The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 66: Dungeon Diving

Everyone was seated around a table. Akiol took a look around and sighed, public seating in the Adventurers Guild was abundant. However the voices could easily drown out his own.

Akiol began to speak, "We have two things to discuss. First of all, I would like us to own a building so we can stop having to talk in these loud places."

"Not only is owning a building expensive, but we need to be in a guild to get a decent one." Kan'na pointed out.

Akiol blinked, "Isn't the minimum requirement for a guild five people?"

"It's ten actually." Tilia corrected.

"Oh. . . We shall save this particular conversation for a later time then. Second thing, we are going dungeon clearing. This one will be decently hard but the experience gain is massive."

"What's the level?" Wrock asked

"It's one-fifty (150)." Akiol responded.

Wrock pumped his fist, "That's great!"

Yielya, who had remained quiet the whole time, was a bit relieved. She wouldn't be scolded for her healing style. In fact her party members might not even need healing!

"Are we agreed on dungeon diving?" Akiol asked.

There was no disagreement, levels had to be gained after all.

~ ~ ~

Desk Guy sipped a soda, it was his own source of caffeine. He didn't like coffee after all.

Currently it was his break, they had finally ironed out some of the bugs and issues with the competition maps. They didn't want to have to restart a round because a map broke a player or something.

Usually he would play a game on his phone, but he had a different source of entertainment. It was all the developers entertainment.

That was watching the players, of course he was going to watch his favorites. Plugging in some earphones he began to watch, and listen, to the activities of his favorite party.

~ ~ ~

The party had arrived to the entrance of the dungeon, compared to the first one there was very little to no players crowding the entrance. Due to a large amount of different dungeon options, and the high level of this particular one. No one was willing to team with strangers to challenge the dungeons, save for the few crazy ones.

Entering the dungeon everything went black, save for a notification.

Their surrounding changed from black into a campsite. There was a fire and some cloth tents surrounding it. Everyone was standing around the fire, eyeing their surroundings.

The first thing that was noticeable was the plants. While shaped like ordinary plants these ones had their edges and veins glowing. Every plant type were glowing different colors. It was quite a sight to behold.

There were three paths leading out of the camp. All looking similar Akiol consulted the rest of the party, "Which way?"

Wrock walked forward, grabbed a decently long stick. Balanced the stick and watched it fall. The stick was pointing towards the leftmost road.

He grinned playfully, "This way?"

Without saying anything everyone walked down the chosen path. The path was decorated with the glowing plants. Had it not been the evening the sight would have been even better.

They continued walking until a bear came crashing through the plants. It was an ordinary grizzly bear. Everyone froze and watched it carefully.

Akiol got a small feeling that it was a bit stronger. Which was odd.

[Power Sense (passive): Allows the user to gain a decent understanding of their target(s) strength. Grows with more use.]

It looks like the understanding went from faint to decent. Akiol didn't complain, it would be easier for him to choose his enemies the more accurate his skill was.

The bear was staring at the party. Seeming irritated it rose to its hind legs and roared. Akiol asked Jarvis, "Anyway we can leave this guy alone?"

"Unless we retreat, no."

A fight it was then, it was just a dungeon anyway. Akiol and Wrock started dashing their way towards the bear. Kan'na crafted a magic circle and threw it towards the bear's feet. The magic circle activated and froze the bear's hind legs. The bear, who was still standing up, was momentarily confused by the ice. This was all that Wrock and Akiol needed. Akiol slashed the belly of the bear and Wrock landed a kick on it's face.



As expected, the bear's defense was abnormal. Halving Akiol and Wrock's attack. The two continued their attacks, slowly lowering the health of the bear. One odd thing they noticed was their damage numbers kept going down. The bear was at 40% HP and now their attacks are doing a fourth of their total damage.

Kan'na was bombarding the bear with spells, Jarvis felt no need to summon his creatures. There was a large cooldown on unsummoning them anyway.

Akiol shouted, "Tilia!"

Tilia already knew what she needed to do, "Already on it! Strengthen my allies strength to destroy my enemies defense! Armament Enhancement: Strength."

Tilia slammed her shield down and a red shockwave appeared. When one of the party members was hit by it a red rune would form on their weapon or hand.

Once Akiol and Wrock received the buff their damage had increased again. With the added chant the buff is increased in strength. The original buff increased stats by 30% with the new chant it had increased to 40%.

With their increased damage they were able to continue their assault against the bear. Once the bear was at 10% HP it roared angrily, shattering its cuffs and sprinting towards Kan'na.

Tilia jumped in it's way and lifted her shield. The bear smacked the shield and sent her flying. Everyone let out a 'oh' before Kan'na quickly stepped on her platform magic circles. She rose above the bear staring down at it.

Tilia crashed into a tree and let out a groan. She had failed one of her jobs as a defender. She made a mental note to increase her defense next fight.

Wrock was upset that the bear didn't come after him, he wanted to go toe to toe with the bear. Once the bear realized it couldn't get to Kan'na it turned and went after Jarvis.

Wrock was already next to it and grabbed the bear with [Steel Hand Grapple] and pulled it back. Further angered the bear turned to swipe and Wrock, but he dodged and kicked the bear in its lower jaw. The bear was stunned for a bit before shaking off the attack and roaring angrily.

As it roared Akiol appeared in front of it and stabbed his sword in its mouth. The bear stopped roaring immediately and tried pulling the sword out. Wrock ran and jumped up, "Here's the finisher!" He drop kicked the sword further down the bear's throat, causing the remaining HP to drop to 0.

The bear fell to the ground and Akiol angrily complained, "My sword!"

Wrock took a look at the sword, it was covered in bear drool and shoved deep into the bear's mouth. Holding in his laughter he apologized, "Sorry. . ."

Akiol batted Wrock away and looked at his sword. He wouldn't be able to fight with a slippery sword. That's when an idea formed. Pulling the sword out he absorbed the the sword and dispelled it. Since he had absorbed the blood and bear drool along with it when he dispelled the sword only the sword came out. The drool and blood remained absorbed.

He looked at the sword approvingly. He then walked up to Wrock who was putting his hands up in surrender, "I am sorry!"

Akiol dispelled the drool and blood in front of him. Nearly hitting Wrock. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I fixed it."

Wrock nervously looked at the pile of liquid in front of him. He would make sure to never let any other creature eat Akiol's weapon.

Akiol returned to the bear, it was time for the loot.

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