The destined encounter

Chapter 137: Chapter 71: The Prey Who Got Inside the Trap

Van was looking around the house after he met the husband of Dexter he was told that he can rest for today so he decided to look around since he found out from the people living in the house that they are allowed to roam only in the public part of the house. Van looked at the place with so much amazement, they are calling it house but it's too big to be called just a simple house. The backyard is so big that it has its own mini man made forest. He learned from one of the maids that Lee is the youngest son of the Shun's Entertainment that's why he felt the familiarity when he saw him. He also found out from them that the reason why the house is located far from the city and in the middle of the forest is because Dexter the house Missus is into extreme sports and Lee being the dedicated husband built their house in the forest, along with the natures. He didn't expect to see a married Alpha couples and one that is so much in love with one another. He met Alpha males who tries to have relationship with Alpha males for experience but it never works so he was really surprised to know about the two and on top of it they both have a baby. An Alpha male who decided to bring life into this world. He sit in on the stone chair that is place near the garden to breathe some fresh air. The ambiance of the place is more like a modern house set in the province his attention got caught by the ringing of his phone. So he went and answer it.

(So how was it? You pulled out the short stick so you better suck it in.) The man on the other line said. It is true they used a stick to select on who will go in that place, since the amount of payment was not disclosed and that the address of the place is in the middle of nowhere plus the fact that the person has to live in that place all of them don't want to go so they decided on who will get the short stick will go.

"The place is huge and the bosses are kind." Van explained.

(Dexter is the name of the one you will be training right? So how is he?) Van heard another person asked from the other line.

"He's a dude an Alpha dude." Van explained and he can hear disappointment from the other line.

(Well good thing we didn't get to pick the short stick. Good luck to you there.) The call ended. He tried asking if Lee was forced in a marriage because he got Dexter pregnant but all the maids shake their head no. They said the young master of the house Shun was head over heals with the Missus. When he saw Lee's face he can't deny that the man is really handsome even for who's also an Alpha he can't be compared but the man ended up with another Alpha is such a waste he thought not that Dexter looks bad bad Lee Shun is in different level. He stand up from where he's sitting and walk around when one of the servants called him.

"I have been looking all over for you, come on it's lunch time. You can't have the others wait for you, come walk faster." He followed the maid till they got inside and went inside one of the rooms inside the house that looks like a function room in how big it is and there in the middle is a very long table filled with foods and sitting around it are all the servants in that house. The maid lead him in one of the sits around the table and there he seated. Before they start feasting the food at the table the maid introduced him to the rest. He learned that the maids all eat together at the same time the dinning hall was specifically built for all the servants and workers in that house so they can bond and eat peacefully. They said that it was Dexter's idea caus it will help them to get close with each other since they are all living in the same house. There are also times when the couple would invite them on their table and eat together with them.

"Young master was never like that, never in my 15 years of serving the young master have I ever experienced of dinning with him untill Dexter came." One of the butler said.

"Yeah I couldn't agree more. I have been working for him as a maid for like 10 years before Dexter came and never once he remembers my name! But after Sir Dexter came he literally memorize all our names!"

"I was really surprised when he brought Dexter in the Shun's mansion. He said sorry when the young master accidentally trip and pour me the wine. Usually he will put the blame on others than admitting it."

"Yeah I remember that, I was really surprised when Dexter even helped you wipe it clean then in his commanding tone he told the young master to apologize."

"Young master stubbornly refused the next thing I know is that the young master after 3 days suddenly took over and do all the butler's work for 2 days."

"I was really surprised when I saw him wiping the windows."

"He even asked me to teach him how to use the vacuum."

"I found out that Dexter set a condition that he will only accept his apology if he work as a butler for two days."

"That's why when the madam said that she will be sending servants over the young master's house we immidiately volunteer!" The servants who previously came from the main mansion all agree.

"The eldest son is a good person too but he is a very meticulous person and his wife is like a fragile doll. Teakyun is just too domineering."

"Originally Dexter doesn't want any maids and butlers in the house but when he got pregnant Mrs. Shun insisted for him to have helped so maids and butlers from the main house race just to be one of the lucky ones to get included but sadly only few was chosen but after he gave birth that's when they accepted more maids and butlers of course with the Madam's suggestions and Lee's persuasion that's why here we are!"

"We love the eldest Missus but we just love Dexter more."

