The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 212 - Destruction?

Chapter 212 Destruction?
Zhang Yunyan and Shikong found that it was difficult to understand the so-called millennium message, and they were very nervous, not knowing whether it was real or was made by the magic of the monster.

Suddenly, that voice came again, and it sounded a little sad and regretful, “Alas, for thousands of years, I have been practicing here in seclusion, and the deep feelings for this place were beyond words. I really don’t want to destroy it! Things come and go. There is no other way, and I have to give up the cave. This cave can no longer exist on earth. Maybe it’s the fate to disappear.

According to his words, the master had lived here in seclusion, and he really wanted to destroy this cave. It was so terrible.

But Shikong still didn’t believe it. The huge cave was complicated and solid. How could it be destroyed? Could it be destroyed?

Zhang Yunyan thought for a long time, but she remained suspicious. These things were strange and surprising. There was no way to solve the mystery.

She was sure that whether the guy was a monster who enjoyed killing people, or a man who had lived here in seclusion, he was a bloodthirsty evil spirit who would never let go of Shikong and her. And this was their grave.

Being trapped in the Devil’s Cave, Zhang Yunyan and Shikong had no way to go, and they would die sooner or later, so feeling scared and despaired was useless. They became relieved and relaxed, hoping that the terrifying cave would be destroyed completely.

These two people were willing to accept such a sad end, because Jiuyou Sage and the devils would also be buried under the ground, and they could no longer do harm to the world.

It was a pity that the destruction of the cave was accompanied with the deaths of the two young lives. But if those evil devils could be killed, there would be fewer devils in the world and more peace and harmony, which was also a comfort.

At this time, the man who left the millennium message said again, “Yun Feiyan, you must be desperate to know who I am? I really want to tell you my identity, but Heaven’s secret cannot be revealed. Forgive me. You can stop your suspicion. I can tell you that thousands of years ago, we knew each other and we were good friends with great age difference. However, this is in my prediction, and also the inevitable experience. You and I have a deep friendship, since we had been through life and death. I remember it clearly. The reason why I left you these words is to talk about the past.

In the future? Nonsense, how could she have a future? The cave was destroyed and everything vanished including Shikong and her. How could there be future?

Zhang Yunyan snorted silently. It was weird that they had known each other thousands of years ago, and they had been through life and death. No one would believe such a story. How could there be such a ridiculous thing?

If the man was real, he must be from another ancient era. According to his words, the so-called experience of going through thick and thin had not happened at this moment, and it was in his prediction.

So, the “millennial covenanter” might be real, and it might happen soon. That ancient man would ride in a treasure carriage like Tongtian Precious Carriage to her world, and then took her to the ancient times. After that, they had the “life and death” experience.

When would the ancient man come into her world? What kind of people would she meet if she had gone back to that time? What kind of things would she experience? Would there be dangers and disasters? Would there be a war of terror like the one in the Tianyue Country? What kind of era was that? Was it before or after the founding of the Tianyue Country? What kind of person was that millennial covenanter? Was he a man of great talent as honest and good as Xiao Tianlong?

All of these were unknown to her, and she could only make wild guesses.

As for those absurd words Zhang Yunyan heard tonight, the old witch who claimed to be a half an immortal had told her. The old woman said she had known Yunyan thousands of years ago, and they also had a friendship of life and death.

Since they had the friendship of life and death, why did the old woman plot against her and give her to Jiuyou Sage and the devils? It was nonsense.

Besides, the “millennial covenanter” also claimed to have a friendship of life and death with her, and they were friends with great age difference. Why would he preset monsters to hurt her and manipulate her to kill others?

As her friend “with great age difference”, he shouldn’t have done that. It was all nonsense.

She was too young to have had such a myth-like experience, except her travelling to the Tianyue Country.

Yunyan still agreed with Xiao Tianlong that it was done by the monster and was a lie.

There was no explanation and no assumption as to why the man had bothered to make up these words to deceive them. Perhaps, this monster was fond of cheating, and it was his interest.

Looking at the evil stone in her hand, Zhang Yunyan was both nervous and confused. She dared not to distract herself.

At this time, the millennium message came again like myth and legend, “I’m leaving, and will not come back. Once the cave was destroyed, the relationship of thousands of years will also come to an end. I cannot bear it, and I feel so sad… Love and hate are determined by fate; right and wrong determine fate. Yun Feiyan, take care of yourself. I’m gone…”

As the reclusive master left, the “millennium message” also disappeared. The Cave of Fate was quiet again without any sound. However, the silence did not calm them down, but made them more tense and shocked.

