The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Chapter 65: Activities of the Party Members Pt. 2

Yielya was getting yelled at, she was currently helping a party with their quest. Due to her healing method she was getting berated for not healing when someone took a bit of damage.

"You useless healer! I am at half health, why aren't you healing me?!"

Yielya was getting annoyed at this. She went out of her way to help yet she was getting scolded! It was unfair, unjust!

She retorted, "Oh shut it, your alive aren't you? If you're breathing then you're fine. Stop worrying."

The person who was yelling was a defender named Ringol. After getting hit several times, and not being healed, he was growing angry.

"That's not the point! Your job as a healer is to heal! You're not doing that! If this keeps up I will die!"

Yielya rubbed her temples. The amount of anger directed towards her when ever she helped was astonishing. The most annoying part was the fact that every team she helped never died.

The team finally finished off their monster, it was a giant water spewing lizard. After a collective sigh of relief Ringol and a warrior went to confront Yielya.

Yielya saw them coming and nearly let out a sigh of despair. Usually at the end of her helping the rest of the party would kick her out. With no gear or payment, she still had some of the beginner gear. The only decent item she had was her staff, also known as a Crosier.

This was a lucky drop she received as an early drop in a dungeon, before the party began to despise her.

She had attempted to change her style to fit the requirements of other players, unfortunately their reckless actions made her eat through her Prayer and would always lead to their defeat. During those times she wasn't blamed for their defeat since she was healing, but unfortunately do to their constant failure she never got any rewards.

So her two options put her in a corner. Either she did as she was asked and run out of Prayer before they could make any decent progress. Or go against the player's wishes and keep them alive but anger them in the process. Both options lead to her not receiving much in rewards.

Ringol approached Yielya and immediately started to rant, "You brain dead useless healer! Can you even think? Is that staff for show? Is healing so hard for you?"

Yielya looked at him with a bored face, "Tell me something I haven't heard please. I have about seventy-two different insults memorized. Currently you have recited number forty-seven, six, sixty-eight, and four respectively. If it's unique enough I might even remember your name."

Ringol was further angered. His pride wouldn't take such a beating, "You want something unique? Fine! Your healing was so useless I could have sworn I was taking damage from it! Your like a doctor from cowboy times who blamed illness on ghosts and prescribed some random medication to treat it! Otherwise known as useless!!"

Yielya nodded in approval, "I give you half points. The first line was number fifty-three, and the last was eighteen. However that bit about a doctor from cowboy times was new. Congratulations! You have created line number seventy-three."

Ringol wasn't going to deal with a healer who refused to listen. Throwing his hands into the air he shouted, "I'm done!" and left.

The warrior looked at Ringol worryingly before turning to Yielya, "Why didn't you heal?"

"There was no need to, no one was in mortal danger, your HP was enough to keep you going for a bit longer. I don't know why people are always so worried."

The warrior made a face of confusion, shaking their head they walked away. Yielya was used to that. Not many people were grateful of her healing style.

The defender was whispering among the rest of the team, as Yielya saw this she knew what was going to happen.

The defender walked back and said, "We have decided to kick you off the team. If you're not going to heal then we don't need you."

Shaking her head in disappointment she responded, "Very well then, I won't keep you company any longer."

She left the party and used a teleport scroll. It's gotten to the point where she only tagged along for the EXP. Equipment was a thing of the past for her.

As she stood there wondering what to do a message popped up in the group chat. Reading it she smiled and used another teleport scroll.

~ ~ ~

Tilia was lying on her bed, she wasn't even in A World's Legacy. She had some issues to take care of in the real world first. These issues were troublesome and she felt exhausted fixing them.

Tilia was reincarnated into a girl named Amber. Amber was originally the owner of a small startup business of selling clothes she made. She had originally wanted to use her leftover material and maybe make a quick buck. To her immense surprise her clothes gained a large amount of popularity. It grew to the point where she could no longer keep up with orders.

After hiring some staff her business began to grow further. She eventually had to go through various procedures to make her business legal. Even going to the point of buying a small factory to have a place for her workers to make the clothing. After some time her business growth stagnated at a high point. She was gaining a huge amount of profit without having to do much.

However due to the beginning stress and overwork her body began to have issues. She didn't have time to make proper meals so she kept ordering to go. Since this went on for a few years her already unhealthy body grew unhealthier. Eventually she died of high blood pressure.

Tilia took over not even a minute later, due to some blessing the Gods and Goddesses sent over her body was healed to tip top shape. After a few days of getting used to Amber's body and memories Tilia eventually found the announcement of A World's Legacy. She of course bought a headset and prepared to join the release.

Now she was lying on her bed, groaning. She was a bit tired, she had to deal with various business men trying to negotiate and offer to buy her company. Normally Tilia would have taken such a deal. However there was a strong sense of ownership in graved in Amber's body. This was something she had built from the ground up. She wouldn't sell it so easily.

So Tilia had to deny all the offers, with the constant excuse of 'sorry I am not interested in selling right now, maybe in the future?'

Wondering on what she should do her phone buzzed. Reading the message she found out what she was going to do. She put the helmet on and prepared to go log into the game.

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