The Dark Lord Harry Potter

Chapter 84: Struggling with the Past


The teen paused, fighting back the urge to start hexing the owner of the voice, before turning slowly to face him. "Longbottom."

Said boy winced slightly, before nodding in acceptance. "I uh, I heard your father was sworn in as Minister the other day."

"He was."

"I just wanted to say uhm… congratulations." With that the Gryffindor turned to leave, before the Malfoy called out to him.

"Neville… hold on for a sec," the other boy did as requested, and turned back around. "Thank you, I know that things haven't been exactly easy for you lately with all the Slytherins distancing themselves and the Gryffindors… being Gryffindors but, thank you."

"You are welcome."

"So, uh…" Jeesh what the hell was he supposed to talk about? It had been so natural mere months earlier but now… there seemed to be a rift between them. "How are your parents doing Neville?"

"They are okay, still trying to adjust to missing out on so much of their lives. Everyone being older, having kids, or just…"

"Not being here anymore." Draco finished, earning a nod from his former friend. "I can't imagine what that is like, to just wake up and everything be different."

"Sort of happened for me actually." Neville muttered, earning a surprised look as he continued. "I mean not exactly but… well one day I was a useless failure who had lost his parents and was stuck with people who hated me and then…"


"Yeah, I know you don't understand Draco, why I had to choose what I did, believe me it was the hardest decision I ever made but…"

"But you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't. I get it Neville, I really do. It is just a bit different for me. I can justify the sacrifices as long as the end is greater."

The Longbottom gave a small smile, "I guess that is why you are in Slytherin, and I am in Gryffindor."


She had given it months… months ! Three months, approximately ninety days, of time to work it out of her system. To move past the incident and onto more important things. Draco's courtship was beginning to move forward, Lord Malfoy had been elected Minister, and everything seemed to be pointing in the direction that the teenage blonde himself would be ascending to that position in a few decades at most .

So why then were her thoughts constantly being dragged back to a single afternoon that happened just before the holidays? Why was she still fantasizing about Harry Potter?

She knew why, of course, not only was he practically the perfect person but sex with him had been mind-blowing, Earth-shattering, panty-soaking, scream-inducingly amazing.

But that didn't mean Draco wouldn't be as well. Surely her future husband would be wonderful in bed, would give her more than a few breathless nights of pleasure.

Except that Draco seemed to be taking after his father more and more with each passing year. That mischievous twinkle, a trait his mother possessed, that had been so prevalent in their early years was starting to dim, replaced by the cold calculating logic that was far more Malfoy in nature. This had been something she was hoping to avoid, not because she hated politics, and indeed she rather enjoyed the argumentative and manipulative nature of it like any Slytherin would, nor was she upset with the fact that Draco would remain a blonde.

No, it was the fact that her own mother had taken her aside this previous holiday season, after visiting with the Malfoys, to give her a warning.

"Pansy, darling, since you are betrothed to Draco Malfoy I wanted to give you a bit of warning, so you are not disappointed in the future. Narcissa gave me an offhand comment about the lack of… passion in her marriage. From what I gather Lucius was interested in her, physically, only as far as conceiving an heir after that the well has 'dried up' so to speak. Obviously, we will not be canceling the contract with them, but I just wanted you to be aware."

It had been a lovely way of saying 'once you are pregnant your husband isn't going to shag you again.' To say she had been a bit upset was an understatement, but she also knew what was at stake and was certainly not going to jeopardize her, or her family's, future simply because she wasn't going to get laid.

If Narcissa had managed to deal, so would she.

This conversation, however, had led to more than a few heated dreams involving a certain emerald-eyed boy instead, and why shouldn't it? If Draco wasn't going to be interested in her sexually, and all signs were beginning to point in that direction, then why couldn't she make herself open to her proclaimed Lord instead? It wasn't as if it could be counted as an affair or even considered scandalous. Hell letting Harry shag her like an animal would probably help her husband's career, and their families, in the future once the boy-who-lived took over.

All she had to do was have one child with Draco, afterwards her 'obligations' would be fulfilled, so long as she kept herself clean of anyone besides Harry. After that she could practically live in the other man's bed… and at the rate things were going this would not only be acceptable for Draco but encouraged.


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