Chapter 136: Chapter 70: How Far Can Anger Take You?
Author's Note:
I might release one more chapter this week (fingers cross.) but I'll be announcing this as early as now. There will be no release of update on March 29 - April 4. The next update probably will be on April 5 or April 6. The reason for that is because next week is the start of Holy week and Holy week is a very sacred and important tradition and culture for us Filipinos. I hope you will be able to understand. Thank you so much.
I hope you got to enjoy this chapter. Please bare with me 😜 I'll try to release one more chapter this week but no promises.
Thank you so much Happy Reading 😊!
"Aaaaarrrrggghhhhhh!!!" A loud crashing sounds filled the entire room as the man who causes it continues to crash everything he sees and touch.
"Dad please calm down!" The was trying to calm down his father, he run quickly after he heard the news and what welcomes him is the tantrums of his very own father.
"How can I calm down?! Huh?! That man who calls himself a Phantom keeps on testing my patience! I will go there myself and kill that bastard." Raven sigh, he thought he was able to handle the situation well after a month of no signs of the Phantom he thought that his plan of scaring the person worked but it just one week the man manage to kill all the small time bosses which they stationed in that place and the worst part of it all is he's giving the authorities the lead and evidences for transactions but the worst of all is the lost which they got because of that stupid buy bust operation. They made sure to do a background check but it seems like the person they have contacted is the Phantom. The man single handedly defeated them all and left, when the police got there they were all tied up. Now his father is having a big problem on how he can make the mouth of those who have been caught sealed. Killing them all would have been hard since they are already in the authorities custody.
"Don't worry Dad I'll go there myself. I will fix this myself."
"Go! Kill that man for me!" Raven thought and thought all the reason why the Phantom has been targeting them of all people why them but a playful smile creeps on his face. "It has been so long since someone got my attention. I think I won't be bored catching that ghost." Raven whispered.
"What?!" Patrick has been staring at his phone. His hands are both shaking as he hurriedly drive towards his brother's office. Yes they are back to their own country but even in the country where The Shun's have no influence before or that owns no single business there, for an unknown reason Shun starts investing and venturing one. It's like they are trying to make a mark in that country. The business venture which they invested created an uproar in the business world. Most local business investors worried the effect it might do in the business industry knowing how strong Shun's came in in just a matter of short time. Although the there's a law protecting the local business owners and investors against foreign investors like Shun's they still worries that their businesses might get devoured whole by the new player. The only give is that the Shun's are not investing in the entertainment industry this time. With Shun, Teakyun's statement he says they will try to venture to a new business line that is different from their comfort but not far from it. The business is still underdevelopment but even so it is already creating a lot of noise.
"Jay! You need to see this!" Patrick barge in to his brother's office.
After reading the article Jay sighed. "I already read it. I heard before that Shun, Teakyun will stabilize first his businesses in overseas before venturing for another one but him investing here that's really surprising. The industry will both benefit and feel threatened at the same time but it will be good if we get to have him on our side but that would be impossible now since you are one of those who wronged his wife. The best thing we can do now is to stay out of his sight. I have a bad feeling about him coming here." Jay said. Then he looked at his brother. "You stay out of trouble! You hear me? Don't even mention to your friends about that Omega. We don't know how dangerous Shun, Teakyun is."
Teakyun was in the middle of a board meeting for the business he wanted to start. He should be thorough about it since he manage to convince all the committee in his plan even though it was rush, he can't afford to bring it to a failure since failure is not listed in his vocabulary. In that one month he spend sleepless night, working himself to death so he can make the proposal work, he used all his connection to prepare the stage for him once they announce it officially. Everything was planned out thoroughly. He can't afford to take a rest since the development is one of the crucial part in setting up a new business specially if the business is in overseas and a new business line at that. At first everyone in the board is skeptic even his father since Teakyun is planning to venture is a different business line but Teakyun manage to convinced them in the end after all Teakyun never fails to make the impossible possible. He listens attentively to the person giving the report when suddenly the door of the conference room open loudly and there Lee standing with a livid expression. His brother walked towards him and grabbed his wrist.
"Let me borrow the president for a minute and you continue with what you are doing." Lee said and then he continues to drag Teakyun inside the empty room.
"What is this?" Lee raised his other hand.
"News paper?" Teakyun answered in a question.
