The Descent To Depravity [A SolomonMcKing Smut Story]

Level One: Sensual Kiss

"So, yeah. This is my room." I showed off my humble little abode, crafted into an aesthetically pleasing and cozy room. Dragging a chair behind me, I took a seat and directed the quivering teenage girl towards the fortress of pillows beside me.

She felt around the pillows, softening them best to her needs. "Aika-chan, you have a really nice room~ Did you design this all by yourself?" Her body melted as she noticed the divine softness of my pillows.

Feeling satisfied at her reaction, I leaned onto my chair before replying, "Of course. It may be small but it has everything a boy could need or want. Look, there's my mini-refrigerator."

As if it could hear me, the mini-refrigerator blinked to say hi. "Then, there's the table I used for my studies or basically, work. And if you look up, you'll see my DIY night lights, even if a set of them may be broken."

 "All of them crafted through thy blood and sweat, Hima-chan." I tilted my head in a mock gesture of a royal bow. My lips curled into a lazy smile when she applauded my work like a cute little munchkin. 

Taking an appreciative glance at her, she was still as beautiful as she had been when she was a kid. Himawari Ai, or as I like to call her, Hima-chan had always been the center of attention /popular girl as far as I can remember. Equipped with an hourglass figure, two large knockers and a beautiful face, it was hard to not catch someone's eyes. But of course, I could only see her as a sister since we basically grew up together and also because she already has a boyfriend.

I could bask in her radiance and usually stayed hidden in her shadow. "You know, Hima-chan."

"Hm?" She fluttered her long lashes. 

"When you told me you had a boyfriend, I couldn't believe you. No, I didn't want to believe you." A blush crept onto Hima-chan's long swan-like neck. "Maybe it was because I was scared you would stop hanging out with me or perhaps, I was just jealous you got a lover before me, I don't know."

"Aika-chan. . ." She bit her lips and squirmed in her seat. Did she grow tired of my pillows?

I stood from my chair and jumped onto my soft, doughy jelly of a bed. My body spread-eagled on the bed and immediately relaxed as it felt like I was getting an ethereal massage.

 It feels so good~ I moaned, hearing a yelp out of Hima-chan. Was she having one of her sudden hiccups again? Ugh, Even though I keep telling her to drink water.

I turned on my sides to face the girl in black sitting right beside the bed. "But."

I smiled at her. "At the same time, I was glad you finally got a lover. I was glad the small, little child who always cried whenever I left her alone finally has another reason to smile and laugh. Though I am still irked that the child grew taller and bigger than me, tch."

She giggled as I pushed her on the forehead. I felt drowsy, the rectangular bubble awakening my instinct to fly into dreamland. "Maybe I should get a lover too."

"Maybe then, I'll get to finally make those old parents of mine happy~ Geezus, they're barely in their mid-life and they want me to have kids already." I teased. "What do you think, Hima-chan?"

My question met no response. Was it just me or did the lights got darker? Strange. "Hima-chan?"

"No." From my position, I couldn't see her expression on her face as she rejected my light proposal. Yet, I could feel the icy tone in her voice. Had I maybe gone too far with the teasing? Crap.

"Hi-Hima, I was just kid-"

I couldn't finish my sentence as she suddenly hopped into my bed and straddled over my body. Her silky smooth raven hair tickled my cheeks as her hands gripped the sheets beside my head. What had gone over Hima-chan?

"I don't want you to get a lover." She started as her breathing grew erratic. "No, no, no, NO!"

My heart skipped a beat when she stared deep into my soul, attempting to lose me in her violet eyes. Wh-What was that?! Did my heart just-for Hima? I-What?! 

I caught a twinkle in her eyes. A glimpse of a raging storm, something burning with great emotion I couldn't decipher. I turned my face away, a deep blush adorning my cheeks. "U-Uh, Okay okay. I won't get a lover, I won't so can you please get off me?"

I forced my trembling hands to her cheeks and found it odd that they were warm. She and I both know I loved the cold and I always put my A.C to the max in my room. Regardless, I tried to bring my voice out of my choking throat. "S-So, okay? I mean, What would your boyfriend think if he saw us like this?"

"ᴵ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵒⁿᵉ." She whispered something but it had been too soft for me to register.

Still in this awkward position, I asked. "Um, I couldn't hear what you just said. Can you, maybe, say it louder?"

My childhood friend who has been making me feel weird things leaned closer to me. Close, close, her face is way too close! I felt like whatever red has been on my cheek has evolved into a glowing crimson.

