The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2528

Chapter 2484 Steady

On November 13th, “Lobster” was officially screened in North America, with a box office of 150,000 US dollars. It easily set the annual record of the highest single-library in 2015 and easily ranked among the top 15 on the film history list. Such performance is good news for any work.

However, the news media is very low-key, even a little…disappointed, because this is a blue gift!

On the one hand, the whole of North America is cheering and celebrating. “Jurassic World” has become the first film in North American film history to exceed 800 million US dollars. Lan Li once again wrote a strong stroke in the annals of history; on the other hand, the 2013 “Drunk Country Folk Song” , In 2014, the “Burst Drummer” successively created a history of single-library box office breaking the threshold of 200,000 US dollars, which is also a glorious history.

In comparison, “Lobster”‘s $150,000 single-library box office seems to be inferior. Indeed, there are not many things worth celebrating and spreading flowers, just like… regular operations.

Such a statement is unfair to other films. “The 14th highest box office in film history” is just a routine operation? So what should other movies do? How should other works deal with themselves? But the reality is so cruel, because this is Lan Li, and people always expect Lan Li to create more myths.

“The box office of’Lobster’ hasn’t surpassed’Burst Drummer’? Bad review!”

“Haven’t the upward curve been maintained for three consecutive years? What’s going on?”

“Isn’t there supposed to be the first live-action movie in North American film history with a box office of more than 300,000 yuan? Funny.”

“Oh, is this a sign of the fading aura of Lan Li’s invincibility?”

“It didn’t make history? What’s going on?”

“The news headline won’t be written, haha.”

There are ridicule and jokes on social networks. It is not gloating or falling into trouble. It is more of a prank joke, which once again makes people feel the traffic of Lan Li-“the traffic that is not present but is like being present”, for “Lobster” created a topic invisibly.

Leaving aside the hustle and bustle of ridicule, the box office of “Lobster” is indeed very gratifying, and it easily occupied a seed rank in the first stage of the awards season, whether it is the pre-publication and final awards of the Cannes Film Festival, or the blue ceremony and Sisyphus. The word-of-mouth strength of Sri Lanka Films has reserved a seat for “Lobster” in the awards season in advance. As for where and how far it can go during the awards season, there is no way to know.

New York Screening officially kicked off the awards season journey of “Lobster”, and Sisyphus Pictures’ journey to this year’s awards season also set sail, and the subsequent “Focus”, “Wild Hunter” and “Carroll” will also be launched one after another. , The overall momentum has gradually condensed, and there is a faint sense of grandeur.

At the same time, the North American word-of-mouth ban has also been lifted.

After Cannes, “Lobster” has also successfully received praise from North American film critics in North America, and it is even more gratifying than expected.

The first batch of 48 media gave comments, of which forty-four were positive reviews, four were moderately reviewed, and zero negative reviews.

Although this is already a regular configuration of “Lan Li’s works”, the “lobster” with zero negative reviews once again easily became the focus of attention. Compared with the slightly controversial reputation of the Cannes Film Festival, the overall praise of the film in the North American market is higher than expected, and the performance is very good.

Four of them are very interesting.

“Guardian”, 60 minutes, “The story opens an interesting time in a wonderful and weird way, full of fascinating and unique charm; but at a certain point in the middle part of the narrative, it seems to be suddenly lost Inspiration and creativity, and then began to continuously stuff in absurd and boring dog-blood drama fragments, and finally presented a boring and simple comic theme: the transformation of humans into animals, literally. Hall’s efforts have not been able to change the overall situation. ”

“Los Angeles Times”, 60 minutes, “Indeed,’Lobster’ is a work suitable for topic-making, Internet dissemination, and editing. Like a mirror, it reflects the loneliness and fear of modern life, but the effort in the second half of the movie But it is thin and fragmented, and the dramatic failure to push the absurdity of the first half together further deepens, and finally leads to a clever but empty ending. The only surprise still comes from Lanly Hall-isn’t it unexpected? It’s actually a bit unexpected.”

“San Francisco Chronicle”, 58 points, “Lance Moss lacks the deep directorial skills to control the intricate philosophical thinking, and also lacks the scheduling and editing capabilities of thriller and horror movies. It is a film built on a dystopian inspiration. However, the audio-visual language seems mediocre and boring. One idea and one creativity seems to be all he has. The performances of the actors are worthy of careful appreciation.”

There is also a middle review from “Entertainment Weekly”, they also gave the lowest score of the first batch of reviews, fifty points, “Compared with the joyful and embracing movie, this is more of a A work that is disgusting and irritable, no matter what level of communication and discussion the work presents, I hope that I have never watched this movie before.”