"Funny, you know what I mean Tea!" Lee said almost shouting.
"Ok, ok but shouldn't you be in your vacation? You should be grateful that I permitted your additional 4 weeks of leave request so what are you doing here?"
"I should be resting and enjoying my time with my Dexy but then I had to read this thing first thing in the morning! What were you thinking! The businesses in the three fucking countries are doing well so why do you have to make a hasty decision and venture to another one and on top of that why here! What do you know Tea!"
Teakyun fixed his suit and put both of his hands inside his pocket as he leaned on the table to sit. "I run an investigation, I know everything. I know you knew too you just don't want Theo to know that you knew. That made me realize the reason why you were so over protective of him, you and Terrence because all this time you both knew but you didn't do anything."
"We couldn't do anything because if we do and Theo finds out all the bad memories might come back. Tea you didn't see him shiver, you didn't see him looking like he's trap in that nightmare. We were happy when he loves and trust you it somehow help him forget but with you doing this what is your true motive? Theo doesn't want to comeback there and with you doing business there means that you have to go and live there just like how we did back then. Theo will follow you, you know that and back then I, dad and Mom followed you. We live overseas to make sure it will succeed and it did but I might not be able to go there. It's different now, I have Dexter and Lexter. I can't make them go through all that trouble of adjusting to a different country, environment and culture. Tea what were you thinking when you made that decision? You didn't even consulted me. I'm part of the board too."
"Lee, I won't live there. I thought things through we will operate things remotely, I'll only fly there if necessary and about Theo he knows that I only want to expand the family business nothing more and nothing less. He supports me on that but I won't let him set foot in that place if he doesn't want to. About what you said, I did promise my Teddy to not retaliate those who had wronged him so I'm trying to send them a message and probably teach them a lesson. I thought things through I tried to forger about it but it hunts me, one way or another I have to do something. Lee I don't expect you to understand but I won't put Theo in harm's way."
"Huh! I don't think there's anything much I can do, you already made up your mind. Teakyun one more thing, don't over work yourself I think you are forgetting something you are now a father and a husband. Don't revolve yourself to things of the past and work. There's still Theo and your baby. About that you can still count on me, I'll fly with you if it's needed just don't make me live away from here again. I already have a family and here is my home."
"W-who are you?" is the question that got out of Chester's mouth. Terrence sight, it may be questionable for someone like him to know things as this.
"Kitten what kind of question is that?" Instead of giving Chester an answer he asked him a question.
"No, Terry I'm getting weirded out. It is so not like you. At first I thought you just knew simple self defense but the more I learn and get better at it the more I understand my skills can never be at par with yours even though I don't see you learning nor practice with anyone and now gun shooting. Since when? And for what purpose?"
"I'm a lawyer, I often make enemies because of my profession that's why I have to learn how to defend my self at all cost and yes you can never be at par with what I know. The only reason I didn't train you myself is because I don't want to hurt you but shooting guns is different. I'm good at it so I want you to learn from me." Terrence said like it is the only option that Chester has.
"But shooting means I have to hurt someone and when things comes to worst I can kill them. I can't kill Terrence!"
"That's why I'm teaching you! Holding and shooting a gun doesn't always means to kill someone. It is sometimes means to disarmed them and paralyzed them for a minute or two so you can have time to escape and save your life. Kitten I know it's too much, all the things I have asking you to do are too much but please trust me, this is all for your own good and for mine also. I will never be at ease if I know that you are vulnerable and defenseless."
"But it's still wrong to hurt someone." Chester whispered.
Terrence hold both of his shoulders "Y-You down understand how it feels to be left alone. You will never going to understand the feeling when the most precious person in your life suddenly vanished only to return 5 years later." Terrence let go of Chester's shoulders turned his back for a moment to try to calm himself down. "I need to breathe some fresh air. Don't wait for me." And just like that Terrence left their house.
Dexter finally lay flat on their bed after puting Lexter to sleep he can finally rest his body when he felt a pair of warm hands roaming inside of his polo. Dexter just let it be hoping that the crazy husband of his will get the idea that he wanted to sleep. He didn't know that taking care of the baby is this tiring. Lexter sleeps lightly it feels like he just sleeps for a couple of hours and then boom the baby monitor cries again calling him to cater to his baby's needs which makes Dexter losses his sleep. His nipples is also getting sensitive because of his son constant gnawing like it was his own personal chewing gum, he wonders how painful would it be once Lexter starts growing teeth he probably have his nipples fall off, he tried to shake the thought away, he'll just worry about it in the future right now he badly need some sleeps specially after Lee went out so early in the morning he badly needs to sleep.