"No comparison is just like we feel safe against the young master Lee because of Dexter."

"You don't call him Sir or Master?" Van finally asked.

"Nope Dexter doesn't want that. He just simply wanted to be called Dexter."

"To summarize the things you said it means that the young master Shun is afraid of his own wife?"

"Husband not wife." Harvey who is one of Dexter's personal body guard corrected.

"Just because he gave birth to young master Lexter doesn't mean he's already a wife." The maid agree.

"Young master Lee rarely addresses him as his wife he is most of the time called as a husband, he's after all an Alpha and the young master respects that." Harvey added.

There are a lot of information that Van learned in one day. One thing that he knew is that Dexter has the final say in that house and that he holds all the power inside that not even Lee can contradict. After the meal the head butler of the house gave him a tour. It was really a huge house complete with everything a person needed. When they pass by one of the house's living room there he saw a group of men and one men kneeling in front of a pretty man who he think is an Omega.

"It's not my intention really, I was really planing in visiting you here. I swear!" The man said begging for something that Van couldn't understand.

"Really?! You can't even visit me or your son here and yet you went here for the purpose of getting drunk!" The pretty man got up pushing the kneeling man away which resulted for the man to get out of balance and fall back on the floor.

"Nick that bastard prioritize the beer and alcohol over you and your son. If I were you I wouldn't forgive him that easily." This time is was his boss Lee who said it earning a glare from the man on the floor that looks very much familiar if it weren't for his swollen eyes.

"Wait is that Zeejay? The actor?" Van asked the butler.

"Ah yes young master Lee is friends with the famous actor Zeejay and that pretty man is his wife and the two have son together."

"What!" the butler laugh a little with his reaction.

"Yes though their marriage is not out officially but he is already married. Everything you'll know and learn here will be very confidential, it was stated in the contract that you signed in so better keep in mind not to disclose what you know to others. You understand?" Van nodded.

"Let's go."


Terrence is laughing watching the miserable state that Zeejay is in. It was quite amusing seeing his friend who always annoys the heck out of him begged for his wife.

"Serves you right!" Adrian shouted. "Nick don't forgive that bastard, how dare he prioritize the alcohol over his wife!"

"Yeah how dare he!" Lance seconded.

"Yes how dare you!" Nicolas repeated what the other two of Zeejay's friends just said.

"Come on now my dear don't listen to these fools! I was just dragged along cause you see Terrence has been having marital problems....."

"Who are you saying having marital problems again?" Nicolas asked, he thought he heard it wrong.

"Terrence is having marital prob....." Nicolas didn't even let Zeejay finished what is saying. He quickly walk in front of Terrence and pulled him to his collar.

"Are you cheating or hurting Chester?"

"Woah of course not there's not cheating and most specially there's no hurting going on between me and my wife." Terrence pulled Nicolas collar too. "You really love to make me look bad...."

"You bastard just because you're an Alpha doesn't mean I won't take you on, I'm not scared of you. If you hurt Chester you will answer to me..."

Zeejay quickly come in between the two and tried to separate the two. "Hey hey man let him go. If you lay your hands on him I will forget that you are my friend." Zeejay threatened.

Terrence quickly let go of Nicolas collar and raise both of his hands. "Of course I won't, kitten will get mad at me if he learns that I punch an Omega."

"Cool your head for a while Terrence." Lance put his arms around Terrence shoulder. "Nick don't provoke him for now. He's quite sensitive right now. You know how he is when it comes to Chester." Lance tried to explain.

"Yeah but how long do you guys plan on staying here." Lee asked who's know hugging Dexter by his waist while he seated on the couch.

Terrence cellphone suddenly ring taking the attention of the people around. Terrence took his phone out and answered the phone. His irritated expression suddenly turned to sinister and yet excited one. Like his inner monster got awaken suddenly. This didn't go unnoticed to both Lee and Lance who both quickly saw it.

"Really? So he's finally back?" Silence followed after Terrence statement. "Ok send me the report. I'll meet you in." Terrence looked at his watch. "30 minutes. Yes.....ok"

Terrence looked at his friends. "I have to go." Lee got up and grad him by his arm. "Does it have anything to do with that man?" Terrence didn't answer but the atmosphere is getting weirder to the people inside who didn't know.

"Yes, he's here he came back." Terrence answered.