Interestingly, although “Entertainment Weekly” gave a comprehensive criticism without reviewing the content of the movie, the final score was still a middle review rather than a bad review.

It is worthy of reference.

On the whole, North American film critics have remained roughly the same as the Cannes period. Criticisms and criticisms are still concentrated on the second half of “Lobster”. Even though Lanly and Oggs have made adjustments to the characters and plot together, they still Failure to completely get rid of the story frame has caused a lot of controversy——

In the final analysis, Lan Li is still an actor. He can appreciate scripts and analyze roles. In actual operation, he is not a screenwriter after all.

However, in addition to the four middle reviewers, the forty-four praise frenzy was the main component of the first batch of “Lobster” reviews. Even if the media was the first to watch a movie in Cannes, different film critics wrote their own for the first time. The mainstream media have once again expressed their views.

“New York Times”, 100 points, “Who can imagine that this is actually a love movie? “Lobster” has once again awakened us to those great classic love movies in film history-“Casablanca”, “Gone with the Wind”, “Old Feelings” ‘——Sentiment: Not all love can have a perfect ending. Lanly-Hall’s wonderful comedy performance again proves that he can master any type of role.”

“U.S. Weekly”, 100 points, “What will happen when Wes-Anderson and Franz-Kafka meet? Lobster gives the perfect answer, plus a little bit of fusion George Orwell (-Orwell): Wonderful, weird, humorous, ironic, profound, light, cold.”

“Hollywood Reporter”, 100 points, “If you start thinking about singleism seriously, I would guess that you just left the movie theater, and then you can see a whole new world-which is far better than the latest Kevin-Ha (Kevin-Hart) comedy movies can bring more laughter. Can you imagine that the actor is actually Renly Hall?”

“Variety show”, 100 points, “Cruel and humor coexist harmoniously as tableware in a drawer. Lans Moss injected a little horror and fear into the movie, and injected a little violence into the grim image-emotional violence And physical violence, the movie always walks between humor and horror, and the invisible reflection can make goose bumps on the back. Lan Li-Hall’s performance is reminiscent of his “Drunk Country Folk Song”. ”

“Vanity Fair”, 100 points, “Who can imagine that the biggest surprise of the whole movie is Renly Hall-the actor who has created countless peaks has once again brought a rare performance, restrained and delicate , Light and profound, and humorous and funny, his performance perfectly fits the film style, and the cold and suppressed but profound aftertaste of the image has magnified the unique charm of Lan Li-Hall to the extreme.”

“Playlist”, 100 points, “In the final analysis, those unfamiliar, cold, alienated, and serious fragments all collided together, creating a wonderful humorous comedy effect, and thinking about the movie itself surged. Before, you would be amazed at the beauty and moving of the actor Cast. The wonderful performance undoubtedly allowed Lance Moss to play a super high level. As for the subsequent reflection, that is what happened after watching the movie.”

“Chicago Tribune”, 100 points, “The topic of Renly Hall seems to be able to stop for a moment-because he is still the best part of the movie, enough to awaken the fond memories of Buster Keaton , And at the same time infused with his delicate understanding, who can reject Renly-Hall? Similarly, the same is true for “Lobster”. It is recommended that every marriage supporter and bachelor go to the cinema to watch this movie. You can all find the part you like.”

Full marks. Full marks. Still full marks.

“Lobster” once again ushered in a full score frenzy. The unanimous praise made people deeply feel the excitement of this movie, and once again showed Lan Li’s usual sweeping attitude; but this is only part of it. That’s it, out of the forty-four positive reviews, only eight full marks, the ratio is not high.

In other words, “Lobster” has successfully won the love of film critics, but the overall momentum and reputation are still not as good as “Drunk Country Folk Songs” and “Burst Drummers”.

Among the thirty-six praises out of full marks, the main scores are all concentrated in the range of 80 to 99, and there are a total of 27 comments; there are nine comments gathered in 60 The score is between seventy-nine points and three of them are below seventy points. Although they are well received, their scores are not high.

The score layout can see some clues. On the whole, “Lobster” still continues the trend and status during the Cannes Film Festival. In the end, the North American media review settled at 85 points, and it is still considered the most worthy and must-see of the year. Movies watched.

“Maybe this is not the best work of Lan Li-Hall, but this is one of Lan Li’s most worth watching works.” The evaluation from the “New Yorker” is the most pertinent, compared to “Drunk Country Folk Songs” and “Blast” For “drummers”, “lobster” is indeed more approachable and easier to be accepted by the general public.

This also means that this year’s awards season will inevitably see Lan Li again, and Sisyphus Pictures has also joined the battle early.

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