The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 1066

"Tian Tian, ​​if you take it off first, your whole body will be soaked and you will catch a cold easily!"

"It's okay! My body is very strong, it doesn't matter if I get a little rain, I'm afraid I'll hurt you!"

I shook her hand and said with a smile, since my physical fitness has improved, except for the last time I caught a cold and a fever because of my extremely overdrawn body, I really haven't had a cold!

The strong immune system in my body is protecting my body, allowing me to resist various possible diseases in this harsh environment.

"It's okay! I can withstand this little rain. I'm also strong. Hee hee."

Li Meihong smiled and said, the panic and anxiety just now has gradually calmed down!

It's just that every time there is a sudden thunder, I can still feel that Yujie is a little frightened.

"Haha, it's really strong, the chest is big enough, the buttocks are big enough..."

I deliberately stared at Sister Yu's chest lewdly, and touched her beautiful buttocks with my other hand.

"I hate it! It's thunderstorm now. Don't touch it randomly, you will get angry."

Sister Yu rolled her eyes fiercely, her nervousness relaxed a lot.

In this kind of spooky weather with constant thunder and lightning, not only women, but even men will feel a little scared, and the Ah San in the shelter is already kneeling in the rain and praying loudly.

"This believer is not afraid of being struck by lightning. He is still praying in the thunderstorm! He really doesn't know what to do."

Regarding the local language that Ah San spoke so quickly, I couldn't understand what he was praying for for a while, so I don't have much sympathy for this kind of guy.

"He seems to be praying to his Lord God, praying to save him from here... probably that's what it means! The thunderstorm is too heavy, and I can't hear what is behind it very clearly!" After listening carefully for a while, Li Meihong actually translated for me Woke up.

"Are you omnipotent? Can you even understand Ah San's dialect?" I was a little surprised, with a big obedience written on my face.

"His dialect is actually a kind of local English. I have traveled there before, so I know a little bit. But the people there are not very friendly to people in our country.

The status of women over there is very low, and there are often rapes. When I walk on the street, many men will look at me wantonly and wretchedly.So I didn't stay there for long and came back early! "

Li Meihong recalled that she didn't have a good impression of that chaotic country. It is estimated that many women would not want to go for the second time after going there for the first time!


It was another deafening thunderstorm.

Immediately afterwards, a red-blue lightning streaked through the night sky again, and the faint light reflected by the lightning could be seen even in the shelter in the forest.

not good!

I suddenly thought of a very serious problem!

According to the current situation, this kind of thunderstorm will not stop so soon. If so, it will be serious.

This is the land of the abyss, the terrain is so low, it is easy to erupt flash floods here!

"Sister Meihong! It's bad! We can't stay here anymore! We must evacuate quickly, this kind of heavy rain will cause flash floods!

You wait in the shelter first, pack your things by the way, and be ready to evacuate at any time, let me talk to these soldiers. "

After I finished speaking, I got out of the shelter, and saw that in this forest, countless water lines dripped from the branches and leaves of the trees, forming countless water curtains!

Under the ravages of the heavy rain, the bonfire had already been extinguished!

That Ah San continued to kneel on the ground to pray, I ignored him, and directly found the cheetah standing guard in the heavy rain, and told him about the serious situation.

There is more and more water on the ground. I don't need to say more, the facts have already told him that the terrain is too low and will soon be submerged!

"Brothers! Break camp! Let's go in the rain and look for a higher place!"

The cheetah didn't hesitate either, and decisively gave orders to the soldiers under him to drive overnight!

"No! I don't want to go! There's no fire, no lights! It's pitch black everywhere, and you'll die faster if you run around now.

I do not go!The Lord God has heard my sincere prayer, and the Lord God told me that the rainstorm will stop soon!

Why!Don't go!Don't leave me wait for me...I'm afraid..."

This funny voice came from behind, which made everyone laugh knowingly. No one paid any attention to him. After everyone packed their things, they set off directly!

What surprised me a little was that these soldiers also had military flashlights, but the power of these flashlights was obviously low, and the light was a bit dim.

The huge lightning that kept tearing through the darkness turned into a different kind of light source instead.

It's just that this kind of lightning makes me feel very strange. It protrudes from the vast space, and from beyond the eight poles, it seems that there is a giant hand of fate pushing over, like a sword hitting each other, or like a landslide...

This time I took the initiative to walk in front, and I can have night vision, which is simply unmatched by others.And Li Meihong naturally followed me closely.

"Beauty, are you the night pearl? Wow! It's amazing!"

"This is the first time I've seen a luminous pearl! And there are so many of them, the light from this luminous pearl is really beautiful..."

"Lord God! This is the night pearl of the Lord God! The goddess is by my side..."

Ah San, who had already followed up, exclaimed, her nerves are convulsing again!

Chapter 792 Dead Dinosaur Corpse

When other people saw the luminous stone in Li Meihong's hand, they couldn't help but be amazed!

This luminous pearl is the one brought up by the mutant turtle man from under the ice pool. It has been kept in a basket before, and now it is going through the rain all night, so it is no longer taboo to take it out for lighting!

This kind of natural radiant light emitted by luminous stone is permanent, and it can't be extinguished even by heavy rain.

At this time, it is like a small lighthouse, illuminating the way forward for the people behind!

Now I can only choose to cross this abyss, and it is impossible to turn back!

According to the memory of that half-day person, the soul body of the lecherous fairy had to pass through this area before falling into a deep sleep. After passing through, it was not far from the truth.

The rain dripped on my body, blurring my vision, and I had to wipe off the running rain on my face with my hands, but this was only temporary, and new rain soon flowed down again.

This uncomfortable situation was not relieved until Sister Yu simply woven a straw hat with branches and leaves for me!

When other soldiers saw the leaf hats Li Meihong and I were wearing, they followed suit one after another. Even if they couldn't completely block the rain, the effect was still there.



Just as the team was advancing, a lightning bolt like a fiery snake suddenly struck a big tree more than 100 meters in front of me.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a click sound, and half of the big tree was chopped off by lightning, and fell down with a bang, while the other half of the tree was still standing upright!

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