Lee tried to get his way to his Dexy but there's no response. He tried putting his right hand inside Dexter's pants and give love to little Dexy but even little Dexy ignores his attempts. Dexter is too tired to get his libido up and do all sorts of acrobats and exhibitions, he just can't feel it. Lee took out his hand and held it across his face.
"I think it will be just you and me buddy, you and me. Lately we have been pretty close as far as I have know he have been very distant to each other since middle school since little Lee is always accompanied by girls who always welcomes little Lee and since when I got married to my Dexy but eversince Dexy gave birth we had our relationship reconciled once again. I thought once he's all healed up we can go our own separate ways and here we are lost to each others touch. Well buddy you just have to bare with me right? Pretty much this Han solo series will last quite a lot longer I think. It is better than to seek comfort from others and have my Dickie got cut off by my beloved Dexy. Damn I'm going crazy here talking to my hand. Well buddy we better start this Han solo operation." Lee lowered his pants a little and took out his little Lee that is no longer so little and start playing with it, then he stopped then he held his hand across his face once again. "Wait what? Dexy? Hmmm that's not such a bad idea."
Seconds later Lee is breathing heavily, sweat is already starting to form to his forehead. He is hovering on top of Dexter, his left hand is supporting his upper body while his right hand is stroking his manhood that is already ready to burst anytime soon. Lee feast his eyes on the lower part of Dexter's body that is without clothes and very much exposed with his legs all spread apart. "I think I'm about to cum, fuck I want to rummage my think inside. Damn it would have felt fucking good." Lee continued to pleasure himself with his own hand. Never in his life Lee thought that he will sort himself to do it on his own for this long. He's the kind of man who can get laid if he wanted too but heck to that. One short pleasure can end the family he built for so long so he would rather sort to this option than choosing the easiest one, besides he doesn't have the heart to cheat on Dexter. Lee continued to imagine him fucking his own Dexy as he stroke himself till he splurge all his semen on to Dexter's exposed abdomen. Lee wiped himself clean and pulled up his underwear and pants then he wipe and clean Dexter who is still soundly asleep. He put Dexter's underwear and pants and clean his abdomen again where his seeds landed. He trace the stretch marks that Dexter had, Dexter got stretch marks from the pregnancy, unlike other who got none Dexter got a lot, his abdomen area got loose a little but the doctor said that it will come back to its original shape so he needs to wear those special bonds to pushed back his abs muscles that got push apart to give space for the baby. Lee smile a little after remembering.
"He must have forgotten to put it back on after taking a shower. You must have been that tired. I didn't know taking care of the baby personally can be so tiring. It must have been hard for you." Lee got up and look for Dexter's postpartum waist band, when he saw it he put it on Dexter's waist. He remember seeing Dexter crying secretly while looking at his body that is so out of shape. He knew that it must have been depressing for him see how insightly his body is. That's why the first time they made love after he gave birth Lee made sure to say how he love his body, he encourages Dexter to simple home workout, he had his own renovated and added gym inside. He already hired a Physio for Dexter. "The Physio will probably be here tomorrow. He will be thrilled." Lee said excitedly, Lee wanted to support Dexter as much as possible, we wanted the Alpha to regain his pride and confidence that got lost when he carried inside him the fruit of their love. He endured all those months getting look at weirdly and now he's enduring the sight of his own body and his breast leaking with milk, the way he sometimes cry saying that it hurts cause his breast is getting hard with all those milk. The pregnancy didn't just take it's toll in and on his body but it also took away his confidence as an Alpha so Lee wants to help Dexter in regaining it back after all Dexter is still an Alpha and that is something Lee doesn't want to take away from him.
Lee tug in and hugged Dexter to sleep when his phone ring. Lee ignore it but when it didn't stop he answered his phone.
(Hey Shun we are outside, let us in!) Lee looked at his phone and saw Lance caller ID.
"Lance?" Lee asked.
(Yes let us in!) Lee got up and open his house's front door personally.
"What are you fuckers doing here in the middle of the night?"