According to his words, the so-called man who made millennium covenant was the master who had lived here in reclusion.

Was that guy a brutal killer? He made the cave into a man-eating elf which was to eat Zhang Yunyan and Shikong on the day of thousands of years later?

It was possible. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have just sealed the Cave of Fate, and given the whole cave to Jiuyou Sage and the devils so that they could kill others.

“Birds of a feather flock together”. The saying seemed to be true. The reclusive master was like the devils, and they were all birds of a feather.

Shikong was still confused about this strange thing, and he was still thinking and wondering.Read more chapter on our vip

It was too mysterious and too weird to believe. The world was complex and there would never be such a thing. In a word, it was a hoax.

They heard the words of “determined by fate” and “determined fate” again. But they did not know the difference between these words and the six words on the jade, and what their meanings were.

Although Zhang Yunyan had a trip to the alienated world, she did not know if the “millennium message” was true. Since her childhood, except the time she went to the Tianyue Country, she had never experienced such a thing, nor had she thought about it.

If this was another ancient man, and it would happen in the future, perhaps it was true. It had not happened yet, and she could only make wild guesses.

Moreover, the world was big, while she was just an ordinary woman in the vast sea of people like a drop of water in the sea. How could she meet the ancient people again? Such magical adventure would never happen to her.

Perhaps as Xiao Tianlong said, this was all because of the magic of the monster. These lies were too ridiculous and surprising. They were the illusions made by the monster to deceive her.

Because of her traveling to the Tianyue Country, Yunyan found it difficult to understand. She didn’t believe that it was true, nor did she dare to deny it, and she thought she would be deceived by the illusion.

The elf was too powerful and it was extremely sinister and cruel. At the moment, it was watching her behavior, ready to take the lives of these two people.

At this moment, they were nervous and shocked to think of the destruction claimed by the man who left the millennium message. It seemed that although this was not the so-called words of a thousand years ago, it would not be a lie. As the message disappeared, the disaster would soon break out. Besides, this had already happened in the cave where the demon monkey had imprisoned her.

That experience was terrible. The moment Zhang Yunyan just ran out of the cave, there were continuous sounds of banging with the earth shaking. Soon the cave collapsed.

That kind of destruction was horrible. In an instant, everything was gone, including all life.

It seemed that the Devil’s Cave would disappear from this world like that cave.

Before the destruction, the cave was extremely tense and horrible. It seemed that everything had stopped and melted away, and it was like falling into a dark abyss with nothing to see…

The silence lingered here, so did the terror. With the increasing tension, it became the most terrifying hell, which was frightening.

The reclusive master might exist, and the millennium message might be true which was not the illusion created by the hidden man.

Zhang Yunyan and Shikong felt the terrible disaster which would break out and cause destruction in an instant. The two of them were so nervous that they could hardly breathe. They were so frightened that they did not know what to fear. They waited and they could only wait for the moment of destruction.

Outside the cave, they heard the sound of Turtle Elf, “Yun Feiyan, Shikong, are you alright?”

It had been a long time since it heard the sound from the cave. It was worried. But Turtle Elf hadn’t heard the so-called millennium message, which was puzzling. Perhaps the seal of the magic prevented the voice.

It did not know whether there were terrible things in the Cave of Fate, and whether the two people in the cave were fine, and whether there was any crisis or danger. It felt very anxious.

Hearing the inquiry of Turtle Elf, Zhang Yunyan looked glassy-eyed with her lips moving up and down, “No, it will be destroyed…”

“Ah!” Turtle Elf screamed out of terror and it asked eagerly, “What terrible things happened?”

“Destruction, imminent destruction…” Zhang Yunyan did not explain it, repeating the words again and again.

“Then… Then get out of here and hide for a while.”

Staring at the mysterious entrance of the cave, Turtle Elf was panicked and anxious. It just kept hurrying them, but in its heart, it had no idea how devastating the disaster would be, nor did it know where its two friends should hide once they came out.

“It’s of no use. Going out is destruction. The whole cave is going to be destroyed…”

Zhang Yunyan’s expression was dull and her voice was flat, as if she were absent-minded.

This was the expression of extreme fear. She had no idea how terrible the disaster would be, she was at a loss and couldn’t think straight. She could only wait for the destruction.

Shikong felt the same. He was both nervous and fearful with no ability to prevent the disaster or escape the desperate situation. All he could do was to wait for his death.

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