The Crescent of the Sultan

Chapter 168 Immigration

Constantiniya has been very lively recently. After defeating the Emirate of Diriyai, Emperor Cyril did not choose to attack Oman immediately, but took a rest. This rest lasted for two months.

During this period, many Arabs had immigrated to Constantiniya, arriving at a place where the Arab Empire had fought countless times but failed to capture it until its own demise.

Said was one of these immigrants. He set out from Damascus and headed towards Constantiniya by boat.

The bumps along the way did not dampen his enthusiasm, and the crowded cabin and dilapidated environment did not dampen his fighting spirit. He dreamed of going to Constantiniya.

The sun in the sky has slightly emerged, and the dim light of dawn is shining on the ocean. The ship is sailing on the blue waves, and the dark hull seems to be cutting through the ocean.

Said climbed out of the crowded, humid cabin and breathed in the fresh sea air. His lungs were greedy and his heart was cheering for the fresh air.

The sea breeze sobered up his mind after being bored at the bottom of the ship all night. He ran to a sailor and asked in a flattering manner.

"Brother, I wonder how many days we have until Constantinople?"

Said asked, handing over two copper lira coins from his hand.

The sailor was not polite to him. He took it and said with a smile.

"Why, it's urgent. We still have about half a day. The wind has been favorable these nights, so the boat goes faster.

Under normal circumstances, no matter what, it would have to be the day after tomorrow. "

The sailor said as he handed him half a bottle of wine. Said quickly waved his hand and refused, which made the sailor unhappy for a while.

"Brother, let me tell you, this thing is a good thing at sea.

If it weren't for the fact that we hit it off like old friends, I wouldn't give it to you! "

Said the sailor, raising his head and drinking.

Said couldn't help but feel a little ashamed and said hurriedly.

"Brother, please forgive me. I do remember the religious regulations and you are not allowed to drink alcohol."

When the sailor heard this, he sneered and said.

"Doctrine? The doctrine also stipulates that you cannot eat pork. Go to Constantiniya and see which noble family does not eat this in private.

Brother, where did you come from? You just ran to Constantiniya without knowing anything, so be careful about being deceived.

Don't say that I didn't remind you that since His Majesty cleaned up the worms in the Guards, many outsiders have come to Constantiniya to make a living.

It was like that at that time, not to mention how scary it was. On the ship you are on now, in order to make money, the captain would take more than 100 people with him on one trip.

You're doing pretty well now. There are only four people in one cabin. At that time, six people were crowded together. I smelled that smell once and almost saw God.

But, although the conditions for taking a boat are better now, it’s still a matter of settling down.”

When the sailor said this, he immediately stopped talking. Instead, he leaned lazily on the railing and drank to himself.

Said cursed a few times in his mind, took out an Akche silver coin from his pocket, and handed it over.

The sailor immediately took the silver coin and put it in his pocket.

The silver coin fell into the pocket and collided with several copper lira coins, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

At this time, the sailor changed his face again and began to explain to Said with a smile. After all, for him, one Akche silver coin could buy several bottles of wine.

“Brother, this is the situation, this is the thing.

You also know that this new sultan has great ambitions.

In less than three years since His Majesty took the throne, he defeated the two pagan countries of Tsarist Russia and Austria externally, and suppressed rebels such as Janikli and Mamluk internally.

The previous tax laws with different names were abolished, new tax laws were introduced, land was given to the people, and Muslims were encouraged to have children.

Herein lies the key, Haji Pasha had promulgated the empire's first urban settlement policy.

The first one on the list is the civil service examination. Unfortunately, the empire only recruits a few civil service positions at the central level, and if you rush there now, you have already missed the examination.

Ranked second are students from several prestigious universities, such as Constantiniya University, Selim University, and Lightning Military Academy. Students from these prestigious universities and military academies are eligible to settle.

Ranked third is the settlement of technology. This requirement is relatively high. The empire needs engineers who can improve what is called a "steam engine."

Ranked fourth is investment and settlement, such as investing in factories, starting businesses, etc. in Constantinye.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the French, but they are all great scholars.

Everything your Majesty has done is to make this country strong and rejuvenated, but brother, do you have the talent to run a country or the ability to organize troops?

If you really did, you wouldn't have boarded our ship. "

The sailor patted Said on the shoulder kindly, showing that I am doing this for your own good and am definitely not looking down on you.

Said was not angry at all. At this time, he looked away. The man in front of him obviously wanted to introduce some connections. In this case, he might as well listen to what the other party had to say first.

"I'm from the Arabian Peninsula, so I'm really not familiar with the place. I wonder, brother, do you have any ideas?"

When the sailor heard this, he said excitedly.

“Hey, man, you’ve got to ask the right person.

Brother, I really have a good way. Brother, you also know that no matter how good the policy is, there will always be loopholes.

And you Arabs are exactly in line with this policy. "

“We Arabs?

I also asked my brother to elaborate. I don’t know if there is any good solution. "

The sailor cleared his throat and said seriously.

"That's right, bro.

You also know that His Majesty’s most trusted organization is the Ottoman Sword.

His Majesty has just taken over the Arabian region, and he definitely needs local people to supervise it.

You, collect more materials and make up more things, and you can find the official in charge of the Ottoman Sword.

When the time comes, you will be allowed to settle in as a "special informant" of the Ottoman Sword. These policies are much more convenient. "

Said asked dubiously.

"I heard that the leader of the Ottoman Sword has always been upright. How come there is such a channel?"

Sailor laughed.

"Brother, you don't understand.

That person is indeed noble, but the people under him may not be.

My business was done by a senior official there.

Let's do this. I'll give you my business card. After you land, go to Dongcheng District and find someone. The other party will give you detailed instructions. "

After the two discussed some more, the ship also arrived at the port.

Said immediately went ashore and left the ship. Looking at the other person's retreating figure, the sailor hoped in his heart that the other person would go to Dongcheng District. After all, he was carrying so many things that he didn't understand at all. Wasn't he just being slaughtered by those people? When a foreigner makes a fortune, it would be nice to get some commission.

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