"Let him go Lee. Terrence knows what he's doing." Lance said, Lee do as what Lance said.

"Who is here?" Zeejay asked.

"His brother came back." Lance said.

"I really need to go, also I need to go home. Chester will be very worried about me if I still don't go home." Terrence went first and the rest of the guys left to bother Lee some more.


Chester didn't get a wink of sleep after the heated argument, Terrence left it was the first time his husband walkout on him. He doesn't know what he did wrong but there's only one thing that is clear with him and that is his heart is in pain right now. Chester did what he usually do in the morning and that includes his morning lessons with his friend Aiden. Aiden is currently teaching him krav maga. One of Aiden's expertise.

"I think we need to stop now. Your focus is else where and if your mind is wondering else where then this lesson will not only be for naught but also be dangerous to you." Chester's face became sad after hearing it.

"I'm sorry." That's all Chester has to say. Liam sit on the floor and then patted the space beside him inviting Chester to sit beside him which Chester did.

"So what's bothering you?" Aiden asked.

"I had a fight with my husband and he still hasn't came home since last night. I questioned him with all the training he has been pushing on me. I thought that the things he wanted me to learn is already beyond self-defense in which we both first agreed upon. It's like he wanted me to learn things that can intentionally hurt or worst kill someone. I know he only wants what is best for me but going to such extreme is not right. I don't want to hurt anyone. I know he's a great lawyer but I don't want to use that as an excuse if I ever get myself to such trouble."

Aiden remain silent for a little while then he speak. "I was there to witness how it tore Terrence apart when you disappear. Everyone thought that you went with your allegedly lover and left the kids and your husband alone. Terrence waited for you, he said he is willing to take you back as long as you come back to him and your kids. I can understand Terrence pain Chest. Specially now that the truth is out about what happened to you every husband will be very scared to leave you everyday defenseless. The fear of losing someone is something that can make a person shattered broken and insane. Chest I know that you know how it felt to be defenseless. To be trampled and insulted just because we are just a mere omega, it hurts it leaves you empty with nothing on the inside but I'm sure the feeling is worse than to those who are dear to us because they know the pain of our past and yet the fact that they weren't able to do anything is what kills them on the inside. My father and brother begged me to learn things as what Terrence wanted you to learn all because they love me. I'm sure it's the same with Terrence."

Chester open his mouth but then he closes it and then he opens it again and then closes it. He took three deep breaths before making up his mind to spill his question to Aiden. "Even firing gun?"

Aiden with a smile and confidence answered quickly. "Even firing gun... wait what? Is Terrence telling you learn how to fire gun?" Chester nodded.

"Terry is the one who wants to personally train me." Aiden pause for a minute to think.

*It's possible for a lawyer to own a gun since they too need protection but it's the first time I'm hearing that Terrence actually knew how to. Maybe it is the kind of sports he taken an interest with.* Aiden think of the possibilities as to why the youngest son of the Harris owns a gun.

"Chester this is just base on my own opinion but the decision is still lies in you. I personally knows how to fire guns, my brother forced me to learn how to. He said if I wanted him and my father to live in peace whenever I step out of our home then I must learn how to. Considering the fact that I was kidnapped just like you. I used to put the wellfare of other people before me but now that I think I bout it, it should always been me before them. If I happen to hurt them is because they tried to hurt me first I just simply didn't allow them to do what they want with me cause I know if they succeeded it will not be just me who will end up getting hurt but my the people who loves me as well. It's your call Chest think about it. Specially you have 3 sons. You already left the two for how many years I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to leave them for the second time, specially Terrence that man would probably going to loss himself if ever you will disappear again. There's nothing wrong to defend yourself remember that."


Terrence went to the address in which his cousin gave him. It was the first time he has been in that place and he is sure that it's not his cousin's house. Terrence was about to ring the doorbell when the gate that looks normal but as thick as a volt suddenly opened automatically. He was greeted by the child that frequents their house.

"Author?" Terrence asked. "Uncle Terrence, brother Jules is waiting for you. Please follow me." Terrence followed the child, the house was simple, not that big but spacious enough on the outside but what surprises Terrence is the secret ways inside the house that leads down to what it seems to be a big secret armory fortress — bigger than the house on the upside. They passed by a small shooting range, armory with different guns, an empty room that looks like a function/meeting room and làstly a big monitoring room where series of computers can be seen lining up. and there in front of it a man sitting on the swivel chair and facing him is a man sitting on the table is his cousin that looks like busy flirting to whoever is sitting in that swivel chair that Terrence think he already know who's the person is.