"Cute. . ." Hima-chan said as her strong arms stopped mine from hiding my blushing face. I didn't hear that wrong, did I? She just called me cute?!

"E-EH?! Hima-chan?!" My voice rose into squeaky decibels.

She giggled like a cheeky vixen. "You know, Aika-chan. Ever since we were little kids, I always found you to be extremely cute."

"The way your nose scrunches when you laugh." She stared at my nose. 

"The way you hide your face with these porcelain hands whenever you get embarrassed." She took ahold of my left hand and un-folded the warm appendage before lightly kissing them. My blush has infected my entire body by now yet, the culprit looks as if she's doing something she's always done.

"Of course, we can't forget when this cheeky little tongue that comes out whenever you've teased your friends." She stared intently at my lips and slowly leaned forward into my face as if the world had gone into a frame-by-frame 1960s movie. 

I turned my face before something really bad could happen. "Le-Let's stop this. . .I-I don't want you to break up with your boyfriend because of me."

"Please." Words that betrayed my heart swam out of my mouth. Tiny droplets of tears trickled along my cheeks as I closed my eyes in fear of her reaction.

I felt her body froze. 

Then, she relaxed before regaining sentience.

"It's your fault," Hima-chan muttered under her flowery breath. She moved her right arm and grabbed my face harshly before turning it to her. 

Again, feelings unknown sprouted inside my heart and mind. "It's your goddamn fault, Aika! It's always been your fault!"

She panted heavily like a beast. No, A predator if you looked at her eyes. The beautiful and lovable Hima-chan had almost done a 180 change in personality as she dived into my neck. "Hngh. Smells so gooood~"

"Hima-chan?! St-Stop!" I yelped, feeling ticklish from her actions. I had always been a sensitive boy, even more so when it came to actions that invaded my personal space like this.

Her body slowly relaxed into my smaller frame as she encircled her long limbs around my body. Her breathing only grew more erratic as she seductively licked up from my collarbone, passing my chin and settling just below my lips.

"You don't have any idea how long I've been waiting to do this, Ai~" Her eyes had turned into hearts. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to hold back whenever you showed off this sexy body of yours?!"

"Every time you teased me with this seductive waist, I had to stop myself from just raping you on the spot!" She cupped my thin waist possessively even if I had always been subconscious of them. 

I was breathless at this point. I could also tell that my body had turned into fire under her lewd ministrations. When her hands passed and accidentally touched my sensitive nipples, a coarse moan escaped my lips. 

Of course, I immediately clasped my hands over my mouth and wished she hadn't heard them but God was cruel.  

"You little minx! I thought you were hating this but to think you were secretly enjoying this!" Her hands ran through my body before settling on my nipples and playing with them.

Wave after waves of confused pleasure washed over my body as she forced the moans out of my trembling lips. At some point, she looked like an epiphany had suddenly stroked her as she left a trail of kisses from my neck before arriving at my nipples.

"Mmm~ They're so cute and pink~ Haa, haa~" She blew at them before nibbling on them, successfully bringing out a moan from my lips.

I tried to push her head away but my delicate arms were too weak for the action. "Pl-Please! Ahn~ Stop!" 

She raised her head. "I think I should do something to that cute little mouth of yours~ Say Ahh~"

"Hima-chan, pl-please stawpp~" I begged for mercy, barely able to see anything from my wet eyelashes. However, my refusal only served to anger her as she pried my lips open before I tasted something sticky and sweet in my mouth.

"Hi-Hima-?!" Something soft pressed against my lips as a slippery appendage rolled around in my mouth, forcing me to swallow something. Opening my eyes, I saw that she had kissed me! SHE KISSED ME!

"Mmgh. You taste sho ghood~" She vocalized through our sensual kiss. Twisting her tongue around, she beat my tongue into submission before coiling around it like a little snake. 

Distracted from the defilement of my mouth, I didn't notice her hands sneaking down my body. "Mmf! Mm!" I protested violently when I noticed what her hands were touching.

In response, she grabbed my throat with her remaining hand and squeezed lightly, threatening to choke me if I protested any further. It worked.

I laid in submission and cried as I wondered where everything went wrong. Had I done something for my childhood friend to want to rape me? Or, had she always been like this? 

Answers were the last thing that entered my brain as my rapist slobbered and sucked on my tongue, devouring it of its saliva. 

Ahh, this is bad. I can feel my mind already slipping away. . .

Maybe sleeping wouldn't be so bad. Maybe this was all a dream and everything would be better when I woke up. 


This is just a dream.

~~~~ FIN ~~~




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