The days of survival on a deserted island with a beautiful woman

Page 1065

This kind of roar was like thunder, it was very loud, and it made my nerves tense.

"Ah... Tiantian, is this voice from a dinosaur..."

Like a frightened child, Li Meihong got into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"It's okay, the sound is far away. And it doesn't have to be from a dinosaur." I rubbed Yujie's jade shoulders and comforted me, but I felt a great anxiety in my heart.

No one knew what animal it was making.

There was also a commotion from other people outside, and they were obviously frightened by this unprecedented roar!

A beast that can make such a loud roar must not be small, maybe it is a super giant.

This reminds me of a super giant bear that looks like a small mountain. That beast has gone to nowhere until now, but luckily I haven't encountered it again.

After this violent roar was uttered a few times, it quickly disappeared and never came out again.

The tense atmosphere in the camp quickly dissipated, and calm slowly returned, as if nothing had happened!

"Tiantian, I'm still a little scared! This roar is terrifying, it must be a super monster that can make such a loud noise!"

The royal sister cowered in my arms and whispered, the trembling voice clearly swears the fear in her heart,

"Don't be afraid! Although the roar is loud, there doesn't seem to be that kind of violence in the voice. This is probably not a carnivorous animal. Don't worry, I will always be by your side."

I continued to caress Yujie's back and said softly, her trembling body slowly calmed down under my gentle caress, and soon let out a soft breathing sound.

Yu Jie, who was already so sleepy, fell asleep in my arms under my touch, just like a sleeping child!

I couldn't help laughing, and freed a hand to brush the naughty hair on her nose, and then kissed her forehead lightly.

Sleeping women are beautiful!

Now there are two soldiers on guard, more than a dozen of them take turns. Out of respect and gratitude to the doctor, they don't need me and the woman to take turns. I didn't say anything about this arrangement, and I was very relieved of them.

I telepathed with Lin Binger and Chaoyin, and I felt a lot more at ease after sensing that they were in the original settlement.

I don't dare to telepath too much now, I'm a little scared, afraid that these two women, like Li Meihong, will sense my feelings for them, and then chase after them like Sister Yu.

Now that I am in such a dangerous situation, if they follow me, it is tantamount to involving them in the danger of death.

Since I was also sleepy, I was tired all day during the day and fell asleep quickly.


I don't know how long I slept, but there was a loud thunder, and the earth trembled.

Li Meihong and I were awakened by the deafening thunder.

Not only me and sister Yu, but the panicked voices outside also showed that everyone in the camp was woken up by the sudden thunder!

There was another roar of landslides and ground cracks, and then in the shelter, I felt strips of lightning tearing apart in the sky, illuminating the dark forest bursts of light.

Haven't had time to say anything yet!

In just an instant, the torrential rain poured down from the dark sky, as if the river in the sky had cut countless big holes.

I rub!

What the hell is this weather!

Just say it!

Chapter 791 Breaking out the camp in the rain overnight

"Sister Meihong, stay inside now and don't come out to get wet, I'll go chop some more leaves and come back!"

After I said something, I quickly got out of the shelter, carrying a machete!

"Tian Tian, ​​be careful."

Li Meihong's caring voice came from behind. It is very dangerous to walk out during a thunderstorm.

Especially under big trees.

Trees are not originally conductors and cannot conduct electricity, but they are different when they are wet by rain.Moreover, the tree is relatively tall, and the tree is connected to the earth, so it is very easy to attract lightning!

What worries me even more is that if lightning strikes a tree, the powerful current will leak through the tree into the ground and spread out in the soil.

This is an indirect harm to human beings.

Near the lightning strike point of human beings, the potential difference between the two feet can cause the lightning current to pass through the two feet and the lower part of the torso, and the person will be injured.

Especially if there is too much water on the ground, it is very dangerous.

It's just that there is no place to hide from the rain at all.



The strong wind and thunderstorm roared at the top of the forest, as if countless beasts were roaring in this abyss forest.

These towering trees kept swaying and bumping in the storm, forming a forest sea in the hurricane!

I thought of guarding against the attack of wild animals, but I never expected that the thunderstorm would come as soon as it was said, and there was no sign at all.

I rub!

Is it because I set off a forest fire, and the sky can't see it, and is it going to rain to put out the fire?

I couldn't care less, I picked a smaller tree, chopped off more branches and leaves with a machete, and quickly hugged it back to cover the shelter to form a thatched hut, preventing the women inside Get caught in this torrential rain.

The branches and leaves of this forest are very dense, and there is a heavy rainstorm above the forest, hitting the branches and leaves with a crackling sound, and the rain does not drip so fast for a while.

But after passing through the dense branches and leaves, the rainwater formed water lines and flowed down after a while!

Those soldiers have simple sleeping bags, which can also shelter from the rain.

As for Ah San, he stood in the rain like a drowned chicken, and then quickly sat on a rock.

I left them alone, and after covering enough foliage, there was hardly any rain dripping down in the shelter.

But now the ground is also wet and the water from the outside has flowed in, and we can no longer lie down. Sister Yu and I can only stand bent over or squat inside!

"This terrible weather! There was a sign of rain before, but I didn't expect it to rain now!"

I couldn't help but smiled wryly, and this sister Yu held my arm tightly, looking at me distressedly, looking at my wet body.

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