"Terrence is being dramatic, he wants to drink." Zeejay who's still yawning explained.
"Don't worry you're not the only one who got dragged into this." Adrian who's still in his pajamas said. "They didn't even let me change. Saying it has been long since all of us got together."
"So what's your drama Terrence?" Lee asked.
"Can you let us in first? Its hard talking and explaining things outside." Terrence scoff.
Lee opened his door wide open. "Come on in your highness the door is widely open to receive you or should I prepare a red carpet for you." Lee said sarcastically.
Hours later...
"I mean no harm to my actions so should he take it the wrong way? He doesn't understand it. He's not the one who was left behind. He was not the one who is scared of loosing him." Terrence said he's already drunk that his mouth no longer has filter. "Why are we drinking inside the gym anyway?" Terrence asked after being there for hours.
"Ow cause you told us you want to blow some steam!" Lee answered the only person sober amongst them.
"I never thought that Terrence can throw some punches, look at me!" Zeejay pointed at his left eye that is already swollen because of all the punches he received from Terrence when the two of them spar.
"Good thing you only got a black eye what about me, that fucker crash my foot I know he intentionally drop that weigh on my foot. It hurts, this will bruise fuck!" Adrian complains.
Lee and Lance know better not to meddle with Terrence when the man is angry was able to save themselves and because Derrek is not the kind of person to vex someone he also was able to save himself from trouble. Unlike those two who always wanted to tease someone.
"What do you mean that my black eye is better than your foot? My face is worth millions in a day, millions you hear and that fucker dare to mess it up!" Zeejay got up in an attempt to hit Terrence back but Lance who knows better tried to stop Zeejay not because he's afraid that the man will hurt Terrence but is the other way around.
"If you don't want to look like a panda in the morning you better sit down." Lee shouted.
"Me? Panda? Maybe him! Let me, let me hit him." Lee who got really annoyed massages his temple then the baby monitor which he took with him suddenly made a noise of a crying baby. Lee got up but Zeejay's annoying voice made Lee change his mind so before going to the baby's room he told Lance to let Zeejay go. Lee went to see his little Lexter and there his baby boy is already wide awake, crying. Lee checked his diaper but it was clean. He picked the baby and tried to dance in hopes to make it stop crying but it is to no avail lastly Lee thought the lasting what a crying baby wants and that is a milk. He put the baby back to his crib then he went to the fridge inside the baby's room and took the breast milk which Dexter pump from him. He heated it up and put it in a bottle. When the milk is ready he measure the temperature by dropping drops of milk at the back side of his palm then he gave the milk to the baby. Lexter drink the milk and Lee watch his baby with love in his eyes. The baby looks like him he really want a baby that looks like Dexter but Dexter is very happy when he came out looking like him instead.
"He's so cute." Lee looked at the person who gave the compliment.
"What are you drunkard doing here?" Lee asked.
"You have been taking too long so we followed you here." Terrence explained. Terrence looked at the baby "Tsk, I have three kids and yet I haven't seen any of them as an infant."
"Hey hey you have seen the twins as a baby." Lance said.
"A baby? They were already two! They can walk already by the time I found out that I father a twin.The 5 years later I found out my baby survive and that he's already 4 years old." Terrence answered back.
"Hey don't complain at least you got to see your children that young. What about me? I met my son when he's already 12 turning 13 what the fuck! He's already giving me the attitude sending me to jail not just once!" Lee looked at Zeejay who now have two swollen eyes. If he's right it must have been because of Terrence.
"You want me to make your mouth swell too?" Terrence threatened.
"You guys are too annoying you keep on complaining and complaining. You should be thankful at least you didn't mourn for the lost of your child. That's the hardest thing but I'm glad my baby didn't die and that he's very much alive." Lance said.
"I don't know I can't relate to that, I'm still not a father just yet but if I will be I want to be like Lee you gets to witness his partner's pregnancy every step of the way and the birthing of his first child." Adrian commented.
"Drake and I agreed to have a surrogate mother for our baby. It may not feel the same as with you guys cause obviously the child will only have my blood to it but Drake is looking forward to it." Derrek said with sadness in his tone.
"Hey come on, it's not that bad that kid will still be your child and I know Drake will love him like the kid is his own. He is that kind of person after all. See when he courted Nicolas he's very much willing to be the child's father. Derrek you don't need to worry you and Drake can be a great family." Lance tried to comfort Derrek. They were in that situation that they didn't noticed that the baby is already sleeping and minutes later they too are already asleep inside the baby's room.
