The crimson sorcerer was named Blaze, a skilled user in fire magic. He currently held the title of Flaming Judge. Blaze was the most popular out of the Deity Circle. With his friendly outgoing attitude and natural ability to get along with others. He usually felt embarrassed to be called a Deity. Even more so when the title Flaming Judge was given to him.

The berserker was named Ox, wielding a two-handed axe and battled brutally. This gave him the title Bloodstained Ox. Ox was a cold battle crazy player, usually short tempered. The Deity Circle soon found out that Ox was someone who could be depended on when things go wrong. Somehow he always managed to keep a steady head during tough times.

Blaze and Ox were in charge of leading their guild in the undead event. The guild worked with vigor, tearing through as many undead as possible. Besides the occasional order Blaze and Ox hardly had a hand in the event. This made them bored, so they sparked up chat to pass the time.

"Even if it was for the PvE players this event is a little too hardcore. Many of these undead could barely be defeated with an average team. Almost as if it was meant for guilds or higher levels." Ox pointed out.

Blaze nodded faintly, it was a decent point. Such a large scale event and the high levels seemed weird, "I am grateful though, many of our guild members will level up several times because of this."

This caused a loud sigh to escape Ox, "It's so boring to command, I don't like standing here giving orders."

Blaze chuckled, "I am sure you'll have your time to shine."

Ox mumbled something under his breath and watched the undead. A strange set of movements caught his eye and he quickly pulled out his axe. A thrown dagger bounded off his axe with a 'dang' and fell to the ground.

Blaze was already alert and looked in the direction the dagger came from. A cloaked player stood their, face covered with a white mask with a singular black dot in the middle.

Ox roared threateningly, "Who are you?! What do you want?!"

The cloaked player remained silent, instead a black blade shone in the light. Ox roared, "You asked for it!", and charged towards the player.

Activating a skill Ox's axe moved at a frightening speed towards the cloaked player. The cloaked player rose their sword and blocked the swing. A shockwave formed from the two weapons clashing blowing away dust and leaves.

Ox eyes widened, a warrior easily blocked his strike? He had the strength advantage! The cloaked player remained silent and raised their other hand. A dark energy formed at their palm and released towards Ox, sending his sliding through the dirt.

He got back to his feet and cautioned, "This guy is something else. I suspect they might be a boss."

Blaze shook his head, "It's not, that's a player."

"What?! How can a player be that strong?!"

Blaze chewed his inner cheek, a bad habit he had when thinking, "Probably a unique class, he used magic and a sword."

Ox narrowed his eyes, "I am going to need your help then."

"You were going to receive it anyway."

Blaze released several large fireballs towards the cloaked player, the player cut the fireballs as they reached them. Ox had reached the player by the time all the fireballs had been cut. Letting out a roar he jumped and slammed his axe into the ground. The ground reacted and several spikes rose towards the cloaked player.

The player fired another strange dark beam and broke the spikes, stopping their travel short. As they did several fire lances were shot towards them. The cloaked player retreated slightly to dodge the flame lances, as soon as they had passed the player shot towards Ox.

Ox grinned, he appreciated the player not keeping their distance. Roaring he activated another skill, spinning in a circle vertically. Ox didn't believe the player could easily block when he used a skill that enhanced his strength.

The cloaked player didn't block however, instead they struck their sword to the side of the ax, moving it off course and slamming into the ground.

Ox had a moment of disbelief, he had been moving quickly so such a move was something he never expected. The cloaked player grabbed his face with their off hand. Releasing another dark energy blast.

Ox of course had more health than that. However the shame he felt from being bested so easily infuriated him. The cloaked player let Ox fall to the floor and payed attention to Blaze.

As soon as the player's attention was change Ox sprang up and charged towards the player, planning to crash into them. This move was easily dodged.

Ox half expected this and swung his axe violently to the side. Using the momentum to turn back towards the player. He swung his axe several times towards the player, only for his attacks to be deflected or dodged.

The player swung and scored a wound on Ox's chest. The force behind the swing was unnatural and Ox was sent flying back. However Ox grinned, he had finished his job.

Blaze shouted, "Thanks for the time Ox! [Napalm Explosion]!"

A large ball of fire appeared above the cloaked player and came crashing down at high speeds. The cloaked player raised their offhand and shot their dark beam at it, proving ineffective.

Blaze smiled confidently, "You won't be able to stop that one."

The cloaked player sheathed his sword and used both hands to push the large ball of flame. Still this remained ineffective and the flame ball slammed into the player. A large explosion of flame swept the area. Blaze's cloak fluttered from the surging wind.

As he watched the explosion he couldn't help but cough embarrassedly, "Perhaps that was a bit overkill."

The explosion died out and the cloaked figure stood in the middle of charred land. The few guild members spectating couldn't help but cry out it confusion.

Blaze himself winced at the still standing figure. That spell cost a lot of MP and he couldn't make another.

The cloaked player's looked at his hands, colored black with soot. Looking at Ox and Blaze they seem to have come to a conclusion. Turning and fleeing the scene they soon left everyone baffled. The guild members started to cheer. Their treasured Deity Circle won again!

Picking up Ox Blaze muttered, "Damn, we lost."

Ox nodded while gritting his teeth, "We lost alright. I don't know who that was but I bet without all eight of us we won't win. Perhaps only the boss could win the confrontation."

Blaze frowned, "Are they really that good?"

Ox nodded gravely.

Blaze subconsciously looked in the direction the cloaked player fled, who were they?

~ ~ ~

Wrock dodged the whip, getting close would be extremely tough. However Wrock was up to the challenge. One thing he knew was that he must not touch the whip, so utilizing it against Carthino wasn't an option.

Wrock came to a conclusion, currently he was vastly outmatched in stats. He knew Carthino was simply playing around with him.

Wrock muttered, "I would rather not have to use that, but if I have no choice..."

The deadly whip slashed past his face, making a loud 'smack' before retreating back to its owner. Carthino smiled evilly, "Come on now, you haven't come any closer."

The truth was Wrock HAD gone closer, just not by much. He laughed lightly, "Give it time I will be there eventually."

"Is that so..? I am afraid I won't give you a chance though."

Wrock made a face, "Then what's with the taunting?"

Carthino playfully smiled, "It's to antagonize you of course."

Wrock remained silent, clearly Carthino intended to use words to throw him off. He wasn't about to let that happen.

Dodging another whip strike he threw a basic punch forward. He used the skill [Mastered Basic Punch] the shockwave travelled fast towards Carthino. Crashing into the whip using undead the only reaction Wrock got was, "Interesting, such a weak individual managed to cause a shockwave of such magnitude."

Wrock sighed, that was the first time a skill had proven ineffective. He was a tad disappointed at the anticlimax of the skill usage.

It looked like he would have to take a different approach.

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