The Descent To Depravity [A SolomonMcKing Smut Story]

Level Two: Sensual Fondling (1)

Bzzt! Bzzt!

"Ahh god. I'm awake, I'm awake~" I switched the god accursed machine off as my eyes fought tooth and nails to stay open. 

I stretched my body as a yawn made its way out of my dry mouth. And, it made quite an appearance too. Drowsily wondering if I could get another 5 minutes of sleep, my head throbbed as I regretted binging on Attack On Titan until the latest episode.

Daddy was right. I seriously need to start watching my mental health.

Checking the time on my alarm clock, I grimaced when I saw that it was already 6:30. A frown joined my annoyed expression when I remembered today was a school day and I was already 5 minutes late for the bus. 

What a great way to start off the first day of HighSchool.

It appears I'll have no other choice than to take the god-awful train. It wasn't the train's fault, far from it actually since Japanese metro-stations and industry were usually strict with hygiene-related problems. 

It was the experience during this specific time of the year.

A defeated sigh escaped my lips when I realized it was going to be so cramped because it's summer, and Daddy always told me this was the time when sexual predators feed.

Well, I really doubt my luck would be bad enough to run into one of them this early in the morning though. And, I don't think they would really find a high-school boy's body that attractive.

My osananajimi, or childhood friend's face came into mind. Wondering why Sakura randomly came into my mind, I brushed my teeth quickly but gentle enough to not cause damage to my soft gums. Even though she was a bit of a lewd girl and always liked to ogle at boy's bodies, she always ensured me that my body was the best. Lately ever since we entered high school, I feel like she's been looking at me lewdly. Almost as if she wanted to tear my clothes and have her way with my body. . . 

. . .She's such a dummy sometimes. 

After quickly washing my blushing face-off and effectively performing my morning rituals, I slid on my uniform, relishing in the cool breeze that sprayed under my skirt. Looking at my mirror, a very cute boy stared right back at me. Standing at 5'4, the boy displayed mature curves that shouldn't be on a teenager with a pert butt that stood at attention. Wearing a silky river of black on his head and delicate, porcelain features on his face, you'd think he was a celebrity or an idol.

Even though I would never, ever be confident enough to say it aloud, I had to admit it.

I'm really cute.

Having enough narcissism for the morning, I picked up my school-bag and ran downstairs quietly to catch some breakfast. And as expected, both my late breakfast and lunch for school were already on the table, along with a note that read "Wake up earlier, you sloth." from mom.

I wrote a "Thank you" on the note before exiting the house and sprinting towards the train station. You might be wondering where either of my parents was and I'll tell you we aren't really a normal family.

My mouth gasped and closed rapidly as I panted under the intense heat from overworking my body. "Arghh! This is the last time I'll ever snooze my alarm clock again!"

Returning to the question at hand, my family was quite western in comparison to most Japanese families. Meaning, both of my parents/older sister were more outgoing, independent, and aggressive in whatever they did. For example, Mom is the head of a somewhat famous law firm in Asia whereas Daddy is the head of All-Japan's physics lab and Onee-chan is studying abroad in America, apparently making huge advancements in engineering.

Then there's me, a high school student who's somewhat decent in his studies but too lazy to act on his big dreams, to swim with the stars.

Because of my family, we were basically both rich and famous but our parents and onee-chan hated the idea of being stuck up or corrupted from wealth so we stayed very humble as evident by our humble house.  

I took a quick breather, seeing that the train station was just a few steps away from me. Jeez, I really should work out more if this is how weak my body is. 

Checking the time, my mind relaxed as I saw that it was barely 7:30. Relaxing my, still very sweaty body, I stepped into the air-conditioned room and almost moaned at the cool sensation licking my skin. But unfortunately, I didn't have that much time left to be lax so I quickly bought myself a ticket to the nearest stop to my school.

The process took a few minutes and since I was closely packed with other people, my body started to heat up again. 

And of course, it didn't take long for me to sweat again. Making use of my flimsy uniform, I fanned myself with it while noticing a couple of women blushing and others trying to peek into my cleavage in my peripheral vision.

. . .Were they seriously getting turned on from a high school boy? 

God, I can't believe this. Why can't women just think with their head instead of their pussy for once?

A shiver ran through my spine when I dragged my sailor shirt a little too far out as I immediately felt everyone's lustful eyes on my tiny, little body. Remembering Daddy's words, I quickly hid my hand in my school-bag while secretly holding onto the pepper spray like it was my last lifeline. 

Though in a way, it actually was.

After I got my ticket, the P.A system blared out shortly after, announcing that the next train would be mine. So, I sat down on a nearby chair as I waited for my ride. 


The lewd stares were getting worse. I thought I had already cooled myself off but these girls, god, the way they were basically ogling at me make me feel like a piece of meat.

Swallowing a hard stone of spit, I tried to distract myself with my phone and wondered if I should call these horny bastards out but decided against it. Perhaps, the summer heat was getting to my head and I was simply imagining all of this.

Or maybe some of Sakura's wild, perverted delusions were infecting me. Giggling softly, I thought of how Mother would literally beat the perverted childhood of mine if she ever heard my thoughts. 

My amusement was cut short as I noticed some shuffling in the corner of my eyes. Looking to my right, I was surprised to see that a woman was suddenly standing right beside me. She was on the taller side of the female height spectrum too, maybe around 6'2?

When she faced down and our eyes made contact for split second, she sent a dashing smile at me before I immediately turned my head and attention towards my phone at breakneck speeds. 

My palms were full-on sweat by now. I heard some shifting of shoes before I felt pressure on my right. 

She just sat right beside me!

The action sent warning bells inside my brain but I didn't know why. Before I could formulate a hypothesis though, I felt a warm, big hand wrap around my much smaller ones and well.

My brain short-circuited.

Awawawa, Why is a random lady holding my hands?! Did she do that on purpose?! Is she trying to say something to me?! Eeek, she's drawing circles on my fingers now! What should I do, should I call her out, uuu, but I don't want to appear rude. Daddy told me to always be respectful towards my seniors. .but I don't know if this counts!

"Is it just me or do you usually have hands this warm?" She played with her short, black hair before leaning against me. "Or are you just happy to see me?"

If this was a manga, my face would already entirely turn red like a tomato. "U-Um Miss!"

As I looked up from my phone and finally addressed the woman, it became obvious to me that she was very, very good-looking. 

Jesus, is she a model?

A million thoughts raced through my mind yet only a second had passed outside. "Yes, beautiful?" She replied with a smirk.

I can not seem to stop blushing with this woman. "Uh. You-Your hands?"

Gripping my right hand tightly, she brought it up towards our faces and smiled. "Yes, what about them?"

"What's the, um, Is there any meaning, uh, behind it?" My ability to be coherent has failed me. 

Her next actions made me feel three things.

1). My heart skipped a beat when she stretched her toned arms around my waist and dragged me into her sturdier frame.

2). Butterflies grew inside my stomach when she grabbed my chin and tilted it to make me realize how pretty her brown eyes were.

3). My throat and mouth were suddenly parched as she leaned closer and closer. . .

Uuu, Am I seriously going to lose my first kiss to a stranger I met in the train station?!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ To be continued.


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