"T!" Jules greeted.

"Are you certain that he's the man?" Terrence didn't waste any moment and get to the point. The the swivel chair turn.

"I never go wrong Mr. Harris. We got your man he's actually in the trap." Axel proudly and confidently said.

Terrence gave his cousin a meaningful look then he excuse both him and his cousin to talk to him personally.

"What do you think you are doing? I know you want to be honest and faithful to your lover. I know that, I get that but there are things that we can't disclose even to our own family!" Terrence almost shouted.

"Don't worry T, Axel knows and the organization is hiring him as a freelance of course under me. It's like I'm his manager. My lover works only with me." Terrence blow a breath before they come back inside.

"Chester can't know about the organization." Terrence simply said.

"I know cause if I ever tell anyone they will go after my lover's head and then mine. Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Axel said, Jules excuse himself for a little to take a call.

"Why did you accept to work for the organization? Aren't you living well enough working under Aiden and taking a part time job at my place?" Terrence asked.

"The money I earn is more than enough but after learning that morons other job it got me worried. It will ease my mind if I serve as his eyes." Axel said.

"So you like him that much? Don't worry he will retire soon considering that now you are already here and the moment he ask you for marriage I'm sure he will quit this thing." Terrence said.

"I was surprised to learn who you really are. At first sight I wouldn't take you for someone who's so thorough when it comes to things as this." Axel tried to change the subject.

"There are things that can't be solved with just regular justice system that we have so sometimes someone has got to do the dirty job."

"Hmmm right..... here's your guy." In just one click the whole screen was filled with a man's face like a puzzle completing the image.

"Finally I found you." Terrence said in a whisper.

"You know the job you took doesn't end with that man right?" Axel remind. "Their family is just the tip of the ice berg."

"I know and I will take responsibility. I will finish what I started if the price is getting the head of that man."

"It's going to be a long fight. I better prepare cause I'm sure Jules won't leave you." Axel commented.

"And you won't leave Jules." Terrence added. "Don't hurt my cousin by leaving him. Men like us seldom finds true love so when we do we give our all till there's nothing left of us. I'm sure he will be very devastated if ever you will leave him."

Axel smile "I won't leave him, Mother and father will put a curse on me if I ever leave their son." Axel said laughing.

"So you finally met the parent of that fucker, I think there's nothing I should be worrying about that man."

"They are nice. They treat me and the kids like their own. The kids like kids whenever they visit their new mommy and daddy's home. Jules parents insisted for the kids to call them like they are their own parents and for a moment they look like a normal kids. Acting like a normal kids." Terrence was a little confused at that part about Axel's adopted siblings.

"I don't think I should keep this. They are trained like me."

"Trained like you? Just who are you Axel?" Terrence asked.

"Axel and the kids are trained assassin by the syndicate that is tied up to the assignment we are trying to solve." Jules answered. "I originally don't want him to get involved since he and the kids are hiding from them but....."

"I insisted, I will be a great help to you in abolishing this syndicate also since I know just how dangerous these people are as much as possible I want to protect Jules the best that I can." Axel said.

"What can you say T? I got myself a pretty bad ass Omega lover who can save my ass in times of need." Then Jules turn to Axel's side and took his hand to place a peck at the back of Axel's hand "I'll be in your care then, please save me in times of need."

"Of course you still need to marry me right?" Axel said.

"You guys go get a room! Wait marry?" Terrence snatched Axel's left hand from Jules to see a simple platinum ring that has a red as a blood ruby stone. It was a small simple ring with a little red stone.

"Isn't it too early to get married?" Terrence asked..

"Hey did I object when I learned from aunty that you married your wife in less than 2 months? Don't bother with ours I'm not like you! I'll be giving my lovely Axel a grand wedding after this matter has been solved! If I want to expose him to the world as my wife then I should need to first address those people who are also after him and the kids and it so happen that they are tied up with the person you are after too!"

"So are you telling me that your are just using me to achieve your own goal?!" Terrence asked. "You're such a user, I can't believe that I even gave you all the words of wisdom to help you get together with your lover, damn it!!!

Axel just laughed watching the two cousins bicker at each other.

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