The Dark Lord Harry Potter

Chapter 83: The Weight of Success

"Looks as though Malfoy has a definitive lead." Remus noted as he glanced over the newspaper that had just been delivered. Currently he was sitting in a small apartment in Hogsmeade, with Sirius and Harry, while enjoying a dinner just delivered by the boy's House-elf.

"I still don't know about this pup, I mean Malfoy was about as slimy as they came. You sure that you want to trust him?"

"It isn't about trust Padfoot, the fact of the matter is the man has his uses and his son even more so. Technically I could have made you or Remus Minster, but neither of you wanted the position."

Sirius grinned at the thought, "Minister Padfoot… you know it does have a certain ring to it…"

"Oh please, like you would ever be caught sitting behind a desk doing paperwork…"

The Black Lord scrunched his face, "Fair point Moony… so what now pup? I mean… assuming Malfoy agrees to be your little errand boy you pretty much control the Ministry."

A sigh escaped the raven-haired boy's lips, "I know… I was thinking it would take me at least until I graduated to do that, I am starting to run out of things to occupy myself with…"

Both men stared for a moment, before bursting into laughter, "Only you pup would be upset at being too successful."

"Well think about it from my point of view. If you achieve all of your plans by the time you are fourteen what do you do afterwards?"

"Shag every girl willing and build myself a harem… preferably of Veela." Sirius replied without hesitation or a single sliver of humor in his voice.

"Of course you would Padfoot…" The Were muttered in annoyance. "But he does have a… slight point Harry, maybe you should just enjoy the rest of the year. Take a break and just relax a bit."


"We have a problem Albus."

The elderly Wizard glanced up to where his close advisor stood, "And what would that be Severus?"

"The fact that Lucius Malfoy is going to become the next bloody Minister of Magic!"

Frowning, Dumbledore gave a silent prayer that this argument would not end in another 'Harry Potter is clearly the Devil' speeches.

"It is not set in stone my boy; the debates haven't even begun yet."

"Can't you see that it doesn't matter ? Harry Potter supports him, which means…"

"I was not aware that a thirteen-year-old boy chose the leader of our government."

That statement brought the Slytherin to a pause.

"If Mr. Malfoy is indeed elected as Minister then it will be because the voters and the Wizengamot agree with him and his ideals, not because of Harry."

"He will have an impact though."

"Oh, most definitely, but one celebrity's vote will not force the will of an entire country."

"Ah yes, my mistake Headmaster. I have forgotten that there is no precedence of those who have defeated Dark Lords being given incredible political power in any way." The sarcasm was not lost on the Supreme Warlock, nor how it related to him.

"I like to think it was more than just my one act that causes others to follow me Severus."

"Perhaps you should take a walk through Diagon Alley someday under the Glamour Charm, you might be surprised at what the sheep of this country are willing to do."

A stern glare brought the statement to a halt, "I assume you are trying to find some way to blame the attack on Harry as well? Perhaps that he has found some way of controlling Dementors that none of us knew about?"

"He created a method of repelling them that has never been seen before, it would not be that far of a stretch to…" Snape's jaw snapped shut at the sudden drop of temperature in the office, and slowly looked towards the elder Wizard whose gaze had caused it.

"I will give you the courtesy and pretend I did not just hear that Severus, unless you are prepared to go before a courtroom and claim that Harry Potter caused the slaughter that has occurred less a month ago."

The man bowed his head, knowing when to admit defeat before the enraged Wizard.

"Then I do not want to hear any more of this nonsense. Supporting a candidate, even one we do not care for, is not an indication of evil. But the assumption behind it is. If we start declaring anyone who disagrees with us a Dark Lord, we become no better than the darkness we strive to fight. This is democracy Severus, meaning that the people decide who they wish to follow, not a small group of men sitting in an office."


"Do you, Lucius Malfoy, swear to uphold the honor of the office of Minister of Magic? Do you swear to guide this great nation into prosperity and happiness, to put the needs of the common Witch and Wizard above your own? To reject corruption, to seek safety and peace?"

"I do."

The official nodded, "Then as representative of the Wizengamot I hereby welcome you to your first term Minister, I hope to see many more follow."

The blonde bowed, before turning back towards those assembled. "My friends, opponents, allies, and those who stood against me, I stand here now by the grace of the people of this great nation. It was a hard-fought battle and I can only hope to return the faith that has been given to me by the country. Thank you."

The hall erupted into applause and cheers, while the Malfoy Lord mentally smirked. In less than a year he had accomplished what the Dark Lord could not in a decade. Now it was time to cement his control, and his family's legacy.


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