The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 169 The first step in liberating women

When Said arrived in Constantiniya, Sudan's messenger also arrived. This time he sent people back precisely to find an ambassador for the tree planting activities in the Mesopotamia.

And this ambassador is naturally Anna, the only sultana in the Ottoman Empire at the moment.

This is also the first step in liberating the shackles. After all, Muslim women’s participation in social activities outside the family is too low, which in itself is an underutilization of labor resources.

With the vision of leading all Muslims to become well-off, how could Selim, as Sultan, allow these labor forces to be underutilized?

This environmental restoration or tree planting activity is to give Muslim women an opportunity to show their faces. Of course, such an opportunity is definitely not available to the people at the bottom.

It’s not that Emperor Cyprus didn’t give it, but that the national conditions of the Ottoman Empire determined this.

The closed nature of the small-scale peasant economy, the religious factors of Islam itself, and the backward education in rural areas all make the saying "women can hold up half the sky" completely inappropriate for this era.

Even in the UK, the version has not been updated to this extent. It only allows the capitalists to target more women, and the oppression is more severe.

In this case, the only way is for the royal family to take the lead, unite several big Muslim families, and then rope in the Balkan wealthy families to do this.

But this kind of suppression certainly cannot last too long, so using a wedding to express your attitude is the best way.

Ana felt a little distressed immediately, so she touched the other person's hair and said.

In the main hall, Haji Pasha finished speaking, then saluted, then turned and left.

Ludovica didn't overly express herself, she just buried her head in Anna's chest. After all, she understood the truth of going too far and not doing enough when she was very young.

If you want to survive in this cannibal palace, you can't survive without someone to protect you.

Ludovica suddenly got into Anna's arms, twisted around restlessly, tilted his head and asked Anna next to him.

After hearing this, Ludovica stopped moving, but his eyes were obviously red, as if he was about to cry.

Please prepare as soon as possible and be ready to leave in a week. I will send someone to inform you by then.

But she can't. She is a Catholic, an orphan of a country that was once an enemy of the Ottoman Empire but has now been destroyed. It is the bloodline that Uncle August hopes to preserve for his father.

With the destruction of the empire's political ecology in the past, in which Orthodox Christians or former Orthodox Christians who eventually converted to Islam held high positions in the Balkan tycoons, a kind of dissatisfaction actually grew in the hearts of these Balkan tycoons.

Anna can be innocent, carefree, and not think about the intrigues in the outside world. That's because the Sudan protects her very well.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean? You just didn't pay attention at all."

Political interests were usurped, economic interests were deprived, and even Muslims and Poles like them came to their own territory.

When the member of the Kara Osman family enters the palace, the two major groups in the empire will inevitably start a bloody battle, and then she, a little shrimp, may be dealt with in one round.

Ludovica remembered the letter August sent her. According to Uncle August, Anna Sultana was the only one in the imperial court, which was originally a kind of balance.

These wealthy families in the Balkans have long been accustomed to being favored by the Sultan, used to using the tax farming system to squeeze others, and used to enjoy the enjoyment. When facing the French and Venetians who are also Christians, the other party will be more willing to deal with them because of their identities. trade.

The wealthy families in the Balkans have their own targets of support. Her Royal Highness Anna is the spokesperson of the Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire. Although she does not want to, this mark cannot be erased.

After all, throwing Muslims into Greece, using Romanians as scapegoats, and suppressing Bulgarians and Serbs, His Majesty did not do these things in installments, but arranged them all at once.

I hope you can also contact the noble ladies of these families as soon as possible. "

But in fact, this situation where the harem is dominated by one family will definitely not last long.

Ludovica, who had his head buried in Anna's chest, finally raised his head and said.

Anna looked at the other party's silly look and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"It's okay, Your Highness, I just thought of my father. I don't know if he has returned to the embrace of God."

So she had to hurry up and establish a good relationship with the Sultan first. The military support of the Polish Legion, her political resources in the court, and the Sultan's favor were the most powerful combination. Useful.

Although a general purge was carried out in the name of assassination, almost killing all the spokespersons of the Balkan powerful families in the empire such as the Fanar people, and at the same time appeasing the Greeks, this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

The reforms started by Ahmed III, the grandfather of the Great, had an impact after all. The tulip era has passed, but the impact since then has never stopped.

"Keep your voice down, you can't let people listen to you."

The purpose of marrying the Patriarch's daughter is to let the Orthodox Christians understand that this is enough, and you can feel at ease.

“Since your Majesty already knows what His Majesty means, I won’t say any more.

These advanced things are not unlearned by the Muslim wealthy families. Otherwise, in the original time and space, Yericheni, as the main force of the empire, did not dare to confront the Russian army head-on. Instead, he had to rely on Suleiman of the Chapan family to lead him. Three thousand private soldiers are confronting the Russian army.

How about it? You will be allowed to wear a lot of beautiful dresses then, and there will be many good sisters you know will come with you. "

Allowing Her Royal Highness Anna to convert is to show the bottom line to the Muslims, that is, the basic national policy of promoting conversion throughout the country will not change.

"Okay. Get up quickly, you are still a princess, how can you be as clingy as a child."

"Okay, okay, don't cry, I said the wrong thing.

After the bad old man left, Ludovica, who was standing aside and maintaining etiquette, suddenly softened. The aristocratic manner just now had disappeared, leaving only the girl's unique coquettishness.

It can be said that if it were not for the Polish Legion in the north, the Albanians in the west, Greece in the south, and the East Thrace region with tens of thousands of troops stationed in the east, the Serbians and Bulgarians would have revolted long ago. .

This time, His Majesty wants us to go to Baghdad to participate in what he calls a "public welfare activity."

Anna immediately patted Ludovica seriously and said.


Ludovica asked, sticking out his tongue in embarrassment.

"Then when are we going to arrange this matter? Your Highness."

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