Dexter woke up without Lee by his side. He thought that his husband had something he needs to do early in the morning so he got up wash himself and change his clothes. He went to the baby's room to check on Lexter and there inside the room next to the crib are 7 men sleeping soundly all over the place. Adrian is in the tent they put inside the baby's room, his upper body is inside the tent while the lower part is outside. Zeejay in the little kiddie sofa at the corner curling himself so that he could fit in that little size chair. Dexter think the man under the crib is Terrence, Derrek on the other hand is inside the little car bed they bought for when Lexter is big enough to sleep in bed. While Lee is sleeping on the floor while Lance hugs him from behind.
Dexter just sighed, he carefully walk towards Lexter's crib careful not to walk all the grown ups. He took Lexter and put him in their room. He put the baby on the bed and put around the special customize baby barrier around the edge of their bed to keep the baby from falling just in case.
"Will that be count as my husband being unfaithful to me?" Dexter laughed as he tried to make a silly joke to himself.
"Hi Baby did you sleep well with the crazy men? Your dad didn't even wake me to say that his friends came over." Dexter feed the baby and then later put him to sleep again. After that he changed to his work out clothes he was about to go to the gym when one of the maids inform him of someone. The maid said that it was Lee who called for that person and since Lee is still sleeping soundly in Lance arms he decided to see that person personally.
Dexter saw a stunning well built man in their living room. The man got up to greet him but he held out his hand to stop him from getting up and to him to sit again.
"Mr. Lee hired for our service and I'm the one whom our agency sent. Are you perhaps Mr. Lee? I'm Van by the way." Dexter looked at the man, he doesn't know what Lee motive is to hire this man's service.
"No I'm not Lee I'm Dexter." Dexter introduced himself.
"Ow you are the person that I will be training." The man said.
"I was told that Mr. Lee wanted the person named Dexter to get my service." Dexter massage his temple. He doesn't know what Lee is thinking again, making decisions without consulting him. Then he noticed all the luggage that the man carries with him.
"What's will all that?" Dexter asked.
"This? Since the place is too far Mr. Lee said that they will provide free accommodation as long as the person is a male Alpha or a male beta then it's ok. Omegas and females are not allowed." What the man said gave Dexter more headache so early in the morning.
"Ok, Ok Lee is still sleeping so I'll have one of the maids to show you where your room is." Dexter can't just cancel it cause everything has been pre-prepared he decided to just talk to Lee about this once he wakes up to avoid him making decisions on his own without consulting him.
Dexter decided to go to the gym to sweat a little since he still can't do hardcore workouts. He was so focus with what he was doing that he didn't even noticed that there was already a person watching him from behind.
"You are doing it wrong." Dexter looked from his back.
"What are you doing here?" Dexter asked.
"I asked where the gym was since this will be my job then I saw you. Your posture is good but you are doing it wrong. It seems your balance is not that stable." The man said.
"It can't be helped I have not been working out for almost a year." Dexter walk to the thread mill and start to take slow run.
"Would you mind if I ask why is that?"
Dexter stopped and looked at the man.
"I was pregnant for 9 months and I just gave birth not long ago." Dexter can seen the surprise followed by questions in the man's eyes.
"How? Simple I'm married to a dominant Alpha that even an Alpha like me can get pregnant."
"So you met him." The man looked behind him when he heard someone speak. "Were you surprise?"
"I'm surprise alright." Dexter responded. "But for purpose?" Dexter asked.
Lee walked towards Dexter. "Simple I want my husband to get the best care he needs in getting his body back to shape. I know it was hard giving up yourself just you can give birth to Lexter so I search and consulted your O-by about this and this is his best recommendation." Lee explained and gave Dexter a peck on his lips when he got in front of him.
"Did you brush your teeth before you kiss me?"
"Yes of course."
"I don't know if I should be happy or angry about this " Dexter said.
"This is me being sweet then you should be happy about it." Van is just standing there watching the scene behold in front of his eyes. It's his first time seeing an Alpha male married to an Alpha male and on top of the they have a baby. So that's the reason why Omegas and females are not allowed cause technically the missus of the household is an Alpha male and the husband is very very much possessive to that Alpha.